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Why do people not want to give Lowbies tips ? Because it doesn't matter ?


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Hello, everyone,


I was just about to ask here :


"What tips and advice can you give me to stand against Mercs & PTs at level 18 ?"


But then I said to myself : "No, this isn't good. No-one will answer,

and those who do will tell me : "Low level doesn't matter", indicating that they are just not interessted in helping lowbies because ... well, low level doesn't matter, according to them."


I just don't understand why people do so strongly and hard-headedly refuse to give lowbies tips,

when they at the same time say that Lowbie-PvP is "the training ground" where you learn things.


To me, according to this logic "lowbie doesn't matter" there shouldn't be any kindergarten in RL. Because - young ages don't matter. The only important thing in RL is to get to the top as quickly as possible, become rch and big, and THEN give others, who are at the same age, tips on how to be more effective.


Lowbie PvP is the kindergarten of PvP - yet people say "Lowbie doesn't matter". This sounds like holding the strong position that Lowqbies should be thrown into the water to learn swimming. If they drown, then it is entirely their fault, because this level doesn't matter to those who *could* teach others how to swim.


Apart from all that I'm still interested on how to survive Mercs and PTs at level 18.

And what to do when 3 of them "dance" with me (one indeed used the "dance" empote while my char got stunned and DPSsed to death meanwhile the stun lasted) until my char dies.


I just cannot stand the fact that Mercs & PTs have no weaknesses I know oof in Lowbie PvP. It must be VERY satisfying for their players that the normal Low-level player just doesn't know any weakness they have at that level.


Now, is anyone going to answer my question or not ?




"Lowbie doesn't matter"

"Get a life"

"I won't tell you because I'm playing an PT, hurr hurr."

"I won't tell you because I'm playing a Merc, hurr, hurr."



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Because whatever tips you give them will become irrelevant once they reach midbies because the classes play entirely different.


They should go play and have fun and discover the game themselves, rather than reading tips that are at best misleading once they level up.

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While I'm sure some people are responding to you in the bad faith you assume we're all responding with, some of us aren't responding with what you want because we can't, or at least we can't in good conscience.


No one sits around parsing, theory crafting, or dissecting classes at 10-29. We're not giving you solid advice because we have none to offer! No one does the research for class performance at these levels. If you'd like, we could make something up!


Also, consider that the time you spend in 10-29 is relatively very short in the big scheme of things. Do we all even remember what ability every class and spec has at exactly level 18? Probably not. We want to give you advice for level 60s because end game PVP is where the vast, super majority of our PVP experience is coming from.


Lastly, consider that 10-29 is so poorly balanced that there might not even be a counter-strategy that you're looking for. The ability and utility gap between 26+ players and pre-20 players is so huge that in match-ups against certain specs, you're just destined to die, no matter how well you play.

Edited by HaoZhao
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Why do people not want to give Lowbies tips?


Because your in the wrong forum that's why. The class forums are full of new players, lowbie and midbie alike asking for tips and pointers, and receiving answers.


The PvP board is not a place to ask for help, because very few of those that frequient this particular board are willing to take the time to respond.

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I just cannot stand the fact that Mercs & PTs have no weaknesses I know oof in Lowbie PvP. It must be VERY satisfying for their players that the normal Low-level player just doesn't know any weakness they have at that level.


These two AC's barely have any defenses at 60, what makes you think they have no weaknesses in lowbies?

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These two AC's barely have any defenses at 60, what makes you think they have no weaknesses in lowbies?


Take a level 18 operative and try chasing a level 28 powertech. 10-29 has the worst balance in the game. Almost everyone complains about 60s, and everyone complains about 30-59, but go take a look at the class imbalance in 10-29 to see what imbalance is really like.


When I levelled up a tanking PT, a few months ago, from level 20 onward, I was top DPS in almost every match. That's tank spec, tank stance, and tanking mods. I was still top DPS in almost every match. Taking on 3 melee enemies at once was a joke. I had a spammable, AOE slow, and they didn't have any toys to catch me for more than a second in between my solo kills.


The truth is that there are many early levels where many specs are barely functional at all. If you're a warrior or operative going up against a PT in lowbies, then yeah, they have no weaknesses.

Edited by HaoZhao
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Take a level 18 operative and try chasing a level 28 powertech. 10-29 has the worst balance in the game. Almost everyone complains about 60s, and everyone complains about 30-59, but go take a look at the class imbalance in 10-29 to see what imbalance is really like.


When I levelled up a tanking PT, a few months ago, from level 20 onward, I was top DPS in almost every match. That's tank spec, tank stance, and tanking mods. I was still top DPS in every match. Taking on 3 melee enemies at once was a joke. I had a spammable, AOE slow, and they didn't have any toys to catch me for more than a second in between my solo kills.


The truth is that there are many early levels where many specs are barely functional at all.


Please I can take any AC into the lowbie bracket and get top dps. Its not hard to do. Also, what do you expect BW to do? You can't balance lowbies. You can pretend they can but you really cant. You can make the brackets smaller but that would just make the queue pops longer so no one wins there. Its lowbies man. Just queue and BS and move on. They literally DO NOT matter. Anyone who takes lowbies seriously needs to stop. Class balance is adjusted for cap level, it will always be adjusted for cap level and expecting otherwise is just silly.


At least BW has bolster, even if it does break a lot it still evens out most of the stuff. Or would you prefer the pre2.0 bolster where it just boosted you to level 50 but didn't boost the gear? Ya know, back when the average hp in lowbies was 10-12k but a twinked out level 49 with augments could get 18k and two shot people?


Would you prefer WoW's style where people twink their toons at the cap level of the bracket and never leave? You can't balance lowbies, but at least BW's take on it is better than most other MMO's.

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Please I can take any AC into the lowbie bracket and get top dps. Its not hard to do. Also, what do you expect BW to do? You can't balance lowbies. You can pretend they can but you really cant. You can make the brackets smaller but that would just make the queue pops longer so no one wins there. Its lowbies man. Just queue and BS and move on. They literally DO NOT matter. Anyone who takes lowbies seriously needs to stop. Class balance is adjusted for cap level, it will always be adjusted for cap level and expecting otherwise is just silly.


At least BW has bolster, even if it does break a lot it still evens out most of the stuff. Or would you prefer the pre2.0 bolster where it just boosted you to level 50 but didn't boost the gear? Ya know, back when the average hp in lowbies was 10-12k but a twinked out level 49 with augments could get 18k and two shot people?


Would you prefer WoW's style where people twink their toons at the cap level of the bracket and never leave? You can't balance lowbies, but at least BW's take on it is better than most other MMO's.


Okay, take level 10 darkness into lowbies and then come back with your screenshot showing top DPS. 12x EXP is back on Monday and you can do 1-10 in like half an hour. I'll wait. No? Oh, okay then. I'm glad we settled that.


I'm not expecting BioWare to do anything about it (although operatives getting roll at 16 instead of 51 would be nice). It's hard balancing the levelling experience for PVP. They don't want to overload players with too many abilities and too many complicated ways to play, all at the same time. They want to feed that stuff to you slowly, over the course of 60 levels, so you're comfortable by the time you hit the end game. I accept lowbies for what it is.


You're wrong to say that lowbies doesn't matter though. It matters. Look at this topic. We have a clearly new player who is very frustrated and doesn't know what to do. How many of these people do you think stay with the game until level 60? I wouldn't keep paying for a game for months if I was huffing steam every time I tried to play it. Who wants to frustrate themselves like that for a long period of time? In some ways, the low level experience in PVP and PVE are critically important because those experiences dictate how many new players are going to stick with the game and contribute to its long term survival.

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Hello, everyone,


I was just about to ask here :


"What tips and advice can you give me to stand against Mercs & PTs at level 18 ?"


But then I said to myself : "No, this isn't good. No-one will answer,

and those who do will tell me : "Low level doesn't matter", indicating that they are just not interessted in helping lowbies because ... well, low level doesn't matter, according to them."


I just don't understand why people do so strongly and hard-headedly refuse to give lowbies tips,

when they at the same time say that Lowbie-PvP is "the training ground" where you learn things.


To me, according to this logic "lowbie doesn't matter" there shouldn't be any kindergarten in RL. Because - young ages don't matter. The only important thing in RL is to get to the top as quickly as possible, become rch and big, and THEN give others, who are at the same age, tips on how to be more effective.


Lowbie PvP is the kindergarten of PvP - yet people say "Lowbie doesn't matter". This sounds like holding the strong position that Lowqbies should be thrown into the water to learn swimming. If they drown, then it is entirely their fault, because this level doesn't matter to those who *could* teach others how to swim.


Apart from all that I'm still interested on how to survive Mercs and PTs at level 18.

And what to do when 3 of them "dance" with me (one indeed used the "dance" empote while my char got stunned and DPSsed to death meanwhile the stun lasted) until my char dies.


I just cannot stand the fact that Mercs & PTs have no weaknesses I know oof in Lowbie PvP. It must be VERY satisfying for their players that the normal Low-level player just doesn't know any weakness they have at that level.


Now, is anyone going to answer my question or not ?




"Lowbie doesn't matter"

"Get a life"

"I won't tell you because I'm playing an PT, hurr hurr."

"I won't tell you because I'm playing a Merc, hurr, hurr."




Personally I get frustrated at getting raged at or abused if I try to give help or suggestions... I play for fun... It becomes unenjoyable when people are abusing everyone

So I just keep my mouth shut... Sometimes people ask me after I've done a few matches with them and can see I have better than average skill... Then I am more than happy to help... But it is in private chat


As you can see from the responses in this thread... Little help is given by elitist pvpers... It's the same with elitist PVE people...

I am happy to provide any advice I can offer if you want to PM me... I may not know everything and will let you know if I'm not sure

Edited by Icykill_
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You're wrong to say that lowbies doesn't matter though. It matters. Look at this topic. We have a clearly new player who is very frustrated and doesn't know what to do.


LOL Alrik? New? Dude he's been on these forums for years crying about lowbies. I don't think he's ever played cap level pvp.

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