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I noticed there are some threads on some sub forums where people are always asking on what keybinds to use or wether they should use keybinds or click their abilities.

Or people who complain that there are more abilities then keys they can bind efficiently.


I thought it would be interesting to see what people use for their keybinds and what they assign to what location.


I'll start:

AZERTY keyboard!


Movement (wasd for querty)

Z - forward

S - backward

Q - rotate left

D - rotate right


Defense and utilities

E - defensive 1

shift + E - defensive 2

R - Boost or defensive

shift + R - Boost or defensive

F - interrupt

shift + F - stun

X - long CD boost

shift + X long CD defense

A - target closest enemy

shift + A - companion attack

Tab - switch enemies


(shift wasd)

shift + Z - warzone medpack

shift + S - out of combat regen

shift + Q - random

shift + D - random


shift + space - throw huttball or speeder/mount




third mouse button - rocket boost



numpad: 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 +

shift + 7 (home)

shift + 9 (PgUp)

shift + 1 (End)

shift + 3 (PgDn)



And ofcourse all of the basic hotkeys to open inventory, character sheet and stuff stay the same.

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This is on my main:


Standard WASD for movement

1-6 for my standard rotation abilities

` for Kick (Interrupt)

Q for Cyclone Slash

E for my Dispatch

F for Saber Toss

R for Retaliate

X for Combat Focus // Shift + X for mount

Z for Saber Ward

V for Focused Defense


On my mouse (Naga Hex):

Side Buttons:

1. Vigilant Thrust //

2. Force Leap // Shift + 2: Force Push // Alt +2: Force Stasis

3. Guardian Leap

4. Saber Reflect

5. CC breaker (forget what it's called) // Alt + 5: Heroic Moment

6. Enure


I try to keep similar abilities for other classes on the same key binds. Really makes life easier when you're an altoholic like I am.

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On my main Jaré - Operative, I have:

WASD-QE - Movement and strafing

V - Stealth

F - View friendly target (Default Alt Tab)

Left mouse shoulder button - Exfiltrate

Right mouse shoulder button - Autorun (default Numlock I think)


The rest I'm happy to say I'm a clicker :)

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AZERTY keyboard

ZQSD movement

1 = basic attack (default)

2 = hard stun

3 = typically ressource builder and/or melee attack of tech characters (zealous strike, sundering strike, blaster whip, stock strike...)

4 = channeled attack (master strike, full auto, flamethrower...)

5 = slow/root, as a PvE'r I dont use this much

6+ = *hngh* can't reach, put something I never use...

Shift + 1-6 = various common class abilities

A, E, W, C = various rotational abilities

Shift + A, E, W, C = more rotational abilities

Shift + Z = taunt or cleanse or accuracy debuff

Ctrl + Z = undo damage (medpack)

X = interrupt

Shift + X = CC breaker

R = rest / recover / reload

Shift + R = toggle mount

V = high mobility ability (transcendence, hold the line, scamper, etc...)

B = rocket boost

Numpad 0-9 = minute+ cooldowns, mezzes, stealth, aggro drop, panic buttons and other highly situational stuff

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W = forward

S = backward

A/D = turn left/right (I should change these to strafing left/right but can't seem to do it for some reason)

§ = something I'm going to use often (Berserk, Dark Ward, etc.)

1 = basic attack (excluding Sorc/Sage of course)

2 = hardest hitting ability for spec or just something I'm going to use often (Annihilate, Rejuvenate etc.)

3 = leap for JK/SW/tankVG/tankPT, general rotation ability for everything else

4 = pull for VG/PT, throw for JK/SW, general rotation ability for everything else

5 = the first major defensive cooldown for class (Deflection, Saber Ward, etc.)

Q,E,R,T = general rotation abilities / utility / boost

F = pull for tankShadow/tankAssassin, general rotation ability if required, interrupt

G = mass taunt for tanks, utility for everything else

X = stun break

V = single target taunt for tanks, interrupt if F is in use, aggro drop for everything else

B = utility

Alt + 1/2/3/4 = AoEs, utility


Example: Shadow Kinetic Combat


§ = Kinetic Ward

1 = Saber Strike

2 = Double Strike

3 = Whirling Blow

4 = Cascading Debris

5 = Deflection

Q = Shadow Strike

E = Project

R = Force Breach

T = Force Potency

F = Force Pull


Alt+1 = Stealth

Alt+2 = Force Speed

Alt+3 = I can't remember :o

Alt+4 = Force Wave (I don't even remember the last time I used it)

G = Mass Mind Control

X = stun break

V = Mind Control

B = Slow Time (I know, I really should find better spot for this in quickbars)

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I've started shifting my keybinds around. Or rather, what ability is in what quickbar.

So my QBs are

First: numpad 1through 0-*

Second: Ctrl and all of the above

Third: click for noncombat stuff

Fourth: Alt and numpad1 through 0-*

Fifth: top row numbers -+

Sixth: I have six?

Wasd movement, qe for sideways

R is unbound to avoid the blasted opening of chat box and not moving.

Changing Chat to \ instead of enter for the same reason.



QB1 has main battle rotation/attacks. 0 in medpacks, - is whatever shielding ability tot keep up, and * is regeneration.

QB2 has more attacks.

QB3 has speeder, class buff, QT, FP, ST, stances and stealth

QB4 has more attacks

QB5 has heals 1-5 on my healers. More attacks/buffs/etc, or is hidden.


I rarely micromanage my companions, and only in certain fights, so I just leave them in default.

I don't have one of them fancy 12-button gamer mice, and I only ever use my mouse to change my angle of view if I need it, zoom in-out, or loot. And for QB3 stuff that has no combat relevance.

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Big heal R; aoe heal T; small heal F; hot C; instant heal V; cleanse X; regen energy small heal Z; Shift + C: defensive CD, shift + V; dodge; 1- 4- off dps, interrupt abilities.

I wish I have a naga mouse someday.

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If it was possible to save keybinding profiles I might actually get more experimental with it, but... since we don't have such a feature and I don't feel like going through all of my characters to update them all one by one over to whatever new standard I can come up with, I've kept it it fairly straightforward.


I use mouse4 (button on left side of mouse) as forward and mouse5 (button on right side of mouse) as reverse, and that's usually fine for movement controls.


For abilities I stick with the default for quickbar1 (numbers), shift+numbers for quickbar2, alt+numbers for quickbar3, and ctrl+numbers for quickbar4. I don't usually bother with keybinds for quickbars 5 and 6 but I think one or two characters got those set up with shift+alt+numbers and shift+ctrl+numbers before I decided that it wasn't worth it.


On all of my quickbars, the general trend is usually to place higher priority abilities to the left. Up to about slot 5 or 6 can be comfortable enough without stretching awkwardly or shifting my hand.


Quickbars 1 and 2 hold my attacks. If it's a character with a cover bar I'm likely to set up melee on the regular quickbar1 and long range on the cover bar. For healing characters I usually put most of the heals on quickbar2. Quickbar3 tends to hold my boosts / defenses. Quickbar4 is more about utility, holding things like rocket boost, exfiltrate, out of combat heal, escape from a stun, etc. Quickbars 5 and 6 get goofy stuff (toys, pets, whatever) and abilities that are fine being click-only (heroic moment, stances, sprint, etc.)

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I have a Naga Razor and try to put my keybinds to make it most effective. For those not famailr this mouse has a 12 digit keypad on it. These numbers translate to the the 10 keyboard numbers plus two other keys (- & = I believe). For simplicity I will describe them as 1-12.

QWERTY keyboard.

I use the same keybinds for all characters and have characters of every class so for simplicity I will describe the general guidelines I use.


Standard movement.


1-9 - The core rotation moves put in a prioritized order where 1 is most crucial, anything below about 7 is typically filler moves/resource fillers. Also adrenals would usually go somewhere in here.

10 - Buff

11 - Out of combat heal

12 - Dr. Oggurobb Hutt Holostatue (for a portable skill trainer)


Alt 1-12 - These are more situational abilities, stuns, CCs, force jump, force pull, or abilities that I would rarely use but might want in certain situations, example taunts on a DPS juggernaut.


Ctrl 1-12 - These are defensive abilities, shields, medpacks, stims, etc.


Mouse up - interrupt

Mouse down - CC break.


F1-F12 - Travel convince items and pets. So speeders, force speed on inquisitors and consulars, etc.

Alt F1 - F9 - Legacy of the Force and the 8 abilities

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drfg with d,g strafe


attack skills


1,2,3,4,5,q,w,e,a, shift+ 2,3,4,5,a


stun: s stun breaker: h


interupt t


taunt//drop threat y,u




s+d,s+f,r, s+r


movement enhancement and various:



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I never click. In this game, I don't think it matters as much as in other game, but in many other games I play it makes a huge difference, so I keybind in all my games to prevent bad habits from forming. I also use this same keybind setup in all of my other games as well.


Standard QWERTY keyboard. It never even occurred to me that the other layouts might be used by gamers! I learned something knew today. :)


Always use mouse to move unless straffing, which are bound to A and D.


` = Mobility skill (Force Leap, Force Speed, Roll, ect...)

1 - 5 = dps priority abilities, higher priority abilities go in lower numbered keys, 5 is reserved for execute abilities

Shift + 1 - 4 = additional dps priority abilties

Shift + 5 = Interupt

Alt + 1 - 4 = additional dps priority abilities when more than 9 buttons are needed (When tanking Alt + 1 is a single target taunt)

6 - 0 = Cooldown abilities that enhance dps or defense

CTRL + T = activate stealth

Shift + T = favorite mount

~ (aka Shift + `) = Rocket Boost; not used much in other games that don't have an equivalent ability

Ctrl + Alt + 1 = AOE Taunt or Threat Dump

Ctrl + Alt + 2 = Out of Combat Recovery

Ctrl + Alt + 3 - 5 = Long lasting buffs (4 and 5 aren't needed in SWTOR)


I use the Logitech G602 Proteus mouse, which has 3 macro keys for the thumb and 2 for the pointer finger next to the left click.


The 3 thumb keys are for Push To Talk in VOIP, Autorun, and the last varies by game, but in SWTOR I use it to throw the ball in Huttball.


The two macro keys by the left click are very rarely used because I'm busy holding down both mouse buttons to move. I usually have them setup to send various raid warning messages when needed or to help quickly mark a high priority target in combat.


I tend to leave the rest of the keybinds at their defaults, however, I do change the keybind for Chat Reply from R to Ctrl + R to avoid problems with bumping the R key by mistake and it inserting the cursor into a chat window because this really messes with keybindings.


I try to keep everything bound to the number row as much as possible, at least for combat related abilities. I also have a keyboard that allows me to replace each individual key, and I have special keys in the 1, 3, and 5 spots that allow me to identify the keys by touch without needing to look. I have poor muscle memory and rely more on my sense of touch, so this keyboard is a huge help for me.

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Man some people use some really complicated keybinds..


On Naga:

1-12 - Core abilities (healing/dps stuff)

ALT+1-12 - Cooldowns and extra stuff (abilities that are situational or something..)

SHIFT+1-12 - Often used CDs (zen or like supercharge gas.. stuff like that, usually 3 empties then random stuff at the end..)

12 is always set as my PTT button

On keyboard:

Literally all the binds are doubled so I dont always have to use my naga.. G,T,R,W,Q,A,Z,X,C,V,B are what I use in place of 1-11 when not using my naga..

All characters have similiar keybinds.. like A or 6 are always auto-attack, B or 11 are always interupts, V or 10 are always cleanse or taunt..

I move with E,D are forward backpeddle, SF are my strafe, most time I don't even use forward, just strafe and turn camera..

Most of the time I wind up clicking on some CDs (like... as a slinger, opener has 2 CDs, 1 ability followed by more CDs.. keyboard doesn't always catch that fast of keypresses so i get ALT+G but it misses ALT+T (adrenal..) then while G is casting i'm spamming alt+R then just release alt.. hitting R's ability, followed by spamming alt+A while at the same time hitting W... razer catches all of these in # presses but, my keyboard can't keep up with how fast I can click stuff.. almost like a faceroll over the keyboard sometimes.. sentinel tends to work the same with so many opener keybinds..)

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Numpad player here...


Mouse always handles visual stuff (9 button mouse, one set on CTRL for keyboard hotkeys)


2x thumb buttons: next enemy, focus target

1x little finger: next ally

2x middle finger: CTRL + target self



Keyboard handles actions:


8 2 4 6 = forward,backward,strafe left/right

7 = jump

Numlock = Rocket boost or throw huttball

/ * = situational non-stress abilities (stealth boost etc.)


9 = AOE attack or Smuggler/Agent Roll

1 = expensive power attack

0 . 3 Enter = basic rotation/attacks

+ - = grenades darts and stuff

5 = select closest enemy


Down = hard stun

Up =interrupt

Left/Right = situational (stealth, root, etc.)


PgDn : stunbreak

End : purge or medpack

Del : resting

Insert, Pos1, Pgup : medpack / heal / cleanse


Ctrl combinations (aka middle mouse button...)


Ctrl+Left = "oh crap"-button.

Ctrl+Up/Down/Right : situational CD

Ctrl+5 = boost or offensive

Ctrl+0 = defensive CD

Ctrl+Enter = defensive CD

Ctrl+1 = quick big heal for tight situations

Ctrl+9 = directly related to 9, like spreading dot or kolto infusion right after rolling on lethality...

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