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Season 4 Reward Blog Discussion Thread


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Rewards need to be more tied to class, as some of those ratings are absurd for certain classes to achieve. Thought th e idea was to promote more diversity in the pvp scene. I would do more of a precentile base deal for the rewards to be honest
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Mr. Tait is working on the table image right now, should be updated Soon™


For the future, do you care about seeing the titles and trophy decorations in-game or are you just wanting to see the color crystals?


We went back-and-forth discussing the pros and cons of this change. It may be enough that there is a floor rating now or it might be discovered that behavior doesn't change at all despite these changes, who knows! But whatever shakes out we will take a look at the numbers, get y'alls feedback and incorporate into the reward structure for future seasons.


This is the kind of attitude I like seeing from the Lead Ranked PVP Developer when addressing population concerns, participation rates, general health, and quality of life adjustments for a service we are paying for.


Keep up the good work Alex.

Edited by EricMusco
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Mr. Tait is working on the table image right now, should be updated Soon™


For the future, do you care about seeing the titles and trophy decorations in-game or are you just wanting to see the color crystals?


We went back-and-forth discussing the pros and cons of this change. It may be enough that there is a floor rating now or it might be discovered that behavior doesn't change at all despite these changes, who knows! But whatever shakes out we will take a look at the numbers, get y'alls feedback and incorporate into the reward structure for future seasons.


The more variable the rewards the more demographics of players that will potential queue to receive them. I personally am after the Decorations foremost, but wouldn't mind having the color crystals. Removing the decorations would discourage players like myself from participating.


Going off on a whim but it might also be cool to see a reputation system for ranked, or a vendor similar to the manaan vendor or kuat vendor that accept tokens from ranked to purchase rewards. This would incentivize playing multiple characters every season to get the tokens you use to buy more expensive rewards.

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This will be easy : Only Assassins & PTs&VGs will get this stuff. Oh, and some Sorcs. Those who main other classes won't.


This is the far most disappointing season I've ever witnessed - and even in Unranked PTs & Assassins dominate EVERYTHING !


( And I thought Season 3 was bad ... )

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What do y'all think?


I think that I have this nice memory that 1 year ago I was sitting in a cafe in Toronto reading the Dev Tracker on my phone, and for the first time since launch was astounded at the amount of interaction taking place regarding PTS class changes (Balance/Hatred and Lethality/Dirty Fighting if I recall correctly). The rapid iteration of changes and active involvement of the community was the most promising step in the game's history that I can recall.


Yet more yellow responses have come up today in this thread about these frankly poor and uninspiring rewards, than came in weeks of PTS testing that affected a far wider portion of the community. Not just the most recent PTS but several rounds before that.


What you're doing now - involving the community - is great, but it comes at the wrong times lately. Feedback to PTS updates goes unanswered, promises of "more info as I have it" are never met (1st page of Dev Tracker for an example, Roles forum for another - this is more of a general community team issue but it's worth saying). Sorry for the rant but my patience with this team is wearing thin, and coming from a background of user-centered system development I don't think I have wildly high expectations.


But I risk going off-topic. I think your reasoning for the changes in the OP are sound and the titles are good. I'm tired of the colour crystals and think they are the least appealing of the rewards to me, but granted that's personal opinion.

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stahp the tease, show us the crystal! :0


suggestion: 1625 is way too high considering how ridiculously broken, overpowered and common assassins are. totally ruining things. pops are difficult enough to find right now.


1500 would be more in-line for solo q gold.


Haha, no way.


Considering you troll ranked and flame people all goddamn day long in ranked, this is hilarious to read.

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...Oh, and some Sorcs...


Would healing Sorceresses count? I've never dabbled in Ranked before but I do have a full set of PvP gear that is fully augmented and "The Dread Sorceress Cliona" sounds sweet (though I'd probably die for all ten matches, lol).

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Give me a break.. Are you people seriously crying about 1350 being too high?!?!

Like, guys, 7/3 initial games and you are done. Or, gasp, play 10 more games if you get a 5/5 start, if unlucky or something.


Shadow DPS i see. Ahahahaha!


PS. Fraps pls and show your 7/3 games by playing..ahhhm... merc. I want to see on this "Are you people seriously crying about 1350" after your butthurt lol

Edited by PrivateerArris
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I like how you think you deserve participation rewards. If you have under 50% winrate you don't deserve ****. Class excuses are 1) stupid, 2) all your fault. PvP is about stacking the advantages in your favor. Reroll if you can't manage with a merc. Some manage. There are mercs over 2k even.


P.S. Atm I'm busy gearing some other toons, but soon I might spend some time getting my merc from 55 to 60 and if I gear it before the end of the season, might give you the fraps you want...

Edited by DarrelK
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The Top 3 AC title is actually (using your example) "The Dread Shadow *name*", which makes it much more unique and desirable for dashing swashbucklers we feel. What do y'all think?


Well, it's not like I'd actually be getting the title, but personally speaking I'd say "Pythirr the Dread Shadow" sounds way better than "The Dread Shadow Pythirr". But that's why I want a way to choose to put any title before or after the name instead of having the game decide.

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However, one pitfall we saw last season was that players saw a low-hanging fruit reward and wanted it so bad that they were willing to jump into Ranked head first, sometimes without looking where they were jumping beforehand. That caused many frustrations in solo queue. To alleviate this, the Seasonal crystal lockbox will be given out to Tier 3 (Bronze) players in the group queue only.


I thought the minimum rating was put in to counter people getting into ranked queue and ruining the spirit of solo ranked. Why add the solo/group separation? Now competitors that are not in a PVP guild and want to have fun in ranked absolutely need a group to get something interesting, i.e. the crystals (I'm not talking about the best players or the worst, just mid-bracket people, that manage a 50-50 record or a bit better).


My opinion, for what it's worth, is that decent solo players should get more than a title and a deco, even if that means getting minimum rating a bit higher. For example, a 1100 rating min for bronze would prevent people in PVE gear to queue for ranked just to get rewards, because they can be lucky and be carried once or twice, but they will never get 1100 rating. Then players who enjoy ranked PVP while not always spamming it could get rewarded, and it would encourage more participation (like season 3, but this time less "trolls" and more PVPers).


Giving different rewards for group and solo is not a bad idea, but I think removing any interest from Bronze in solo is not good.

Edited by Eloi_BG
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Well, it's not like I'd actually be getting the title, but personally speaking I'd say "Pythirr the Dread Shadow" sounds way better than "The Dread Shadow Pythirr". But that's why I want a way to choose to put any title before or after the name instead of having the game decide.


It might have some to do with The Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride.

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I have two questions:


What will be done to address the class imbalance as reflected on the rating board? (i.e. hundreds of sins above 1650, a handful of snipers above 1650).


What will be done to address the server rating imbalance? (i.e. 4 people above 1650 on Bergeren Colony, 46 people above 1650 on Tomb of Freedon Nadd).


Thank you.

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* Black-Silver Color Crystal lockbox - The lockbox is setup like the color crystal lockbox from last season; two crystals each of the four (+41) stat types. The notable difference is that this lockbox is going to be a staple reward every season to give players a staple reward to go after season after season. However, one pitfall we saw last season was that players saw a low-hanging fruit reward and wanted it so bad that they were willing to jump into Ranked head first, sometimes without looking where they were jumping beforehand. That caused many frustrations in solo queue. To alleviate this, the Seasonal crystal lockbox will be given out to Tier 3 (Bronze) players in the group queue only.


Perhaps this hasn't crossed your mind, but this crystal is essentially The Force Unleashed's Black Crystal, the most highly-requested crystal since launch. Out of every color combination possible, you chose *this* to be exclusive to Ranked PvP? Don't get me wrong, I'll own one, but this is going to aggravate a lot of your customers.

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Would healing Sorceresses count? I've never dabbled in Ranked before but I do have a full set of PvP gear that is fully augmented and "The Dread Sorceress Cliona" sounds sweet (though I'd probably die for all ten matches, lol).


Not to be a downer, but if you've never played ranked before (including this season) it's pretty safe to say that you're not going to magically become one of the top three Sorcerers worldwide.

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