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30m Low slash broke the game.


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Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Sin having at least one 30m damaging ability is fine, but I don't think an additional 30m mezz was the way to go.


The cooldown should be longer, the mez shorter (2 seconds), the range shorter, or change the mez to a root.

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Hope they hot fix it tonight or tomorrow morning. Just went into a WZ and it was 4 Low Slash Shadow's. Nothing but stuns. All it did was make everyone log out and not bother doing anymore WZ's for the night.
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Taits already replied


Yesterday , 11:55 PM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.


Hey all,


We are aware of an issue with Low Slash for Jedi Shadows and are currently working on a fix. We will update you all when we have further information.





Tait "pariahloki" Watson | Community Production Coordinator

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Sigh. Shouldn't have been done at all. 4 second mezz, 15 second cd, and 30m range do not go together, especially on a melee class. They have no clue on how to appropriately buff things without breaking the meta.


10m range, max. Though honestly I thought low slash was fine as it was.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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6 out of 8 enemies in my last huttball were shadows spamming lowslash. I have never seen a dizzier conglomeration of ridiculousness. No one could move, no one could heal, no one could even touch the ball. LOL


There is a republic team super queuing shadows into warzones on the Shadowlands atm....

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Who in the name of Agnes thought Low Slash needed to be a ranged ability?




Proof positive once and for all that the devs play sins/Shadows.. lol

This is the worst idea ive ever seen in any game, period. I mean you think they get it by limiting other skill to melee range,, then poof! the great equalizer, lol

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6 out of 8 enemies in my last huttball were shadows spamming lowslash. I have never seen a dizzier conglomeration of ridiculousness. No one could move, no one could heal, no one could even touch the ball. LOL


There is a republic team super queuing shadows into warzones on the Shadowlands atm....


Reps can only win if they can get some advantage... Most don't even use it correctly and spam white bar you straight away

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I thought you unsubbed, because you are a horrible human being, and people just put up with you, so no drama gets started.


A bit extreme to call someone a horrible human being for being legitimately frustrated and disgusted by the VERY apparent level of ineptitude Bioware keeps on showing us again and again... though this might be the pinnacle of it. (Of course they could always outdo themselves and top this fiasco next 'balance' patch.)


I wonder what else in Swtor's dark history could be compared to this? Naked bolster? The fate that befell Ilum open world pvp?....

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6 out of 8 enemies in my last huttball were shadows spamming lowslash. I have never seen a dizzier conglomeration of ridiculousness. No one could move, no one could heal, no one could even touch the ball. LOL


There is a republic team super queuing shadows into warzones on the Shadowlands atm....


Might be guilty of being in that huttball....fun times fun times. You can low slash after you die. Had a match where my dead corpse was preventing this dude from capping.

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So yeah, just finished a game against 4 infiltration Shadows on my deception sin (only sin on my team, naturally) to try out the new leg slash, but instead it got tried out on me roughly 527 times throughout probably the most miserable wz I've had since I can remember.


wtt derpstorm for this 30m legslash spam.


Literally could not do anything.


3.1.2; rise of the derpslash. Enjoy.

Edited by Sepruzzo
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