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Sith Sorcerer Nerf


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I am not threatening anything, if you read my post rather than posting an unimaginative reactionary troll to the first line you would know that. At no point did I say "FIX OR ELSE!" at no point did I demand they reverse the nerf to keep my one subscription. What is sad is how predictable you are and how I almost added "and no you can't have my stuff" to the end, not that I knew you specifically were going to do it, but the you collective of apologists who defend every PvP nerf that affects PvE in a game that is built and sold based on its PvE content. If this was a PvP game, it would be Starwars Battlefront or League of Star Legends of Call of Star Duty. This is a PvE MMO with elaborate detailed story missions that comprise the bulk of the content this game was sold on.


For the record I simply said that they had made my decision easier, I currently pay for 3 different MMOs, not including the ones that i play F2P and I was on the fence about keeping SWTOR and which one to drop. This nerf to one of my classes has tipped the balance in favor of SWTOR. It has in fact made the decision easier, the more "cons" that pile up in the "con" side of the pro/con argument for keeping SWTOR makes it easier for me to decide whether to keep it or not


Since we are making wild assumptions based on nothing I'll hazard a guess based on your teen-angsty response that I've been playing MMOs probably longer than you have been alive (and if I am wrong then you should really take a moment to analyze your response and why people would make that assumption), Ive been playing them since before they had pictures and you had to use a dial up modem and Compuserve (and walk 10 miles uphill both ways in the snow barefoot) and I am well aware that threatening to cancel my sub will mean squat to Bioware or EA, but as a PAYING customer I have a right to voice my opinion. What they do with it is their call.


TL;dr - no, you know what, learn to read, I'm not going to summarize it for you.


PVP nerf apologist? Me? That's funny. I'm a PVE hero who hasn't done any PVP since Ilum was current content.


This isn't just a PVE game. Otherwise it wouldn't have any PVP at all. Its unfortunate when nerfs to one aspect of the game impact the other, but its also part of playing an MMO that includes both PVE and PVP gameplay.




Force Storm was just as OP in PVE as PVP. It was a one button rotation that was far too effective against even strongs and elites. It trivialized a vast majority of the game outside of Operations bosses and HM FP bosses. Even then it was so strong that it was part of the single target rotation. This is clearly OP in PVE.


Change your manpon. Your conclusions about the game, much like your conclusions about me, are the truly baseless wild assumptions here.

Edited by Orizuru
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This is a PvE MMO with elaborate detailed story missions that comprise the bulk of the content this game was sold on.

No it's not. It's a mixed activity MMO. All that "vast story" content you champion is played through ONCE...which takes about a week to do. Are you really suggesting that this MMO is only meant to appeal to players who want to play for about a week or two?! Of course not...the "BULK" of this games activities are at END GAME, where players spend months and years playing, not the stupid story while leveling...Ops, FPs, Dailies, GSF, PvP - these are what this game centers around.


TL;DR: stories make leveling fun, but they end quickly. Repeatable activities are what make MMOs persist.

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Thankfully, my only sorcerer is a healer, but since I came back I did notice doing alot of extra dps even in heal spec, so the nerf doesnt surprise me. Honestly I am relieved that now I dont have to run missions with some button masher pushing FS over and over. I am curious about how much dps is removed from the class for people that ACTUALLY know a dps rotation.


Can anyone give any numbers thag were lost for a skill sorcerer who actually has a strategic rotation?

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I took a look. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I figured they'd take out Force Power entirely just like they did with Powertech. This is yet another concession t the PvP'ers who always claim they get no attention. As a PvE player I care not one whit about class balance. It's just me against the NPC's, and once again, we suffer because they're just so special that the whole game has to revolve around them.


See I disagree here... My 2 main characters are a Sage and a Sorc... I primarily play PvE.. I knew it was OP at the launch of 3.0. Incredibly so... it needed a massive nerf for the SAKE OF PVE.


Flashpoints and Ops (as previously mentioned above an underlurker tactic became 2 Sorcs spamming FS to clear adds while everyone else was on boss). I cant think of any other class that could take those adds in the same time with just 2.


I ran dailies pre and post nerf... honestly the change isn't THAT significant, and to me seems about right.


I honestly get tired of the questions "Which is the best xxxx" the fact is, no class should be better than another class. That would be balance... it shouldn't be about FOTM. Running OP class to the next OP class. All classes should perform their role equally (you know.... balanced.)

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Ummm, both PT and Sorcs were over performing in PvE compared to the other classes as well boys and girls. I know Sorcs far better so I will explain why with that one.


Does it make any sense what so ever that a CHANNELED AoE ability should be part of a SINGE target rotation?


As soon as 3.0 Hit and I saw what my Sorc/Consular could do... literally on day 1 I told myself... "well they are definitely going to nerf this. I'll enjoy it while it lasts but definitely not get used to it."


Now I am not saying that the nerfs may not be overdone. I haven't tested them yet so I have no clue but these changes are NOT just about PvP, though I will grant you PvP makes a VERY convenient scapegoat so as to avoid understanding the classes were overtuned.


saying sage / sorc over-performing one might think you mean the entire class, and not just one spec lol, cause if you seriously think madness/balance was op then well..............................................

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No it's not. It's a mixed activity MMO. All that "vast story" content you champion is played through ONCE...which takes about a week to do. Are you really suggesting that this MMO is only meant to appeal to players who want to play for about a week or two?! Of course not...the "BULK" of this games activities are at END GAME, where players spend months and years playing, not the stupid story while leveling...Ops, FPs, Dailies, GSF, PvP - these are what this game centers around.


TL;DR: stories make leveling fun, but they end quickly. Repeatable activities are what make MMOs persist.


While I'm not going to disagree with your assertion that stories end, and that MMOs require other things once they're done to keep players interested, AND that this is a mixed activity MMO (Because frankly, all MMOs are mixed activity), I will say that not everyone gets through a class story in a week.


With all of my alts, I suspect I've probably spent more time in said "stupid story" than not.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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While I'm not going to disagree with your assertion that stories end, and that MMOs require other things once they're done to keep players interested, AND that this is a mixed activity MMO (Because frankly, all MMOs are mixed activity), I will say that not everyone gets through a class story in a week.


With all of my alts, I suspect I've probably spent more time in said "stupid story" than not.

You're admittedly very casual though, you play with 2 buttons (I believe that was you who said that)...you're not the "norm". And I'm not suggesting that everyone levels in a week, but I believe that quite a few people do it in under and slightly above that, so I would guess leveling is around 1-2 weeks tops for most players.

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Thankfully, my only sorcerer is a healer, but since I came back I did notice doing alot of extra dps even in heal spec, so the nerf doesnt surprise me. Honestly I am relieved that now I dont have to run missions with some button masher pushing FS over and over. I am curious about how much dps is removed from the class for people that ACTUALLY know a dps rotation.


Can anyone give any numbers thag were lost for a skill sorcerer who actually has a strategic rotation?

IIRC, players on PTS were, on average, parsing about 300DPS less for single-target Lightning. There were a lot of concerns that sorcs/sages would no longer be viable for HM/NiM progression raiding due to the tight DPS checks on some fights.

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When I read this forum yesterday morning before I headed to work and then school I was worried about my Sorcerer but when I got on last night to play my lightning sorcerer I saw that I had nothing to worry about it.


My sorcerer still does the damage and kills the adds when I am doing what I normally do. Of course, I don't pvp so I have no idea how they perform there but for me there is a light adjustment but then again I didn't use force storm constantly. I rotated my abilities.


Yes if you relied on force storm it might be a problem but as I never rely on just one ability it is not a problem for me. I will be doing my operations, hard modes and dailies like I have always done and playing my sorcerer as well.


So for me I see nothing to complain about. I will still be playing my sorcerer like I have since launch.

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why don't you try actually doing some tests to see how much of a nerf it was because there were some buffs to ST


A guildmate and I made some test. After a few parses, the average single target damage 8.5% less dps on Telekinetic/Lightning since 3.1.2 on the 1 500 000 HP dummy.


Did the same thing to a serenity shadow and it was a 4.8% dps decrease on the same dummy.


The mercs/commando also got hit, but I didn't have a toon geared and with parses dones before 3.1.2 to compare.

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No it's not. It's a mixed activity MMO. All that "vast story" content you champion is played through ONCE...which takes about a week to do. Are you really suggesting that this MMO is only meant to appeal to players who want to play for about a week or two?! Of course not...the "BULK" of this games activities are at END GAME, where players spend months and years playing, not the stupid story while leveling...Ops, FPs, Dailies, GSF, PvP - these are what this game centers around.


TL;DR: stories make leveling fun, but they end quickly. Repeatable activities are what make MMOs persist.


No its not, it is a story based MMO from level one to your 100th raid boss, every aspect of this (including PvP) has a story built into it, there is even lore behind the scenery set pieces on the planet. It is a story based MMO that has a variety of activities which ALL revolve around the central story. Even once you play through the class and planet stories, you are still participating in content that is story based. No matter how many times you toss Malgus off the ledge, no matter how many times you crush Revan no matter how many times your team wins in PvP its all bound together by the story arc of the game.


And I suspect if you ask the RP community on your server if the stories "end" they might have something to say about it. Just becuase you burn through the story mission to start the endless (and frankly pointless) gear grind treadmill for gear you will never need, since once you have it all you have no reason to grind said raids (personally, helping a guild mate aside) until the next new tier of gear comes out, doesnt mean all of us burn through the content as fast as we can.



Change your manpon. Your conclusions about the game, much like your conclusions about me, are the truly baseless wild assumptions here.



I appreciate you taking the time to prove my assumption right with your mature response.

Edited by rhiarose
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