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Stop Making Main Hand Weapons So Difficult To Obtain


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I don't get why you guys have these things locked up so tightly that they're impossible to obtain unless you run operations. There should at least be something sold for basic, elite and ultimate comms (and not at the insane prices you sold them for w/ the Czerka vendors either on CZ-198)


Not everybody likes to run operations, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to gear up their characters if they're willing to put in the time and effort to do daily/weekly missions or run flashpoints which are considerably less of a pain to deal with.


um if you're not doing OPS then you have no reason or need for those weapons.


if you are doing OPS then your argument is pointless.

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Requires full 192 and SM achievement.


Not easy when even my 49k Marauder is considered undergeared for HMFPs.


that was the point....


OP wants an easy mode, something for nothing. So either purchase off the GTN or do the content like the rest of us and EARN your reward. Ever wonder why its called a "reward" and not a "hand out"


Think from now on all new content needs to be advertised *** such.


New Operations and average and common handouts vs. Unique and powerful rewards...

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If you're not running ops you dont need ops gear.


I can't say I entirely agree with that.


We are driven from level 1 to get better and better gear. It's been that way since - forever.


Just because you get to max level, that drive to get better and better gear does not stop and putting that gear behind raid or die walls doesn't in any way make that drive go away or even placate it.


You can argue, "well just craft it? but even then the cost is a bit off.

Edited by Quraswren
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I can't say I entirely agree with that.


We are driven from level 1 to get better and better gear. It's been that way since - forever.


Just because you get to max level, that drive to get better and better gear does not stop and putting that gear behind raid or die walls doesn't in any way make that drive go away or even placate it.

"Want" (because of some OCD-ish obsession with BiS and/or epeenery) and "need" (in order to do hard-mode content) are two different things. As stated, if you are not raiding, your character has no mechanical need for raid-level gear.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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"Want" (because of some OCD-ish obsession with BiS) and "need" (in order to do hard-mode content) are two different things.


Actually, you're wrong. they are pretty much the same thing. You can want an item because you want it to be able to do hard mode content.

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Do you think about your posts before you make them, or is it just a "stream of consciousness" thing?


I sure do, which is why I was helping you understand that maybe you should think before you post. :) But at least when I post, I do it to help people, unlike you, who does it to rant at people because of your personal frustrations about things.

Edited by DartDaya
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"Want" (because of some OCD-ish obsession with BiS and/or epeenery) and "need" (in order to do hard-mode content) are two different things. As stated, if you are not raiding, your character has no mechanical need for raid-level gear.


Sorry but "want" and "need" plays into every MMO. They want/need better gear to finish things faster. Raiders "want" better gear to make raids go faster and make content easier. "want" easily replaced with need.


Too many times do we hear about raiders clearing a raid and not doing it because everyone is geared. IT's because they are good and can do it with gear that is behind the current raid tier. The gear isn't needed if they are good. They, like the non-raids, want to make things easier and faster.


That is no different just because you don't raid. Those gamers want the content they are doing to be easier and faster. Just like raiders.


"Want" has nothing to do with epeen egos no more than raiders like to show off what they have (which BTW is usually worse)


As stated, just because you do not raid does that mean you do not need better gear. It's a drive instilled in all gamers from early on and it doesn't go away just because you do not raid. Character progression is to important. Every character and gamer has a mechanical need to better their toons, even non-raiders and current crafting is way to much of a failure to compensate.


I'm not saying just hand it out but the current options are far to limited for what the game instills in the player.

Edited by Quraswren
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Your evidence? Show me :)

You posted, didn't you?


I'm not saying just hand it out but the current options are far to limited for what the game instills in the player.

The game "instills" nothing in the player. If a player is obsessed with BiS or epeenery, that's the player's fault, not the game maker's.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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The game "instills" nothing in the player. If a player is obsessed with BiS or epeenery, that's the player's fault, not the game maker's.


and you again overshoot the real point.


All mmo games instill a need to get better and better gear. It's not for show or for epeen mentality. It's to get things done in a more efficient manner. Something to make content, no matter what it is, easier and faster.


Just because you get to max level, the drive for better gear and character progressions in a game where gear is character progression, that drive does stop and yes, the game itself instills that drive.


there needs to be better alternatives.

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what Bran is playing at is him saying that if you don't do the hard mode (OP) content you don't need better weapons than what is available to you outside OPs. You only want better weapons because they're there.


To this you replied that you can want a better weapon because you need it to do the hard mode content you don't want to do.

And that's all there is to the mildly entertaining argument you're having.

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and you again overshoot the real point.


All mmo games instill a need to get better and better gear. It's not for show or for epeen mentality. It's to get things done in a more efficient manner. Something to make content, no matter what it is, easier and faster.


Just because you get to max level, the drive for better gear and character progressions in a game where gear is character progression, that drive does stop and yes, the game itself instills that drive.


there needs to be better alternatives.


I am inclined to disagree.


The main reason being that in theory the more difficult the content, the more rewarding the completion of said content should be. Regardless of what the rating is on top end gear, what alternative do you propose to highest-difficulty operations to obtain BiS that doesn't trivialize that content?


Edit: A comm grind is not equivalent in challenge... merely a test of patience.

Edited by azudelphi
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and you again overshoot the real point.


All mmo games instill a need to get better and better gear. It's not for show or for epeen mentality. It's to get things done in a more efficient manner. Something to make content, no matter what it is, easier and faster.


Just because you get to max level, the drive for better gear and character progressions in a game where gear is character progression, that drive does stop and yes, the game itself instills that drive.


there needs to be better alternatives.


No, there doesn't need to be. The crafted gear and crappy comm gear exists for just this purpose. If you want better than that then go earn it in the operations.

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and you again overshoot the real point.


All mmo games instill a need to get better and better gear. It's not for show or for epeen mentality. It's to get things done in a more efficient manner. Something to make content, no matter what it is, easier and faster.

The only person missing the point is you. If you are not going to run "hard-mode" content, you do not need "hard-mode" gear. You might want it for, again, BiS obsession or epeenery. To be specific, if all you're gonna do is run 55 HM, tac 60s (and the easier 60 HMs), you don't need anything better than 186s and/or the Ziost 190s. I fall exactly into this category. I do just fine with a mix of 186s and Ziost 190s.


Just because you get to max level, the drive for better gear and character progressions in a game where gear is character progression, that drive does stop and yes, the game itself instills that drive.

So you've been Jedi mind-tricked by a game.

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The only person missing the point is you. If you are not going to run "hard-mode" content, you do not need "hard-mode" gear. You might want it for, again, BiS obsession or epeenery. To be specific, if all you're gonna do is run 55 HM, tac 60s (and the easier 60 HMs), you don't need anything better than 186s and/or the Ziost 190s. I fall exactly into this category. I do just fine with a mix of 186s and Ziost 190s.



So you've been Jedi mind-tricked by a game.


It's all a matter of opinion. You're missing the point here.


If you're not gonna do hard mode content, that's your choice, but you still may need the gear to do other things to make things easier. I find it hilarious that you think the only people who wanthard mode gear (who dont do hm content) is people who want to be BiS or who want to show off. Well people enjoy showing off and people enjoy making their characters effective in combat, they can still need the gear to do just that.

Whether someone needs or wants an item is none of your business. Everyone has different wants and needs for a variety of things.

Edited by DartDaya
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The only person missing the point is you. If you are not going to run "hard-mode" content, you do not need "hard-mode" gear. You might want it for, again, BiS obsession or epeenery. To be specific, if all you're gonna do is run 55 HM, tac 60s (and the easier 60 HMs), you don't need anything better than 186s and/or the Ziost 190s. I fall exactly into this category. I do just fine with a mix of 186s and Ziost 190s.



So you've been Jedi mind-tricked by a game.




Couldn't have said it better if I was a college professor teaching Swtorology at Old Republic University way down in Lucasville.

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It's all a matter of opinion. You're missing the point here.


If you're not gonna do hard mode content, that's your choice, but you still may need the gear to do other things to make things easier. I find it hilarious that you mock people who want to be BiS or who want to show off. Well people enjoy showing off and people enjoy making their characters effective in combat.


Whether someone needs or wants an item is none of your business. Everyone has different wants and needs for a variety of things.



Perspective check: This is a video game. No one needs anything this game has to offer and this is no different. One group of people wants it because doing the higher level of content. The other group....


Phase 1 collect main hand

Phase 2 ???

Phase 3 Profit.


Yeah but what's Phase 2?


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I think there needs to be an alternative to get a full set of Dark Reaver gear without having to do warzones. Just because I don't need PVP gear to enter warzones, doesn't mean I don't deserve a way to get that set. I don't think it's fair that people can walk around fleet in BiS PVP mods when I can't. I'd much rather do something else.



Sarcasm Detected...


Edited by azudelphi
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what Bran is playing at is him saying that if you don't do the hard mode (OP) content you don't need better weapons than what is available to you outside OPs. You only want better weapons because they're there.


To this you replied that you can want a better weapon because you need it to do the hard mode content you don't want to do.

And that's all there is to the mildly entertaining argument you're having.


If I'm reading the thread right, the issue is not that the OP wants what is there and is out of reach, the OP wants what ISN'T there. (S)He wants them to put something in place to actively work toward at a solo/single group level for the mainhand slot. I can think of many ways to provide this content to keep it time locked (maybe a special no-trade currency you purchase with elite comms, maybe an achievement of x number of specific weekly quests gives you a token for a MH), but right now, it simply doesn't exist outside of paying someone to make it for you, and frankly, the sense of accomplishment is nonexistent when you pay money you may have been accumulating for a few years to get the newest shiny thing. In that position, I'd want to be able to work toward it once I got there, not just plunk down some cash.


Oh, and for those arguing that you don't need any better to take on the content, technically, you don't need 198s for HM revan, but I bet you'd scream bloody murder if all he dropped was decorations/mounts/other misc. non-combat stuff and there was NO 198 MH (ignoring for now the 204s that are a whole other can of worms).

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Perspective check: This is a video game. No one needs anything this game has to offer and this is no different. One group of people wants it because doing the higher level of content. The other group....


Phase 1 collect main hand

Phase 2 ???

Phase 3 Profit.


Yeah but what's Phase 2?



everyone knows phase 2 is pudding parties by the pool.

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