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Every time PvP'rs whine and sniffle, PvE suffers


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why exactly does the 2nd highest burst need to be nerfed? (what about the highest)? when that class is now the lowest, do you continue on to the new highest and destroy it? when do you stop there will always be a top parsing spec. ALWAYS. this is like putting a kid in a round room and telling him to pee in the corner...not going to work


Which is why nerfing a class (assault specialist) that has the highest dps output atm BECAUSE of pve and the WORST defensive cooldowns in the game is simply ludicrous. You balance the game around pvp, I said it before, THEN create content around that balance. Bam, everyone is happy. Instead , as I already said, BW is making content without taking the class changes from 3.0 into mind, and then struggling to balance the game after people were already used to the way the changes were done.


And to whoever said pvpers make up a tiny portion of the game, think again, you have the pvp servers, PLUS people on the PVE and RP servers that pvp, so again, think again.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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lol its exactly what you said. in fact, you just said it again.


its a video game. killing other players is the objective. not everyone freaks out like a big baby like you when they die in said video game. people join the servertype to enjoy themselves.


just because you dont like pvp, that doesnt mean people that do are pyschopaths.


accusing someone playing pvp of being a psychopath is the equivalent of accusing a pokemon player of animal abuse.


You seriously need a course in reading comprehension. I know it's a video game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't attract people who have personality disorders. I have friends who adore pvp, I love them. I've pvp'd in other games, but these people are worthy my respect and are not psychopaths. I'm talking about the ones that even after they've killed you twelve times, they keep coming at you, to prevent you from finishing your quest. They are the ones that will go around killing people twenty levels lower than they are, and in crap gear. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the honour and decency? That's just being a no good griefing nuisance.


I'm not saying all people who like pvp are psychopaths, what I *am* saying is that pvp servers tend to attract more of that sort of player. They're not in it for fun or challenge, they're in it to be mean nuisances. The fact that you resort to calling me names, suggests to me you're exactly the sort of player I'm referring to.


You clearly don't understand the difference, so I'm not going to waste any more effort trying to explain it to you.

Edited by Lunafox
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Look, the issue here is not that PvE players are "worse" than PvP. It is NOT that players who lose a utility are stupid if they can't do without it. Those who say something along the lines of, "If you can't win without that utility you coveted, then you're doing it wrong" are not understanding or dealing with the basic issue. The issue is that PvP DRIVES these changes that otherwise do not need to be made, thus PvP CONTROLS the game for everyone, and the developers are lock-step in favor of doing this--to the detriment of PvE.


This puts the lie to the idea that the developers pay no attention to PvP. They demonstrably do, as these class changes behind and before us attest.


These kinds of changes are also low-hanging fruit. Even if you're not a coder yourself I think it is easy to perceive that tweaking some statistics in the game, or removing a utility, is extremely easy to do compared to something like, oh, you know,




Now THERE is something that both PvP and PvE players can unite behind. Yet the developers seem oddly obtuse in responding to this. The last thing Eric said about this was basically that the servers were too busy and backing up. Well, to a lot of us, and ESPECIALLY to PvP players, this lag is a serious detriment to the game and MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than doing something lazy and unnecessary such as removing unload because some whiner thinks it creates an "imbalance."

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You seriously need a course in reading comprehension. I know it's a video game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't attract people who have personality disorders. I have friends who adore pvp, I love them. I've pvp'd in other games, but these people are worthy my respect and are not psychopaths. I'm talking about the ones that even after they've killed you twelve times, they keep coming at you, to prevent you from finishing your quest. They are the ones that will go around killing people twenty levels lower than they are, and in crap gear. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the honour and decency? That's just being a no good griefing nuisance.


I'm not saying all people who like pvp are psychopaths, what I *am* saying is that pvp servers tend to attract more of that sort of player. They're not in it for fun or challenge, they're in it to be mean nuisances. The fact that you resort to calling me names, suggests to me you're exactly the sort of player I'm referring to.


You clearly don't understand the difference, so I'm not going to waste any more effort trying to explain it to you.

roflmao honor and decency?



dude you need to go outside because if you feel the need to accuse people of mental disorders because of what they like doing in video games, you should point that high powered perception at yourself friend.

Edited by Pagy
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Look, the issue here is not that PvE players are "worse" than PvP. It is NOT that players who lose a utility are stupid if they can't do without it. Those who say something along the lines of, "If you can't win without that utility you coveted, then you're doing it wrong" are not understanding or dealing with the basic issue. The issue is that PvP DRIVES these changes that otherwise do not need to be made, thus PvP CONTROLS the game for everyone, and the developers are lock-step in favor of doing this--to the detriment of PvE.


This puts the lie to the idea that the developers pay no attention to PvP. They demonstrably do, as these class changes behind and before us attest.


These kinds of changes are also low-hanging fruit. Even if you're not a coder yourself I think it is easy to perceive that tweaking some statistics in the game, or removing a utility, is extremely easy to do compared to something like, oh, you know,




Now THERE is something that both PvP and PvE players can unite behind. Yet the developers seem oddly obtuse in responding to this. The last thing Eric said about this was basically that the servers were too busy and backing up. Well, to a lot of us, and ESPECIALLY to PvP players, this lag is a serious detriment to the game and MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than doing something lazy and unnecessary such as removing unload because some whiner thinks it creates an "imbalance."


I'd also like to highlight what you are saying.


It's really ridiculous that the developers have done nothing further regarding the performance issues. They admitted they exist, put in a small fix to ability delay, and have left it at that.


3.2's patch notes mention nothing of further improvements.


We all know they respond to "rage" on the forums, such as over the slot machine, or balance whining.


I really wish more people would hold them to making the game function properly.


It's absurd: BW admits the servers and your UI don't work well - community says nothing. Some slot machine stops dropping CM certs and credit-making materials - the forums go berserk and BW responds. PvP forums filled with "Assassins are kicking my ***, it's not fair." The good PvE DPS spec for Assassins gets nailed.

Edited by arunav
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Lol unload ability. ... only used that when I knew stealth was around or I wanted to see my prety colored blaster fire. Pvp standpoint it was useless for me. Idk why but standing still for x of secs isnt smart for a pvp tank as thier are players needing my guard/ taunts and just in general back up.

After being gone for a yr+ nothing has really changed other then the sad state some of the classes are. Pvper vs pve'erswill always happen Iin any mmo. Just addaped and over come the changes simple.

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you have to remember the devs high grade pvp skills. what you perceive to be problems for pvp and what they see with their mad skillz are 2 different things. so any changes they make to benefit pvp have to be viewed from that skewed perspective. these are the people that brought us "heal to full etc" they very well might view unload as a primary pvp skill.
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Pvp standpoint it was useless for me.


Why is it that some people think because they do not use something or find it useless makes it a fact of life for all players? You know other players may fine it useful and they may use it. Given the complaining about it id say you were in the minority about it.


Having more diverse ability's allows for more diverse play styles. The continual nerfing class and ability's removing diversity of play style such as changing the 3 different class trees to there current version just promotes/forces cookie cutter builds and stale game play.


I for one am tired of nerfing our big signature ability's.. the ability's that set class's apart.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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when the devs took away our "spec trees" they made every spec a cookie cutter i absolutly agree with you.... I miss my shield spec VG w gut.... lol was nice, but really either way at first I too was a lil mad they took away unload from the VGs/ PTs but not so much as of right now. I just honestly miss my hybrid builds. All in all the game is still fun to play, if it werent I wouldnt be playing. The mercs and commandos can still use it which is fine as they need the dps, us tanks only need to keep agro and not really worry about our dps. Was unload useful? Yes. Is it really needed for us? Not really. Edited by choigreywolf
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Y u mad that they got rid of ability that shouldn't be in the dmg rotation for pt's? Only bads stand there and cast unload in front of the enemy when they could be doing something useful.


A. who are you to decide everyones rotations?


B. lower level toons used it for leveling. they actually needed it at times


c. anyone that uses the term "bads" proves themselves an idiot. so their opinion is worthless

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IMO BW spends WAY TOO MUCH time listening to PvP Whiners and tweaking the entire game for THEIR benefit only. And every time they do, PvE suffers.

Sure, check out all the gold posts in the PVP forums. And notice how PVP isn't always at the bottom of every patch note or communication, when it's mentioned at all. We're having cozy fireside chats while the devs take notes on a regular basis.


So as far as I'm concerned BW spends way too much time listening to PvP Whiners' date=' and as a result it is slowly but surely eroding the game for the rest of us so these fat guys in the basement can fantasize that they can beat up the school bully.[/quote']

lol good grief, are you 5?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Nothing makes me lol more than PvEers trying to act tough.

We all need to be constantly reminded of how tough playing PvP in a computer game is. Would you say it's tougher than ironing a shirt? Not quite as tough as that? Maybe more like making a bowl of oatmeal?


Also, stop whining, go back to roleplaying your story missions or whatever it is PVE carebears do.

Well, reading the fleet chat of PvPers 1) whine and make excuses if they lost or 2) brag about how 1337 they are if they won is one thing to do. There must be something in the WZ queue that checks for maximum age and cuts it off at about 12.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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when the devs took away our "spec trees" they made every spec a cookie cutter i absolutly agree with you.... I miss my shield spec VG w gut.... lol was nice, but really either way at first I too was a lil mad they took away unload from the VGs/ PTs but not so much as of right now. I just honestly miss my hybrid builds. All in all the game is still fun to play, if it werent I wouldnt be playing. The mercs and commandos can still use it which is fine as they need the dps, us tanks only need to keep agro and not really worry about our dps. Was unload useful? Yes. Is it really needed for us? Not really.


Well I'm glad you agree.. but don't you think at some point people need to say enough is enough? Really who cares if it was for pvp or pve.. there are other ways to adjust ability's or bring class's in to balance then nerfing them.


Such as skills having different damage numbers or effects in pvp vs pve... those to say its to complicated for people to understand.. are you one of those people that are unable to read? Are unable to understand that if the ability lets say for example force storm if it said does not snare and does 30% less damage to pvp targets.. would you be unable to understand that?


Adjusting pve boss battles so melee are not totally screwed... this should of been noticeable right from the start from the devs. Even so adjusting close range damage so melee class can sustain dps in a target with out getting wiped to the floor would be a better design point then nerfing all the range class's damage.


The arbitrary nerfing of class's is tiresome.. and is exasperated when the nerfs are un-need such as the lighting spec single target dps.


It also doesn't help that the DEV's just arbitrary nerf skills with out discussion or their views on why it was needed.

Edited by Happy_Puppy
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I wish that this mmo had different set ups for pve and pvp, I have played 2 that were able to do so it was fantastic, but got burt out on those mmos for a bit. And I agree the devs shouldn't nerf ranged into the ground like they did the mara, and boss fights should be hard. But not hard enough that melee dps is unwanted. The devs should have taken a look at melee dps and thier survivability b4 making the pve bossea hit so darn hard.


There are ways to having 2 separate class ability builds for pve and pvp but seems like devs/ ea doesnt want to spend the cash. As any other mmo ea has made/ addoped they are milking the mmo player base as much as they can with little care to thier player base. Making these quick "bandaid" nerfs n buff. I agree nerfs need to stop. They could set the bar where a class is and bring other classes/ spec up to par but that would take more time/money that they dont want to use.


I will continue to play untill either I get burnt out or, I had enough of the nerfs/buffs of given patches.... or the lag that this game has lol. Anyhoo have a good one and enjoy both pvp or pve what ever y'all like to do.

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A. who are you to decide everyones rotations?


B. lower level toons used it for leveling. they actually needed it at times


c. anyone that uses the term "bads" proves themselves an idiot. so their opinion is worthless

a. If u wanna waste dps and cast ur silly ability then go ahead.


b. so cant lvl now cuz u lost unload?


c. whatevers baddie

Edited by -BlackDragon-
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Take some of your own advice? If it really peturbs you that there is more than one aspect to this game, perhaps it is time for you to move on.


There are many single player games out there with no hint of a player vs player environment, plenty of story you can watch and enjoy and such forth. Instead of complaining about the developers trying to balance (I'm not sure that's the correct term sometimes....) classes, which can be instigated from being over-tuned from both PvE and PvP scenarios.


It's not just about you, it's not just a game for PvE players, and it's not just a game for PvP players.


Don't be that space bar commando.

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-- Don't put this BS in quotes, because that's not what I said.


People that go around ganking people and generally being nuisances to other people, with no care or regard for anyone else but themselves, are psychopaths. People who repeatedly torture other people and ruin their gameplay are psychopaths. There are people, who once they've killed you, they keep doing it, that's just sick and ruining the other person's fun. Willfully and repeatedly ruining other people's ability to enjoy the game makes a psychopath.


Learn to read and learn to quote.


If this is on a PvP server then it's actually the way the game is meant to be played. You're warned before rolling on a PvP server what can happen, if you get ganked and farmed that's your problem. Similarly, if you're on a PvE server and you willingly toggle your PvP flag on, you're in the same situation. You have ample warning of the consequences so don't go cry when someone comes along to smack you down. The only time you have a legitimate complaint about getting attacked in the open world is if you're on a PvE server and you were force flagged, but seeing as how they fixed that glitch a long time ago, there aren't any legitimate complaints to getting attacked in the open world anymore.

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TL/DR: PVPers should have adapted instead of whining. I'm going to whine instead of adapting.

OMG so true lol. The irony of it all is pleasurable.

Take some of your own advice? If it really peturbs you that there is more than one aspect to this game, perhaps it is time for you to move on.

Great reply!!! It's so easy to tell others to shut up, but when it comes to his desires, Bioware crosses the line lol.

Edited by TUXs
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a. If u wanna waste dps and cast ur silly ability then go ahead.


b. so cant lvl now cuz u lost unload?


c. whatevers baddie


when you pay everyone elses $15 you can dictate how they play, until then keep your mouth shut


cant pvp because other people have powers you dont like? I forgot, you cant pvp worth a damn anyway


go back to your 7th grade teacher and slap her, she failed badly

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