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Bioware working on MMO set in EU time period..


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I am hoping that BIOWARE is working in secret on a EU time period Star Wars MMO, with the upcoming Episode VII, it is the perfect time to really capitalize on the new found hype and interest. I would say use something like either the Unreal Engine 4 or a highly modified HERO engine, have it take cues from SWG, (such as no classes, skill based and the ability to be a "force sensitive" (small % chance during character creation) and to make it REALLY difficult to be a Jedi (as I am sure the Pre-CU SWG hardcore fans would agree).


SWG in the grave were it belong leave it and it crappy earn jedi were is should be in the past. The holo grind was dumb the pre cu jedi grind was dumb. In today's MMO no one want to only have a few jedi that have to be unlocked toon because you had to do the hokey pokey turn yourself around to unlock a jedi was dumb back then and still is dumb. And i played SWG back then and had jedi.

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If there was another SW MMO being developed, pray it is not these people making it. BW are clueless when it comes to MMOs. Fantastic single player games, Baldurs Gate etc, but this game only exists due to being the only option.



yet you're still here. funny that, regardless if you are a big star wars fan or not, you would not stay if you did not like it.

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yet you're still here. funny that, regardless if you are a big star wars fan or not, you would not stay if you did not like it.

He didn't say he doesn't like it. Maybe you don't realize this yet, but it is possible to enjoy the game for what it is, yet realize all the wasted potential and lack of development it has. You don't need to dislike this game to see the obvious train wreck of development and mismanagement it's had.

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He didn't say he doesn't like it. Maybe you don't realize this yet, but it is possible to enjoy the game for what it is, yet realize all the wasted potential and lack of development it has. You don't need to dislike this game to see the obvious train wreck of development and mismanagement it's had.


Really starting to think the modern era gamer can ONLY think in black and white, this or that, them or us mentalities


They do not seem to understand exactly what you just stated.

Think either you have to love EVERYTHING or NOTHING


For myself, I have fun in SW:TOR for most part but if I was to fix or redesign the game a good 60-70% of it would be redone from minor tweeks to outright massive redesigns.


SW:TOR has fallen short on its potential since day 1


Funny thing is if SW:TOR met even 50% of its over all potential, F2P would not exist and all those opening servers would probably still be going strong


Completely right this time TUX :)

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I'm quoting this from another topic as I also believe it's relevant to this topic as well.


It's true that BW Austin is one piece of a very large company (probably to large at this point) and I also think that BW Austin is underfunded and undermanned for the amount of work that it takes to maintain existing content and develop new content at a faster rate then they do.


If EA actually put enough money and man power behind BW Austin since iirc now that they canceled Shadow Realms SWTOR is the only project BW Austin has on their plate they could possible make this game everything we want and more.


All in all we don't NEED another SW MMO or for them to copy content from a failed game what we need is exactly what I stated above.

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I'm quoting this from another topic as I also believe it's relevant to this topic as well.




All in all we don't NEED another SW MMO or for them to copy content from a failed game what we need is exactly what I stated above.

you know all i hear is how swg was a failed game let me ask you this.


why is swg still one of the most talked about mmo's? why is swg whenever i bring it up in any game talked about fondly by tons of people? why is it i can go onto reddit or neogaf and bring up swg and everyone talks about how great it was?


swg wasn't a failure it was the single best mmo made one that tons of people want back. more so if tor was so great why is it ignored by just about every site? why are the tor fansites even giving up on tor and moving onto eso wildstar gw2 or back to wow?

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you know all i hear is how swg was a failed game let me ask you this.


why is swg still one of the most talked about mmo's? why is swg whenever i bring it up in any game talked about fondly by tons of people? why is it i can go onto reddit or neogaf and bring up swg and everyone talks about how great it was?


swg wasn't a failure it was the single best mmo made one that tons of people want back. more so if tor was so great why is it ignored by just about every site? why are the tor fansites even giving up on tor and moving onto eso wildstar gw2 or back to wow?


Because die hard SWG fanatics just can't let go of SWG or come to terms with the fact that it failed miserably. Basically they are all in denial.

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Because die hard SWG fanatics just can't let go of SWG or come to terms with the fact that it failed miserably. Basically they are all in denial.

yes it did fail miserably after the cu/nge but before that? all swg needed was a few small fixes to the bugs it had and that allow would have allowed swg to start pulling in wow numbers. also it's been proven that people want a sw title thats like swg. every poll i see of what do people want swtor or swg pre-cu, swg wins by a huge number.

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yes it did fail miserably after the cu/nge but before that? all swg needed was a few small fixes to the bugs it had and that allow would have allowed swg to start pulling in wow numbers. also it's been proven that people want a sw title thats like swg. every poll i see of what do people want swtor or swg pre-cu, swg wins by a huge number.


Got to have a link to said polls otherwise it's just hearsay. SWTOR could be a great game if EA would just put into it what is needed.

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SWTOR could be a great game if EA would just put into it what is needed.



The similarities are clearly there - both are games that had unlimited potential, but both were doomed by terrible mismanagement. SWG was doomed by greed from SOE, and SWTOR was doomed by terrible development decisions. SWG was willing to invest all they had to capture the gamers they didn't have, and SWTOR invested all it had into terrible development early on.


I wish EA had the balls to throw more $ at SWTOR...unlike SWG, SWTOR still has a chance.

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The similarities are clearly there - both are games that had unlimited potential, but both were doomed by terrible mismanagement. SWG was doomed by greed from SOE, and SWTOR was doomed by terrible development decisions. SWG was willing to invest all they had to capture the gamers they didn't have, and SWTOR invested all it had into terrible development early on.


I wish EA had the balls to throw more $ at SWTOR...unlike SWG, SWTOR still has a chance.


Yeah if they gave BW Austin the Money and Man power I'm willing to bet they could pull off some killer improvements to this game.


Kinda makes me want to play one of the big 100 mil+ lottos donate like 5-10 mill to BW Austin with the stipulation it has to be put towards bettering SWTOR. :D

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Yeah if they gave BW Austin the Money and Man power I'm willing to bet they could pull off some killer improvements to this game.


Kinda makes me want to play one of the big 100 mil+ lottos donate like 5-10 mill to BW Austin with the stipulation it has to be put towards bettering SWTOR. :D

Do it :D

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yes it did fail miserably after the cu/nge but before that? all swg needed was a few small fixes to the bugs it had and that allow would have allowed swg to start pulling in wow numbers. also it's been proven that people want a sw title thats like swg. every poll i see of what do people want swtor or swg pre-cu, swg wins by a huge number.


Actually not true... I used to think that then I actually looked at facts and not my own personal feelings on the issue.


The CU and the NGE were done IN REACTION to a lot of players leaving. The idea that a completely random sequence of skill level ups would allow you to be a Jedi, the lack of direction In the world itself, the complicated nature of the skill and crafting system did not appeal to a majority of players. It appealed to enough players to be considered successful in the pre-WoW world but the success of WoW changed that definition. The change was about the feed back that SOE and LucasArts got from those leaving.


So LucasArts says "we are losing money and you see why people left from all the feed back...fix it." The problem is it was simply too late. Some of the people who left did come back but not enough to really justify the sense of betrayal of those who stayed because they liked things the way they did. This does NOT mean however that NGE killed the game. NGE went a little too far yes, but what really killed the game is that they should have produced a game that would not have required an NGE in the first place.

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Yeah if they gave BW Austin the Money and Man power I'm willing to bet they could pull off some killer improvements to this game.


Kinda makes me want to play one of the big 100 mil+ lottos donate like 5-10 mill to BW Austin with the stipulation it has to be put towards bettering SWTOR. :D


They have gotten more money and people since the success of their f2p transition. After you launch a product you get as large a budget as your revenue justifies. There is a myth that games are controlled by gamers/devs, they are controlled by the accountants and people with the MBAs.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Actually not true... I used to think that then I actually looked at facts and not my own personal feelings on the issue.


The CU and the NGE were done IN REACTION to a lot of players leaving. The idea that a completely random sequence of skill level ups would allow you to be a Jedi, the lack of direction In the world itself, the complicated nature of the skill and crafting system did not appeal to a majority of players. It appealed to enough players to be considered successful in the pre-WoW world but the success of WoW changed that definition. The change was about the feed back that SOE and LucasArts got from those leaving.


So LucasArts says "we are losing money and you see why people left from all the feed back...fix it." The problem is it was simply too late. Some of the people who left did come back but not enough to really justify the sense of betrayal of those who stayed because they liked things the way they did. This does NOT mean however that NGE killed the game. NGE went a little too far yes, but what really killed the game is that they should have produced a game that would not have required an NGE in the first place.


This is probably true.

When I played SWG it was only during the NGE. I heard a lot of people complain about the NGE, but they were still subbed lol (sounds like another game I currently play...)


I loved SWG. From the open space, open world, crafting, and the RP.


I did not like the ghost towns everywhere, but besides that I was okay with the NGE.


The Pre-CU sounds like it was fun for a few, while the NGE was "supposed" to be catered to more people.

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Actually not true... I used to think that then I actually looked at facts and not my own personal feelings on the issue.


The CU and the NGE were done IN REACTION to a lot of players leaving. The idea that a completely random sequence of skill level ups would allow you to be a Jedi, the lack of direction In the world itself, the complicated nature of the skill and crafting system did not appeal to a majority of players. It appealed to enough players to be considered successful in the pre-WoW world but the success of WoW changed that definition. The change was about the feed back that SOE and LucasArts got from those leaving.


So LucasArts says "we are losing money and you see why people left from all the feed back...fix it." The problem is it was simply too late. Some of the people who left did come back but not enough to really justify the sense of betrayal of those who stayed because they liked things the way they did. This does NOT mean however that NGE killed the game. NGE went a little too far yes, but what really killed the game is that they should have produced a game that would not have required an NGE in the first place.


NGE arrived mostly down to Julos Torres wanting the game to be easier to learn and play. The biggest gripe with NGE was chopping 34 classes down to 9, including the path of Jedi - which many had unlocked and spent almost 2 years grinding at that time.


Instead of communicating their reasons why, they just did it and I remember waking up the next day thinking '*** is this?!' The 'new' over the shoulder camera position, culled classes, no more pets - you could see them, just couldn't unlock them - the list goes on.


Many of the NGE features were reversed once Jake Nerri took over as Producer which is a key reason why the game lasted 8 years. Jake, then moved on to SWTOR and prior to EA's total take over, the game had some nice design touches.


Then as history shows, EA took over from LucasArts and turned it into another fire top talent/hire monkeys project as they always do when they gobble up a studio.

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The similarities are clearly there - both are games that had unlimited potential, but both were doomed by terrible mismanagement. SWG was doomed by greed from SOE, and SWTOR was doomed by terrible development decisions. SWG was willing to invest all they had to capture the gamers they didn't have, and SWTOR invested all it had into terrible development early on.


I wish EA had the balls to throw more $ at SWTOR...unlike SWG, SWTOR still has a chance.


EA did. Reported to be $300 million. Bioware promised 6 week cycle of updates back in 2012 from Flashpoints, Operations to Warzones- that soon went out of the window.

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Right now, they're going for an eleven to twelve week cycle apparently. Yay! :rolleyes:


I think it kinda silly to go back to quotes from before the f2p transition my self but that said...


Anyone who thought the 6 week Dev cycle was realistic was kinda silly imo...including Bioware. You can code that fast BUT adequetely play test so when released it isn't a bug filled mess? Nope. 11 weeks though, as long as it is the legitimate content and not just say new cartel packs and silliness like that, this is actually better than what a lot of MMOs out there do. So if they can pull that off reliably it is a good step when you look at how things actually work vs wishful thinking.

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NGE arrived mostly down to Julos Torres wanting the game to be easier to learn and play. The biggest gripe with NGE was chopping 34 classes down to 9, including the path of Jedi - which many had unlocked and spent almost 2 years grinding at that time.


Instead of communicating their reasons why, they just did it and I remember waking up the next day thinking '*** is this?!' The 'new' over the shoulder camera position, culled classes, no more pets - you could see them, just couldn't unlock them - the list goes on.


Many of the NGE features were reversed once Jake Nerri took over as Producer which is a key reason why the game lasted 8 years. Jake, then moved on to SWTOR and prior to EA's total take over, the game had some nice design touches.


Then as history shows, EA took over from LucasArts and turned it into another fire top talent/hire monkeys project as they always do when they gobble up a studio.


Julio was the guy who said "fix it"... Smedly and the SOE crew were the ones who came up with the ideas on HOW to fix it. LucasArts then said " looks good to us." So in the end I will blame Smedly and SOE...first for making an "old school" MMO that a 12 year old could tell ya would not reach the revenue numbers they wanted and then coming up with a completely overkill idea to "fix" their initial mistake.

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Interestingly most people don't even recognize that there was an Clone Wars MMO.


I never played it, it seemed to be aimed mostly at children, and it did even have that "Life Day Tauntaun" ... Unfortunately it isn't anymore.


Info on that : http://www.gamespot.com/articles/soe-shutting-down-four-mmos-including-star-wars-clone-wars-adventures/1100-6417333/

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Right now, they're going for an eleven to twelve week cycle apparently. Yay! :rolleyes:


We're 16+ weeks and counting from the last content release, and last I checked, they haven't fixed most of the bugs I reported from that (not that I'm expecting them to, I'm not stupid, but that doesn't mean that it's ok)..

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One thing is for sure, a new Star Wars MMO is being produced and not necessarily by Bioware.



There is a difference between an MMORPG and an "open world" game... just saying. There are very specific elements to what makes and MMORPG and MMORPG. If you are talking about the game I think you are it is going to be an open world action game that is hooked into an Online Server like GTA Online or The Division BUT it most certainly is NOT going to be an MMO. The two types of games are substantially different.

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