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No arenas? Bye


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You do realize that was 5 years ago and that MMOs that come out today compete with WoW today and not WoW 5 years ago right? Logic newbies. Sheesh.


You do realize that adding arenas was the biggest mistake the developers at Blizzard said they ever made right- according to Ron Pardo, Blizzard's VP of Game Design.



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You do realize it took WoW a pretty good bit of time to even introduce arenas right? MMO newbies. Sheesh.


I'm going to put this out bluntly.


BioWare has alot of mechanics that flat out imitate WoW, albeit with different names and animations.


WoW is providing all the test material for BioWare, in terms of raids, arenas, battlegrounds.

Everyone knows what works and doesn't.


If skills and skill trees are handled similarly to WoW, how can you excuse BioWare in the Arena department, when the classes in SWTOR are similar to the simpler, vanilla versions of WoW's classes?


I only expect BioWare to take their time on things that are new.

If they take their time only to come up with a copy of stuff that is already out there, it's unacceptable.

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If skills and skill trees are handled similarly to WoW, how can you excuse BioWare in the Arena department, when the classes in SWTOR are similar to the simpler, vanilla versions of WoW's classes?


I only expect BioWare to take their time on things that are new.

If they take their time only to come up with a copy of stuff that is already out there, it's unacceptable.


And Blizzard is completely revamping the way skill trees work, dumbing them down immensely.

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I'm going to put this out bluntly.


BioWare has alot of mechanics that flat out imitate WoW, albeit with different names and animations.


WoW is providing all the test material for BioWare, in terms of raids, arenas, battlegrounds.

Everyone knows what works and doesn't.


If skills and skill trees are handled similarly to WoW, how can you excuse BioWare in the Arena department, when the classes in SWTOR are similar to the simpler, vanilla versions of WoW's classes?


I only expect BioWare to take their time on things that are new.

If they take their time only to come up with a copy of stuff that is already out there, it's unacceptable.


In short, BW is implamenting features (not using, but mimicing features into their own engine) From WoW, FFXI, CoH/CoV, GW LotRO, UO, WHammer, Conan, Rift and probably soon EVE.


Oddly enough each game above has features from eachother used in each game, very common in the gaming industries, if it works, copy/mimic/use it, but companies like to invest their features by researching the success and concept of other features by player and dev comments, and one comment from a rival company can make or break a future feature.


This is extremelly common in all mediums in the entertainment industries, but BW I garentee is working on many new features right now, while addapting old ones and addressing issues, it's a gaming company, it's what they do.

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Just heard there was not going to be arenas in swtor and its very unlikely that there ever will be.


If this is true, I quit. No point spending 200hours leveling a char to max level. Then spending countless hours gearing only to spend my time in "huttball" and the other gimmicky pvp based scenarios.


The only reason I stuck with wow was because of arenas as lets face it, pve is boring and repetitive and so are rbgs.


So im going to save my time by stopping at level 10. See yah :)


THE GREATEST MMO EVER...(It's what Tor is going for) isn't NOT going to have the top PVP endgame content. Arenas will be in this game, they don't have a choice, trust me! I don't know where you heard this but it is BULL*****.

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Honestly you don't really want arena style combat, if you did you and your friends would go make your own brackets and duke it out on tat, hell even have server events where guilds can sponsor teams and make it a blast. No what you want is some arbitrary system to get gear that lets you faceroll anybody you meet.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I love when people say "this is not WoW!"... Because it's clearly the base structure of WoW, just with lightsabers and bounty hunters. And in no way is this a bad thing, WoW was the #1 game for years. But if SWTOR wants to keep a strong couple million subscriptions, they are gonna need to inquire some sort of seasonal arena. Its what keeps a person playing a capped character. Otherwise people will get burnt out of the story after a while and toss the game aside. BGs are fun, but they can get hectic. Arenas are more personal and more strategic than any other game-play in an MMO. If you have ever played wow, half of the fun is finding an arena partner and crackin out til the both of you are point capped for the week, trying to get above 1500. Constantly seeking out better gear. and just when you think youre lookin good, the season ends youre back on the grind for the new seasonal equipment.

All in all, SWTOR is a great game. It has potential to wind up better than WoW. But quote me on this.... The game will fall to the wayside after a while if you dont give a reason to make your users come back the next day.

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Ah arena, the countless hours I put into it. I wasn't the best just hovered around 2k but I still had a lot of fun but I always complained about how it made everything always have to be normalized. Before arenas in original WoW and in early BC, I remember the fun of having battles at Southshore and even the awesome fights at the Isle. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you missed out. World PvP is the best form of PvP imo. Arenas don't need to come to this game to make it great. Bioware said that something along the lines of rated warzones is in the works and they aren't saying 100% no to arena but it's off the table right now. I quit before rated bg's became implemented in WoW but that is something I always wanted to do, premades were always a ton of fun. With the game of this magnitude and the company that is backing it, don't expect anything else than greatness from it.


completely agree.


Warzones ruined open world PvP. Especially the flag capturing crap. I didn't mind Alterac Valley as much, that was just instancing what we were already doing.

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IMO I think the issue with arenas in WoW was the fact they had such small comps - I think if they do arenas in swtor they should do 5v5 or 8v8 - something like that - PvP should be about your team not which class combo is OP at the time
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Just heard there was not going to be arenas in swtor and its very unlikely that there ever will be.


If this is true, I quit. No point spending 200hours leveling a char to max level. Then spending countless hours gearing only to spend my time in "huttball" and the other gimmicky pvp based scenarios.


The only reason I stuck with wow was because of arenas as lets face it, pve is boring and repetitive and so are rbgs.


So im going to save my time by stopping at level 10. See yah :)


See ya.

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Just heard there was not going to be arenas in swtor and its very unlikely that there ever will be.


If this is true, I quit. No point spending 200hours leveling a char to max level. Then spending countless hours gearing only to spend my time in "huttball" and the other gimmicky pvp based scenarios.


The only reason I stuck with wow was because of arenas as lets face it, pve is boring and repetitive and so are rbgs.


So im going to save my time by stopping at level 10. See yah :)


Again with the video.

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I don't know. I didn't play WoW much but arenas never seemed like they would appeal to me. We already have warzones which are about as controlled as I can stand my PVP. We are supposed to be at war. Not having a series of dueling contests. I say they should concentrate more on bringing the war to life in the galaxy.
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Just heard there was not going to be arenas in swtor and its very unlikely that there ever will be.


If this is true, I quit. No point spending 200hours leveling a char to max level. Then spending countless hours gearing only to spend my time in "huttball" and the other gimmicky pvp based scenarios.


The only reason I stuck with wow was because of arenas as lets face it, pve is boring and repetitive and so are rbgs.


So im going to save my time by stopping at level 10. See yah :)


Same boat here but I'm going to sub for a couple more monthes and hope they see the light. But if they out right say there will never be arenas I'll bid the game adios as well. Zerg fest pvp gets old fast. And being as I'm Republic I don't see world pvp as ever working out for me, no matter how good I am I can not solo 4-5 Sith. But heres hoping-at least we get rated bg's first major patch, thats almost arena, heck 8 v 8 is arena, the noobs just dont realize it yet.

Edited by KrustyDog
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