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10 Good
  1. I also loved this part, so much that I pressed esc and repeated the convo 3 times to write it down.
  2. You can also get orange crystals from sabers off of flashpoints, and they don't have any light/darkside restrictions, but the only one I have is lvl 39.
  3. I saw a jedi named Touchmytralala. And numerous times on my server I've encountered a fellow with the legacy name Balls. One of his chars is named Harry, the other Succulent.
  4. My Jedi Knight: Get your stinking paw off me, you damn, dirty rakghoul! ... Rakghoul: Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!! ... *Rakghoul grabs my lightaber and knocks me to the floor* Thanks for the new flashpoint, Bioware!
  5. Are you sure that you just didn't look in the right tab? I believe it is under the mission items tab, yet it is still equipable gear. Sorry if this didn't help.
  6. Yeah, once you get to the fighting, it feels almost the same as Coruscant. Also, when I went exploring, I found this huge casino/club place. It looked cool, but like most of this game it was deathly quiet. I think Bioware needs to add a lot of ambient noise.
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