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Healing is op in warzones


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Before you flame me know that I created this thread after fighting a level 20 operative, I'm lvl 46 madness sith assassin, so I'm fighting this guy and I'm ripping him apart, he goes for his first heal, I 3 second cc him, he goes for 2nd heal I whirlwind him and he trinkets out of it, at this piont he's nearly dead, he goes for his 3rd and what I thought final heal attempt and I jolt interrupt it, and go for the killing blow, only to find out he suffered no GCD and was able to get off a heal that brought him back to 75% HP before I could kill him.


In that period of time all of my interupts were on CD and 5 of his friends showed up to kill me. I know its possible to kill low level healers in warzones, but this is really lame considering the vast difference in our levels , it shouldn't be that much of a problem, and trying to kill a healer my level, forget about it..


I'm not saying nerf the heals, but at least give them longer GCD when their heals get interrupted, honestly I've fought many healers and am good at interrupting them, but they suffer no significant GCD's at all.

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Ideally you should never be able to easily solo a healer your level .In a balanced game this is how you kill a healer.


1.You beat them down till they use all their resources healing AND you can kill them because they have no resources to heal with .




2.You and a couple of friends come together to help and use team work to take one down.

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nope, I know it was heals because the whole time I'm on someone I look at were their casting bar shows up


I heal with my Operative and, at lvl 30, no heal can bring me from almost 0 to 75%. 25% - 30% with a nice crit is already pushing it.

It was either a consumable or someone else healed him.

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If dps > healing, then healing loses all its value... healing classes would just spec dps. The whole point of healing is only some people can do it, it can be interrupted, and it takes skill. There is absolutely no reason that a dps should be able to button mash and kill a healer.

OP, i assume you havent played a healer in this game. It takes awareness, attention, and decision making. On top of that, try doing it with the awful targeting system.

The healers who you were unable to kill were a lot better than you. If they weren't, you would have won, because healer is a pain in the *** atm and is anything but overpowered.

Edited by Morbidheresy
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lol @ saying healers are better than anyone, yes I've played healers before and a *********** monkey can play a healer efficiently in this game, so no you don't need any skills to be a good healer just a brain.


When I was fighting the 20 operative I may have over exagerated saying he healed for 75%, but somewhere around 50%, no it wasn't a consumable, I watch the casting bars very closely and he was casting his 1-2 second heal, at which point all of my cc's/interrupts were on cooldowns, what I'm trying to get at is they need to suffer more significant cooldowns because after I've exhausted all of mines to negate his healing he suffers none at all unless he's incapacitated.

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Before you flame me know that I created this thread after fighting a level 20 operative, I'm lvl 46 madness sith assassin, so I'm fighting this guy and I'm ripping him apart, he goes for his first heal, I 3 second cc him, he goes for 2nd heal I whirlwind him and he trinkets out of it, at this piont he's nearly dead, he goes for his 3rd and what I thought final heal attempt and I jolt interrupt it, and go for the killing blow, only to find out he suffered no GCD and was able to get off a heal that brought him back to 75% HP before I could kill him.


In that period of time all of my interupts were on CD and 5 of his friends showed up to kill me. I know its possible to kill low level healers in warzones, but this is really lame considering the vast difference in our levels , it shouldn't be that much of a problem, and trying to kill a healer my level, forget about it..


I'm not saying nerf the heals, but at least give them longer GCD when their heals get interrupted, honestly I've fought many healers and am good at interrupting them, but they suffer no significant GCD's at all.


what is your point, this just means operative healers are underpowered, you plow through his health and make him only heal himself, he cant heal his team you almost killed him and he got lucky, the fact you leave out of the equation is that an operative healer can do almost zero damage while keeping himself/herself up from insane damage that marauders have.


if you cant faceroll an operative healer with an marauder you really need to blame yourself.


but to get to the point , operative cant kill anyone/nor heal anyone if a heavy dps'r is wailing on them, so should we nerf marauders damage so a healer has a chance ? cause he aint got no chance on a 1 vs 1 against a marauder,if he does then the marauder is really to blame.


also a good marauder is pretty dang near super overpowered, but since you are melee i give you a break....as you need to be really twitch mechanic able person to do well with melee, range classes are just so much better, sorc/sage merc/commando just insane, now those guys hurt while they stay alive..


more overpowered classes are the sage/sorc they can bubble which even 2 snipes and an ambush cant take down , yes 20 second immunity, but can pop a bubble right after that heal to full, all the while doing huge damage, those are the guys you need to be frustrated about. not a healer in a stale mate who can do nothing but run with his tale between his legs while super dps causes him to spam heals and gets a lucky break when his friends show up, good for him, good team.


anyways not such a good thread since you didnt think it over that you stale mate the healer by letting him be your punching bag going to the brink of death spamming heals doing nearly nothing else while you get no damage in return or hardly any that you would



good luck with your marauder, LTP or play an operative full heal spec and see how rosey it is. :confused:

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The fact that a single dps player could basically stop that healer from doing anything other than heal himself is basically proof positive that healing is too weak.


It should take more than one dps players to bother a single healer.


One DPS stops another DPS from doing anything other then attacking that one DPS.


Why should it be any different when its a healer v DPS?


You shouldn't be able to just laugh as a DPS tries to kill you, you should be able to survive until you get your DPS to help you. Otherwise with no help, the healer should lose.

Edited by Cirayne
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One DPS stops another DPS from doing anything other then attacking that one DPS.


Why should it be any different when its a healer v DPS?


You shouldn't be able to just laugh as a DPS tries to kill you, you should be able to survive until you get your DPS to help you. Otherwise with no help, the healer should lose.


If a single DPS can roll through a single healer, then what the **** is the point of a healer? You might as go DPS yourself to at least rush to see who can kill each other first.

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If a single DPS can roll through a single healer, then what the **** is the point of a healer? You might as go DPS yourself to at least rush to see who can kill each other first.


I didn't say roll through a healer. I said the DPS should win in the end and the Healer should be able to sustatin himself until he gets help but not last forever.

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I didn't say roll through a healer. I said the DPS should win in the end and the Healer should be able to sustatin himself until he gets help but not last forever.


Then again... what is the point of a healer?


If I can barely keep myself alive 1v1, I might as well roll DPS, so I can bring the enemy's health down as much as possible before I die.



Healers should never die 1v1. A healer should be able to keep up as much as 1 guy is dishing out.

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I didn't say roll through a healer. I said the DPS should win in the end and the Healer should be able to sustatin himself until he gets help but not last forever.


no... theoretically (very theoretically) the healer should keep himself alive exactly long enough to kill the dps the same moment the dps kills him. that would be the definition of 1v1 balance- not that the game should be based on that. But your idea of a dps needing to be better than a healer in 1v1 makes zero sense whatsoever

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Then again... what is the point of a healer?


If I can barely keep myself alive 1v1, I might as well roll DPS, so I can bring the enemy's health down as much as possible before I die.



Healers should never die 1v1. A healer should be able to keep up as much as 1 guy is dishing out.


The point of a healer is to keep your DPS alive, while the DPS is meant to keep you alive.


I don't see why people think healers hould never die 1v1. They should last a long period of time, allowing for help to come save them from the DPS. But lasting indefinitely isn't something that should happen.


My orginal response was to the fact that one dps should stop a healer from healing himself and others. You should feel pressured when someone is focusing you, regardless of your roll in the group. Regardless of the fact if you believe healers should never die, 1 dps on 1 healer should effectivly take them out both of the game until the fight is concluded.

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no... theoretically (very theoretically) the healer should keep himself alive exactly long enough to kill the dps the same moment the dps kills him. that would be the definition of 1v1 balance- not that the game should be based on that. But your idea of a dps needing to be better than a healer in 1v1 makes zero sense whatsoever


I could live with that, but like i posted above.. my response was to the fact that someone wrote it should take more then 1 dps to bother a healer. I added my opinions, but in the end I still believe one dps should bother a healer.


But this game is a team game, and balancing around 1v1's should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Before you flame me ... only to find out he suffered no GCD ... 5 of his friends kill me ... I'm not saying nerf the heals, but at least give them longer GCD when their heals get interrupted ... honestly ... no significant GCD's


wow. Don't know where to begin, really.


nope, I know it was heals


So we are to just believe you and your word on this? Great way to balance.


He pottedx2 (Standard and PvP pots, and neither are bound by the GCD) and you got killed after you had used your assasin CD's. Simple.


Also, you don't even know what a GLOBAL cooldown is. Sorry.

Edited by Jinnz
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I'm not saying nerf the heals, but at least give them longer GCD when their heals get interrupted, honestly I've fought many healers and am good at interrupting them, but they suffer no significant GCD's at all.


Do you even know what a GCD is?


Next thing you need to know is that when you interrupt a heal, you do not lock out the healers "tree" like in WoW, you lock out the spell you interrupted.


So now instead of fake casting, I can just cast my crappy small heal, wait for you to blow your interrupt on it and then immediately begin casting my large heal until I am full and you alt/tab onto the forums to cry about healing and conveniently leave out the part where you are a crappy interrupter.


Then I just run away.

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Before you flame me know that I created this thread after fighting a level 20 operative, I'm lvl 46 madness sith assassin, so I'm fighting this guy and I'm ripping him apart, he goes for his first heal, I 3 second cc him, he goes for 2nd heal I whirlwind him and he trinkets out of it, at this piont he's nearly dead, he goes for his 3rd and what I thought final heal attempt and I jolt interrupt it, and go for the killing blow, only to find out he suffered no GCD and was able to get off a heal that brought him back to 75% HP before I could kill him.


In that period of time all of my interupts were on CD and 5 of his friends showed up to kill me. I know its possible to kill low level healers in warzones, but this is really lame considering the vast difference in our levels , it shouldn't be that much of a problem, and trying to kill a healer my level, forget about it..


I'm not saying nerf the heals, but at least give them longer GCD when their heals get interrupted, honestly I've fought many healers and am good at interrupting them, but they suffer no significant GCD's at all.


ROFL @ someone seriously saying "a healer healed himself for 75% hp in 1 gcd"


Honestly if you have problems with healers in this game you're just a poor player.

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