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Good Strat for Bulo (HM)?

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Yes that boss. The second boss in Ravagers. While many are 8/10 and above I am on this boss.

, We had 2 successful weeks of killing him. Now no dice. I think those 2 times were mostly chalked up to luck.


Our Strat so far: Bunch up at beginning like SM have tank go to left side to force pirates to spawn there. Grab barrel. Afterwords DPS spreads to avoid lifters and tanks position cleaves up ramps. DPS run the rest of the barrels. We consistently get him to 30-20% but things fall apart around there with damage from load lifters, barrel throws and occasionally pirates nuking down a person then the next. No raid cleaves and pirates are being picked up ASAP. Is their a flaw in our strategy, a better strat? The guide on Dulfy isn't helpful as the data seemed to be copy pasted from the Original Dulfy guide from December with Zorz adding only a few things (it still mentions the pirate spawning based on time not health % of Bulo)


How do you all do it? Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to tell my scrub butt to L2P as well :)

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Have tanks guard healer.


We mark up one ranged DPS, so when Mass Barrage hits, all ranged stack on him so not to spread blue circles all over. They are given the space up against the fence in the back.


Same with melee. All run together, and depending on where boss is, either run left back og right back.


Healers get the spot in the middle. If one of your healers are standing next to melee group, that healer runs with melee on Mass Barrage.


When boss jumps to the right, All Ranged dps move to the left, and vise versa

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My group run Bulo with 3 healers just nerf it a little and it seems to work - one shot each week. Dps is not an issue on this fight. Fight is easier with ranged dps because they will have higher dps uptime on the boss than melee. Tanks taunt from each other at the begining to build up threat before first pirates. 1st tank uses barrel to get rid of pirates 1st wave. 2nd wave of pirates is killed by mass barrage. 3rd wave by 2nd tank with barrel. 4th wave by mass barrage. 5th one with few seconds delay - so a debuf wears off from 1st tank- again with barrel. Tanks should always go on mass barrage behind the boss, one dps should go to upper platform rest stay middle. If you fail to kill all pirates with mass barrage you need to taunt them otherwise they will kill healers.


Barrel tip - once tank aggro pirates with barrel, he can click off the barrel buff to use cd's, move faster - the pirates will still follow him.

Mass barrage tip - you can place 2 first circles in the same spot and move afterwards because they will not damage untill the 3rd one appears, therefore you save some space.

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Because I'm lazy I'll quote myself from another thread regarding Bulo HM ;)

There are a few things to know about the mechanics of Bulo:

1) Scatter Blast switches back and forth between to top 2 threat. So have your tanks taunt fluffing like noones business. Also, in order to not get hit by the Scatter Blast of the other tank, have them stand at a approx 90 degree to each other.

2) Adds can spawn on 3 different locations(middle up the ramp, left and right at the houses). On which one isn't random at all, they spawn at the position that is closest to the tank having threat(not completely sure about this, but seems the way it's working. If it's not this, then it's the closest to where the boss stands)

3) Barrel isn't a voidzone. It has one initial hit and that's it. No need to run out of it.

4)The violet circle that you can carry around for a bit and that then turns blue always lands on someone who is 10 or more meters away from the boss. It kills the pirates, as does the mass barrage.

5) Carts always go for the tank that has threat the moment they spawn.

6) Lifters are random. Completely. They can even go for the boss, pirates and even carts or other lifters. Be aware when this happens, as they aquire new targets once the old one is dead.


If you know this, you can work with it quite well. What my group does is(in 8m) have one tank start with both taunts, after ~10-12 sec grab a barrel(other tank taunts here) while the whole group stacks behind the boss within 10m, run up the ramp and kill the adds with the violet circle.

Immediatly click off the barrel and taunt the boss after first pirates are dead, since scatter blast will come directly after this.

Have the group spread out within 10m of the boss behind him, while the tanks occupy the space in front of him, ~90 degree away from each other for scatter blast, with one range dps or a healer standing on the position where the next pirates will spawn to drop the violet circles there, which will instantly kill them when they spawn(if done right^^). After boss leaps, reposition yourself in the same matter as fast as possible. This way you won't have any problems with the adds or lifter and barrelthrow hitting more than 1 person.

For 16m I'd simply recommend taking a 3rd tank who tanks the adds until mass barrage and spread the whole raid out all over the place and just don't stand in stupid.


I'm not saying this is the best method, but it's one that works for sure if anybody knows where he has to be.


You can see how the bolded and underlined part works

Yeah, it's SM, but in HM it works the same way ;)


Remember, this is a surving fight, not a dps race. So use cooldowns if lifters are coming your way and step aside if they are going for someone near you.

Edited by Torvai
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Honestly running 3 healers is a crutch, the damage is so bursty it really won't make a diffrence. I recommend you have the tank take the first barrel to the top, everyone else stay stacked, you wait for the volley and jump down, all the adds will run through it to get you. Then click off the barrel and taunt. Forgot to mention in your opener tanks want to taunt swap to build aggro. Single taunt on cool down so you never lose aggro. If the boss moves let 1 tank at a time move to avoid cleave. When adds come out we have a ranged dos take the second one. As a tank I would aoe taunt and throw a few moves out to keep the adds on you and off your healers until the barrel runner arrives. Tanks want to try to runn barrage to the adds and get rid of all of them. If you don't have your next barrel runner go and be sure to switch positions so as not to cleave him. Other then that, stay out of stupid. And if anyone can bubble or off heal, do that in a pinch or on exonuim carts. If someone goes down, have dps that can battle Rez so heals can keep healing. Good luck, you will get it some day!
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The way it should go with high damage is as follows:

20s in (90%) dps takes first set

70% Mass Barrage

50% second dps takes adds

35% Mass Barrage

15% third dps takes adds

5% ignore until boss dies


It helps for all raid buffs, adrenals and offensive CD's to be used in the opening 20 seconds. If you have a Jugg dps you can also get them to pop saber reflect and stand in Scatter Blaster to do some extra damage on the boss

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I personally have only had 4 dps all focus hard on the boss. It's really a race to RNG where someone takes a barrel right after a load lifter and dies. This is more the issue than enrage, imo.


Tanks should be able to taunt fluff enough (6 taunts before first adds) and kite the pirates well enough to not lose threat to dps and cleave the raid. Plus, dps will take way more damage than a tank even with pirates only on them for the time it takes to kite to blue stuff.


Ranged/healers should fan out wide if possible, not be in middle, so purple circles are more accessible for the tanks to kite pirates, but otherwise rotate taunts on CD and just let dps burn hard.


Edited for bad typing.

Edited by bdatt
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Hi there, along with OP my team as well has just run up against Bulo for the first time with similar lack of success.


I am particularly interested in anybody who uses mass barrage to kill the adds off. How exactly do your teams coordinate getting the mass barrage circles into the right place?


I would imagine that you are in some sort of line formation somewhat spread out to avoid AOE damage from carts and lifters. When the first circles come, do the melee DPS rush the central spawn point, and the ranged DPS on the wings rush the left and right spawn points? And then just kind of run around in circles there to spread them out until barrage is over?


Any sort of barrage circle placement advice would be most appreciated, thanks!

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Any sort of barrage circle placement advice would be most appreciated, thanks!


They always spawn in same spots, after some practise your tanks should be able to drop their last circles on top of them. Sometimes one will stay alive but that is not an issue and can be healed through. Most of the deaths I see on this fights is people stacking too much during lifters or fire barrel or whatever it's called.

It's all about everyone doing their best to stay alive and not any raw damage or heal numbers. I have done this in PUG's with extremely undergeared toons (healed on Sorc in 180's), just don't stand in bad that's main priority.

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I can't speak for everyone else here as I know my group runs it a little different. Tanks always handle the barrels. We group up for the opening, one tank picks up the first barrel, kills adds and gets back on the boss in time for the scatter blast or whatever (orange cone). Then depending on where he jumps we have tanks, and sometimes dps place the barrage circles in the spawn points. If he stays near the stage area tanks go up there and melee dps drop around the side doors. If he goes towards the fence just tanks on the side entrance. Then around 1:45 for us the second tank picks up a barrel. I know the timing isn't exact and sometimes he ends up holding it longer than ideal and then he kills those either with mass barrage or a static circle. Then the tank that got the first barrel picks up another barrel I want to say around the 2:50 mark and kites them to a blue circle. I'm pretty sure he goes down after that set of adds so its not an issue beyond that for my group, but I could be wrong.


Beyond that, we make sure our tanks communicate well, if one needs to relocate they talk and time their movement so they don't run a cleave onto the other one. When exonium carts go out the tank steps away so he doesn't take them all at once, and we use slinger smoke grenades on the targeted tank, which helps a lot. It also helped us alot when I finally convinced my dps that surviving was more important that maxing dps all the time. Hope some of that's helpful.

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Hi there, along with OP my team as well has just run up against Bulo for the first time with similar lack of success.


I am particularly interested in anybody who uses mass barrage to kill the adds off. How exactly do your teams coordinate getting the mass barrage circles into the right place?


I would imagine that you are in some sort of line formation somewhat spread out to avoid AOE damage from carts and lifters. When the first circles come, do the melee DPS rush the central spawn point, and the ranged DPS on the wings rush the left and right spawn points? And then just kind of run around in circles there to spread them out until barrage is over?


Any sort of barrage circle placement advice would be most appreciated, thanks!


Our 8m HC setup is 2 tanks, 2 healers and either 2 melee+ 2 ranged dps or one melee +3 ranged.

Everyone is within 10m of Bulo at start until the first pirate spawn is killed by a tank then the groups spreads out.

The melees stay barely 4m from the boss to not get a barrel thrown at them and behind him to not get shot by the cleave attack. The healers are behind them with enough distance to not kill each other or the melees with the purple/blue circle, load lifters or the barrel throw. The ranged are even further behind or far to the left or right the give the healers and their ranged dps mates enough space to avoid stuff and not kill each other if they have to place the purple circle. If you divide the room with the lines of barrels, the melees have the space between boss and the first row of barrels behind Bulo, healers between second and third row, ranged dps behind the third.

As soon as the boss changes his position the whole group moves and everyone aligns himself with Bulo again in the same way.


With our group one ranged and one healer are assigned to place their mass barrage circles at the two doors on the left, while another ranged takes care of the single door on the right side.

Although it's depending on the position of the boss wether they really need to place the circles there. For example if Bulo is at the entrance to his room, there is no need to have circles on the other side of the room as the pirates will spawn at the right door for sure. Same if he is far left, as the tank can influence where the pirates spawn, as i think Torvai explained some posts above, it should be clear who is going to the doors and when or where the pirates will spawn. The tank have to take care the the conal attack from Bulo isn't going towards that door a that moment.


Our tanks usually place their blue circles on the wooden staircases if Bulo is in the front or at the entrance to give the rest of the group more space to use. If he is far left in front of the doors, one tank goes to the minecarts, the other to the fence, to keep the doors free for the assigned players.


As there is a delay between placing the mass barrage circle and the first impact, you can use this to save space and avoid trapping group members somewhere. Those not on "door duty" just try to place their mass barrage as small as possible somewhere in the middle of the room by staying in the first circle until the second is cast, then step just out of both, wait for the next two circles on top of each other, another few steps just to get out again before the first damage ticks.

Healers have priority, if there is not enough space for everyone the dps run away, so that the healers can stay in heal range of the tanks.


Placing circles at the doors takes a little practise until the players know exactly where the pirates will spawn and how to place the circles to get them all. Depending on your damage output there could be a smaller or bigger delay between mass barrage and pirates, then you have to make sure the at least the last two or three circles are at the right spot, or else the first circles are already cleared when the pirates are coming.

To be on the safe side you could assign one of your players to each of the pirate spawns (the very first one is done by a tank) to take a barrel during mass barage and be ready to lead the leftovers into a circle as soon as possible.


Since we often have two assassin tanks and their ability to taunt from range like a PT or to avoid the extra damage incoming, like a jugger with reflect, isn't great and additionally they seem to get a burning barrel on their head and/or a loadlifter at the same time as soon they only peek out of the 4m range from the boss, resulting in many almost instantly dead tanks, our dps take care of the pirates.

This is safer for the group too, as they don't have to avoid the cleave if a tank is running the pirates into a void, except of the situation when Bulo jumps from the right spot in front of the entrance to the far left in front of the doors, this way his cleave will never point towards the group.

After some tries you'll know when (% boss health) the pirates usually come for your group and can fetch a barrel in advance or place the purple/blue circle near to the door where the priates will spawn. Who ever takes a barrel calls out to the healers that he'll need additional healing. You can't use abilties while carrying the barrel but you can use defensive CDs just before taking it up, to have some damage reduction.


Also important, during mass barrage in our group everyone has to look after himself, our healers only heal the tanks if needed, the others just have to selfheal or better avoid any unnecessary damage. It doesn't help anyone if a healer or tank dies, because a dps wasn't able to keep himself alive either because he thought he had to get that damn cast through and a healer felt the urge to heal him up or because he moved too late or to the wrong spot disrupting or killing a healer or himself. Since then the quality of movement increased a lot :rolleyes:

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Because I'm lazy I'll quote myself from another thread regarding Bulo HM ;)



You can see how the bolded and underlined part works

Yeah, it's SM, but in HM it works the same way ;)


Remember, this is a surving fight, not a dps race. So use cooldowns if lifters are coming your way and step aside if they are going for someone near you.


I wanted to wait until we tried it and the strat tonight and after 4 pulls and perfecting we were able to down him. That having the ranged DPS out near the spawn to immediately kill the adds with volley was very helpful.

Hopefully after some more perfection we can get him on farm. Thanks! Now to try our luck against Torque :D

Edited by FerkWork
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Our strat is a bit different from most groups. The pirates spawn on the side where the person with top threat is, so we control the pirate spawn by keeping the tanks on one side of the room after the first pirate spawn.


All positioning described with stage being front and fence being back.


We start with DPS and heals stacked behind the boss on the left side and tanks on the right side. We have one rDPS on the left side stand by the barrel and carry it up to the stage at at under 20 sec. Once volley spawns, everyone spreads out as much as possible. Tanks will move to the right side door, rDPS towards the fence, and healers towards the fence but close enough to tanks to keep them in range. We sometimes have one healer between the tanks on the right side. DPS need to use defensive cooldowns, self heals, and med packs liberally and judiciously. I prefer to use cooldowns immediately after being barreled to avoid being killed by a lifter.


If Bulo jumps way across the room on the left side, he will move back to the tanks on the right side. Within the 1st minute the tanks should have a ton of threat and should only need to use taunts where needed from then on. Our tanks have even stopped using barrels. They use damage and AoE taunts to grab the attention of pirates until Mass Barrage.


With this strategy, your tanks will need to work out cooldowns and taking turns on the carts. Also, your tanks can stand in the pirate spawn points on the right and hope for a lucky volley circle. It is also helpful if the "flip sides" between the right front and right back positions. Just make sure that shotgun is not going out when you trade positions.


This strat has worked for us, but it may not be for everyone. If nothing else, it is something different for people to try if they are struggling with this fight. It takes some of the random movement and random spawns out of the fight.

Edited by Hiro-Protagonist
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I do have a follow up question which I want has been a point of disagreement between me and a few other guildies:


Can the top aggro person (tank) get volley if everyone else is within 10 meters and besides the main threat who is camping outside the range on the pirate spawn point? I believe it isn't possible and that it down times happens due to taunts after pirates but before volley comes out.

Am I right or are they right?

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I found the other week when I had to tank it if I had aggro I would not get volley and it would land everyone else within 10 metres. So I do not believe the person with aggro can get volley. A soon as we made sure the person handling the adds (me) didn't have aggro everything worked perfectly.


This is only anecdotal evidence on my part as I main a marauder but I asked our main tank when he got back and he said this was how it worked

Edited by WheresMyWhisky
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