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Why so hard to find groups????


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I've run 1 (one) flashpoint. I'm *constantly* flagged LFG with a custom message. I broadcast in general.


Is it the high repair costs?

The fact that you have to stay in the zone containing the heroic area/instance so you can spam general chat? (because there is no viable LFG system what-so-ever)

Lack of healers?

Lack of tanks?


I see a little of all of the above but still I would expect at least *some* level of grouping. Even being in one of the larger guilds we are always short a healer or tank or have people that can't afford the repair costs.


This is really killing my desire to play... I'm looking for the "MMO" in MMORPG and so far I'm not seeing much of it.


Working as intended. You are supposed to continue to waste time spamming or trying to 'make friends' so you can run flashpoints. This means you are enjoying the game and becoming part of a "community" and online social network.



Edited by Crogga
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Anyone that has problems with finding a group is NOT looking hard enough....sit in fleet and do some crafting, look at your chat and find someone LFM it's not hard I'm dps and have done every flashpoint that I've gotten a quest for with no problems.


But I'm on fatman i guess it's just better than every other server in every way.


sitting in the fleet spamming for a group, sure sounds like fun...

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Working as intended. You are supposed to continue to waste time spamming or trying to 'make friends' so you can run flashpoints. This means you are enjoying the game and becoming part of a "community" and online social network.




Sarcasm aside, the SWTOR team has already said that a dungeon finder is not in the works right now. So, kindly take your pissing and whining somewhere else, or go play a game that satisfies your needs.


On topic, I play on a full server and I've never had to wait more than 10 minutes for a group, whether for heroics or flashpoints.


I'm also taking my time leveling, still level 25. Any response involving, "It gets worse as you get higher level," yeah, tough crap. The game's been out a grand total of 5 days. When more people get higher level, it'll alleviate the problem.

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If you want to play with other people don't play this game. Try an MMO. I hear theya re a lot of fun.


Dude your trolling everywhere.


Get out of here, shoo!


You literally spout everywhere you go, not helpful criticisms but you just re-iterate your opinion on every single thread.


Maybe if you spent more time playing you would be less of a buzzkill.


Go play something else if your so raging.


OP- I'm not sure what your issue there is, I don't have any troubles finding a group on dark reaper.


Usually there are a great many people at any one time lfg for flashpoints especially.


Use /who and if anyone is either lfg or waiting close to the same group I just pm them.


9/10 once I send the private message the person also wants to group.


In the end its not really hard its the same as every other MMO except for WoW now that it has dungeon and raid finders. The problem with those is they completely kill the experience.


At the end of playing I didn't actually know where any of the dungeons were since I just teleported everywhere, my groups were always silent and I had no idea why we were in a dungeon or what we were even doing there.


The only difference between the dungeons became different skins with different enemies. Any story to be had would be skipped by my group. Not that it mattered though, again, I didn't even know where most of them were and the groups lacked any social interaction other then just being in proximity to each other.

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I've run 1 (one) flashpoint. I'm *constantly* flagged LFG with a custom message. I broadcast in general.


Is it the high repair costs?

The fact that you have to stay in the zone containing the heroic area/instance so you can spam general chat? (because there is no viable LFG system what-so-ever)

Lack of healers?

Lack of tanks?


I see a little of all of the above but still I would expect at least *some* level of grouping. Even being in one of the larger guilds we are always short a healer or tank or have people that can't afford the repair costs.


This is really killing my desire to play... I'm looking for the "MMO" in MMORPG and so far I'm not seeing much of it.


I group quiet a lot, even for normal questing.

For FPs it is a no brainer cause i am heal spec, soooo, people love me :)


For normal questing i just grab whoever is around, invite them and tell them " You and me will do a few quests together now"

If they are cool and we get along = onto the friendslist. If not, then, well, no biggie :)

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Haven't had any trouble finding groups. Tanks and healers are not mandatory. I've run with 3 DPS and a healer, a tank and 3 DPS and also 4 DPS just fine. If people are going to sit around and require a group to be a tank, 2 DPS and a healer, then that's a player problem, not a LFG tool problem. Also, people tend to broadcast for groups expecting other people to form them. Generally, most people don't want to take on the responsibility of forming the group. Try forming some groups instead of always waiting for invites to groups and you'll end up playing with more groups.
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I am having massive difficulty finding a group (HAMMER STATION) for HEX DROID (which is nearly always FULL) - It takes about 20 mins to find one person. Then eventually then end up quitting as LFM spamming gets no results either.


I get the feeling not many people are playing this game - Which is a pity - as it's excellent. Or there are too many mini instances - separating the /1 GENERAL channel.


But as it stands, not being able to get a group for DUNGEONS /Flashpoints (not the Heroic quests) is a right PITA!


Compare this to the LFG for DeadMines when WOW started - forever getting into groups - it was easy - so either no-ones playing - or BIOWARE need to sort out a FLASHPOINT FINDER ASAP - otherwise noone will be paying for a subscription!

Edited by Joolsloveday
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No Nanotech - we have lives and dont want to run around the Imperial Fleet for 2 hours LFG spamming.


What part of "never having trouble finding a group" do you not understand? Who said anything about 2 hours? Cry more.

Edited by Nanotech
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I don't know what's the problem with heavy populated servers, BUT...

i'm on Shaltin Tunnels, which is EU RP-PVE server. Usually it has light-standard load.


I already had 2 "The Esseles" runs (1st Republick FP). Waiting time was 5-15 minutes at the Republic Fleet . Both times it was 4-man group. First time we had 2 wipes on the first boss - no one complained.


Never had problem with heroics so far. But i don't know about level 20+ heroics/flashpoints.

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At the very least I think that bioware should have a chat channel specifically for grouping that crosses the planet or fleet boundary. That way you can address a larger audience and don't have to sit in the fleet spamming LFG for an hour. Edited by MageDK
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you need to find people to join your group, i dont think hardly anyone picks you for group from the LFG window unless your standing around the computer terminal at the actual flashpoint. You need to get people to come join you, also join a guild as you can get guild mates to help you.



Overall its hardly difficult to get a group together when you only need 2-4 people max...


that last statement is going to come back and bite you- overall its a right proper pain- i wish people would stop trying to stick up for the failure bioware has on its hands- the sooner they realise what is going on- the quicker they can fix it before they find mass desertion come the end of the free month


wake the hell up!!

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I try not to pug because you usually get an SI who likes to use his knock back and rather then use it correctly spams it so mobs bounce into other mobs causing wipes. And even if you tell them it happens over and over and over.


Then you have people rolling need on all sorts of stuff.


People dont know what crowd control is and like to use their aoe to break it etc.

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IF your moaning about lack of groups and then admit there is a lack of tank and healers, why don't you roll one? You get groups with ease! A good percentage of any mmo is played as DPS, since you are part of that statistic you can't complain
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Keep this in mind. MMO vets know that the endgame will consist of running these Flashpoints in nightmare mode until we have a raid ready set of equips (Let's not forget equiping your companions also). I'll run the Flashpoints once or twice but I'm not using as a primary leveling method like I would in other MMOs.
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My suspicion is that the vast majority of SW:TOR players are imported from WoW (same type of subscription base). WoW has gradually - over the course of 7 years - gone from a primarily group-based game to a primarily single-player game. Tools like the LFD and now the LFR are great at helping people see content, but they have absolutely contributed to the decline of the community. And because TOR is importing the WoW community, too many people still have that self-focused mindset. Because of this, no one is really interested in things like "helping others" or doing any group content outside of what -they- need right -now-.


Hopefully once people start to see just how amazing this game is when played in a group this will help alleviate the problems with grouping up or finding others for flashpoints. But in truth, we all have to help combat this self-focused mindset for any MMO to really be a success.

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