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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

most noob thing youve done or seen someone do in this game. no gtn "scams" please


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I remember running into a Bounty Hunter on Alderaan who still hadn't picked their AC. Not sure how that happens but it gave me a laugh. Quickly advised them to return to fleet and see the trainer. Luckily this was quite a while back.
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Had tank gear on my Mara. At LV 55. Wasn't pointed out to me until we went into DP HM. :p


I've seen this a few times. I don't do flashpoints much, but I saw a gunslinger in one that kept rolling need for every piece of gear that dropped, regardless of stats. One guy kept getting ticked off at him about this and confronted him, but he wouldn't budge; he was absolutely convinced that he needed it. When the guy eventually left, we had a bit of downtime while we waited for a replacement, so I looked him over. Sure enough, he was wearing Strength/Endurance gear in almost every slot. I explained to him that this gear wasn't helping him *at all*, and that he wanted Aim/Endurance, but he wouldn't listen. And of course, he died repeatedly during the FP.

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I explained to him that this gear wasn't helping him *at all*, and that he wanted Aim/Endurance, but he wouldn't listen. And of course, he died repeatedly during the FP.


Chalk it up to your average user paranoia really. :o


Another one I forgot to mention earlier: trying to explain a Commando that he, as a healer, should use the Columi Combat Medic armor set for the set bonuses; his rationale, considering he was using the Supercommando one?

LIES. As a healer, I can use the extra Endurance.

* adds me to his ignore list and leaves the operation group *



Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I think my favorite, though, were the two yahoos I ran into in KDY (which causes me to contribute regularly to my iggy list). Two of us were DPS and we were combined with two "healers." Or at least, they had queued as healers and on at least a couple occasions they did heal, so I know they had that capability. However, these two whackjobs would aggro more and more mobs non-stop, often on their own, while the group was still recovering from the 2-4 previous fights. It was nothing more than run to a group of mobs, start fighting, run to another group of mobs while 2-3 of the mobs in the first group were still alive, start fighting, die, respawn, then go try to aggro more mobs on the way.


On a couple occasions, when me and the other DPS asked these guys to heal, they said "okay" and healed us and we'd steamroll 1-2 groups of mobs, but then they'd get bored and go aggro more mobs. One guy at least kinda did some healing (he'd fight, see someone die, start healing, then go back to fighting as soon as the guy had rejoined us) After the 2nd or 3rd total party wipe, the other DPS finally left the group. After we got another person in the group and wiped a 4th time, I finally left.


Definitely seemed like they were trying to troll us, as I didn't think anyone could be THAT stupid, but then again...

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Once upon a time, back in good 'ol 1.0, I rolled 'need' on a trooper chest plate on my Jedi Guardian because I liked the cosmetic.


Now, I threaten to kick people from the group for doing the exact same thing. But then again, I understand stats now.



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The most noob thing I've done? I suppose thinking I could solo the Mark V droid outside the Jedi Temple on Tython as level 7ish Consular. Should have waited until I had Qyzen.


Most noob thing I've seen someone else do? Jesus, how much time do you have?


1. Too many players thinking that off-class stats provide any real benefit. "Strength improves damage" says the Sniper, etc. I blame the stat tooltips. They're generic. In other games, when I scroll over the stat, the tooltip tells me how that stat affects ME ... my class. So, I understand the source of the confusion. What I'll never understand is the utter defiance when the noob is told otherwise.


2. Sages/Sorcs whose first instinct in battle is to draw their light saber, charge into melee range, and whack at the mob with their glowstick.


3. Anyone level 10+ performing missions without (a) an Advanced Class, (b) an active Companion, © an active Class Buff, or (d) all of the above.


4. Players running any group content (usually Black Talon and Esseles) wearing only unmodded adaptive armor because they think it looks cool.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I modded a full set of CM gear on the wrong character and then got confused when I couldnt mail it to the one I wanted it on...


Actually; this one you can get around fairly easily. Just pull the mods out and put them into any adaptive gear you have. The Starfighter stuff works for this, and has no class or level requirement (lvl 1).

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3. Anyone level 10+ performing missions without (a) an Advanced Class, (b) an active Companion, © an active Class Buff, or (d) all of the above.


To be fair, someone above level 10 running without an active companion might be doing it because their companion is on a crafting mission, and they want to get their crew skills up. This happened to me frequently on new characters between levels 10-20, before I got the ship droid to handle crafting duties (I might not want to shell out for Treek or HK on each of 16 toons, gets expensive after a while). Also, some people might just find their first class companion annoying and want to solo as much as they can without it.


A and C, I can agree with you on, but there are some valid reasons for B.

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Me: Thinking that Treek worked like HK-51 and benefited from both Cunning and Aim


Someone Else: I tend to avoid giving people flak for not knowing things about the game, but last month I found myself legitimately annoyed at other players for the first time in a while when I was trying to group up for a Kingpin Bounty and had to repeatedly explain how the event works to about ten different people.

"Yes, we need to be roughly the same level if we're going to group up for this, that's why I listed my level when I said 'LFG'"

"Yes, you need to actually have the quest to get credit, that's why I linked that quest specifically in my message"

"No, I am not talking about the Henchmen quest, that's why I linked the quest in my message"

"No, you can't do more than one Kingpin mission each day on the same character"

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Close to launch (3 or 4 months in) I started looking for a guild and I realized I had no idea how the end game gearing system worked. The guild helped me out though.


Similarly I started leveling as a Jugg tank, but they didn't need tanks so I swapped my gear to DPS. I noobed up vengeance for a quite a while before I really got the hang of it.


Anytime I respond to political dialog in general chat.


The first couple characters I leveled when I picked my AC I didn't realize it gave me a bag filled with offhand gear.


Several times I walked off cliffs only half paying attention or tying to take shortcuts.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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I've seen this a few times. I don't do flashpoints much, but I saw a gunslinger in one that kept rolling need for every piece of gear that dropped, regardless of stats. One guy kept getting ticked off at him about this and confronted him, but he wouldn't budge; he was absolutely convinced that he needed it. When the guy eventually left, we had a bit of downtime while we waited for a replacement, so I looked him over. Sure enough, he was wearing Strength/Endurance gear in almost every slot. I explained to him that this gear wasn't helping him *at all*, and that he wanted Aim/Endurance, but he wouldn't listen. And of course, he died repeatedly during the FP.


Oh crap...Gunslingers use Aim? And all this time I've been using Cunning ;)

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