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You are dps, not tank.

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I know I'm not the only one that has complained, but seriously, Marauders and Sentinels are starting fights with mobs without giving the rest of the group time to heal up. You guys really need to L2P, let the mechanics flow as they're supposed to. You're dps, nothing else.
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The people who do that sort of things are not the sort of people that hang out in class subforums. Beside it is not just Marauders/Sentinels thing, there are also people who play the other classes and behave like this.
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Oh look another troll and the classic accusation that DAE FORCE LEAP MOBS.


People who do that are in every class. As a tank here's what I more likely experience than a Mara jumping into the frey before me: Snipers firing before anyone is in range. Mercs firing first, Jugg force charging (not often), PT DfA on any mob in sight, Sorc FS spam beforehand, Sin having to spike everything first, Ops as well, and other crap. It's players not the class.

You Maras? Lol what do you mean you people? Most of us play other classes so this is an absurd persumption.


Please think before you post such drivel.

Edited by FerkWork
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Oh look another troll and the classic accusation that DAE FORCE LEAP MOBS.


People who do that are in every class. As a tank here's what I more likely experience than a Mara jumping into the frey before me: Snipers firing before anyone is in range. Mercs firing first, Jugg force charging (not often), PT DfA on any mob in sight, Sorc FS spam beforehand, Sin having to spike everything first, Ops as well, and other crap. It's players not the class.

You Maras? Lol what do you mean you people? Most of us play other classes so this is an absurd persumption.


Please think before you post such drivel.


I'll admit, I came off as too harmful here. I'll explain like this:


Group just finished battle with low health, the marauder (also low health) leaps to the enemies without time to regen health.

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I'll admit, I came off as too harmful here. I'll explain like this:


Group just finished battle with low health, the marauder (also low health) leaps to the enemies without time to regen health.


It's a L2P issue that is not exclusive to Marauders.. As I pointed out Juggs have Force charge as well. Again, this is an issue of an individual player mentality. People who play a certain class aren't monolithic.

Edited by FerkWork
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It's a L2P issue that is not exclusive to Marauders.. As I pointed out Juggs have Force charge as well. Again, this is an issue of an individual player mentality. People who play a certain class aren't monolithic.


I haven't seen juggenauts leap in front of the tanks, only ones that do something to start battles before tanks are operatives that go to stealth behind the target.

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I haven't seen juggenauts leap in front of the tanks, only ones that do something to start battles before tanks are operatives that go to stealth behind the target.


That's because when a juggernaut leaps first IT IS THE TANK LEAPING FIRST. Durr derp hurr! :rolleyes:


I put it in capslock so its easier to understand for you.

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That's because when a juggernaut leaps first IT IS THE TANK LEAPING FIRST. Durr derp hurr! :rolleyes:


I put it in capslock so its easier to understand for you.


Dang if only if Juggs had more than Immortal discipline... Oh wait... :rolleyes:


OP: Again your basing it off your experiences. In what, leveling FP. No DPS player worth his salt is pulling in Operations unless it's some SM LV 50 stuff. That you mention Operatives doing already invalidates your argument.

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I've noticed many bad Maras while leveling up my Op in KDY, same thing, chain pulling at low health, especially when there is a tank in a group. Last night during kdy we had to kick one for chain pulling and not staying with the group, we got to the ship build part before a vote was initated
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I've noticed many bad Maras/Mercs/Ops/Snipers/Juggs/Sins/Sorcs/PTs while leveling up my Op in KDY, same thing, chain pulling at low health, especially when there is a tank in a group. Last night during kdy we had to kick one for chain pulling and not staying with the group, we got to the ship build part before a vote was initated




I have played KDY numerous times across my time. Comparing experiences in KDY which is a cesspool and a joke of a FP, has no bearing on those who play the class. Considering players play other toons it's an absurd argument. Do I get stupid playing a Mara then suddenly smart on a Sniper?


This thread is dumb and irrelevant to Mara discussion. Mods please remove.

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Sounds like you're taking it a bit personally that people are picking on maras.

Yes, it's a very easy FP which makes it sad some people manage to wipe on non boss pulls. Maybe The Shadowlands just has a bunch of new horrible Maras, their first char... the bads in KDY are almost always maras

Edited by Romeugues
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Sounds like you're taking it a bit personally that people are picking on maras.

Yes, it's a very easy FP which makes it sad some people manage to wipe on non boss pulls. Maybe The Shadowlands just has a bunch of new horrible Maras, their first char... the bads in KDY are almost always maras


Hardly, it's just that this topic Has nothing to do about the class and is just irrational idea that only goods player certain classes and bads don't. The premise of OP argument is that he had an issue with a Mara pulling so goes to the forums and bemoan that Maras are full of bads. As someone who has most ACs in the game, stupid people exist in all of them.


I just prefer irrelevant threads not be posted. If you are dealing with bads post in the Weird people in groupfinder thread

Edited by FerkWork
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Use Classical Conditioning. As a tank or healer, it is your duty to let them die. This will condition them that their behavior will result in repair bills. When they call you a bad healer, call them a bad tank. When they reply that they are not a tank, they are a dps...bingo. :) Edited by teclado
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I know I'm not the only one that has complained, but seriously, Marauders and Sentinels are starting fights with mobs without giving the rest of the group time to heal up. You guys really need to L2P, let the mechanics flow as they're supposed to. You're dps, nothing else.


Brb, speccing concentration so I can leap more often.



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The people who do that sort of things are not the sort of people that hang out in class subforums. Beside it is not just Marauders/Sentinels thing, there are also people who play the other classes and behave like this.


For some classes getting close to boss before tank pulls is important.

Do you even know how annoying it is to "run" in stealth to boss 30m away?

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As a dps i m not starting a fight for any reason at all.

I have chars in all classes,and to start a fight is bad. You have to let the group reorganized,recharge health and for me to introspect for charge my centering(combat).

With some of my team mates we are just leaving starters to die alone lol. They are not tanks so if they feel like tanks let them be :p

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