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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I think you accidently created the best PvP ever


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it's not bad so far, id realliy like them first off to introduea few things which they may get round to eventually.


--Brackets, no 50's versus lvl 11's please

--Allow players to create addons/macros i need me some power auras:)

--In general make the character abilites, graphics more responsive and fluid, e.g agents taking forever sometimes to seek cover.


but yeah I'm not seriously critical because i know the game is new and it will take time for this things to develop.

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Like it is, PvP sucks for me.


I want to heal and I can't heal because of the raid frames and ability lag, I want do do some damage and I can't because of the ability lag and frame drops on warzones.


Everytime I see a Republic player in any zone and attack him the fps drop hard. I don't understand this. It's fine while questing alone, but if there's other player around (Empire or Republic) the fps drop.


Fix these issues and I will like the PvP in TOR.



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Like it is, PvP sucks for me.


I want to heal and I can't heal because of the raid frames and ability lag, I want do do some damage and I can't because of the ability lag and frame drops on warzones.


Everytime I see a Republic player in any zone and attack him the fps drop hard. I don't understand this. It's fine while questing alone, but if there's other player around (Empire or Republic) the fps drop.


Fix these issues and I will like the PvP in TOR.




1. Get more RAM

2. Learn to keybind select friendly target

3. I regularly get 150k healing and that isn't usually even focusing it :X


PvP is quite fun in this game I agree, the bolster system is fantastic in it's basic form. Sure there could(and will be) some tweaks but *thumbs up* from me so far!

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1. Get more RAM

2. Learn to keybind select friendly target

3. I regularly get 150k healing and that isn't usually even focusing it :X


PvP is quite fun in this game I agree, the bolster system is fantastic in it's basic form. Sure there could(and will be) some tweaks but *thumbs up* from me so far!


Is 150k much? lol.


I heal that too at lvl30. That's not the issue. I don't want to have to select everyone to see who needs a heal. I want functional raid frames and no ability lag. And I would imagine that 8k is enough RAM.

Edited by Boaventura
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Just fix the PVP Queue so that it isn't broken so often.


I finally hit 30 and want to get into PVP again but all day the queue is a buggy mess. =/


If you're empire and you got long queues then that is just the result of your server having WAY more Empire players then Republic.


The balance on some servers is quite extreme. Upwards of 5 times as many Empire players compared to Republic ones.

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Is 150k much? lol.


I heal that too at lvl30. That's not the issue. I don't want to have to select everyone to see who needs a heal. I want functional raid frames and no ability lag. And I would imagine that 8k should be enough RAM.


I'm only lvl 30ish so hah...seems so this lvl ;)

The bug fixes will come, soon enough we can hope! I don't really have any lag and have 8gb as well, so dunno where your excessive lag is coming from :X

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After all we are still talking about Bioware. Of course its awesome. This is KotoR MMO FF_S. Ultra win game.

However Warzones are designed awesome. Huttball design is just over the ************ top. But PvP will only be really good when the delay/performance/ability stutter ***** thing is fixed. And we all know that that will be the case.

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I love the pvp in this game so far and it takes some skill to be good at it. It is a bit frustrating at times with the current problems but they will tweak it. I hate all the QQer's on the forums saying blah blah this class is OP. Fact is they expected to slam their face on the keyboard and win. Everyone crying about sorcs and BH's ... HAH! Wait till you start seeing good concealment OP's bursting you down before you know whats happening. Least played class and it's one of the most powerful Edited by Necrosov
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Couldn't agree more with the OP, I love the PVP in this game. I think the people that are dissecting it and making it seem horrible will just never be pleased no matter what changes are made.


I do think that the brackets should be introduced and a customizable UI but other then that I love it.

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it's not bad so far, id realliy like them first off to introduea few things which they may get round to eventually.


--Brackets, no 50's versus lvl 11's please

--Allow players to create addons/macros i need me some power auras:)

--In general make the character abilites, graphics more responsive and fluid, e.g agents taking forever sometimes to seek cover.


but yeah I'm not seriously critical because i know the game is new and it will take time for this things to develop.


Macros I can agree with, but please oh please leave addons out of it... Learn to play the game without added stuff that makes life easier for you...


We old timers in MMO knows how it is to play without addons and trust me when I tell you it is alot more fun to learn how to play your class/spec without feeling the need to download "superioraddonofawesomeness" to help you...


And about brackets.. I like how it is now. Even as a level 13 you can dominate a lvl 40+ if you use your head, stop to think and use tactics..


That's where skill comes into play.

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Macros I can agree with, but please oh please leave addons out of it... Learn to play the game without added stuff that makes life easier for you...


We old timers in MMO knows how it is to play without addons and trust me when I tell you it is alot more fun to learn how to play your class/spec without feeling the need to download "superioraddonofawesomeness" to help you...


And about brackets.. I like how it is now. Even as a level 13 you can dominate a lvl 40+ if you use your head, stop to think and use tactics..


That's where skill comes into play.


This, though I'm not an MMO oldie I still agree.


Also, agree with the OP. You know you want to.


And the ability lag does suck some, but if they just added the ability to cancel animation priorities and essentially interrupt the animations, I think we'd be much closer to an optimal solution. Granted, that's not a fix-all. But it's an idea.

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PvP in this game is pretty damn good. Only thing I can say is that 50s will eventually need their own bracket because they have access to expertise gear. Finally ran into a match where the other team was mostly 50s and most of my teammates were low level and they were dying quickly. Only seen 1 match like this though with many hours of pvp played so far so the system is fine except for once 50s get the expertise gear.
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As a melee class I found that it takes a lot of skill to get by. As a lvl 17 bh well, it takes none.


I agree taht at the core melee is a harder spec to play vs Ranged. I came into warzones with a level 10 trooper and spammed AOE for top DPS, whereas i dont always get top DPS on my melee classees.


However, that said, melee classes have a large role to play. I play a sentinel and all i do is chase healers and ranged classes around. There's not much they can really do to stop me and i dont even have a lot of my really powerful abilities yet(level 23).

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