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FYI - Star Wars Galaxies was more successful as a PAID MMO than this game. And it was indeed switched off to make way for SWTOR. The deal was not to renew the licence so everything could be focused here.


At this rate SWTOR will be lucky to last 5 years, let alone 8.


.....and yet never achieved the size subscriber base this game (briefly) had nor ever turned in the profits it is now. Not saying this game is wildly successful though. Not even going to rehash the tired debate about the state of SWG when it was mercifully shut off.


Are you serious? There isn't?! Thank God we have you Capt. Obvious.


Oh I know everyone could see right through it. Just was part of the theme of my post.

Edited by RandomXChance
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FYI - Star Wars Galaxies was more successful as a PAID MMO than this game. And it was indeed switched off to make way for SWTOR. The deal was not to renew the licence so everything could be focused here.


At this rate SWTOR will be lucky to last 5 years, let alone 8.

SWG on its best day, wasn't as successful as SWTOR on its worst. SWTOR brings in more revenue each month than SWG annually those last 4 years.


And SWG wasn't switched off for SWTOR, it was switched off so Smed could kill the game and pass the torch of "terrible Star Wars MMO" to Bioware...he's not stupid...he knew people, like you, would forget all their mistakes and you'd look back with fondness on his Star Wars MMO.

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.....and yet never achieved the size subscriber base this game (briefly) had nor ever turned in the profits it is now. Not saying this game is wildly successful though. Not even going to rehash the tired debate about the state of SWG when it was mercifully shut off.




Oh I know everyone could see right through it. Just was part of the theme of my post.


Because......back then the PC market was small, MMOs were new gaming on the internet was still pretty new and expensive. For its time, it was the most successful MMO launch with 250k subscribers, remembering it wasn't launched in Europe for another 10 months.


So yes, it was successful. If you're tired of the SWG debate, maybe you should listen for a change instead of assuming.

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So I read the OP.


I will not sit here and call the OP a troll. I generally think personally that the OP actually gets this vibe from the community on this forum.


I tend to agree here.


Now to answer the OP's question about wanting the game to fail and such, I will give you my take on it.


First let me say that I have been playing MMORPG's since September 1997 until now, straight, no breaks from gaming at all. The longest I have gone without playing a game was a week due to family trips and what not.


Anyway here is my opinion on the game. Take it how you will but this is my opinion. I play this game because it is the only Star Wars MMORPG out there. It is fun and is entertaining to my wife and I.


I highly believe that this game does have issues. My example is the legacy system. My wife and I can not share the same legacy. We can not share the same family tree and add all of our characters and companions to it. BW could fix this and make each account have to complete each part of the legacy before it unlocks for all. They could increase the level cap for 2 shared accounts to level 100 to make it fair for everyone else.


I also find the ability delay in the game bad compared to other mmorpgs out there. I have never noticed any sort of ability delay in wow, ff14, ff11 or ultima online. I only saw it in this game. That is a big flaw.


The exploits and bugs that are left in this game is horrible. I am sorry but I ran Eternity Vault after launch and the whole raid was buggy as hell. I have NEVER experienced this many bugs and issues in an mmorpg in all of my 18 years of playing them. Sure every game has them but for their ONLY raid at launch to be that buggy (Platforms not re-spawning on Soa after a wipe for example) but come on. Bw you leave bugs and exploits in the game for way to long compared to every other mmorpg out there. I am sorry but that is the truth.


The other big problem I have with this game is that it does not allow addons like wow. I liked spending 2-3 hours setting up my ui. In wow, my ability's had playing card boarders. I had pictures embedded into my ui to match my hunter theme. It was great. (For anyone who thinks that it would take up too much room, I play on a 52' lcd tv at 120 hz, I had plenty of room) Not letting us do that is flaw.


I am a subscriber. I however do not agree that taking away things like action bars for non subs and such is a good idea. I think it is ****** to say the least and hope BW stops nickle and diming people for that kinda thing, as well as the credit cap.


Lastly, my issue is with the lack of big patches/expansions compared to other games. This tie's in with the lack of expansion quality compared to everyone else. I can go down to Walmart for example and pick up the latest expansion for World of Warcraft among other mmorpgs. This game however, you cant and HAVE to download it. The content patches in wow for example are big. They offer at LEAST one raid and multiple hard mode dungeons. This is on TOP of the new features, zones, rep vendors, and daily's offered. I do not like comparing that to wow but it is the truth. How can you expect to compete BW when you can not even put out a patches and expansions that are even worth buying? I got through SoR in 3 days. It took me 1 week to level in mists of pandaria and that does NOT count how many rep dailys I needed to do for gear and mounts and stuff I wanted. You need to step up your game here BW.


I am sorry but that is bull. I like collecting boxed games and saving the boxes. Call me weird but it is what I do.


In closing the game is great and I want it to succeed. I however am saddened to say that the wife and I due to not being able to be married in the game and not sharing a legacy, combined with all the other issues in the game will probably cause us to quit in the next year or so due to so many other mmorpgs coming out. I hope the game turns around, bugs get fixed and there better communication with us. I also would like for updates to actually be quality and filled updates. I would like expansions to actually be big expansions like wow's and add tons of stuff. I just do not see it happening.


I am hopeful. I will continue to sub and play. I can not guarantee how long as many other games are coming out that should be offering what I am looking for.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Read your reply to yourself and imagine it being read in the manner of Peter Jones as the voice of The Book in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it is quite entertaining.

By Jove! You're right. That was quite entertaining imagining Jones reading that post. Kudos to you!


As for LNF, trollerz gonna trollz.


Me, I don't want SWTOR to fail. I'm gladly sending them a $15 love note each month even though I'm not even playing these days (work stuff, NCCAA basketball, etc.). What gaming time I have, I spend in LOTRO now. But I will be back, and I want SWTOR to be there, waiting for me. Like a loyal girlfriend sitting at home patiently while I commit time and attention to other "things" ... in Vegas maybe. Yeah, that's a good analogy. I'm off having fun in Vegas and SWTOR waits for me to return to embrace me with open arms, without any questions about what I was doing while I was away. SWTOR is cool like that.

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I do not see how he is trolling. I get the same vibe he does from the forum community.
And I don't. The "vibe" I get is ... at most ... one of frustration and/or eroded expectations. But not outright animus toward the game. Forum posters represent an insignificant fraction of the game population. Posters who harp relentlessly on the game's vices are a fraction of all posters. "Negative" posters who actually want to the game fail? I can probably count them on one hand ... and I'm missing a ring finger.


So, if LNF wanted to poll the community about whether, after all we've experienced over the past few years, we simply do not expect EA/BW to get it right, that would be fine. But to suggest that any significant percentage of players hope they don't get it right? Trolling 101.

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Which sick bastard wants any game to fail? Success is only a good thing, Its not only good for the base game, its good for other games to. Successful games cause other people to try innovate or at least imitate with a twist in order to entice customers away from other offerings or reduce prices and raise quality. Edited by Nickious
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And I don't. The "vibe" I get is ... at most ... one of frustration and/or eroded expectations. But not outright animus toward the game. Forum posters represent an insignificant fraction of the game population. Posters who harp relentlessly on the game's vices are a fraction of all posters. "Negative" posters who actually want to the game fail? I can probably count them on one hand ... and I'm missing a ring finger.


So, if LNF wanted to poll the community about whether, after all we've experienced over the past few years, we simply do not expect EA/BW to get it right, that would be fine. But to suggest that any significant percentage of players hope they don't get it right? Trolling 101.


Wrong. I know plenty of people on my facebook friends list for example who do play this game who WANT it to fail. They have their own reasons.


One of them is because they want to play in the movies timeline not now. With SWTOR out, there wont be another star wars mmorpg. Bw/EA would not want two of their games to compete with each other at the same time.


Another is because some do not believe BW should have the license to even run this game with how many issues they have had already. Meaning that BW does not deserve it. I get that feeling on these forums as well. Just because you may not want to accept or see it does not mean that it is not happening on this forum community. Your assuming the OP is totally 100% wrong and because of that, he is trolling which is flat out a plain stupid assumption.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Wrong. I know plenty of people on my facebook friends list for example who do play this game who WANT it to fail. They have their own reasons.


One of them is because they want to play in the movies timeline not now.


Another is because some do not believe BW should have the license to even run this game with how many issues they have had already. Meaning that BW does not deserve it. I get that feeling on these forums as well. Just because you may not want to accept or see it does not mean that it is not happening on this forum community. Your assuming the OP is totally 100% wrong and because of that, he is trolling which is flat out a plain stupid assumption.


EA has the SW license for the 10 years and who knows how much more. If they think swtor's failure will make another come out anytime soon, they are delusional.

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Which sick bastard wants any game to fail? Success is only a good thing, Its not only good for the base game, its good for other games to. Successful games cause other people to try innovate or at least imitate with a twist in order to entice customers away from other offerings or reduce prices and raise quality.


The sick bastards who want to play in the movies timeline and not now? That will not happen with SWTOR up and running as EA/Bw do not want two of their games to compete with each other.

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EA has the SW license for the 10 years and who knows how much more. If they think swtor's failure will make another come out anytime soon, they are delusional.


They do. If they shut down swtor and make a new mmorpg that is updated in the movies timeline....with all the hype coming with the movies and what not, it would be a great move for EA to make.

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Wrong. I know plenty of people on my facebook friends list for example who do play this game who WANT it to fail. They have their own reasons.


One of them is because they want to play in the movies timeline not now. With SWTOR out, there wont be another star wars mmorpg. Bw/EA would not want two of their games to compete with each other at the same time.


Another is because some do not believe BW should have the license to even run this game with how many issues they have had already. Meaning that BW does not deserve it. I get that feeling on these forums as well. Just because you may not want to accept or see it does not mean that it is not happening on this forum community. Your assuming the OP is totally 100% wrong and because of that, he is trolling which is flat out a plain stupid assumption.

Wrong. I'm basing my opinion of the OP's motives and the accuracy of his comments on what I've seen on this forum. Not some assumption that he's mistaken. I never said no players want the game to fail. I simply said those who do are an insignificant minority. No offense to your Facebook pals. And if you're right and any appreciable segment of the player population actually wants to see SWTOR fail, why on Earth are they still subscribing? For the forums to reflect their intent, they must post. To post, they must sub. Or, maybe just a tiny infinitesimal short-fingered handful of posters ... like yourself ... continue to pay for the privilege of speaking out on behalf of the disenfranchised F2Pers who want to see SWTOR tank? Which, again, would work against the OP's thesis that forum posters want the game the fail.
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Wrong. I'm basing my opinion of the OP's motives and the accuracy of his comments on what I've seen on this forum. Not some assumption that he's mistaken. I never said no players want the game to fail. I simply said those who do are an insignificant minority. No offense to your Facebook pals. And if you're right and any appreciable segment of the player population actually wants to see SWTOR fail, why on Earth are they still subscribing? For the forums to reflect their intent, they must post. To post, they must sub. Or, maybe just a tiny infinitesimal short-fingered handful of posters ... like yourself ... continue to pay for the privilege of speaking out on behalf of the disenfranchised F2Pers who want to see SWTOR tank? Which, again, would work against the OP's thesis that forum posters want the game the fail.


Why are they still subbing? Because it is the only Star Wars mmorpg game on the market. They have no other choice. The OP gets the vibe and feels that a lot of forum posters want the game to fail. You do not. You nor him are either right or wrong. I get the same vibe he does. I am in no way trolling, it is just the vibe I get.


Go and read my post a few back., I said that I want the game to succeed. I am not speaking for anyone. I am simply stating that I get that vibe here, and that there are on this planet people who want to see the game fail for various reasons whether anyone chooses to believe it or not. These very same peoples till sub because it is the only star wars mmorpg there is on the market.

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They do. If they shut down swtor and make a new mmorpg that is updated in the movies timeline....with all the hype coming with the movies and what not, it would be a great move for EA to make.


After SWTOR, I find it very doubtful EA is any rush to fund another a expensive MMO when they can make more money at less cost with other genres.


I suspect one will eventually come out but it won't be anytime during this decade and probably not for some time into the next decade.

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After SWTOR, I find it very doubtful EA is any rush to fund another a expensive MMO when they can make more money at less cost with other genres.


I suspect one will eventually come out but it won't be anytime during this decade and probably not for some time into the next decade.


That is debatable. I see Disney stepping in to help EA make new star war mmorpg in the near future. It would increase revenue with the hype of the movies coming out. To me it seems logical and a smart move to get the new star wars fans into an mmorpg that is familiar to them. I would be sad to see swtor go though. If this does not happen then BW better pick up their pace where they lack to compete with all the other mmorpgs coming out.

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That is debatable. I see Disney stepping in to help EA make new star war mmorpg in the near future. It would increase revenue with the hype of the movies coming out. To me it seems logical and a smart move to get the new star wars fans into an mmorpg that is familiar to them. I would be sad to see swtor go though. If this does not happen then BW better pick up their pace where they lack to compete with all the other mmorpgs coming out.


I'm not convinced this is true.


Fans of the Star Wars franchise and the people who play MMORPGs seem to be distinctly different groups that do not overlap quite enough in my opinion. There is enough overlap to make a sustainable MMO and I think SWTOR has proven this, but I also think the way it failed to achieve the success it was expected to have, combined with the way it became known as the most casual-friendly MMO, have proven that the fans of the Star Wars franchise are more interested in single player styles of game play as opposed to an MMO. I think there is a large segment of the playerbase here that tolerate an MMO for the sake of a Star Wars RPG.

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I'm not convinced this is true.


Fans of the Star Wars franchise and the people who play MMORPGs seem to be distinctly different groups that do not overlap quite enough in my opinion. There is enough overlap to make a sustainable MMO and I think SWTOR has proven this, but I also think the way it failed to achieve the success it was expected to have, combined with the way it became known as the most casual-friendly MMO, have proven that the fans of the Star Wars franchise are more interested in single player styles of game play as opposed to an MMO. I think there is a large segment of the playerbase here that tolerate an MMO for the sake of a Star Wars RPG.


While single player games are good there is also an the issue I said before. Most friends I know that love star wars will not touch this game. The reason being is that they have no intention to play something that is in a totally different timeline then the movies. They want to play in what is cannon and will do so when another star wars mmorpg comes out that is cannon.


SWG had it right in that regard. Also lets not forget that there will be star wars people going to see their very first star wars movie with episode 7 coming out. These people are the new generation of star wars fans. They may look online for a mmorpg star wars game after seeing 7 and will in fact find this one. The time line its self may turn them off because it is not familiar to them. I am not saying everyone is like that but it is a potential issue that can happen.


With this new generation of star wars fans coming out, the fan base joining an mmorpg will become more relevant then in the past. .

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the way it became known as the most casual-friendly MMO,

To be fair, that's just the sperglord hivemind putting down SWTOR because they don't play. Take for example





Rose Online


And so on and so forth.

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Wrong. I know plenty of people on my facebook friends list for example who do play this game who WANT it to fail. They have their own reasons.



I would take a guess that you are friends with them because you all played SWG together and since SWTOR supposedly killed off your beloved game they want this game to die. I get it.


As to your point of another Star Wars MMO not being made as long as this game is alive, I have my doubts. If they see an opportunity to make money on a new game while this one is still profitable, EA would not pass that up. They are in games purely about the dollars, not for love of gaming or any particular IP.

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anyone else find the lack of response from our community ambassador disturbing...perhaps took the (perceived?) dev route and is being silent, or simply doesn't care. Either way the silence is deafening and won't be a very good ambassador if never says anything.
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