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Top 5 swtor companions


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This thread needs more GLaDOS. Seriously, why isn't there more SCORPIO here? All I want is for her to get an HK unit chassis and my agent has no need of other companions.


Though Vector is awesome, and the Doc useful. Kaliyo I want to jettison in my escape pod with destination 'Black Hole' because sheeeet she's annoying as hell. Sooo wish they kept companion perma death/leave solely for her and her alone. I love the interaction with Watcher X and making her squirm at least.

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I got tired of SCORPIO aggroing 3-4 groups at once on Rishi... And people keep saying Khem is best at aggroing stuff...


The List:

1) Elara Dorne - English accent and all around great healer. XCom anyone?

2) T7 - Good tank. R2-D2!

3) Nadia - Great at killing things. I just can't say why I like her character. There's just something special...

4) Mako - Decent healer who, unlike other healers, has funny comments.

5) Blizz - Probably the funniest companion in the game. Has Rocket Launcher.

Edited by Halinalle
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1) Mako - one of the more fully developed companions and a good healer

2) Elara Dorne - See above

3) Doc - not very well developed as a character, but good healer

4) Blizz - Adorable

5) Treek - Not quite as adorable as Blizz, but a great all-around companion. If chatty.


And I'd have to say that Ensign Temple is the biggest waste of a companion. She doesn't seem particularly useful (should have been a healer like Mako, IMHO), her intro to you doesn't have a whole lot of interaction, and if you max out her affection, there's really nothing interesting happening in it. I love her voice though.

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Elara-- "Let me help you" She had great morals and sense of duty, so uplifting.


Tharan-- I will get in trouble for this one, but I laughed so much with him and holiday.


HK-- I just can't wait until he has five clicks, then he can assassinate a "strong."


Risha-- Smart, snarky, sexy and she believed me when I said there were no others. I am still waiting to rule with her.


Corso-- Good ole country boy.

Edited by yeldarbnotned
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Wow ... no Jaesa love here. You people have a problem with psychotic's?

Considering that the Sith Warrior was my first character, I'd say that the process of hunting down and getting Jaesa is bloody amazing. To this day, I still think it's the best companion introduction that I have seen in this game (I haven't seen them all, though). Jaesa herself... I dunno... she's kinda cool, and I enjoyed corrupting her but the psychotic-murderous-chick thing gets old after awhile. IMO, and all. Still think she's the second best companion for the Sith Warrior, but only because Quinn is repulsive, and you get Pierce and Broonmark way too late to actually care (and if you're a Jug, chances are you won't use them at all).

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Wow ... no Jaesa love here. You people have a problem with psychotic's?


The DS Jaesa has no real personality.

LS Jaesa has personality, ish, but I can't stand her VA's acting. Sounds like she's trying to hard to sound wise or serene or some BS thing.

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Last place, worst companion ever: Rusk


Having not played much on the Republic side, I cannot vouch for or against this, but on the Imperial side, it's Skadge. The Bounty Hunter story was pretty 'meh' towards the end anyway, but the way this companion (and I use that term in the loosest possible way) was forced on you will forever ruin the story completely for me.

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Primarily an Imperial player, Sith specifically. With that in mind...


1. Jaesa - her complete dedication to the darkside once she was converted was pleasing to me, as was her tormenting of Vette for amusement. She also became my wife. My deliciously dark rose.


2. Quinn - despite a brief lapse in judgment over where his loyalties lay, he is the consumate Imperial officer. Intelligent, cultured and capable. Places the Empire above personal ambition.


3. Khem Val - everyone's favorite morose monster. From his constant reminders of how he wants to eat me to his speaking some butchered variation of German to his open contempt of Zash he was terrific.


4. Nadia Grell - eager, enthusiastic and just young and naive enough to be endearing.


5. Skadge - one big dumb oaf of a companion who amused me to no end in later stages of BH story. ("Who we gonna kill?")

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2. Quinn - despite a brief lapse in judgment over where his loyalties lay, he is the consumate Imperial officer. Intelligent, cultured and capable. Places the Empire above personal ambition.


This person here gets it. :D


I applaud you doubly for your sharp analysis and sound judgement of his character; if only you were the rule, and not so much the exception to it.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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This person here gets it. :D


I applaud you doubly for your sharp analysis and sound judgement of his character; if only you were the rule, and not so much the exception to it.


This is all true, but... you can never fully trust someone whose loyalty is so... vague.

Are you sure he will never abandon you in the future, when he feels the Empire business is contrary to yours (cough -i.e the Emperor)?

I respect his integrity, but I'd always be extra careful around this guy.

Or if he, starting from his lapse, places his loyalty to SW above anything else -doesn't it ruin his charm?



Also, his analysis of SW abilities proved faulty.


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This is all true, but... you can never fully trust someone whose loyalty is so... vague.

Are you sure he will never abandon you in the future, when he feels the Empire business is contrary to yours (cough -i.e the Emperor)?

I respect his integrity, but I'd always be extra careful around this guy.

Or if he, starting from his lapse, places his loyalty to SW above anything else -doesn't it ruin his charm?


Quinn's loyalty is to the Empire, first and foremost.


Taking into account his rationale, plus where the Empire stood at the time, I find it hard to find any fault with it.


Also, his analysis of SW abilities proved faulty.


I prefer to think he deliberately miscalculated, subconsciously.


He was split at the time between his loyalty to the Empire, physically embodied by Darth Baras, and his loyalty to the SW.


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I've only finished 6 of the 8 classes personally, so I'm only going to be picking from those options (All of the Republic classes and then the two Sith classes). Any of the Bounty Hunter or Agent companions could very well make this list once I finish those class stories. The Jedi Knight storyline and playstyle in general (Sentinel at least) are my favorites so I'm way more familiar with the Knight's companions and, as such, they take up a lot of my list. But I've tried to think of all the companions on the characters I have to compare them and decide how to rank them.


Also, some of these might have spoilers. I'll try to stay reasonably vague but in at least one case it's almost impossible to talk about why without spoiling part of it. So, read at your own risk.




1. Doc - Honestly wasn't a fan at first but he grew on me, I love his comments on most planets and he stays fairly light hearted throughout so he's fun to have around. Gameplay wise, Doc fits really well with my playstyle so that definitely helps and is why he grew on me.


2. Lord Scourge - Another one I wasn't a fan of at first but moreso because he didn't really seem to help me gameplay wise so I never used him. But after getting better at the game and figuring out how to use Scourge best, I used him more, eventually started doing his affection conversations and stuff and he's just a really cool companion that represents an interesting idea of a Sith, who is wholeheartedly Sith and committed to the Dark side, joining forces with a Jedi for a cause that benefits them both. His conversations show this off a lot so they were cool for me.


3. Jaesa Willsaam - This one is similar to Scourge in that she's a Jedi aligning with a Sith character but I like the whole character turn when the Warrior corrupts her to the Dark side. So opposed to Scourge who stays committed to his original ways, Jaesa sees her old master's corruption and falls herself. I loved that storyline, which is honestly kind of a weak reason to put her this high but it stands out to me so this is where I'd put her at the moment.


4. T7-O1 - T7 was the surprising companion for me. As I leveled, just like Scourge, he wasn't as helpful to me. Even after I started learning about roles and what not. But like Scourge, I eventually got all of that down and figured out how to use him and such and so I went more into his companion conversations and such while taking him on some dailies and solo stuff. All of his comments in battle or when talked to in the field are hilarious and his companion conversations are awesome. My favorite comment, just to give it some spotlight: "T7 = part of Jedi Order // T7 = wants lightsaber upgrade."


5. Bowdaar - Bowdaar is just awesome, I can't explain it much past that. I love the backstory of how he comes to join the smuggler's crew and his companion conversations (and missions) are great. Again, it also helps that he helped out with my Gunslinger's playstyle quite a bit so I used him a lot.


Honorable Mentions: Kira Carsen, Elara Dorne, Aric Jorgan, Ashara Zavros


I also didn't consider HK or Treek despite having both, simply because I wanted to go with the ones I had throughout my entire journeys with the characters. Although Treek still wouldn't make the list, HK probably would have somewhere.



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This was tough. There are actually eleven companions that I really love. If I had to choose five though, these are the companions I would pick in order of preference:


1. Risha (the virtual love of my life)

2. Scorpio (kinky bad*ss bish)

3. HK-51 (i hate being less efficient)

4. Blizz (someone said it - Jawa with a rocket launcher)

5. Khem Val (dude eats force users)

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1. Guss Tuno - I would pay everything what I have to get him on every char and hear his "I heal you with my Jedi powers!". He is incredibly hilarious. He made me laugh and that's something uncommon and worth noting.


2. Khem Val - a distinctive companion with interesting backstory,


3. M1-4X and SCORPIO - great droids. Forex is funny with his republic propaganda and enthusiasm while SCORPIO has unique behavior for a droid. Her voice makes me speechless. I'm not worthy to stand next to her /worthy /worthy.


4. Treek - The mere fact that she is an ewok is great. I like her attitude. I would gladly make a soup out of Rodians that she once asked for.


5. Vette and Gault - Vette is funny, romantic and warm-hearted while Gault acts just like Lando would. What to not like about them?

Edited by PavSalco
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