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Bad News for ALL lv 56 to 59 pvpers :(


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Haven't you heard? The verdict is out. You can't pvp. You suck. You have no skill, so next time your trolling reg pvp and say some dumb stuff like "Oh it took 3 of the to kill me, Ima a badazz pvper" bear in mind:


1. Your fighting people up to 25 levels below you


2. You have all your skills to make for a better rotation

3. You have all if not most of you DCD's


4. You have more skill points to spend


5. Bolster is still broken and expertise cannot make up the balance for people under 50 to 55 against higher innate stats

6. And this one takes the cake, we all know that some classes take more skill to play than others so if you're not a sniper or marauder you don't fall into this category.


Consider all these things before you entertain the thought that you are "skilled" or "good" at pvp because chances are you are not. Please delete yourself:o.


I know this might come as a shock to you but 90% of your success is due to your higher stats and you having more abilities and skill points to use. You are no special. You are not skilled. Remember that. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!

Edited by charlieferari
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Even if I were 56-59 who cares? Like for real man it's a game.


lol I Guess you're one of those bads that can't win unless you're in a severely overpowered position. That's your only defense? How pathetic!

Edited by charlieferari
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lol I Guess you're one of those bads that can't win unless you're in a severely overpowered position. That's your only defense? How pathetic!


lol, who cares really..i didn't even do any pvp from 55-60 since i was already capped in comms way before the patch hit.

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lol, who cares really..i didn't even do any pvp from 55-60 since i was already capped in comms way before the patch hit.


"who care's" I bet if I were lying you'd point it out but you know it's true and what I am saying applies to you so you know you have no stance to defend so you resort to "lol who cares" what a pathetic defense!

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lol I Guess you're one of those bads that can't win unless you're in a severely overpowered position. That's your only defense? How pathetic!


What's pathetic is your letting a game get the better of you. What's pathetic is you can't let go and move on. What's pathetic is you have deep feelings for a video game. What's pathetic is your not even talking about end game pvp (60 ranked). What's pathetic is you failed to understand good advice when it's given to you. What's pathetic is your playing pvp at lvls 30-59. What's pathetic is you know 56-59 has an advantage.


But here is what's really pathetic.


You made this thread

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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What's pathetic is your letting a game get the better of you. What's pathetic is you can't let go and move on. What's pathetic is you have deep feelings for a video game. What's pathetic is your not even talking about end game pvp (60 ranked). What's pathetic is you failed to understand good advice when it's given to you. What's pathetic is your playing pvp at lvls 30-59. What's pathetic is you know 56-59 has an advantage.


But here is what's really pathetic.


You made this thread


LOL that's your defense! come on tell me that I am lying! tell me that my numbers are incorrect dnt try to change the subject!

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LOL that's your defense! come on tell me that I am lying! tell me that my numbers are incorrect dnt try to change the subject!



Dude who cares... It's 30-59 get over yourself you got schooled by a higher Lvl there is no shame in it. Jeez what are you 10? Getting all sensitive about a damn video game for real.

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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Dude who cares... It's 30-59 get over yourself you got schooled by a higher Lvl there is no shame in it. Jeez what are you 10? Getting all sensitive about a damn video game for real.


What's your teamspeak info I'd realy like to talk to you cause it seems what I am trying to say isnt getting through to you

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Most likely I bet if they gave 50s their own racket he'd protest against it not because of feasibility but just so he can keep his easy wins


Sub 60 queues are pretty dead these days, I don't think trying to make another one is really a smart move. 12x XP and all that makes PvPing pre 60 pretty pointless unless you're one of those people that either can't stand leveling anymore.

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He probably queues with a premade grp and talks trash in /gen and/or /say.


YA YA ya cool story you don't know me. I'm telling. This guy to chill out and he is takin it to heart. "It just a game" is the best thing to tell people who are like this getting butt hurt. Chill out it's the Internet of you wanna meet in person and settle this I live in chicago. Pm me.

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lower levels arent really at that much of a disadvantage besides having fewer skills, they do actually get quite a large stat boost from bolster, ive seen a sorc in like the 30s breaking 2k dps. it really just sounds like OP is butt hurt that they lose a lot in midbees
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Haven't you heard? The verdict is out. You can't pvp. You suck. You have no skill, so next time your trolling reg pvp and say some dumb stuff like "Oh it took 3 of the to kill me, Ima a badazz pvper" bear in mind:


1. Your fighting people up to 25 levels below you


2. You have all your skills to make for a better rotation

3. You have all if not most of you DCD's


4. You have more skill points to spend


5. Bolster is still broken and expertise cannot make up the balance for people under 50 to 55 against higher innate stats

6. And this one takes the cake, we all know that some classes take more skill to play than others so if you're not a sniper or marauder you don't fall into this category.


Consider all these things before you entertain the thought that you are "skilled" or "good" at pvp because chances are you are not. Please delete yourself:o.


I know this might come as a shock to you but 90% of your success is due to your higher stats and you having more abilities and skill points to use. You are no special. You are not skilled. Remember that. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!


So essentially what you are saying is; we are arseholes for levelling our toons through PVP alone?


You would prefer it we just level via PVE and avoid the problem of having to be teamed with or against YOU?


What about those of who do zero PVE. how are we expected to level if we don't run warzones?


Please stop thinking anyone gives a crap about midbies.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I don't know how well your gameplay is, but from what I've seen so far you are the absolute king (queen?) of troll topics. It always takes at least 4 pages before anyone figures it out, you are just too good at this.



Edited by sithBracer
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I don't know how well your gameplay is, but from what I've seen so far you are the absolute king (queen?) of troll topics. It always takes at least 4 pages before anyone figures it out, you are just too good at this.




who are you talking to?

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Even if I were 56-59 who cares? Like for real man it's a game.


A descent person who is not cocky or conceited would agree with me and move on but you can't you have to be here arguing , threatening, telling people to come Chicago (Chicongo IMO) so you can beat them up ( that being said I am 17 and very scrawny you'd probably 1 shot me so no).


I have one thing to say to you. If the shoe fits wear it! I am here because I am upset about lv 56 to 59s trolling regs and you are here because you fall into that category so what I said insults you.


We are intelligent people here to have an open discussing and we need or want don't violence people like you to come dumb down the conversation sooooo.......... MOVE ALONG. Your kind is not welcome here.

Edited by charlieferari
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Op... I have to say..

After seeing my lvl 37 Rage Jugg utterly destroy a lvl 55 Madness Sorc.... Skill matters much more than lvl and gear.

Affter seeing my lvl 40-49 Rage Jugg top scoreboard rather easily... Skill matters much more than lvl and gear.


And this was BEFORE they fixed bolster.



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oh I soloed this lv 100 with my lv 1" "oh I soloed this with that" LIES!


It really is pathetic when people lie to themselves so they can feel good and think they can play, any sensible person knows that is impossible for a lv 40 wahteverjugg to solo a lv 55 sorc that knows his/her rotation and can kite good who do you think you're fooling GET OUT OF HERE YOU TROLLS:mad:


Stop trolling my topic.

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Sub 60 queues are pretty dead these days, I don't think trying to make another one is really a smart move. 12x XP and all that makes PvPing pre 60 pretty pointless unless you're one of those people that either can't stand leveling anymore.


^^this, besides with 12xp the majority of the people in the midbie queue are 55+ anyways.

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