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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[SUGGESTION] Hide companion head slot option!


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Its like at work, customers will suggest something, and the managers will go," Oh nice Idea we can look into doing it", but the more people request it, the faster it is implemented, if only one person asks for it it is usually put off til a much later date then if 50 people ask.
That's not exactly how things work in this industry ...
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No, it's really not. If you expect to be given a "when" response to issues like this, you are not looking at the development process realistically.


Actually, I'm just a paying customer who would appreciate being given a rough timescale on a basic feature that should have been implemented at launch.


It's common curtesy to give paying customers an idea, even a rough one, of when to expect something. To remain silent on the issue or use ambiguous terms like "in a future patch" or "sometime in the future" is not acceptable for a company that wishes to pride itself on customer service and good customer relations.


At the end of the day, remember that we aren't just gamers or players of the game, but consumers who have paid and are continuing to pay for a product. As such, the idea that we don't have collective rights to information seems to undermine the power of the consumer.


Moreover, it's just plain bad customer relations to remain so ambiguous.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I would like to suggest that in the "social" tab of the "preferences" menu we be given the option to hide our companions head slot. This option could be listed right under the existing option to hide our own head slots.


I know the artists worked hard on creating the graphics for this game but some of the headgear is silly and breaks immersion.


Personally I miss seeing Corso in all my voice overs... now I feel like some nameless clone soldier is following me around and the storyline is broken. I know my husband groans and shakes his head each time his companion, Kira, gets a new silly hat. He can't take her seriously anymore


All aesthetics or personal opinions aside, for the story part of this game, a part I feel is very important, it's nice to be able to see a characters face and their facial expressions.


Also since this would be only an option, it would not effect other players who like to see the helmets on their characters and therefore this feature would not negatively effect anyone's experience. It would only positively effect the experience for some.


Thank you for your time, please have a nice day. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
It is hard to believe that this is still being asked for.


I get the feeling that we'll be lucky to see this before the year is out at this rate.



It's hard to believe that 1.3 is out and it still hasn't happened.


And this year is 6 more months. That's practically forever in MMO land.

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I endorse this. I'm rather tired of having to buy Jedi visors for my republic heavy armour users because of no hide helm option, not to mention that customisations are useless without a hide helm feature.


An option to turn their armour the same colour would also be welcome right now some of my companions look like their getting ready for the local circus show.

Edited by Berazad
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  • 3 weeks later...



Oh my god I came back after months and still lot of BASIC things are missing...First of all the error spam in the middle of the screen and now this...I have the Traditional Nylite Vestment on Jaessa and this chest has an awesome Cowl fixed in...now if I put a head on her it goes over the chest's Cowl...


So if you need years for the basic things, gg. I came back with a great mood to play again , but day after day I remember the reasons I stopped playing the first time



Edited by Ampalaea
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