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12x XP Returns!


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I don't see the Devs being stupid enough Not to have some kind of Toggle Off switch thing for 12X. Do You Really think they wouldn't have some Toggle-off Feature for 12X.


Knowing you, I don't think you believe that though i know you are P.O'd over this.


For me, i'm happy, as with my Health problems and other stuff prevent me from grinding the Old-Fashioned way, and am Bloody sick of it. So much so that i really feel like throwing up, when all I do is Kill Kill Kill. That's not a good Story for me at all, and will be happy to do without.


Your "health problems" prevent NOTHING.


You have ALWAYS been able to take break when your "health problems" begin to cause you pain. Yiou have ALWAYS been able to take your time in leveling or experiencing the stories. You have NEVER been forced to get a character to max level in a week, or even two weeks. There has NEVER been any time limit on reaching max level. You have NEVER been forced to continue playing when playing was causing you pain.


This entire issue has NOTHING to do with health problems and EVERYTHING to do with people's aversion to the minimal effort required to level those new characters they want to play or to experience the stories they claim they want to see.



BW chose to cater to the "lazy, entitled, instant gratification, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible" crowd. It only remains to be seen what affect that decision will have on the game as a whole. 12XP has only just been confirmed as returning, as already we have in game chat sull of demands for free gear for leveling, 12X credits and other demands. The mice are ALREADY demanding their next cookie. How many more of the arguments that those against 12XP made that were "pooh poohed" as "that will never happen" by those demanding 12XP will be proven to be accurate.

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12x XP is not my cup of tea, I avoid playing any of my leveling characters whenever there is even 2x XP going on, but it seems like something a lot of people enjoyed and wanted to see come back, so I'm happy that BW is listening to player feedback. Bonus points for it being a Subscriber Perk, as opposed to a CM item, always nice to see Subs getting some appreciation.


That being said, there really had better be an opt out (which certain magic 8balls say there will be).

And the paradox lives and thrives... :rolleyes:


People complain that expansions or updates are too short, light on story, etc etc, but when confronted with the kind of stuff they presumably would want, namely a longer or more engaging kind of story, they're only too happy to altogether bypass it.


In other words, they want story, but they also wanna be eligible to skip it at every turn, notwithstanding the cost for that story to be produced, in addition to whatever expectation Bioware may -- or may NOT -- have, in regards to people investing enough time, sinking their teeth into it.


Nothing short of amazing really.


I sincerely hope the opting out is truly there, because otherwise, I'm out.

It's not really a paradox to say both "I want there to be more content available" and "I want less content to be necessary". And that's setting aside the fact that with a player base in the hundreds of thousands there are of course going to be some people who specifically want [X] and some people who specifically want "Not [X]". Just because Alice says she wants one thing doesn't mean Bob can't say he wants the exact opposite.


Your "health problems" prevent NOTHING.


You have ALWAYS been able to take break when your "health problems" begin to cause you pain. Yiou have ALWAYS been able to take your time in leveling or experiencing the stories. You have NEVER been forced to get a character to max level in a week, or even two weeks. There has NEVER been any time limit on reaching max level. You have NEVER been forced to continue playing when playing was causing you pain.


This entire issue has NOTHING to do with health problems and EVERYTHING to do with people's aversion to the minimal effort required to level those new characters they want to play or to experience the stories they claim they want to see.



BW chose to cater to the "lazy, entitled, instant gratification, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible" crowd. It only remains to be seen what affect that decision will have on the game as a whole. 12XP has only just been confirmed as returning, as already we have in game chat sull of demands for free gear for leveling, 12X credits and other demands. The mice are ALREADY demanding their next cookie. How many more of the arguments that those against 12XP made that were "pooh poohed" as "that will never happen" by those demanding 12XP will be proven to be accurate.

Douche level: John Edwards


Edited by DarthDymond
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It's not really a paradox to say both "I want there to be more content available" and "I want less content to be necessary". And that's setting aside the fact that with a player base in the hundreds of thousands there are of course going to be some people who specifically want [X] and some people who specifically want "Not [X]". Just because Alice says she wants one thing doesn't mean Bob can't say he wants the exact opposite.


It's quite a paradox to take issue with how light or sparse one expansion or game update is, while opting to bypass or skip altogether those which are, by far, the best story pieces in the ENTIRE game -- which are those that came with the Vanilla release, up to RotHC.


Again, I fail to understand why people are in such a hurry to get to get to LV60, especially taking into account there is little next to NOTHING akin to what came before it. It's quite puzzling to see people craving for story while opting to discard story elements simultaneously.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I'm glad that it will be a consumable. My first Pub and Imp characters (Vanguard and Juggernaut) did every planet chain and side quest except for a handful of heroics that are still in their quest logs. I also have two low level characters that I want to experience that leveling style with again. I'm fine with 12xp on my other characters because there's no way I'd finish them without it. Edited by Dan_Loto
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It's quite a paradox to take issue with how light or sparse one expansion or game update is, while opting to bypass or skip altogether those which are, by far, the best story pieces in the ENTIRE game -- which are those that came with the Vanilla release, up to RotHC.


Again, I fail to understand why people are in such a hurry to get to get to LV60, especially taking into account there is little next to NOTHING akin to what came before it. It's quite puzzling to see people craving for story while opting to discard story elements simultaneously.


You and a few others seem to conflate those who want 12x XP with those who complain there isn't enough content (or, additionally, that those who complain there isn't enough content would be or are speaking of at launch content). You also seem to think your opinion on what is the best content is universal, or should be so. Or at a minimum, you seem to be painting with a very broad brush.


I am stoked to have 12x XP. I have been here since some beta or another. Pre-ROTHC content, the 'best,' ceased being the best quite some time ago. But, for various reasons, I frequently level another toon. 12x XP is a deity-send. I can enjoy the pre-ROTHC content that I actually like, the class stories, and skip the rest without having to step foot in KDY. For me, and many others, the 'game' in an MMO is found at level cap. You may disagree, and that's great.


But you seemed pretty hell-bent on lambasting a fellow poster earlier for pointing out a perceived flaw in your logic. And you'll probably do the same now. But there is quite a difference of opinion on what is the best content and where the best enjoyment lies. Since it seems to be the case that this 12x XP event has an on/off switch, everyone will be catered to. And that's the best part of an MMO: for the most part, we can all play it the way we want.

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It's not really a paradox to say both "I want there to be more content available" and "I want less content to be necessary". And that's setting aside the fact that with a player base in the hundreds of thousands there are of course going to be some people who specifically want [X] and some people who specifically want "Not [X]". Just because Alice says she wants one thing doesn't mean Bob can't say he wants the exact opposite.


Exactly! We are 2 expansions into this game. I suspect many who want 'more content' want more endgame content. And those who want that plus 12x XP are speaking rationally when they say they want to get to endgame faster.


Some like the long drive to get to the race track but hate to make more than one circuit on the course. Others really wish the drive to the 'track were faster and love making many circuits on that course.


Neither is more right or less rational than the other.

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You and a few others seem to conflate those who want 12x XP with those who complain there isn't enough content (or, additionally, that those who complain there isn't enough content would be or are speaking of at launch content).


Not really.


I do believe both are intertwined more often that not.


You also seem to think your opinion on what is the best content is universal, or should be so. Or at a minimum, you seem to be painting with a very broad brush.


I never said that. If I did, do point out where exactly.


I am stoked to have 12x XP. I have been here since some beta or another. Pre-ROTHC content, the 'best,' ceased being the best quite some time ago. But, for various reasons, I frequently level another toon. 12x XP is a deity-send. I can enjoy the pre-ROTHC content that I actually like, the class stories, and skip the rest without having to step foot in KDY. For me, and many others, the 'game' in an MMO is found at level cap. You may disagree, and that's great.


I never said I disagreed or agreed where the best / worst content of the game began, last I checked.


With each and every single paragraph of yours, the more evident it becomes that your reading skills are lacking, and that you like to talk out of your posterior.


What I did say ( or inferred at the very least ) is that there are plenty of people who play for the story, and the story alone. For reasons I can't quite grasp, these are the same people who are overjoyed by the fact 12XP is coming, despite the fact they'll be bypassing or skipping huge chunks of content altogether; not only those chunks are some of the best, as far as the Vanilla release is concerned, but there's absolutely NOTHING further down the road that fills the void in a similar fashion.


Better now, or you need a drawing?


No offense, but it becomes a bit of a nuisance to see people misreading, over and over again, my intent. English is not my mother tongue, but I doubt what I type is that cryptic really. :rolleyes:


But you seemed pretty hell-bent on lambasting a fellow poster earlier for pointing out a perceived flaw in your logic. And you'll probably do the same now.


People having poor to terrible reading skills is not my fault, truth be told. There is no perceived flaw in logic, but rather unwillingness in the opposite side to even consider what I said.


Your post stands in evidence, seeing that you have payed little to no attention to what I wrote, and instead jump to conclusions based on... well, not sure what really.


But there is quite a difference of opinion on what is the best content and where the best enjoyment lies. Since it seems to be the case that this 12x XP event has an on/off switch, everyone will be catered to. And that's the best part of an MMO: for the most part, we can all play it the way we want.


Opinion has little bearing here, truth be told. What I said is factual.



What I did say ( or inferred at the very least ) is that there are plenty of people who play for the story, and the story alone. For reasons I can't quite grasp, these are the same people who are overjoyed by the fact 12XP is coming, despite the fact they'll be bypassing or skipping huge chunks of content altogether; not only those chunks are some of the best, as far as the Vanilla release is concerned, but there's absolutely NOTHING further down the road that fills the void in a similar fashion.

Unless of course, you care to tell me which content, post-RotHC, fills the void in a similar fashion to bonus series, planetary story arcs, etc etc, as far as the Vanilla release is concerned, story presentation-wise.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Sky be falling yet again. I agree with Djiini.


I do believe it facilitates dumber people to be even dumber in that regard. :p


12x does not create dumb players. Leveling in long form does not help you to know your class any more than just doing the class missions. If you suck at ops its not because you went through the leveling content too fast, it's because you just suck at your class. I don't know where this idea came from. Go to dulfy, read the guide, parse a dummy work on your rotation till you parse matches the standard and quit blaming 12x xp for how ****** your guild mates are at story mode

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It's quite a paradox to take issue with how light or sparse one expansion or game update is, while opting to bypass or skip altogether those which are, by far, the best story pieces in the ENTIRE game -- which are those that came with the Vanilla release, up to RotHC.


Again, I fail to understand why people are in such a hurry to get to get to LV60, especially taking into account there is little next to NOTHING akin to what came before it. It's quite puzzling to see people craving for story while opting to discard story elements simultaneously.


Some people don't care about side stories no matter how good they are. You can see this in anime where people scream they hate filler. You can make good filler but if it's filler they don't care how good it is. Then there's also people like me who have seen those arcs. You mentioned in another thread how great those arcs are but I don't disagree with you but here's the deal. I've seen them several times and have done them several times. I have not seen the imperial agent storyline. I have not seen the Jedi consular storyline or the bounty hunter. I think you can get my point. These are new so I'd love to experience them without all of the stuff I've already seen multiple times.


I can like a good book or movie but sometimes I don't want to read/watch them for quite a long time after I've seen them a few times. There's also some people who don't care for stories at all and just find the end game fun. It's about experiencing the hardest content and acquiring the best gear. Something you're not going to be doing at the lower levels. Raiders don't give two craps about the leveling process, side quests, or the low level dungeons. It's irrelevant to them. These are the ones screaming mostly about less content but if you provide new lower level areas? They would call that useless content.


As for me? You can check my posts. I've been here for awhile but have never complained about there being too little content. At the same time I want 12x exp. It would get me playing more.

Edited by Rhyltran
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12x does not create dumb players. Leveling in long form does not help you to know your class any more than just doing the class missions. If you suck at ops its not because you went through the leveling content too fast, it's because you just suck at your class. I don't know where this idea came from. Go to dulfy, read the guide, parse a dummy work on your rotation till you parse matches the standard and quit blaming 12x xp for how ****** your guild mates are at story mode


This +1

I remember when a person said they knew their class because they leveled before 12xp and had taken a break during it. Proceeded to not hold any aggro on Blaster and forcing me to tank them both.


Scrub players want to gripe.

Edited by FerkWork
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12x does not create dumb players. Leveling in long form does not help you to know your class any more than just doing the class missions. If you suck at ops its not because you went through the leveling content too fast, it's because you just suck at your class. I don't know where this idea came from. Go to dulfy, read the guide, parse a dummy work on your rotation till you parse matches the standard and quit blaming 12x xp for how ****** your guild mates are at story mode


Seeing the people I play with actually level their characters outside 2XP and 12XP sessions, it must feel particularly good to you to regurgitate BS out of your mouth. :rolleyes:

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Seeing the people I play with actually level their characters outside 2XP and 12XP sessions, it must feel particularly good to you to regurgitate BS out of your mouth. :rolleyes:


Not directed towards your guild friend this idea is being voiced everywhere. Just using your quote about dumb players to serve a point. 12x xp does not create dumb players. Those players were always dumb

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* snip *


But that's the thing: I'm not talking about players such as yourself, who have seen those arcs time and time again, over the years.


I am mostly talking about players who are here for the story alone, having done those quests a couple of times at most, but already take issue with them, regardless of the fact there's nothing further down the road awaiting for them. If the game had a plethora of content post-RotHC, EXCEPTIONALLY story-heavy, akin to the Vanilla experience, I would understand, to an extent, people skipping content to get to the kind of stuff they crave the most.


This is not the case.


Instead, we see plenty of people who don't do group content -- such as flashpoints, heroics, operations, etc etc -- and crave only for story content but still, instead of taking the time to check the scenery and replay or do the early Vanilla content, they just wish to skip or bypass it altogether, in favor of something which is nowhere to be seen.


Again, I really don't understand this outlet. It's bewildering IMO.

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Not directed towards your guild friend this idea is being voiced everywhere. Just using your quote about dumb players to serve a point. 12x xp does not create dumb players. Those players were always dumb


My sincere apologies then. ;)


If you take a look at my post however, I did say they were dumb already to begin with; the 12XP thingy only facilitates their idiocy.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Hard concept to grasp I know, for the kind of locust who only seeks to skip or burn through content, only too content to complain about random BS, afterwards.


That's why for most of us 12ers, the exp boost should have come after some toons have leveled. I don't think it should be given to every noob.

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That's why for most of us 12ers, the exp boost should have come after some toons have leveled. I don't think it should be given to every noob.


^^ Seems far more sensible IMO.


Legacy Level 10 or 20 would be a start.

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That's why for most of us 12ers, the exp boost should have come after some toons have leveled. I don't think it should be given to every noob.


I wasn't really against it but this simple implementation seems likely to backfire. Should have had some kind of experience, at least 2-4 characters. We'll see in the upcoming months i guess within the coming months of its current population.

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But that's the thing: I'm not talking about players such as yourself, who have seen those arcs time and time again, over the years.


I am mostly talking about players who are here for the story alone, having done those quests a couple of times at most, but already take issue with them, regardless of the fact there's nothing further down the road awaiting for them. If the game had a plethora of content post-RotHC, EXCEPTIONALLY story-heavy, akin to the Vanilla experience, I would understand, to an extent, people skipping content to get to the kind of stuff they crave the most.


This is not the case.


Instead, we see plenty of people who don't do group content -- such as flashpoints, heroics, operations, etc etc -- and crave only for story content but still, instead of taking the time to check the scenery and replay or do the early Vanilla content, they just wish to skip or bypass it altogether, in favor of something which is nowhere to be seen.


Again, I really don't understand this outlet. It's bewildering IMO.


It's of my opinion that the only real suitable multiplayer systems in mmos are raids and pvp. The demographic of people who massively multiplay questing is very few in any mmo

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I have a number of toons that I'm looking to power level, and I'm certainly going to enjoy this.


But I can't help but think this will be a bad move for the game's health. It means new players will be hitting endgame without a tenth of the game experience they are supposed to have, which means they will be a likely major skill wall when they hit 60, which in turns means they will be far less likely to stick around long.


It also means players will burn through the story content at a significantly faster rate which means to the story people will burn out faster and leave faster.


It will also mean the death of lowbie flashpoints and KDY which is rather concerning for those of us that use those for gearing alts and gaining comms.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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It will also mean the death of lowbie flashpoints and KDY which is rather concerning for those of us that use those for gearing alts and gaining comms.



Can't speak for the lowbie FPs but the comms issue will be solved with 3.2, class quests will give out 12 basic comms each.

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