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Good Job Bioware, You've Killed All Low Level PVP For Sure Now!


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bolster was going to be fixed wasnt it?

but yeah a 35 cant do beeeepp against a 59er.

my sin with with level 59....no fun and i lveled through missions instead because it got ridiciculous.

i hit them---almost dead, they hit me...mmhh scratch?

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Bolster has been fixed. Lowbie pvp is more than viable now....I have no idea what retarded cry wolf issue this particular OP is whinging about, although its likely the same old scenario in this situation. Eg. I died in pvp...therefore its not fair and broken...:rolleyes:
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Bolster only works correctly if you have all your slots filled. As a lowbie, odds are you don't. Combined that with lack of experience, skill, and character abilities and you might as well be $#$# in the wind.


If there is an upside to it, it is that it doesn't take long at all to level in the lowbie. Todays teen is tomorrows 20.

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Already done all your crappy Story Quests.


Yes, as have we all. More times than we probably care to admit. Bt you know what, when you get a ridiculous amount of XP for those "crappy story quests", I start to think of them as a long line of dailies and not story mode. The problem with story mode is that sometimes it takes you longer to travel back and forth from the quest area than it does to actually do the quest. It is times like those you really wish you had a speeder that did 200% speed.


And speaking of which, when are we going to see another speed boost to travel? 110% is so level 50.

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I don't really care about lowbies now since I've got all the toons I want to play at 60 already, but it's true that this will significantly reduce lowbie pvp population. Oh well.


Newsflash : EVERYONE has to go through Lowbie to get to level 60 ...


So, how many of them will arrive at level 60, then ? Will this lead to an healthy population at level 60 ?

Or don't you care again ?




( Well, apart from that 12 x class missions boost ... )

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I managed to get my weekly yesterday on my TK Sage actually. Made 28 levels in one day, with some of it researching my class. Don't have implants(dat markup on lowbie implants) or relics, so only 1500 expertise. So far I like my Sage, now that I have the auto crit on Turbulence when I have someone doted up and figured out a basic rotation. I took force quake off my quick bar btw.
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Newsflash : EVERYONE has to go through Lowbie to get to level 60 ...


So, how many of them will arrive at level 60, then ? Will this lead to an healthy population at level 60 ?

Or don't you care again ?




( Well, apart from that 12 x class missions boost ... )


Not really sure what you are trying to say here. Not everyone has to go through lowbie pvp to get to 60 pvp. You can lvl up straight to 60 and then hop into the 60s bracket. I wouldn't suggest that even if you know the class because you'd want to pvp for at least a couple levels to build up some comms....but thats the only reason. Once I get my pubs lvl'd up I will probably never queue the lowbie bracket again. Finish off the toons I have at 55-60 and then just enjoy end game pvp till I stop playing this game or until it dies.

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Dayum! Is the XP boost really that potent? wow


Looks like I'll actually be able to get my Jugg to level cap.


If you unlock all your travel stuff you can probably hit 55 in a few hours.

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Yes, as have we all. More times than we probably care to admit. Bt you know what, when you get a ridiculous amount of XP for those "crappy story quests", I start to think of them as a long line of dailies and not story mode. The problem with story mode is that sometimes it takes you longer to travel back and forth from the quest area than it does to actually do the quest. It is times like those you really wish you had a speeder that did 200% speed.


And speaking of which, when are we going to see another speed boost to travel? 110% is so level 50.


i dont want to do any kind of pve at all

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