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Quitters in WZ's


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First off, you should look up some of those words in the dictionary before you go stating things about a words "rule and definition" lol.


Now while you're waving that dictionary around I'll suggest you look up a little thing called "indefinite articles", google PUG OR just write "I don't understand" the next time you haven't got a clue of what you're reading.


A quitter brings nothing huh?

If it's true, they bring nothing, then by that logic they are no loss at all.....so....may as well let them leave peacefully, eh?


Yep and preferably before the wz start so we can get a backfill that won't quit at the first sign of opposition . . .


And if what's written in ops chat upsets you, turn it off, by the level of frustration you present in your reply I know you ain't there yet, BUT, if and when you get there, you won't need ops chat, you should be able to read the wz on the fly. All you need to know, to be able to do that, is presented in some of the replies in this thread . . .


Have a GG mate . . .;)

And may your DCs be far and long between:cool:

Edited by t-darko
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Now while you're waving that dictionary around I'll suggest you look up a little thing called "indefinite articles", google PUG OR just write "I don't understand" the next time you haven't got a clue of what you're reading.




Yep and preferably before the wz start so we can get a backfill that won't quit at the first sign of opposition . . .


And if what's written in ops chat upsets you, turn it off, by the level of frustration you present in your reply I know you ain't there yet, BUT, if and when you get there, you won't need ops chat, you should be able to read the wz on the fly. All you need to know, to be able to do that, is presented in some of the replies in this thread . . .


Have a GG mate . . .;)

And may your DCs be far and long between:cool:


lots of leavers are the ones that do read the wz's and not just the chat. Again, seeing 5 people rush to snow at the beginng, all 5 trying to click, no chat necessary. Lose a node, no call? That's a definite trouble sign. Reading a wz is more than just chat. Further, being stuck in the queue rotation with said noobbabggery is beyond painful. People play this game for fun, and while trying to teach some people wz's might be fun for some, it's not fun for most. Thus if the game isn't fun, don't play, leave, etc...

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Now while you're waving that dictionary around I'll suggest you look up a little thing called "indefinite articles", google PUG OR just write "I don't understand" the next time you haven't got a clue of what you're reading.


Nice "Dur dur, you're a poopyhead!" response.


Yep and preferably before the wz start so we can get a backfill that won't quit at the first sign of opposition . . .


Might want to read the posts again if you think the issue is "the first sign of opposition." Sounds like Wicked isn't the one who hasn't got a clue of what he's reading.

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if people want to leave, let them leave. If you keep people there, they will just troll, /yell, and spam how bad everyone is while standing in a corner doing nothing. Forcing people to stay doesn't force participation.


That's another good point. Regardless if the reasons for leaving are valid or not, a penalty won't do anything anyway. Then anyone who wants to leave will just AFK instead, or sabotage the match by intentionally helping the other team so that they can leave. Or they'll just stop queueing altogether so queue times go through the roof. And if they do get the penalty, they'll just log into another character and continue queueing.

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I know you had a whole rant, but it's just too much, where I disagree with you is simple.


If you are guarding, guard. If your talents are going to waste, or you didn't queue, then there is this simple thing called communication. "I'm a healer, don't make me guard the pylon." "I'm the only healer here, you guys got wrecked at mid because you left your only healer to guard. Someone switch with me"


Really simple stuff can change this, but let's face it, if you don't want to communicate with your team, then you are a baddie.


All that has been said, to the point where I have force pulled someone back to the pylon ...people can't read, no one comes to replace. Most the time they aren't even on the node fighting at any location.

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Honestly, I think we're all directing our outrage at the wrong people. Personally, I almost never quit warzones as I'm very much group-oriented, but given that the entire point of this (or any) game is to have fun, I can fully understand and sympathize with most people who do.


Anyone who has ever solo queued Warzone PvP has had his or her share of matches that are completely pointless, where you know with 99% certainty that you're going to be stomped into the ground, over and over, because your side is playing completely selfishly, doesn't care about objectives, and is filled with the "YOLO DPS" crowd who couldn't care less about anyone or anything other than themselves and their DPS numbers/medal count. If someone wants to leave that, I'd say he has every right to do so and that taking some kind of action against them is only going to make the overall situation worse.


Unless Bioware ever implements some kind of ladder system, this is forever going to continue being an issue. So, in other words, I'd suggest grouping up with people you find who have a clue, because we all know that will never happen.

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I am a recently returned player to SWTOR and I can say that I have enjoyed my time since I have been back alot.


But the amount of people that play in a Warzone for just a few then quit is astounding, only to see them hotjoin back into the match then leave again. I just don't understand why they would be doing this. The other ones just quit and don't return. Just play the match.


Bioware needs to put in some sort of penalty for leaving a WZ early.


While it isn't the best thing for a team... Sometimes when people quit you get better players to fill their spot


Reasons people leave -

- They get sick of playing with people who refuse to play objectives and run off and leave nodes etc unguarded, just so they can death match... The idea is to leave and requeue so you don't keep queuing with these bad players match after match

- there is a pvp troll in the match who just goes and hides in a corner or follows someone without doing anything all match

- you pop into a match late or after someone has left to see it is unwinable

- real life interruption

All of those reasons are ledgitmate reasons to leave


Other reasons are -

- People are bad and if their team isn't good enough to carry them, they leave

- they are usually good players in a premade, but hopeless in a random group... So leave if they get killed so that other people don't see how bad they are

- they hate to lose, so if the other team is better they leave

All of those reasons arent ledgitmate reasons

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While it isn't the best thing for a team... Sometimes when people quit you get better players to fill their spot


Reasons people leave -

- They get sick of playing with people who refuse to play objectives and run off and leave nodes etc unguarded, just so they can death match... The idea is to leave and requeue so you don't keep queuing with these bad players match after match

- there is a pvp troll in the match who just goes and hides in a corner or follows someone without doing anything all match

- you pop into a match late or after someone has left to see it is unwinable

- real life interruption

All of those reasons are ledgitmate reasons to leave


Other reasons are -

- People are bad and if their team isn't good enough to carry them, they leave

- they are usually good players in a premade, but hopeless in a random group... So leave if they get killed so that other people don't see how bad they are

- they hate to lose, so if the other team is better they leave

All of those reasons arent ledgitmate reasons


Very well said, and the biggest reason I don't criticize people for leaving. Just got out of a warzone that was filled with what I call the "YOLO DPS" crowd. Myself and ONE other guy actually played objectives. It was ACW, and they consistently went from one node to the next, six at once. Mid to snow to grass, back to mid, etc. Completely abandoning each node as they took it, ignoring all calls (I saw them head for grass as one other guy was frantically calling out INC SNOW), etc.


In my opinion, that's a big old middle finger shoved in the face of anyone on that team that actually wants to win. It's the attitude of "screw you guys; I got my coms. I don't give a f**k if we win."


And given that there are no iggy lists in PvP, I don't blame anyone for leaving groups like that.

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I know you had a whole rant, but it's just too much, where I disagree with you is simple.


If you are guarding, guard. If your talents are going to waste, or you didn't queue, then there is this simple thing called communication. "I'm a healer, don't make me guard the pylon." "I'm the only healer here, you guys got wrecked at mid because you left your only healer to guard. Someone switch with me"


Really simple stuff can change this, but let's face it, if you don't want to communicate with your team, then you are a baddie.


Thing is I have been in a similar situation before. I have queued up as a healer and realized nobody will cap but me...NOBODY. They are all off derping at mid. So I go cap and then I ask repeatedly "Someone please come switch me...I am a healer." "Don't leave heals to guard." I see a couple random stealth teammates respawn and look at the pylon I cap and then proceed to go to mid and derp.


So, I continue to guard and eventually the enemy comes to attack my pylon to try to pull people out of mid. I have 3 enemies coming toward me and I call "3 inc grass." I then call "3 grass...now". I then call "GRASS NOW". Meanwhile 7 of my teammates are derping in mid and they still have not been able to cap it somehow. Eventually a 4th enemy comes to grass and I call "4 grass...now." "Help NOW" I am able to last a while since I am a healer, but can't last indefinitely.


Eventually I succumb having called numerous times for help and for someone else to guard since I'm heals. But my teammates sees the green node turn red and then they scream.."*** how did you lose pylon? Why no call?" At this point I am incredibly irritated so respond by saying "Read chat...i called several times. How is that you guys couldnt cap a pylon in a 7v4 while I was being attacked by the other 4....or how you couldnt come help me?" You know what their response is? "They have healers and we dont. So they are killing us."


At this point I just quit the match. I don't even dignify them with a response. The funny thing is I have had this type of situation and dialog happen more than once. I will quit teams full of bads.

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Make no mistake. Quitting because:


* You're losing

* You don't like the game-type

* You don't like the way other people play the game


are all completely unacceptable. It only frustrates the experience further for those members of the team that are perfectly competent and trying their best to overcome whatever handicap they're up against. It's bad sportsmanship. It's selfish. It hurts the experience for everybody and it reflects poorly on you.


The mass majority of the time people quit is not because they are losing. Games can be incredibly fun even if you lose. Losing has nothing to do with it. People quit to queue dodge the bads. Having people scream at you for losing a node after you called and defended the node solo for almost a minute is a giant "F You" to me. When I am the only person on the team capable of reading ops chat, checking the map, noticing that a node needs capped/guarded, calling incs, or doing anything remotely useful then I have every right to queue dodge the bads. Being new or inexperienced is not a problem...that is different that the bads....and the difference is easy to spot. Being a bad frustrates the gameplay of those who actually try in a warzone. It's bad sportsmanship to derp around and do nothing useful and then have the audacity to complain about the only teammates doing something useful. Queuing as a bad is a heck of a lot more selfish than quitting and reflects poorly on them. Hence people queue dodge them.

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Being a bad frustrates the gameplay of those who actually try in a warzone. It's bad sportsmanship to derp around and do nothing useful and then have the audacity to complain about the only teammates doing something useful. Queuing as a bad is a heck of a lot more selfish than quitting and reflects poorly on them. Hence people queue dodge them.


^^^ THIS ^^^


The worst part? The game rewards people who play this way.

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Thing is I have been in a similar situation before. I have queued up as a healer and realized nobody will cap but me...NOBODY. They are all off derping at mid. So I go cap and then I ask repeatedly "Someone please come switch me...I am a healer." "Don't leave heals to guard." I see a couple random stealth teammates respawn and look at the pylon I cap and then proceed to go to mid and derp.


So, I continue to guard and eventually the enemy comes to attack my pylon to try to pull people out of mid. I have 3 enemies coming toward me and I call "3 inc grass." I then call "3 grass...now". I then call "GRASS NOW". Meanwhile 7 of my teammates are derping in mid and they still have not been able to cap it somehow. Eventually a 4th enemy comes to grass and I call "4 grass...now." "Help NOW" I am able to last a while since I am a healer, but can't last indefinitely.


Eventually I succumb having called numerous times for help and for someone else to guard since I'm heals. But my teammates sees the green node turn red and then they scream.."*** how did you lose pylon? Why no call?" At this point I am incredibly irritated so respond by saying "Read chat...i called several times. How is that you guys couldnt cap a pylon in a 7v4 while I was being attacked by the other 4....or how you couldnt come help me?" You know what their response is? "They have healers and we dont. So they are killing us."


At this point I just quit the match. I don't even dignify them with a response. The funny thing is I have had this type of situation and dialog happen more than once. I will quit teams full of bads.


Exactly. No one knows how to follow simple instruction and they think they are some kind of hero. They rush in zergs thinking they are safe in numbers and die. They chase people with low hps across the map wanting to be able to kill someone. I have led a chain of 4 people off mid, to grass, under mid and up snow as they desperately tried to kill me...in the end we triple capped while I wasted half the enemies time.


Course I have done the same t hing and been triple capped wondering how 7 people lost 3 nodes to 4. Never ceases to amaze me.


And yes the rewards for losing team should be revamped. You should be able to vote least valuable player. By upon getting 5 votes you forfeit all comms and xp for that round. 5 because only 7 can vote and because a premade of 4 couldnt troll one person without the 5th vote. More than likely it's a terrible player who is camping for defense points or doing nothing in a corner happy to have a couple medals and get xp and comms.


Also upon losing the warzone you should get nothing. Rewards should be split among top dmg, top healers, top objectives and top protection. 50% of original rewards for these people. Granted it's not perfect as someone people just camp for medals or farm damage...but at least the person doing more dmg than the person doing less (Both not playing objectives) is slightly...slightly more useful. As for guarding...as long as they can hold the node while someone comes its better than nothing I guess.


Either way I am tired of the trophy earning state we are in. DO no work, get no reward, simple enough. Tired of it? A. Don't que. B. Learn to play objectives, C learn to play class. I have seen terrible players try fervently to play objectives and they have helped win the game, sucking at their class they still made great huttball passes, called incoming and so on. More than likely they were just new or playing on a bad system cause you could tell they were trying. And im fine with that.


I get into warzones where the huttball isnt scored until 6 minutes in...then somehow in the next 6 minutes the enemy team gets 5 more points, why is that? Cause everyone is like "Oh the scored once...its over, we lost" and resort to mindless zombie dps. It's pathetic which is why for the longest time for years I would rush head long with the ball past the enemies, straight through acid and half the time score...you manage that within 30 seconds of game...its almost 99% of the time a win cause the other team feels like t hey got stomped and then become unorganized and give up...they may have been a better team but they are quitters at heart most the time.


I am fine trying to play and save a warzone but imagine this...real life *gasp* You are playing a game of basketball...the enemy team gets 2 points.

Here goes the dialogue:

"Enemy team has two points!"

Person1 "Awe man...so much for that"

Persons2: *throws jersey on ground, im done with this I quit*

Person 3: "Seasons over bro...we lost"

Person 4: "I am just going to stay for the snacks at the end of the game...woooo juice box"

Person 5: "I think i'll pick a fight with the person who scored, that'll show em, lets not be proactive lets be retroactive instead!"

Person 6: "I think I'll switch sides and join their team...that will make me a good player"

Person 7: "Isn't this baseball????"

Person 8: "Hey guys come on, we still got 11 minutes on the clock, we can do that, look the other team are ewoks, the only one that scored on you was the wookie and he sprained his ankle...lets do this..."

-Game has ended due to lack of players-


That pretty much sums up the pug mindset of people in real life who come here in game. People say "It's just a game"...its not, a game is something we do in real life for entertainment...its no more or no less than anything else. Being failures, being douche bags, being terrible, and putting that on others is just as much an insult in game as it is in real life. Yet due to the security of being anonymous people feel obliged to ignore common sense.


I honestly can't understand the mindset of players. People WHO quit warzones are more or less people fed up being around actual quitters. They may stay in the warzone but all of them are there for 1. Conquest points, 2 xp, 3 comms and would love to get carried to get more but are content with whatever 'handout' that is given to them. (Let's ignore that real life aspect and go with our imagination) some people just think thats the way it should be. Why work when its free right?


I mean going into a warzone with no plan to try or help is like opening a book and turning pages yet never reading a single word.


No one's got time for that. I don't want to team with people who don't care if you are a lone healer guarding. Or if you are screaming *basically* for help in caps, in full text, anything, Spanish, Russian, Japanese...just hoping maybe they speak gungan...(oh thats the language im sure they will all understand as t hey have been trained by Master JarJar in the art of war)



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When all defenders in VOidstar go to one side, or no one calls and it gets capped within 30seconds. I am leaving.


When people cap nodes and leave them, or dont call inc. I am leaving.


When people refuse to play Huttball in Huttball. I am leaving.


These are simple things. I do not need to put up with that kind of idiocy or aggravation on a game. I choose not to.


You do what you like, and i'll do what I like. Happy?


And u never felt wish to advice them to defend pylon, to go for a ball, to call inc etc.? You were, or ur one of players who just follow the lead because ur too lazy to take it?

If there's the last thing, i suggest u not to play warzones anymore because u actually play them to waste ur time, but if ur trying to help ur group to win, then u have more right.

Anyway, i cant find good enough reason for leaving warzones. What if situation suddenly turns to right after u left? What if everybody begin to leave warzones because they dont like match anymore!?

To me its really unfair to ur group mates, and when somebody leaves ranked warzone, then its worthy of really bad punishment!

Players who spoil ratings of other from their group in rwz with quitting group should be punished with banning them from playing ranked warzones this whole day + 100 rating minus.

And yes i am rigorous, but thats what they deserve.


Of course, with one exception: system should be able to recognize (and not to punish of course!) if somebody leaves warzone because disconnection, and as far as i know its very possible in 21. century.

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At least the team could vote you out if you are going to be zero help. No one is trying to force you to play, you are the one who hit the que button or your group leader did, either way you made the decision to go into the warzone.


You don't see all the quitters? I am sorry but did you just skip over the 3 pages of ghetto excuses for people not wanting to put forth an effort to get a win? It is a problem whether or not you have turned a blind eye to it or not.


No amount of effort will fix stupid not even the biggest roll of duct tape. There are some pve hero's that just will not listen to reason and beat on the tank at grass while dieing over and over all 7 of them from the same guild. So i guess in that situation you just go attack the off node to win? Wait a minute there is only 4 of there team stopping the 7 pve hero's at grass you go try to take the off node and get killed by the 4 other team members . With your I am a one man pvp god i can win this bro with effort wont do a thing. You will sit there wasting you day in worthless ques this is why you see big pvp guilds queing at the same time less stupid in a warzone.

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And yes the rewards for losing team should be revamped. You should be able to vote least valuable player. By upon getting 5 votes you forfeit all comms and xp for that round. 5 because only 7 can vote and because a premade of 4 couldnt troll one person without the 5th vote. More than likely it's a terrible player who is camping for defense points or doing nothing in a corner happy to have a couple medals and get xp and comms.




This shouldn't happen, because the guy that gets voted least is always going to be the one trying to give advice, or the one who class 3inc snow multiple times then rants about it in chat. In other words the one who did their job, and the one trying to help people.

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I love how everyone claims to quit because of "bads". Sometimes the other team is just better. *gasp* I know it's hard to believe but it's possible for everyone to play extremely well and for everyone to "do their job" and still lose. I realize this will come as a shock to those of you unfortunate enough to have parents who enrolled you into sports leagues that don't keep score, but the sooner you come to terms with this uncomfortable truth, the better off you'll be. Accept it. Learn to live with it. Life will be a whole lot easier if you do.
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I love how everyone claims to quit because of "bads". Sometimes the other team is just better. *gasp* I know it's hard to believe but it's possible for everyone to play extremely well and for everyone to "do their job" and still lose. I realize this will come as a shock to those of you unfortunate enough to have parents who enrolled you into sports leagues that don't keep score, but the sooner you come to terms with this uncomfortable truth, the better off you'll be. Accept it. Learn to live with it. Life will be a whole lot easier if you do.


There's a big difference between losing to good players and having bads on your team. Obvious things are obvious


5ppl on your team "rush" the pylon on the 1st round only to have all 5 click the pylon to capture it, no one playing defense, and they get trolled by 1 guy. Ditto on ACW and doors in voidstar.


No call outs, esp at the beginning doors capped within 15 secs on right, when 7ppl are defending against 7 on the left, etc... no call, no ones died, just noobbaggery.


Then the claim of, I didn't have time to call out? Really? s1, r1, etc... is hard? takes too long? Well, it's obvious that they failed without calling anyways. Hell, half the time its the guy that's the weakest trying to guard a node or defend a door so they don't have to attack. But realistically that's the one person that shouldn't be guarding. They need to be fighting and learning

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There's a big difference between losing to good players and having bads on your team. Obvious things are obvious


5ppl on your team "rush" the pylon on the 1st round only to have all 5 click the pylon to capture it, no one playing defense, and they get trolled by 1 guy. Ditto on ACW and doors in voidstar.


No call outs, esp at the beginning doors capped within 15 secs on right, when 7ppl are defending against 7 on the left, etc... no call, no ones died, just noobbaggery.


Then the claim of, I didn't have time to call out? Really? s1, r1, etc... is hard? takes too long? Well, it's obvious that they failed without calling anyways. Hell, half the time its the guy that's the weakest trying to guard a node or defend a door so they don't have to attack. But realistically that's the one person that shouldn't be guarding. They need to be fighting and learning


Exactly. There's a difference between people who didn't know and people who don't care.

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This shouldn't happen, because the guy that gets voted least is always going to be the one trying to give advice, or the one who class 3inc snow multiple times then rants about it in chat. In other words the one who did their job, and the one trying to help people.


I think you misunderstood. The MVP vote is still there, there is also a Negative Vote to add. If 5 people all agree that this unique individual was useless for the team as they stood around and did nothing then yeah they deserve nothing. And lets be frank, most people can't coordinate anything in warzones anyways so getting 5 votes against you would be pretty slim....if you did then you most likely deserved it.

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I think you misunderstood. The MVP vote is still there, there is also a Negative Vote to add. If 5 people all agree that this unique individual was useless for the team as they stood around and did nothing then yeah they deserve nothing. And lets be frank, most people can't coordinate anything in warzones anyways so getting 5 votes against you would be pretty slim....if you did then you most likely deserved it.


nope, I think you misunderstand me. I'm saying the guy that gets those votes isn't going to be the least valuable player, it's going to be the guy that guards a node, and nobody attacks it, though they did everything they were supposed to do. Add that, that guy getting those least votes would/could also be the one that tries to give advice, and as in most cases, people don't want to told what to do. Thus, probably not the person that deserves it. And penalizing someone for doing everything correct, just because should never happen

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I love how everyone claims to quit because of "bads". Sometimes the other team is just better. *gasp* I know it's hard to believe but it's possible for everyone to play extremely well and for everyone to "do their job" and still lose. I realize this will come as a shock to those of you unfortunate enough to have parents who enrolled you into sports leagues that don't keep score, but the sooner you come to terms with this uncomfortable truth, the better off you'll be. Accept it. Learn to live with it. Life will be a whole lot easier if you do.


Anyone with half a brain knows the difference between a good team and a bad team. You team up against a better team and try and lose..oh well. But figthing a premade with bads is probably the worst. Not only are you figthing against an organized team who knows what they are doing, you are on a team of clueless, braindead, future padded cell inmates that have no idea what is going on. So as a healer you just get focused and massacred while your team splits and rushes all 3 nodes, at separate times so they get picked off one by one. It's not worth it, you can try but if your team just doesn't even at least try it gets tiring after awhile. Especially when you have to beg and coerce the tank to guard you (Who ends up guarding another jugg tank instead).


I have been on losing teams where people listened, called incoming and just by luck of the straw we lost...*cough*wehad4marauderstheyhad4sorc2vg2sin* that aside sometimes the team IS better and I get that. But if you have NO teamwork it makes the whole game play miserable.


Example! I am on a middle school basketball team against a professional NBA team...obviously we are going to lose....but when your team wont listen, look you in the eye, and they toss the ball to the opposing team just to get out of the focus....just...***? Not even an effort....oh we lost...well then LEARN you KNOW they are good, find out WHY they are good, fight them, look at what they do and LEARN, if you cant even do that when you are obviously inferior to them how, HOW would you ever expect to get better?


Nah, let's rush the same node we got sluaghtered at for 3 minutes and expect a new result right?


Learn from mistakes, try a new tactic, listen to reason (aka teammates) and try to do something new.


I have been on a voidstar where my teams top dps was 260k, the enemy teams lowest dps was 800k+ they were FARRRRRMING us....and we won, we planted every door and final bomb with time to spare....they made past the bridge and no further....no focus, no coordination and no teamwork, just tunnel vision dps.

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nope, I think you misunderstand me. I'm saying the guy that gets those votes isn't going to be the least valuable player, it's going to be the guy that guards a node, and nobody attacks it, though they did everything they were supposed to do. Add that, that guy getting those least votes would/could also be the one that tries to give advice, and as in most cases, people don't want to told what to do. Thus, probably not the person that deserves it. And penalizing someone for doing everything correct, just because should never happen


No one is going to vote 5 against a guy with high objectives, especially if they heard them making legit calls or at least clarifying that their node was still clear. If they were badmouthing maybe some sore losers might vote against but it would have to be coordinated for that. It's the person that stands off node and does nothing *camps comms* that will get no rewards....that eliminates that problem. It's the guy who rushes to our endzone with huttball and passes to enemy player just to end the warzone. It's the guy who is an obvious troll, not playing an advance class at high lvls, not playing objectives period to the point where he is just goofing off that might irritate other players....takes a lot to piss off 5 people. I can hardly convince players in a team of 4 on a flashpoint to kick one bad....how will 5 votes come to happen? In all reality it wont even reach the majority of people who deserve no xp, but at least the absolute worst that are literally should not be in a warzone might get the memo that they wont earn rewards if they continue doing what they do.


Think about it like this...how often does someone even get 5 mvps? Doesnt happen..I have had insane 2 mil heals, top objectives and no deaths on my team...and gotten 1 or 0 mvp before...people just don't recognize anything most the time, half dont even vote, the other half vote friends, and the rest just vote someone that maybe helped them gank someone they hated...who knows. Well if you dont like the idea I'd like to hear YOUR solution. Cause currently....this is bad.


Actually I want to add on this. Here is an example of a good player. This was pre 3.0 I was doing warzones in mids and a powertech was complaining about heat and so on. (He was pyro) he seemed new as I later found out. I explained him how simple the rotation was and how to manage heat so he didn't run out after 5 cooldowns. Sure enough I play against him a few days later...instead of hitting 300k rounds like I had seen he was hitting 800k and doing way better just in that little bit of time. Granted he obviously understood what I said, was able to learn and adapt. There are people who do poorly and if someone truly asks for help in a warzone, I'd be glad to help. The problem is trolls kill it for them and they are afraid to speak up as they will be shot down, discredited and called a noob and bad before they even get to learn.


Guess what they ARE a noob, and they in terms of performance are BAD at their character...however they are not a bad teammate, being able to ask for help when they truly want to understand and better themselves will turn that novice into a professional if they can listen and take advice (Granted there is some talent involved plus experience and time that will take some getting used to as learning all the advance classes capabilities and how to counter them) yet they are able to learn.


So don't ruin it for players who are trying to actually learn. However they have to speak out otherwise as far as I know...you are terrible. I have played against some players for so long and seen zero improvement. How does a 57 sage lose to a 31 sniper in midbies? ....anyways there are l2p issues (Learn to play around biowares clunky system, broken resolve, and bugs...yay I lept and fell a million miles) You get the point. =)

Edited by VixenRawR
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...............................................So don't ruin it for players who are trying to actually learn. However they have to speak out otherwise as far as I know...you are terrible. I have played against some players for so long and seen zero improvement. How does a 57 sage lose to a 31 sniper in midbies? ....anyways there are l2p issues (Learn to play around biowares clunky system, broken resolve, and bugs...yay I lept and fell a million miles) You get the point. =)


Lowbies and midbies are the places to learn, it is the L2P paradise, things do not matter, you are just collecting comms and levelling, I have no issues whatsosver with that.


It is the people at 60, or moreso, infesting ranked who are utterly clueless, that really grip my 5hit.


If we had cross server, ie, the player pool was large enough, it would be a godsend to have the same ignore feature the PVErs have.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I love how everyone claims to quit because of "bads". Sometimes the other team is just better. *gasp* I know it's hard to believe but it's possible for everyone to play extremely well and for everyone to "do their job" and still lose. I realize this will come as a shock to those of you unfortunate enough to have parents who enrolled you into sports leagues that don't keep score, but the sooner you come to terms with this uncomfortable truth, the better off you'll be. Accept it. Learn to live with it. Life will be a whole lot easier if you do.


A very good point, losing doesnt mean your team was bad, by any means, sometimes you just get beat.. say GG and move on.

If its a premade in regs take a quick shot just to let them know it wasnt skill but still :) )

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