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most noob thing youve done or seen someone do in this game. no gtn "scams" please


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When I first started playing I thought adaptive meant that as you progress in level you can adapt from medium armor to heavy armor. So I would need on heavy armor as a sniper thinking that Id be able to use it later. Luckily this only in hammer-station and I was quickly berated by the pissed off bounty hunter in the group and because I was f2p at the time (this was the week f2p launched) I couldn't trade it to him. But One guy in there informed me that I need medium armor and not heavy. This lead to another story later on. So when he told me medium armor he left out that I also needed cunning so around level 40 I was wearing a mixture of marauder and sniper gear until someone asked me why I wasn't in full cunning.

Also when I first started I thought that need meant you'd take the item and greed meant you'd take the money. So that was also part of the issue in that hammer-station run was I was needing on some things thinking oh ill let someone have a chance at the money and then id greed thinking oh ill let them get a chance at the item

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Trying to explain to someone that Aim had no bearing whatsoever in your ability to strike at your enemies as a Sorcerer. Also that Cunning had no bearing in one's ability to have access to LS / DS decisions when appropriate.




I have some sympathy for this. *Almost* fell for that myself. Of course simply reading tooltips would be the obvious way to go but still I suspect these are Kotor/D&D players who assume this game has similar mechanics. I thought the same 3 years ago; cunning was for conversations and defense (like dex), aim was for accuracy, willpower for mental defense + "spells" and strength for damage...for all classes

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I have some sympathy for this. *Almost* fell for that myself. Of course simply reading tooltips would be the obvious way to go but still I suspect these are Kotor/D&D players who assume this game has similar mechanics. I thought the same 3 years ago; cunning was for conversations and defense (like dex), aim was for accuracy, willpower for mental defense + "spells" and strength for damage...for all classes




The issue is when people actually assume you're just trolling -- even when you ask them to inspect your gear, and see your Inquisitor is Willpower-based ONLY.


Again, paranoia seems to be strong in plenty of players new to the game. :p

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I've seen this a few times. I don't do flashpoints much, but I saw a gunslinger in one that kept rolling need for every piece of gear that dropped, regardless of stats. One guy kept getting ticked off at him about this and confronted him, but he wouldn't budge; he was absolutely convinced that he needed it. When the guy eventually left, we had a bit of downtime while we waited for a replacement, so I looked him over. Sure enough, he was wearing Strength/Endurance gear in almost every slot. I explained to him that this gear wasn't helping him *at all*, and that he wanted Aim/Endurance, but he wouldn't listen. And of course, he died repeatedly during the FP.


*cough* Cunning/Endurance

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Trying to explain to someone that Aim had no bearing whatsoever in your ability to strike at your enemies as a Sorcerer. Also that Cunning had no bearing in one's ability to have access to LS / DS decisions when appropriate.




I used to be the helpful type too. I'm a firm believer of tough love now. :p

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4. Players running any group content (usually Black Talon and Esseles) wearing only unmodded adaptive armor because they think it looks cool.


That is brilliant

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Trying to explain to someone that Aim had no bearing whatsoever in your ability to strike at your enemies as a Sorcerer. Also that Cunning had no bearing in one's ability to have access to LS / DS decisions when appropriate.



Yeah I seen a 50th level Sentinal wearing all gear with aim & cunning and he was on Ilum, I told him he would get spanked out here if he didn't equip gear that had Strength & Endurance ,,,he whispered me back saying "You don't know me or my character" I wrote "Just trying to help you out bro" he wrote "I'm not your bro" So I promptly added the idiot to my ignore list, there are just some ppl that just don't want help..


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I didn't know how the augment kits worked and I thought you had to progress (BUY & Install) each one in order to get to MK-10....


so yes I built / bought 14 MK-1 and installed them only to immediately craft / buy 14 MK-2s and pay to install them.... all the way to MK-10.


I wish i had a camera for the look on my face when the guild told me i could have just installed MK-10s.

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Yeah I seen a 50th level Sentinal wearing all gear with aim & cunning and he was on Ilum, I told him he would get spanked out here if he didn't equip gear that had Strength & Endurance ,,,he whispered me back saying "You don't know me or my character" I wrote "Just trying to help you out bro" he wrote "I'm not your bro" So I promptly added the idiot to my ignore list, there are just some ppl that just don't want help..



Should have killed him.

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Bioware: For creating cunning gear with defense / shield / absorb.




I did have an old guildie who hoarded every piece of cunning gear with defense stats on it that he could find because he was going to make a "tank" gunslinger and try to run an OP with it. (This same gunslinger and one of our commandos DID run an entire EV, well, "commando" with no weapons... We were all overgeared anyway.)

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When I got my first companion, i panicked when she died thinking that she didn't respawn.


This. Except for me it was after I had forged my lightsaber and defeated the enemy there. I was supposed to return to the council chambers at the Jedi Academy. Not wanting to walk the whole way I used Quick Travel. When I zoned in I had the Message that my companion had taken fall damage and died. I didn't know what to do so I just kept going to the council chambers. When I clicked on the door I got an error saying that I must have my companion with me in order to do that. I was afraid I might be a failure as a Jedi and have to start over. I didn't know about summoning companions but I knew that I could revive him. So I decided to make a last ditch effort to fight my way back solo to find his mangled body. Obviously, I didn't make it. Imagine my relief when I respawned at the med center and there was my companion again! Looking back I can just imagine him not wanting to leave my side since we had just fought our first major battle together so he grabs on to the shuttle as it is taking off but he just can't hold on long enough.

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Bioware: For creating cunning gear with defense / shield / absorb.


Actually i do believe in early beta they did have a cunning based tank. That and the loot drops i think can be randomly generated and tend to have some odd stats.

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Earlier today. Been playing since launch (on and off) with a couple year-long breaks. Came back a couple weeks ago. I've always liked PvP, but been pretty bad at it, so I created a 5th Sentinel (4 Sents, 1 Mara) that I've been exclusively doing PvP with.


Last night, I dropped a soda into my gaming PC (which has an open vent at the top), so today I'm playing on a Surface Pro. Restored the UI, remapped keys on the MadCatz MMO7 mouse, etc. Decide I don't want to do PvP yet because I don't know how well the Surface will handle it, so I queue for FP and get into Athiss. Although I'm level 26 and the other guys are 22, I'm not hitting much harder than they are, I'm taking damage at about the same rate, and on the final boss when I use a medpac, it doesn't absolutely nothing whatsoever (moves my health back maybe a quarter inch or so on screen).


Didn't occur to me that I hadn't upgraded any of my gear since about level 12 or thereabouts (other than relics, implants, and earpiece, of course). Bolster had kept me competitive with crap gear, so I didn't notice the gear differential.



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You queue up for PVP long enough and you will find that you are always surprised that somehow someone did something even more stupid than the last time you thought you'd seen the worst. This seems more centered on PVE though.


I did a KDY a couple days ago on my sniper. We had an operative on our team who started out by saying, "please don't kick me. I'm not very good at healing but I will try" or something to that affect. I'm cool with people getting the hang of healing, especially in KDY since it's easy. The others on the team seemed relatively new as well so I was taking most of the aggro. I noticed that the healer kept spamming kolto probes and diagnostic scan even if one of us only had like 20-30% health. So I asked him, "how come you aren't using kolto injection?" He said, "it never works for me." I said, "how does it not work for you?" Then he mentioned needing a tactical advantage and that he never has them. I then said, "no...not kolto infusion...use kolto injection, which is the first healer power." He then said he only has kolto probes. I then asked him what discipline he was and he said concealment. For the whole flashpoint he was only spamming kolto probes and disgnostic scan. Of course he didn't have TA because he didn't use shiv or kolto injection and he didn't have kolto injection because he was concealment. I told him to focus on damage if he is a damage spec and to spec heals if he wants to queue as a healer and heal.


Not sure why he thought concealment would make a better healer than medicine...

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Not sure why he thought concealment would make a better healer than medicine...
You obviously skipped that day in high school Biology. Concealment is so the healer can sneak up on the wound and surprise it. Don't you remember the poster in your Health class: "An alert wound is an open wound!"?
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Def me.


My first MMO was SWTOR. I was excited, made a sage, and got going. Did pretty well. Choose the healing tree. I was asking my friends quite a few questions, and they got tired of it and I shut up. Thing is, I shut up before level 20, and more importantly, before stats were explained to me. You see, I was under the impression that like KOTOR, with enough skill you could get by anything regardless of gear. And I was skilled with the button pressing, I was complimented so many times on my healing being better then everyone else, it was crazy.


I hit 30. To be really precise, I hit Alderaan. And I died, Alot. I mean, Alot.

I find out that I need willpower gear from a mate in the gen chat.

So, I decide ill start paying attention to my gear, and bought a set of gear for willpower class. Cost me all of my money. I Proceed to wipe A TON on my Chap 1 boss. Like, I spent a week on this guy. Turns out, the enemy has channels too, and one of them was "Force Crush", And I hadn't noticed it the entire time. (It was one-shotting me) Huh. Didn't know that. I take the knowledge and move on.


I keep dying, and keep dying, and keep dying, and by the time I hit Corellia, Im lucky if me and Iresso are staying in one piece after engaging a group with no Strongs or Champions in it. I was working hard on gear, and bought what I thought was weakest with what little money I had. WHY WAS I HAVING PROBLEMS?


So I open up to my friends again. And they inspect me. And they laughed.



For you see, I had figured that I needed Absorb and Shield and Defense to help my bubble stay up longer. So I ACTIVELY SOUGHT OUT SHEILD, ABSORB, and DEFENSE on a HEALING SAGE. And I didn't have much money, so I just sought to increase my stats with what I could afford. On Corellia, at level 50 I had a average gear level of 39 greens. And Irresso, Heh. You would think he was equipped by cannibals along the amazon river. Also had under 600 main stat too. So ya, Noob adventure all the way to 50.

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Thing I did: Been around since beta, been subscriber since the start. First time to play a MMO, first time healing in any game. HMFE was told to always follow tank no matter what. During trash on platform. shadow tank used force speed and ran off platform. I followed the tank. :p


Xeno fight, thought I was using wandering mend instead I pulled tank to me twice because I was hitting my pull. I kept wondering why guardian was leaping to me when he should have been running behind pillar. (that was last event, so I am still a noob). ;)


Someone else did.


Got a whisper while forming a guild run outside of TOS.from some unknown person telling me I was undergeared because I had a Columi offhand on my sawbones, guess they didn't notice the 192 gear rating. :) My mainhand shell is still from a class story reward on Balmora, guess that is also hurting my healing, but the person didn't notice that.

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Ripped mods out of a Chest and wanted to put them into my leggings. Didn't understand why I couldn't put the armoring into my legs and got mad and just deleted the armoring... I did THIS multiple times. So much wasted time.. :(
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on my first character, before I knew what world bosses were, I was running around taris and found this blue body laying on the ground. I thought, oh maybe i can loot this guy. Click, ground shakes, next thing i know i am flying through the air and im dead.


Some guy came walking up to me, he asked what happened, i told him idk.. you should go click that body over there.


he did and i got a good laugh afterward. good times.


i never again clicked on a blue clicky without preparing to run like hell.

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I used to buy comms gear that was "in the ballpark" for my class, but not always correct. For instance, was slapping Supercommando gear on my Vanguard when he was Tank specced. I just didn't understand the nuances and class specifics correctly for a long time.


This isn't my 1st MMO, but it's the 1st one I ever actively tried to learn how to correctly play, and boy was there a learning curve, lol.

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