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The officially unofficial "how do you feel abut TOR right now?" thread

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Greetings true believes, and welcome to the 100th anniversary of the officially unofficial "how do you feel about TOR right now?" thread. For those who may not know, "TOR" stands for "The Old Republic", and refers to the MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) "Star Wars: The Old Republic" developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. You know, the game whose message board you are on right now?


Anyway, as stated in the title of this thread and as repeated in the first sentence of the OP(look up), the purpose of this thread is to ask: how do you feel about TOR right now? But to help clarify those feelings, please answer the following questions:


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?


In addition to the above questions, please feel free to share any other thoughts and feelings about how you feel about TOR right now.

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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

It's good, but Bioware has gotten lazy with the story elements that drive the game. Declining.


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?



3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

GSF *shudder*


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

...I don't really care -- it's GSF...


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

Actual stories added, not this autodialogue factionless crap.

Edited by Exosasa
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1) A solid game. Going places if it does stuff right from here on out, down the tubes if it doesn't.

2)Story. They've reinvigorated what made this game so unique and flat out superior to most other mmos in my opinion.

3)Pvp. This answer may be misleading as I love pvp to death, but it is by far the most frustrating thing in the game right now.

4)New maps mostly. All the sents/maras are crying in the corner and I'm just enjoying the assassin life waiting for more maps. Also, perhaps split up pvp so mid tier doesn't have level 30's taking on 55's in pvp gear.

5)New strongholds, More story, New pvp maps.

6)I don't want to go into detail as that would probably get me banned from the forum. Suffice to say there's a gundark, a Twi'lek dancer, and several gallons of fake blood.

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Greetings true believes, and welcome to the 100th anniversary of the officially unofficial "how do you feel about TOR right now?" thread. For those who may not know, "TOR" stands for "The Old Republic", and refers to the MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) "Star Wars: The Old Republic" developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. You know, the game whose message board you are on right now?


Anyway, as stated in the title of this thread and as repeated in the first sentence of the OP(look up), the purpose of this thread is to ask: how do you feel about TOR right now? But to help clarify those feelings, please answer the following questions:


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?


In addition to the above questions, please feel free to share any other thoughts and feelings about how you feel about TOR right now.


Heh, why not?


1: P2W grindfest which I wouldn't touch with a barge-pole if it wasn't Star Wars.


2: GSF. Flying around is fun, and it's a very unique game. As flying games go, it's unusual in that you can play it with a keyboard and mouse-no joystick required.


3: Nonexistence of matchmaking in ground PvP and GSF.


4: Make everything ranked and give everyone a ladder rating so the matchmaker has something to work with.


5: Stealthies in GSF, with maybe a balancing pass which gives not-burst-laser short-range guns a niche and makes distortion field less broken. Also a much better tutorial and matchmaker.


6: He stabs a smuggler with a lightsaber, inflicts a minor flesh wound, and gets lethally pistol-whipped.

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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

Game is dying a slow death


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

PvP, however it needs a lot of work


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?



4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

More ships and maps


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

New warzone map (not arenas)

Huttball League

Cross server PvP queues or equivalent

New operation every 6 months


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

In a fire

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Greetings true believes, and welcome to the 100th anniversary of the officially unofficial "how do you feel about TOR right now?" thread. For those who may not know, "TOR" stands for "The Old Republic", and refers to the MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) "Star Wars: The Old Republic" developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. You know, the game whose message board you are on right now?


Anyway, as stated in the title of this thread and as repeated in the first sentence of the OP(look up), the purpose of this thread is to ask: how do you feel about TOR right now? But to help clarify those feelings, please answer the following questions:


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


The game sucks blah blah blah => that's why I spend hours on it every day right? :D


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

Return of 12x xp. I can finally get to discover what happens with Darth Baras etc. Couldn't bother to grind all the side quests or KDY on a dozen toons just to find out about the class stories.


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


Loading screens. With 16 active toons I feel like a play a game of loading screens.


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


The ability to send comps on crafting missions from character selection screen. No need to load environments, it's just text. It would be a GAME CHANGER for me (again, I feel like my experience of the game is loading chars. Takes at least one hour to cycle through all 16 of them.)


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


A CONTINUUM between player starship, guild flagship and GSF.


You get to see a huge hangar with a selection of GSF ships from your guild with their special paintings and all. You can see an animation of them flying around when you're on the bridge (you see fighters flying around the Gav Daragon already)


I'd also love STRONGHOLD CINEMATICS to be visible at all times. Especially after I've noticed they're dynamic - each new toon that sets foot on any of my strongholds is surrounded by the decos I put there. It's great!!!


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

This time the big fish catches him (after he tripped and fell into the lake of course). Hire Spielberg for that scene (Jaws...). :rak_03:


In addition to the above questions, please feel free to share any other thoughts and feelings about how you feel about TOR right now.


I love the game but have been bored and stopped playing for almost four months.

Monotony, loading screens, and free reins on terrible behavior got to me.

Back for the duration...


I'd also want to see less claustrophobic corridors on Coruscant and Narsh. The game sells those places as mile-high open sourroundings and you end up like some sort of a lab mouse in a dark maze... not good. One easy workaround is instancing places where you see the sky and some traffic. And some work has already been done to inject more traffic in places previously devoid of movement (like Black Sun on Coruscant), or more sky (Senate market is now roofless).

Edited by BenduKundalini
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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

The game is stalling a bit- I suspect a holding back of information to have by comparision a "big" flashy release around Fallen Empire (teased at the cantina tour). But as of right now the game is feeling stagnant and the new content patch gameplay wise didn't provide much for me. Outfit designer is great though.


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

8 man hard mode raiding


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

the ziost "story" module


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

If new game updates are released with over a month of buildup and hype, I would like meatier portions of what's doled out and things to do. I feel little incentive to do the Ziost content (no rep, no legacy set from it, no dye, no etc.)


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

Focus on gameplay and promoting group end game content to better stimulate communities of players and keep them engaged.


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

off screen and silently

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Greetings true believes, and welcome to the 100th anniversary of the officially unofficial "how do you feel about TOR right now?" thread. For those who may not know, "TOR" stands for "The Old Republic", and refers to the MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) "Star Wars: The Old Republic" developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. You know, the game whose message board you are on right now?


Anyway, as stated in the title of this thread and as repeated in the first sentence of the OP(look up), the purpose of this thread is to ask: how do you feel about TOR right now? But to help clarify those feelings, please answer the following questions:


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

A solid game that caters a lot of things to everyone but doesn't specialize in anything. Like a Supermarket compared to a Butcher Shop.

2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

Operations, Housing, Ranked PVP, Costime Designer, Trolling Wackjobs in fleet chat

3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

Leveling. doing Any content with people who take the game way to serious.

4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

12xp Forever!!! :)


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

Go back to 3 tiers of Ops no more Hardmarish because double dippers have E-peen deficiency, Always Open PTS, More Ops, More items like weapons and mounts to collect outside PVP Rewards or Cartel Market, Leveling Ops, More Arenas, Kephess Mount

6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

In addition to the above questions, please feel free to share any other thoughts and feelings about how you feel about TOR right now.


Answers in Red Above

Edited by FerkWork
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Greetings true believes, and welcome to the 100th anniversary of the officially unofficial "how do you feel about TOR right now?" thread. For those who may not know, "TOR" stands for "The Old Republic", and refers to the MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) "Star Wars: The Old Republic" developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. You know, the game whose message board you are on right now?


Anyway, as stated in the title of this thread and as repeated in the first sentence of the OP(look up), the purpose of this thread is to ask: how do you feel about TOR right now? But to help clarify those feelings, please answer the following questions:


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

I enjoy it. But like all MMOs I'll get bored eventually and move on to another one and come back, etc. At least until theres another compelling science fiction/science fantasy/ space MMO that comes along.


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

The Class stories. I really do enjoy them.


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

Well, theres some lag spikes, but I'm not sure if its me, my ISP or the game servers. I'd have to say for me, I don't have many complaints that are any big deal. I have yet to try GSF though, so that might change.


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

As I said above, I don't have anything to say that is actionable. Oh, I have some pet peeves, but its nothing that I expect to change.


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

More class stories. I don't think we'll get them, but I'd love it if they added more class stories, perhaps after you reach level 55 and finish the first 'chapters'. It would give higher level characters/players something to do. More planets, too.


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

Seriously? Ok, I want Jar Jar to fall into a black hole and go back in time. He causes a time paradox that not only deletes him from history but makes the prequel movies cease to exist. Because they sucked donkey nutz. They are three of the worst movies ever made in recent memory. (Yes, there are terrible movies out there, but the prequels aren't even "fun but bad" or "so bad they're good"...they're just bad)


In addition to the above questions, please feel free to share any other thoughts and feelings about how you feel about TOR right now.


My answers are in red text.

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Greetings true believes, and welcome to the 100th anniversary of the officially unofficial "how do you feel about TOR right now?" thread. For those who may not know, "TOR" stands for "The Old Republic", and refers to the MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) "Star Wars: The Old Republic" developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. You know, the game whose message board you are on right now?


Anyway, as stated in the title of this thread and as repeated in the first sentence of the OP(look up), the purpose of this thread is to ask: how do you feel about TOR right now? But to help clarify those feelings, please answer the following questions:


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?


In addition to the above questions, please feel free to share any other thoughts and feelings about how you feel about TOR right now.


1) I'm only about 3 weeks in, but I'm having a blast. My character looks cool, has a decent skill set, a good companion, the storyline has been exceptionally entertaining, etc. I realize I'm new so I have newb syndrome or whatever but I honestly couldn't be happier that I quit WoW after 8 years on and off and started up here.


2) I'm not at "endgame" yet so I can't really say. I guess I find my Jedi Shadow a little complicated at times (I'm sure I'm not using her to her full potential, what with blackout and all), but I'm still learning. For instance shadow strike is rarely good for anything but an opener, but again maybe there's something I'm not seeing yet.


3) I want to be able to upgrade my augments on my ship with a legacy perk. I have everything else, but I still need to go all the way to the station just for this one thing? Weak. I'd also like to know which level of augment I have on a given item without having to go to the work station and/or guess.


4) I'd like to see that legacy perk, and maybe (I know I'll draw some hate for this) a slight consolidation of the keybinds. I hate super-situational abilities, and it seems I have quite a few that I don't even bother binding. That could be a problem. Again, I'm still new. Also, so many of the choices in the K menu seem pvp driven, like, too many. That could also be a problem, but again, I'm new, maybe some of those are more appealing than I realize.


5) See 4) and 3)


6) I'd like to see his skull at the bottom of a rancor pit.



Have a good one!

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2) I'm not at "endgame" yet so I can't really say. I guess I find my Jedi Shadow a little complicated at times (I'm sure I'm not using her to her full potential, what with blackout and all), but I'm still learning. For instance shadow strike is rarely good for anything but an opener, but again maybe there's something I'm not seeing yet.


Use Qyzen as a comp. He will hog the aggro, especially once he taunts (3-4 seconds into the fight). That way the mobs have their back to you. Go to their backs. Shadow strike every time you have enough Force...


There are even utilities to allow you to shadow strike from the front, at higher levels. Might be specific to the tank specialization though.


Rex: I know, no SSD or anything, but still, it's long, and still, a "hub" for text-based management of comp missions on all toons would rock.

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My answers in GREEN if anyone is confused.


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


Overall Game: a pretty darn good MMO.

Free-to-Play model: somewhat inferior to EQ2. Charging me to hide my helmet, or display titles? Seriously?


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


Flashpoints & warzones.


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


General chat.


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


"Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure."


Seriously, I can do it myself simply by switching to a different tab, so it's all good.


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


A. Ask Daybreak Games what it did to almost entirely eliminate "gold seller spam" in EQ2.

B. Allow for Ignore to ignore all characters on that person's account.

C. Allow my Ignore list to be unlimited, if it already isn't.

D. A wall-mounted Jar Jar Binks target that I can shoot at, as a house decoration

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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


On the one hand,, this 12XP is going to allow me to finish all 8 class stories within a reasonable amount of time without constant grinding. I'm very happy about that. On the other hand, the last 2 expansions (Hutt and Revan) have diverged from the original design quite a lot. The expansions aren't even the same game. Witness the complete change in comms, lack of class stories, glitches in crafting. I'm not sure this is good.


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


The basic class stories with companions is really good. The diversity of "stuff to do" is also excellent. I can solo. I can craft. I can level. I can group. I can explore. The terrains are many and varied. I've thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing.


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


The devs seem intent on nerfing any class I get comfortable with. I finally "get it" and suddenly "it" is no more. That's extremely frustrating.


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


Honestly I wish they would leave it well enough alone and leave us alone, too. If they want to play with the game, do it in the expansions.


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


I like to stories and the companions. I don't think everything has to be oriented to killing mobs and bosses. I'd like to see more exploration, more solving puzzles than killing.


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?


I really hope that clown does not appear in a subsequent movie AT ALL.


I'm a real Gemini about this stuff. On the one hand I get so sick and tired of players' loudmouthed entitlement attitude complaining about every tiny thing they can get their hands on, stuff that really doesn't matter at all, tiny bugs, weird stuff that really doesn't affect game play very much, and outrageous demands. In fact, the player community is so bad that I fear we have alienated the developers completely. I think they hate us and have no respect for us, and frankly, I don't blame them. This last dust up with stalking and stuff is just beyond the pale.


On the other hand I fear that the SWTOR staff is really not paying much attention to us at all. This constant nerfing of class after class to achieve this mythical "balance" is causing a lot of grief and, imo, is completely unnecessary. Keeping all their stuff "close to the vest" is also unnerving. Why do they need all this secrecy? It's childish. I think their expansions are off-base and changing the game too drastically. There appears to be no consistency in decisions made.


The bottom line for me, personally, is that I figure I will finish the 1-50 class stories. I'm over half way there, and after that I'm not sure I will stay. I figure I've got another six months or so enjoying the game. After that I will probably hang up my light saber and try to find something different from another company entirely.

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Greetings true believes, and welcome to the 100th anniversary of the officially unofficial "how do you feel about TOR right now?" thread. For those who may not know, "TOR" stands for "The Old Republic", and refers to the MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) "Star Wars: The Old Republic" developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts. You know, the game whose message board you are on right now?


Anyway, as stated in the title of this thread and as repeated in the first sentence of the OP(look up), the purpose of this thread is to ask: how do you feel about TOR right now? But to help clarify those feelings, please answer the following questions:


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?


In addition to the above questions, please feel free to share any other thoughts and feelings about how you feel about TOR right now.


1) I think that the game is in overall good condition.


2) The outfit designer


3) GSF


4) Remove it


5) Outfits for weapons


6) Slowly and painfully

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Use Qyzen as a comp. He will hog the aggro, especially once he taunts (3-4 seconds into the fight). That way the mobs have their back to you. Go to their backs. Shadow strike every time you have enough Force...


There are even utilities to allow you to shadow strike from the front, at higher levels. Might be specific to the tank specialization though.


Rex: I know, no SSD or anything, but still, it's long, and still, a "hub" for text-based management of comp missions on all toons would rock.


I guess I should work up on gearing Qyzen then. I stopped using him because he couldn't hold aggro after maybe two shadow strikes and was always dying, but then again I was only gearing him from quests. I've got Nadia somewhat geared now and there's a HUGE difference overall (she rarely dies and does almost as much damage as I do), so maybe I should try that with Qyzen. He's a cool character, even though I like Nadia I could see him being more useful.

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I started Swtor I think a year ago, but I play on and off as a preferred status. I recently bought a membership to see how to game truly was.


1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

Overall it is a good game, but there is tons of room for improvement.


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

The story content is amazing. I also enjoy the various flashpoints


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

Pvp and class balance. I think pvp is pretty self explanatory. As for class balance, I started swtor on a Sentinel and struggled primarily in pvp. On a Sorc I can dominate.


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

For pvp, I would love to see more attention on World pvp. Maybe mix elements of pve and pvp into one. Another Mmo I frequently play has this, and I would love to see this in swtor.


For Warzones, I'd like to see new warzones added. They could be reskins of ones we have, or multiple versions of ones we have. (2 versions of huntball, 2 versions of the Civil War)


They are addressing class balance, and I am happy with that.


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

See above.


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

I hope he plays as a Sentinel and gets CC'd to death.

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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

Overworked, understaffed. It feels like the devs have a passion for the game, but they just don't have enough manpower to really make this a great game. Pvp is neglected, GSF is massively neglected (not that I like GSF...just saying). Now it seems even raiders are getting bored (and I feel like they get pampered compared to the pvp crowd). The game might keep going for a long time, but it's just getting boring to those of us who have run the same warzones thousands of times, nearly all of the stories. If it were not Star Wars, I would have never touched this game. Honestly, I can see myself finishing the agent story with x12 XP (last one for me) once or twice then calling it quits. I would come back if they added some pvp stuff (see below), otherwise I think I am done. There's nothing more to do. I'm not a hamster that is content to keep spinning with the same stuff over and over again.


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

Warzones (unranked).


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

GSF, Ranked warzones, spending a ton of time traveling around from objective A to objective B on quests, the milking of the server transfer costs.


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

Remove GSF so that they can stop wasting resources on it (although I think it's not really getting any resources). For ranked warzones: require 2018 expertise for ranked, make it cross faction (not having this makes it all too easy to work the system, damages the integrity of the ratings, and makes one faction unplayable -usually republic, which I prefer), get a clue regarding class balance. The traveling annoyance was alleviated a bit with the recent patch.


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

New warzone maps, some idea of what they want to do with the game in the future rather than "we are working on something that we can't tell you about, but trust us it will be sweet!" Months and months later...*crickets*


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

I don't care, just so long as he shuts up. After watching the animated "Clone Wars" series on Netflix, I came to hate Jar Jar even more (the voice was horrible and super annoying - even more than the movies). Really awesome show, though.

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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


The game is changing and not for the better. In fear BW is in the process of actually abandoning meaningfull engame content and refocusing on casual gameplay by producing story content (which you can literally complete without gear).

Its obvious they even lack the ressources atm to develop the amount of content we got in 2013, hence the content release cycle continues to increase while most aspects of the game are not being worked on at all.


With 12xp, the game is effectively burning content with lightning speed. Once its gone, whats the reason for subscribers to stay subbed if all we get going forward is 2h worth of story content two or three times a year?


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


My favorite aspect of the game has always been raiding (i used to do semi progression most of the time), GSF and Strongholds are close seconds.


If i look at those aspects of the game; the raiding community is in crisis, we are experiencing an exodus of top guilds/raids since six months after the inital release we still dont know if there will be a nightmare progression.

Strongholds are still fun but new decorations aside, they didnt expand the framwork. We need more hooks and a higher limit on item placement. The upcoming stronghold is nice though.

GSF was a colossoal failure from BW point of view and they acutally abandoned it. With no new content coming up, less and less players will play it. With fewer and fewer games played, BW has no reason to provide more content. Classic death spiral.


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


Probably crafting wars for conquest achievements. Its just a horrible implementation of a cool concept.

Conquests had so much potential and they blew it.



4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


They shouldnt touch it at all since they lack the ressources to make it awesome.


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


Pazaak would be nice, but they need to invest what they have into the game we have atm.

New features are not being worked on and thats a good thing imo.


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?


I just hope its not in the movie.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?

Somewhat positive. Worried that things at HQ might not be as rosy as is being let on and that EAware will pull the plug at any moment.


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

The PvP.


3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

The PvP. Sadly addicting but grossly neglected by the devs and starting to lose its appeal as the last thing that is actually keeping me playing the game. (One can only take seven Queshballs in a row before one starts losing interest. I can tolerate the hacks and exploits - with the exception of the simulqueue nonsense, and maybe even the players who have handles which violate the Player Code of Conduct which remain unchanged after being reported (for a short period of time) -- but the lack of novelty is wearing me down.)


4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?

Bolster could be evened out so that the difference between top and bottom is made a little more even. The missing accuracy mods in PvP gear for slingers is also disconcerting.


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?

At least 3 new wz maps in the upcoming year. Credit boxes given out by the pvp vendor that pay out at a rate that allows pvpers to keep up with the in-game inflation. New items for the pvp vendors. Heck, get rid of the ranked/unranked distinction, reduce the time spent grinding out stuff and make bolster more equitable. How about a PvP vendor and terminal in our stronghold so that we can actually explore the new areas you keep creating while pvping? How about having pvp gear that actually is viable in the new areas you keep building (or just get rid of the pvp/pve gear distinction)?


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?

He goes out with a blaze of glory. Or better yet, he reveals that he was actually Luke's father.

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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1) What is your overall impression of TOR as of right now?


We are closing to the 'END' of story so the END of SWTOR is near i can feel it......


2) What is your favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?

LOVE the TOR because it is STAR WARS so blasters, lightsabers, story,planets, dailies, PvE PvP

3) What is your least favorite aspect of gameplay in TOR as of right now?


Overall game performance, Frames per Second issues, Bugs, Operation Accessibility,



4) How would you like to see your least favorite aspect of gameplay improved?


They would have to create the game from new to solve the performance issues and engine problems



Just to ONE TIME experience it


5) What features would you like to see added to TOR in the future?


More room in Inventory or additional Tabs


One click gear changer( so you can easily change from PVE TO PVP gear, from DPS TO HEAL OR TANK GEAR)


Every planet has STRONGHOLD or at least 2-3 room OUTPOST/HIDEOUT etc


Your Ship Option to pick what area/outpost you want to land/start ( so you don't have to go through the space stations/spaceports)


Information how many ppl are in queues on what lvl/roles/clases/ for what content


Class specific dailies/weekly/reputation (i have made an thread in suggestion box http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8190053#post8190053)


Crafting/gathering/mission have their unique decorations drops only obtained through them




Option to earn Cartel Coins in game REPEATABLY


Option to see or browse through all of you chars inventories and cargo bays without need to relogin and login to every char just to find one thing/s


More tech weapons variants to use for double saber staff classes (Shd/Sin)


Voss species to choose as playable race


New or old recolored WZ please


6) If Jar Jar Binks dies in the next SW movie, how do you hope it will happen?


Holding two lightsabers in his hands thousand of bodies of sith lying around

mission accomplished MASTER.. there ca be only one

Edited by Nebdar
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