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A glimmer of hope in Awakens trailer.


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At 1:10, the whole Empire revealed scene shows clearly that this occurs on a snowy zone (well, in the real world, it could just be, you know, winter, but we all know that it's SW, it means a cold planet)


Could the seat of this demoniac Imperial remant be Ziost ? If there is any concertation between Disney and EA (and any hope for future TOR lore status), the arrival of Ziost zone in TOR would be almost in synchro with ''Awakens'' announcement)

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At 1:10, the whole Empire revealed scene shows clearly that this occurs on a snowy zone (well, in the real world, it could just be, you know, winter, but we all know that it's SW, it means a cold planet)


Could the seat of this demoniac Imperial remant be Ziost ? If there is any concertation between Disney and EA (and any hope for future TOR lore status), the arrival of Ziost zone in TOR would be almost in synchro with ''Awakens'' announcement)


It would be nice and it would also be nice if Disney back peddled on that "only the events of the movies are canon" Hell it wouldn't be the first time a company has said one thing then a few months down the line said something completely different.

Edited by Anaesha
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I'd still like to see Wedge referenced in some way...


Amen to this. I would love for Wedge to be brought back, or mentioned somehow, Dennis Lawson is still alive and working, so there's not like that's an impossibility.


Edit: Lawson is also apparently the maternal uncle of Ewan McGregor, so, you know, there's that too.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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Amen to this. I would love for Wedge to be brought back, or mentioned somehow, Dennis Lawson is still alive and working, so there's not like that's an impossibility.


Edit: Lawson is also apparently the maternal uncle of Ewan McGregor, so, you know, there's that too.

Around a year ago the actor mentioned he turned down the chance to return for Episode VII

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But admit it, if Disney had done the small step of telling EA ''okay, the plot will occurs on Ziost, can you put something about that in SWTOR'' ? that would be a good sign about the future of TOR ? (IE, Disney cares)


That'd be cool. I have no problem with Disney allowing the story group to make certain things canon now and then - and that's fine. But in order for the story to move forward, we need this new, unified EU. Even if SWTOR were only incrementally brought into step, that'd be cool.

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That'd be cool. I have no problem with Disney allowing the story group to make certain things canon now and then - and that's fine. But in order for the story to move forward, we need this new, unified EU. Even if SWTOR were only incrementally brought into step, that'd be cool.


That would not be cool, that's sort of necessary to happen and fast. The new EU have focused thus far on stuff between the movies (III and IV, mostly, some between IV and V). Stuff that, by definition, can't shake things beyond the movie canon.


The game changing stuff-post VI-is planned for september 2015. September 2015, the origin of Jedi and Sith can be reworked completely. September, the republic origin can be changed.

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Maybe the actor don't want to tour conventions for the next fourty years ?


Adam West, I'm sure, would have prefered at times to not have been Batman



There are worse things than death, and there is worse things than Jar Jar. But nothing beats Batusi.

Edited by Angedechu
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this 2nd trailer is much better then the first one was


still Id prefer a trailer more about the story and less about the effects


thats the part thats got me kinda worried

They seem to be desperately trying to avoid giving us a look at the story for the movie


But Im a story first kinda guy :)


LOL, had a guildie while back try to tell me how great the latest transformer movie was and he always talked about effects

I kept stopping him and saying, but whats the story about?

and he kept replying about the effects


I wanna know (from trailer, not some fan site) the overview of story plot


it definitely LOOKS star wars though

and even I loved seeing Hans and Chewie at the end

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This thread reminded me a conversation I had with my 14 year old niece recently. I finally convinced her to watch Star Wars and after she watched them all she called me to complain about them stealing the names for Biggs and Wedge from Squaresoft's Final Fantasy games.


On one hand, I was impressed that she made the connection between the two franchises, on the other hand, I wanted to reach through the phone and facepalm her. Kids...

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The link doesn't work, but if he seriously turned down the chance to be in Episode 7, then the actor must be out of his mind.


If Wedge is not in the film, I am even less interested in it (and my interest is already very slim).

Odd, if you put a hyphen between the first and last name in 'Wedge Antilles' it triggers the forum's profanity filter, all the articles on it have the name hyphenated in that way, so I can't link any of them successfully. A quick Google search will show what I'm talking about though.

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It would be nice and it would also be nice if Disney back peddled on that "only the events of the movies are canon" Hell it wouldn't be the first time a company has said one thing then a few months down the line said something completely different.


If I remember correctly they said only the EU events that happened AFTER the movies would no longer be canon, and that the ones before would be taken into consideration to stay canon.

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From what was said at an interview at comic-con last year the only canon stories are the movies, The clone wars, Rebels. and any future novels. Everything else has been branded Star Wars Legends and isn't considered a part of the canon anymore including KOTOR, KOTOR2, and SWTOR. Edited by Anaesha
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At 1:10, the whole Empire revealed scene shows clearly that this occurs on a snowy zone (well, in the real world, it could just be, you know, winter, but we all know that it's SW, it means a cold planet)


Could the seat of this demoniac Imperial remant be Ziost ? If there is any concertation between Disney and EA (and any hope for future TOR lore status), the arrival of Ziost zone in TOR would be almost in synchro with ''Awakens'' announcement)


For reference...

Ziost was planned to come, when class stories were still an option, long before the trilogy was announced. As early as late-2012 or so.

As such, unlikely.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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From what was said at an interview at comic-con last year the only canon stories are the movies, The clone wars, Rebels. and any future novels. Everything else has been branded Star Wars Legends and isn't considered a part of the canon anymore including KOTOR, KOTOR2, and SWTOR.


Not canon does mean "absolutely false, didn't happen". It just means "As we make movies and TV shows, we won't factcheck the scripts against every book that was ever written and if the script's direction means we have to contradict things in the books, we will." Basically, everything in Star Wars Legends is part of Schrodinger's universe, until it impinges on a movie/TV story, we don't know if it lives or dies.


And let's be honest - that would've been the case even if Disney had said nothing, even if Lucasfilm was still independent and making the new movies on its own. If a scriptwriter had this great plot twist, really neat concept that the audience will love, but it slightly contradicts a book published a few years ago, everyone would've said "go for it!" This is just Disney being honest with us.


I doubt that the events in KOTOR, KOTOR2, and SWTOR will ever leave Schrodinger's universe - having been burned once by the prequel bug, it's pretty clear that the the movies are moving forward, definitely nothing before Phantom Menace and mostly post Return of the Jedi.

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