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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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And I would also just like to add: I really hope this game survives. There is no other game that I would like more to dethrone WoW. I love the story of this game and the dynamics, and so far it is the most fun game I've played in years.


Please fix this issue. The game will die if you do not.

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I play WoW since release in 2004, and I didn't notice any ability delay problem in SW:TOR.


Some guy during beta (who certainly had lag issues) started that "ability delay" thing, and now it has become a sort of urban legend.


Bioware did it right, and they also kept taunts, interrupts and short duration buffs out of the global cooldown. Actually, in my opinion, Bioware are the first ones since Blizzard who did combat responsiveness correctly.

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Nearing 150 pages and not a peep from the devs. I think they just can't fix it and will keep quiet to see how much they can milk money before people realize they're never gonna fix this.


@the guy who said it takes time. I've never played an MMO that launched with this problem, and if there is one out there, I highly doubt it can be fixed, it seems to me that it's from the engine itself and they build the animations and skills around this. If this is true though, it will suck because I love this game but I can't see myself raiding or PvPing with this sucky combat delay+character responsiveness.


Speaking the truth.

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You finally Hit the nail on an issue I just couldn't put my finger on.


I play a sith warrior, and that makes this issue particularly bad. In order to maximize dps, i need my rotation to work fluidly and my attacks to go off the moment i ask them to, and it works most of the time, but then there are times when the issue just becomes glaring, more than anything in the case of force-scream which locks me in position while it casts in spite being "instant" and ravage that also insists on starting the animation even if it doesnt cast right, which again means lost time and disconnect. Sometimes it frankly feels like the same problem games like god of war and arkham series has, you start doing something and lose control of your character while he does it. Just compare the combat in those two to something like bayonetta where you can instantly break out of a move or combo into something else, combat just flows waaaaay better like that.


While this is tllerable in pve, in pvp its pure death, warzones are already more laggy than the rest of the game, but for melee this issue couppled with no autoattacks just takes the problem to a whole new level, most of the time resulting in people moving out of range or away from your facing, and dont get me started on defensive abilities or interrupts...


I have long been wondering why the combat in swtor and other mmos, while technically being the same as wow just didnt feel as good, finally someone was able to put word to this!

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I play WoW since release in 2004, and I didn't notice any ability delay problem in SW:TOR.


Some guy during beta (who certainly had lag issues) started that "ability delay" thing, and now it has become a sort of urban legend.


Bioware did it right, and they also kept taunts, interrupts and short duration buffs out of the global cooldown. Actually, in my opinion, Bioware are the first ones since Blizzard who did combat responsiveness correctly.


I think we are not playing same game mate.

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I play WoW since release in 2004, and I didn't notice any ability delay problem in SW:TOR.


Some guy during beta (who certainly had lag issues) started that "ability delay" thing, and now it has become a sort of urban legend.


Bioware did it right, and they also kept taunts, interrupts and short duration buffs out of the global cooldown. Actually, in my opinion, Bioware are the first ones since Blizzard who did combat responsiveness correctly.


Well clearly, the rest of us have this issue. Can you tell us how to magically fix it please?

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The funny thing is, is that all along BW has said how great combat feels and how one person's animation reacts to another players. I agree completely with what you have said and it would be a complete shame to ignore the feedback from the community on this one. I have seen people calling it "clunky" for a long time but this is definitely what those people meant.


Here's to hoping...

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To me it feels as if the Client is acting before the server response


+1 on that



It actually feels like its more of a client/server issue rather than an animation problem (not that the current animation system works as it is). Personally i believe that the responsiveness has to do with the ammount of money the company has invested on their "network hardware".


On the other hand Blizzard seems to have spent a huge load of cash in order to provide the best in terms of network latency and responsiveness.

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Honestly I think Im happy with the $60 for this single player game with some co-op. They probably cant even fix this ability delay issue and they think its fine the way it is. All in all, I think it was fun while it lasted.


Developers need to realize that gameplay > immersion > story

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I think you're off with the whole interruption case. Have you noticed how the opponent's ability gets interrupted (when you press the interruption ability) BEFORE the interruption ability's animation? At least this is happening with my Sorcerer, where interrupting has a very distinct and clear animation (lightning shock, what else hehe). I am 100% sure of that, interruption happens immediately, even if the animation is "Qed". Anyway, this is what happens with my Sorcerer, who has out of GCD interrupt, do all classes have that? No idea.


i play a BH tank and the interrupt is out of gcd. I have many times hit it with a 2 or 3 sec cast 3/4 of the way through and it doesn't interrupt. Very annoying if the npc is a healer.


I have noticed the interrupt b4 the animation. Yes. But i've only seen this when i'm anticipating a spell about the be cast, so i don't use any abilities. So i wait a sec or two so i can catch it. Otherwise it doesn't get off. I only do this if i absolutely need to. Healers and such.


In other cases, the enemy will use a channeled ability. Such as a directional AE. I hit my interrupt as soon as i see it. But it doesn't actually interrupt till the channeled ability is at 50% or 75%. And if i don't get it off the bat, then it doesn't interrupt the actual ability at all.


Bottom line is, if i'm not using abilities, the interrupt goes off as soon as i hit. But, if i try to use it following an ability it takes 1 sometimes 2 seconds to actually go off due to waiting for the previous animation to finish. I have this problem as well with situational abilities (rail shot and shoulder slam) and medpacks. Been a few times when i klik a medpack and .5 - 1 sec later and i'm dead. I generally run 20 - 30 fps.


unacceptable imo

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Totally 100% agree with the OP here. Production quality is what makes 12 million subscribers over a few hundred thousand.


I am not a software engineer and have limited knowledge on programming but I thought this character responsiveness thing is connected to the various framework that makes up the software architecture. And in order to perfect it, one has to unravel all those which basically means starting from scratch again.


Its mind boggling sometimes to think that you are already given the platinum standard (WoW) for many many years, and yet the developers cant emulate a 8 yr old mechanism on their system.


Despite my pessimism, here's a /support for the thread!

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I'm only about half way reading the posts. But I just want to support this! I am a former glad in wow (I quit pre-cata) and i also raided in a top 50 guild for a while.


I am a huge gamer of all genres and i play every game at a break-neck pace, just how I like to do it. Everything feels so slow in SW:TOR like I'm just waiting for animations to finish before i use my next ability. And Warzones are an entirely different matter. I have no idea what is making them so bad but, there will be 2-3 second delays before an instant ability will actually fire. I can't even queue up anymore to put myself through it.


Obviously this is a (potentially) great game, and we'd all love to see it thrive and become the monster of an MMO that it can be, but combat has to be quick and fluid and players should not be limited to playing as fast as the animations allow, thats just silly. You can barely tell the difference between experienced mmo pvpers in warzones because its just a cluster of people waiting for abilities to go off.


If BioWare wants their game to actually do well and be the next major MMO then they need to speak up about changes to this specific problem. Otherwise I'll be gone before my first monthly payment.

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Bioware seriously needs to learn from Blizzard when it also comes to communication with the players. Even Ghostcrawler (being the lead combat designer) found a lot of time to discuss the player feedback regularly on Wotlk forums. Now, look at this thread. There is still no response and I doubt there will be soon. I do not know what Georg "Observer" Zoeller thinks about these issues but hey we are the vocal minority, right ? Beware, just ignoring us and trying to keep the super casual players might kill this game earlier than expected. Edited by Rendekar
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It's funny, this thread is still an hour short of being a day old... and it has reached 148 pages without a single damn BW response. I must say, good job guys, you're setting yourselves up for a complete failure.


With all the money you spent on VOs and animation development, it's hard to believe you couldn't hire a few community managers. The longer you wait, and wait...............



..........and wait... to send out a simple reply as to whether this is intended (which if it is, this game is done) or if you are pouring resources into finding the problem and fixing it ASAP... the more people are going to leave.


It's the day of technology, the age of information. People like to be informed on what they are spending their money on. Quite frankly, I'm not trying to spend my money on a piece of junk if you have no intentions of fixing it or at least letting us know a fix is on the way. FFS, Blizzard community actually has discussions in multiple threads daily, even those that don't pertain to gameplay. THAT'S how we know the dev's care about us.

Edited by TheJmoney
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