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PT/VG nerf has made zero difference


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The truth is that Powertech's are not as glass cannon as people would like them to be perceived as. The only "glass cannon" component of class is the fact that it largely has no answer to dots. However, if the Hatred Sin is nerfed as it should be.. Powertechs will be left with nobody to answer to.


There's more than just AP, but aside from tanking, AP is definitely the spec you bring to the ring. I agree, there are the 30%DR while stunned, and 30%aoeDR, which helps during the certain "let's focus the PT first" phase of the arena. PT's don't have any h.o.l.y.s.h.i.t. buttons, and this fact is exploited by good players.


Usually you have idiots running around not knowing what to do on your team, or not sticking to a game plan. But with good team members, AP still hits like a Peterbilt in Mexican Overdrive, for good teams will do their best to disrupt the arse-whoopin you're getting.

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Overnerf? You serious? I've seen people throw that term around as an attempt at pity. Tbh, that was a very intelligent nerf by Bioware. It was an excellent want to keep sustained dps while nerfing burst. (Read: Nerf PvP and keep PvE largely together) If only more of the balance decisions made were similar..


Altogether, Powertechs are largely unaffected by this "nerf" in PvP and honestly should have been hit harder. I hope to see more substantial nerfs in the future.


you're joking right? 1 second pre 3.0 1.5 now, its an overnerf all it needed is to back to 1s


You can't even justify WHY it needed 1.5

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you're joking right? 1 second pre 3.0 1.5 now, its an overnerf all it needed is to back to 1s


You can't even justify WHY it needed 1.5


I can justify it easily.


Powertechs need a nerf to utility and burst in PvP. Changing shoulder cannon to 1.5 ICD addresses some of the burst issues, while keeping sustained the same.


That wasn't very hard to justify, tbh.

Edited by Xeraz
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I can justify it easily.


Powertechs need a nerf to utility and burst in PvP. Changing shoulder cannon to 1.5 ICD addresses some of the burst issues, while keeping sustained the same.


That wasn't very hard to justify, tbh.


That's not justified at all. 1 second is fine 1.5 is over the top not to mention the dmg nerf .... No one ever complained about it pre 3.0 why make it 1.5 over 1s? :rolleyes:


All bioware had to do was, Make TD 10m again (no fkn idea why it got put back to 30m another buff no one asked for) Put shoulder cannon back to 1s fire rate and switch AP and Pyro rockets around so AP gets 4 and Pyro gets 7 just like pre 3.0, not completely destroy the ability for ALL specs.


It's what you people don't understand "huehueuheu rip shoulder cannon" yeah sure it kills Pyro even more /yawn

Edited by Dysfunxtional
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I really wonder if most of the people who complain about VG/PT have played the class lately. I will admit, some of the complains are sound and logical, but others are just "I lost to a VG, therefore they are op and they have to be nerfed".

I welcome the shoulder cannon nerf, because I think it was necessary, giving how much dmg and hp we got from it before.

The only burst we have, is the one that we have to prepare in advance, and the one that can be seen from a mile, if you know where to look. I have to have 4 stacks of Energy Lodes, the Gut the target for the dots, then Stockstrike him for the armor debuff, then Tactical Surge to active the pvp set bonus buff, then put Assault Plastique on him, wait until AP explodes and puts another debuff, and then, finally, I get to hit him with Cell Burst. I other words, we don't just push a single button and Hey ! 13k dmg !

With all that, I do thing that Cell Burst dmg is a little too much. I would reduce it's dmg, but buff the dmg of High Impact Bolt.

As for the range + slow for Tactical Surge, and the burst of speed for Hold the Line....it's kinda hard to balance this, since they are 3 different skill points which separately are really good, but together.... My change for Charge the Line would be removing it's speed burst, but adding instead a stun remover (another Tenacity).

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Cell burst setup is fairly suck, and the damage on it is fine. It can only auto crit once a minute.


Compare that to the last bonus. Rail shot had a 15% crit bonus, putting the total rate somewhere im the 40's.


Seriously, some of you won't be happy until AP is about as strong as pyro (lol)

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That's exactly what I said. AP globals people all day long not because of their shoulder cannon. It seems ridiculous but it is that triple 12k crit that hurts, not shoulder cannon spam.


I say that from day one for Regs. PT loads EC on the start. Thermal Det + Rail shot. EC then synced with Thermal Det crit is 23k+ in a hit. From PvP set an EC every minute is auto crit. Run rinse and repeat after 20s while hitting from 15m with 4 - 8k.

Edited by Aetideus
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1. The SC nerf was overzealous- they should've returned it to the pre-3.0 1 sec icd.

2. AP burst even w/o SC is soso strong. As long as TD and CB hit as hard as they do now, it's going to be a strong class.

3. The first thing they should've done after increasing SC's icd from 0.5 to 1 was stop ED from resetting RS. RS should not refresh RB, though it's fine for ED to. There should be a reason rocket punch more than every 45 seconds (reduce the debuff duration? I mean, I know BW really likes its class homogenization and for all the raid debuffs to have the same duration, but come on). Just way too much range for a "melee" class.

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lol @ people complaining about the 1.5 ICD because why should our class respect the GCD? Strongest burst in the entire game (thermal detonator + cellburst crit) = easily 20k. combine this with battle focus and shoulder cannon and this class still does retarded burst. Force speed is on a 20second cooldown and it only lasts a few seconds. Hold the line lasts 10 seconds and has a 15second cooldown. Increase HTL cooldown to minimum 20 seconds and reduce thermal det dmg and this class will still be in a good place.
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lol @ people complaining about the 1.5 ICD because why should our class respect the GCD? Strongest burst in the entire game (thermal detonator + cellburst crit) = easily 20k. combine this with battle focus and shoulder cannon and this class still does retarded burst. Force speed is on a 20second cooldown and it only lasts a few seconds. Hold the line lasts 10 seconds and has a 15second cooldown. Increase HTL cooldown to minimum 20 seconds and reduce thermal det dmg and this class will still be in a good place.


You realize we have to blow all of our talents to get the cd reduction on HO right?


This whole thread is one huge terribad *****fest.


Tell me then, if you nerf HO, how are you going to make powertechs more survivable? Right now our defensive CDs are pathetic, mobility is the only way we stay alive. Take away HO and we'll need something like jugg ED. I would be perfectly fine with a heal to full like that, or three seconds of God-mode, or five decoy charges, or undying rage, or a double lol roll, or stealth.


We don't get any of that though, we can only run and kite. Now the bad players want that too? No... L2P

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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I say that from day one for Regs. PT loads EC on the start. Thermal Det + Rail shot. EC then synced with Thermal Det crit is 23k+ in a hit. From PvP set an EC every minute is auto crit. Run rinse and repeat after 20s while hitting from 15m with 4 - 8k.


Lazed instant Ambush + followthrough + SOS kills you if they all crit, or takes 3/4 of your health of the second two don't (the first one always does for 15K or so)


Powertech can take maybe half your health in that same time.


Cry more.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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Anyone else feel the PT/VG nerf/buff has made zero difference to their OP statis?


You mean the sweeping nerf vanguards got in general, that hardly effected tactics, but mainly nerfed plamsatech? Yeah, we are totally still too strong.........oh wait.....

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Well I was particularly talking about the Adrenaline Rush 'fix'. Like I said, I didn't agree with the dmg changes. But I haven't played it enough since the changes to know if it were 'gutted' or not. I'd have to take your word for it at the moment I guess.


Its gutted, don't kid yourself.

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I can justify it easily.


Powertechs need a nerf to utility and burst in PvP. Changing shoulder cannon to 1.5 ICD addresses some of the burst issues, while keeping sustained the same.


That wasn't very hard to justify, tbh.


Keep saying powertechs and vanguards in general. Please, then they will once again leave tactics alone and nerf plasmatech more. Be specific ffs.

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You realize we have to blow all of our talents to get the cd reduction on HO right?


This whole thread is one huge terribad *****fest.


Tell me then, if you nerf HO, how are you going to make powertechs more survivable? Right now our defensive CDs are pathetic, mobility is the only way we stay alive. Take away HO and we'll need something like jugg ED. I would be perfectly fine with a heal to full like that, or three seconds of God-mode, or five decoy charges, or undying rage, or a double lol roll, or stealth.


We don't get any of that though, we can only run and kite. Now the bad players want that too? No... L2P


i think its you who needs to l2p. kolto overload (soon to be 40%). 25% dmg reduction for 15 seconds. sonic missle for 30% defense and another 35% heal from shoulder cannon. Combine that with HO and a medpack + adrenal and your class can survive. Or are you one of those bad pt's that HO into a group of 4 and try to unload everything and just get squished and then cry on the forums?

Edited by Ursus-SUON
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i think its you who needs to l2p. kolto overload (soon to be 40%). 25% dmg reduction for 15 seconds. sonic missle for 30% defense and another 35% heal from shoulder cannon. Combine that with HO and a medpack + adrenal and your class can survive. Or are you one of those bad pt's that HO into a group of 4 and try to unload everything and just get squished and then cry on the forums?


Everyone gets a medpack and adrenal. Did yoy just seriously use that as an argument why our defense is 'fine'? Really?


Kolto overload doesn't have DR on it, and it usually doesn't help much if someone is attacking you. Let alone multiple someone's.


They tied a defensive CD to our AOE taunt. Most of us who know how to play use the taunt to save our healer and team, not ourselves. This... shouldn't even count. It still means that 70% of all attacks (ie just about everything) still lands. It's not even CLOSE to deflection with the stun immunity for 9 seconds.


25% DR on shields. Wow. A 2K hit goes to 1500. Wow. A real life saver there! Thank heavens you were here to tell me all about it!


Fact is you've probably never played a single match solo ranked as AP, if you did, you would know that NOTHING above will save you from a 4 on 1 DPS focus. Your best bet is to run out of melee range with overrides on full. It's BS, but there's nothing else you can do.


So yes. Please. Learn. To. Play.


PS: the shoulder cannon heal isn't 35% with the PVP healing reduction. Good players know that. It's also spread out over ten seconds, making it mostly pointless because every class can do more damage to you than that heal with their default attack.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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The only thing the developers need to do now is get rid of the Sonic the hedgehog movement speed while overrides is up. They have absolutely no business having a utility like that given their range and the fact they also have pull. Plus that **** is ridiculously unfair in hutball.


Oh a bright circle under you? Stun....


Seriously, there is nothing to complain about if using your brain while playing.

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You guys are also choosing to ignore the amazing passive defensives that AP powertechs have. Specifically, Heavy Armor combined with the passive 30% aoe dmg reduction AND 30% dmg reduction while stunned. None of that even requires a single utility point.


Powertechs are completely fine defensively. AP still needs some damage nerfs OR utility nerfs.

Edited by Xeraz
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