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Everything posted by CarpeMortem

  1. I'm glad someone is able to see this. No one who has said contrary has presented any valid argument. God forbid someone take the time to analyze what they're doing, and change their playstyle to fit a new game.
  2. Totally. Nice counter arguments. Now, ****.
  3. Also, I'm not saying it's perfectly balanced, but it sure beats wow by a long shot. Any valid complaints are impossible to see through all the QQ.
  4. Yeah, I've actually played a marauder to 25. You, just like everyone that isnt an inquisitor or the jedi equivalent feels that their class is gimped. L2p.
  5. I've been pvping regularly since launch. I come to the forums and all I see is a clusterf*** of complaints. PvP is unbalanced you say? Perhaps it's more like you don't know how to play your class. No, I don't mean simply hitting buttons that do damage. It doesn't stop just at knowing your class either, you need to learn other classes. Only by knowing other classes can you know when to use your cooldowns to take them down. A lot of you subconsciously expect to walk into a group of people and just handle them. This is an MMO, not an fps. Generally speaking, it doesn't work that way. There are some exceptional players out there who are able to 1vX because they have a better grasp on the game than you do. Stuns and CCs are fine. If you weren't running around by yourself worrying about your k/d and not the objective you wouldn't be getting chain CCed anyway. Diminishing returns don't need to exist. Stuns are on a long enough cooldown that no one is able to keep you on constant lock for 5 minutes. At most a player is controlled for 20 seconds, which if you were with your team, wouldn't be a problem. Stun mechanics in general make players angry (assuming they're on the receiving end.) That doesn't validate the complaint about them at all. Figure out what CCs are worth spending your CC breaking ability on. Honestly, so many of these complaints have been heard in WoW. Look at what that game has become. It is a shell of the gem it used to be. DO NOT DO THAT TO SWTOR!
  6. Because being forced into a situation someone doesn't want to be in yields good results right? Obviously trolling.
  7. I am used the using the Target nearest enemy player function from wow, i don't care for how the one in this game works, but that's a personal gripe that i'm sure i'll get over. As far as the "gimmicks" go i rather enjoy them. They destroy bad players. Learn about positioning and it becomes a non-issue.
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