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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I'm gonna keep saying, as many people here are confusing the real bug with what isnt a bug.


On preferences>controls, set your ability delay to 0.0 Everything is gonna feel responsive after you do that.


The bug in question here is not gamebreaking. Its just that the game isnt ruled by the casting bars but by the animations.


You're missing the point Nemmar.


I don't want to set my ability Q to 0.0, I want to queue my abilities. But I want my queued ability to trigger immediately after my CAST for my last ability ends, not when the animation ends.


As to your point that this is how the system is intended, why then are the cast times not the same length as the animations?

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I'm gonna keep saying, as many people here are confusing the real bug with what isnt a bug.


On preferences>controls, set your ability delay to 0.0 Everything is gonna feel responsive after you do that.


The bug in question here is not gamebreaking. Its just that the game isnt ruled by the casting bars but by the animations.


Not true, read the OP again. You are the one that is confusing the issues.


Play a IA and use SNIPE, the delay between the timer ending (1.5 sec) + the animation having to end before you perform your next SNIPE is not related to the ability delay setting. I can queue up multiple SNIPES just fine, but due to the animation priority it always take longer than 1.5 second between shots. Yes I have the delay set to 0.0, but this is irrelevant to the issue OP is discussing.

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You're missing the point Nemmar.


I don't want to set my ability Q to 0.0, I want to queue my abilities. But I want my queued ability to trigger immediately after my CAST for my last ability ends, not when the animation ends.


As to your point that this is how the system is intended, why then are the cast times not the same length as the animations?


I understand, and i agree the bug should be fixed. The problem is... i feel many of the people posting here are thinking its the 0.5 sec delay on the skill activation that is what is making their combat feel unresponsive. I'm just telling everyone to change their timer so they can see what the real issue is and judge by themselves.


I just dont agree the issue is gamebreaking, but im in favor of improvements.

Edited by Nemmar
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I read this post earlier and completely agreed with it. Then, when playing last night/this morning, I altered a few settings. Now, when you read this, you will think that I have lost my mind, but try it before you're convinced of that. (Hey, it's always possible that I have lost it!).


I adjusted my combat delay setting to the max of 1.0. My character now reacts very similarly to the video shown in the OP.


It sounds counter intuitive to INCREASE that setting, but it does actually make sense. That setting seems to allow the game to accept input while other skills are casting, queuing, or animating - up to 1 second early. You no longer have to have the twitch skills of an 11 year old boy on a sugar high. After trying it, I had my husband adjust it as well, and he also felt a drastic and noticeable difference, so it's not a single person's experience. The character responds when it should, and as expected, with out annoying delays on almost all skills.


Now, the caveat here, is that my rapid shot (basic BH skill, on the 1 key) is still not responsive, and completely breaks the flow feeling of all the other skills.

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Okay, I haven't had a chance to check out other skills that have been mentioned here, but I've just gone onto my Bounty Hunter and tested out the issue with Power Shot, and I think it has been fixed (for that skill atleast).


Before, I would cast Power Shot when near the 30m range limit and I could not que another skill until the particles of the blasters had hit the target.


Literally 2 minutes ago I tested it again, with both Unload and Explosive Dart. In both cases the skill was set off the moment Power Shot's CAST bar completed, and would hit at the same time as the Power Shot's blaster shots.


Anyone checked the other skills that have been highlighted here?


Oh, and in response to a previous post, in the TOR video in the OP I have my ability queue/delay set to 1.0.

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Sith Assassin here and I notice this problem all the time when I am trying to do backstabs. It seems like the animation is going off and then it resets and I think it is because the game thinks I'm somewhere I'm not. So I reposition and try the backstab again and hope this time it goes off without resetting. This is very frustrating in PVP where I'm positioning myself for a backstab, use my stun (electrocute), go for the backstab and the animation resets. Try again and the animation resets. Person is no longer stunned and I == dead. I've been PvPing since level 11 so I didnt always have Force Cloak as an emergency and this often == dead. So, while I'm not sure this is exactly what you are talking about it seems related and I would love to see it fixed.
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I will be cancelling my account because of how unresponsive the combat is. I like the game in a lot of ways, but I could never get used to how bad the combat is. They did a lot of things good making this, but its ruined without this being fixed.
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The mount example is terrible because it's on purpose. Some abilities have brief animations after the initial cast. Mounting is one of them. Force Wave is another.


It might actually NOT be terrible though. Just because its not the best test case from our standpoint, doesn't mean that when you walk through the code, this issue doesn't expose the REAL bug we need fixed for every other test case.


Right now, its the most evident thing we got, but until an actual feature programmer from the core gameplay team sheds more light on it, we can't be sure this case is irrelevant.

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I have come to this thread incredibly late as I was in holiday mode the past few days, so if anyone has already posted similar ideas, I apologize, but I am not reading through hundreds of posts.


I would be happy with the response time if:


1) the gcd was removed entirely, which is not likely to happen, so....


2) an indicator telling me that the next ability I want to fire off is queued up and ready to go, and is only waiting for the gcd/animation to finish in order to activate.



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I have so far read every single post in this thread, the lack of any response is worrisome. I am going to see if I can reach out to Bioware through different means after work today.


Currently at work, thanks to everyone for your responses and contributions.

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I'm gonna keep saying, as many people here are confusing the real bug with what isnt a bug.


On preferences>controls, set your ability delay to 0.0 Everything is gonna feel responsive after you do that.


The bug in question here is not gamebreaking. Its just that the game isnt ruled by the casting bars but by the animations.



If it is not a bug, then it is simply a badly designed system. The entire point of things like cast bars is to let the player know when the ability will go off. If the ability doesn't go off when the cast bar ends, there's no point to the cast bar in the first place.

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I play a Bounty Hunter Bodyguard. I notice this ability delay all the time, until level 25 or so I thought it had something to do with my connection.


I could care less about the cast animation, when I cast a new skill just cut off the old animation and let me cast the new skill. Like mentioned, that half second could be the difference between a wipe and a kill on a tough boss.


I am a long time wow healer and as a healer you need your skills to go off as soon as you cast them.


I am really loving swtor but if it remains this unresponsive I don't know how long I can stay, it is 0just getting very frustrating.

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Bioware is known for ****** combat systems in all of their games. They can do nothing to make this game behave any better. Blizzard had talent, but had no money. EA and Bioware had money, but had not talent. This is the result.


When all this SWTOR craze (thanks to the enormous amounts of money thrown into advertisement, instead of development) is over, people will return to WoW/Titan and forget SWTOR ever existed.

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I am a long time wow healer and as a healer you need your skills to go off as soon as you cast them.


This and interrupts/CCs are pretty much my main issue with the animation-based casting. If the casting bar on my heal ends while my target still has HP and half a second later my target dies before my heal hits him, I have to restrain myself from punching my monitor.

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