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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[SUGGESTION] Hide companion head slot option!


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agreed. I'm getting close to romancing Mako and hopefully I'll know when and escape out of the cinema and remove the helmet, and try the cinema again. This helmet is so bad, I don't think I could take the scene seriously. It looks like a bad joke that (no offense) a special person would wear.
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Very much so agreed. I also take of the headpieces before conversations. I don't like not having the option so much that I take it off for every conversation I remember to. I hate seeing my companions in the back who would look great if not for a head piece that looks terrible on them.
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May as well throw my /signed out there. And as stated previously, it would still be cool to see the uniform colour option, as well.


I was actually a little shocked that the hide head slot already didn't hide the companion's head piece :p I mean... The bounty hunter heads up until cap.... bleh. I'm running around with a half face covered -,O robotic looking thing. Idk what's up with them :s

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I agree, I want to hide the helmet on my "agent" geared companions Andronikus and Talos so I can see their hood and face


And centurion gear on Ashara bugs and shows the hood through her skull...


Wich just looks silly...


I replaced Talos his headgear with sunglasses now so the hood shows, but I want him too wear lvl 50 gear aswell.

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