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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ziost is total rip off


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Address this.


Stealing ideas and/or products to create something of lesser value. To take credit for something that is not their own. To slightly alter an existing idea and product for personal benefit. Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads.


This is the full context of your supposed proof. It's using "rip off" in the context of stealing others ideas. "Disregard the origin of the true creation", the first half of the sentence you're cherry picking from, supports this context. So, in what way was the OP's usage of "rip off" in any way referring to BioWare stealing others' ideas? Nothing in his posts supports that usage. And even if he was, that still doesn't support you equating rip off to mean disappointing or underwhelming.

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Address this.


He wasnt using rip off in the context of stealing ideas, he was using it in the context of that ziost was "underwhelming, just to turn a few heads" in that

Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads.

in that the true creation refers to the expectations that were set for him. Edited by DartDaya
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He wasnt using rip off in the context of stealing ideas, he was using it in the context of that ziost was "underwhelming, just to turn a few heads" in that


Right, he wasn't using it in the context of stealing ideas, so therefore he can't use a definition that has the context of stealing ideas.

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Right, he wasn't using it in the context of stealing ideas, so therefore he can't use a definition that has the context of stealing ideas.


But he used the word rip off with the definition of "underwhelming, didn't meet up to expectations, lazy just to turn a few heads. "


therefore he used it correctly

Edited by DartDaya
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Jesus, can we just change out 'let down' for 'ripped off' and stop the bickering?


I doubt it they seem to be on a unstopping train here.


Side note: I've been looking and I've yet to find a definition slang or not that uses Rip-off to mean underwhelmed or disappointing. :confused:

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Now please link a reference to that definition. Because you haven't.


Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads.


The true creation being the expectations set for the OP and that "quick buck " refers to quick filler material just to add to the game which was made just to turn a few heads, which by default means that for him ziost was underwhelming and lazy.


He also may have felt ripped off (price wise) because he purchased SoR and you need that in order to play Ziost but either of these two definitions are valid for the OP to use. People understood what he meant when he said he thought ziost is a rip off, meaning that he expected to get more than he actually got.

Edited by DartDaya
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I doubt it they seem to be on a unstopping train here.


Side note: I've been looking and I've yet to find a definition slang or not that uses Rip-off to mean underwhelmed or disappointing. :confused:


I think that's what confused most people. By rip off the OP meant he expected to get more than he got, and therefore Ziost was underwhelming and disappointing for him.

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Jesus, can we just change out 'let down' for 'ripped off' and stop the bickering?


depends on your definition of bickering. Is this the new "scam" /"gambling" /"free" termination. Do we need to start an online SWTOR dictionary?

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I think that's what confused most people. By rip off the OP meant he expected to get more than he got, and therefore Ziost was underwhelming and disappointing for him.


All I know is if I used Rip-off in this context both my 12th grade English Teacher and Collage Professor would have had a few words to say to me. :(

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OP uses "total rip-off" to express their feelings about update


OP uses "total rip-off" to spark heated debate



Whether or not it means what other people think it means is completely irrelevant. It is a forum post not a news or science article. I would say most if not everyone that clicked the link and read what was originally typed knew what the OP meant.


Arguing about if it is a "proper" use of the term ... honestly, who gives a flying kowakian monkey-lizard's tuckus about that? How about continuing the back and forth about if the Ziost release is worthwhile or not?

Edited by iacon
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All I know is if I used Rip-off in this context both my 12th grade English Teacher and Collage Professor would have had a few words to say to me. :(


Well maybe the word is only used in certain ways in your culture :)

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depends on your definition of bickering. Is this the new "scam" /"gambling" /"free" termination. Do we need to start an online SWTOR dictionary?


That depends on your definition of "dictionary". Are we talking Wookieepedia, Wikipedia or Webster quality?

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The true creation being the expectations set for the OP and that "quick buck " refers to quick filler material just to add to the game which was made just to turn a few heads, which by default means that for him ziost was underwhelming and lazy.


The problem is you're still cherry picking the second half of a single sentence in a whole paragraph and using that as the definition.


Stealing ideas and/or products to create something of lesser value. To take credit for something that is not their own. To slightly alter an existing idea and product for personal benefit. Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads.


This is the full definition. This definition is for usage to mean that someone is stealing someone else's ideas. Nothing about the word as it's been used in this thread relates to BioWare stealing other people's ideas.


But let's break down just the sentence you keep quoting. "Disregard the origin of the true creation", this is just another way of saying that the idea/object was originally created by someone else else and they are trying to take it as their own by disregarding that origin. Or in other words, stealing someone else's idea. This is supported by the rest of the paragraph which says pretty much the same thing in slightly different wording. "Stealing ideas and/or products", "To take credit for something that is not their own" , and "To slightly alter an existing idea and product." Who's idea did BioWare steal?


The "true creation" in this context refers to the original product, which according to the first part of the definition, was stolen. Unless you're trying to say that BioWare stole the OP's idea, what he thought in his head is not the "true creation".


"in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads." While it may be the OP's opinion that the second half is true, you can't cut off the first half of the sentence in the definition to make it fit. Would you also say they're "putting out fantastic content at a quick and regular pace in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads." I mean, it has the same second half of the sentence, right?


You said earlier that he wasn't using the word to mean that they had stolen the idea, and yet you cherry pick from a definition of the word which means that they were stealing ideas.


He also may have felt ripped off (price wise) because he purchased SoR and you need that in order to play Ziost but either of these two definitions are valid for the OP to use. People understood what he meant when he said he thought ziost is a rip off, meaning that he expected to get more than he actually got.


True, this is a legitimate use of the term "ripped off" but that is a completely separate discussion. You had originally asserted that "ripped off" in his case meant only that he felt "underwhelmed and disappointed", not that he felt "ripped off (price wise)". That is a different topic, and gets into its own whole argument of whether the update can truly be considered paid or free.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I would be ok, with not a lot of story content, but that dailies. It is like what? This game changed to adventure, no mobs, no fights. Just running around like idio* trying to find objectives to click on them. It is the MOST boring daily area i ever saw, with pretty much nothing to do.


well...the planet was just consumed...nothing to kill anymore, cause everyone is dead. lol. You walk all over their ashes

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well...the planet was just consumed...nothing to kill anymore, cause everyone is dead. lol. You walk all over their ashes


And I think it is refreshing not to have the kil 50 mob mentality in at least one dailies area.

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Yeah you traded up to Where's Waldo... Sooooo engaging.


Well if you'd actually read the books and seen what he did to Nathema, which was the same ritual, you'd understand why, lore-wise, it would have to be a barren world like it is.

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Well if you'd actually read the books and seen what he did to Nathema, which was the same ritual, you'd understand why, lore-wise, it would have to be a barren world like it is.


This fact makes it no less mind numbing. Least I got an outfit designer out of it all. lol.

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Well if you'd actually read the books and seen what he did to Nathema, which was the same ritual, you'd understand why, lore-wise, it would have to be a barren world like it is.


I'd be ok with killing droids lol, there are a couple to kill at least. I'm just glad I got enough thingies to get what I wanted from the vendor. You can have your walk and click daily area, and ill stick to ya in and others. I'm sure it is a nice change of pace for some, but others are probably bored to tears running the old dailies so much. Luckily I'm still new to endgame.

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It was nice to have a conclusion to the story, the new daily quests however did not interest me at all.


I have done the daily quests one time but I can not find any reason to do any more of them. There is no reputation and we already got tons of tokens, the same ones the dailys provide.


I wish they had evolved the area a bit more, to make it more interesting.


It was not a rip off since it was a patch update, but I must admit that I expected something more to do.

Edited by Icestar
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It was nice to have a conclusion to the story, the new daily quests however did not interest me at all.


I have done the quests one time but I can not find any reason to do any more of them. There is no reputation and we already got tons of tokens, the same ones the dailys provide.


I wish they had evolved the area a bit more, to make it more interesting.



For me I can see me doing it weekly for the elites and ultimate comms. You see I don't do operations as my time is limited so this helps.

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For me I can see me doing it weekly for the elites and ultimate comms. You see I don't do operations as my time is limited so this helps.


I will do the weekly worldboss, it is the dailys I do not find any use to do. I rather do a nice OPS a day then spending time camping the different wierd things like burned bodies and probes that takes ages to find.

Edited by Icestar
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