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Just blew $$18 million creds...


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They aren't going to change the GTN.. it's working just fine, as the guy said it was his fault for clicking without paying attention..


Another tip man, only keep 1-2 million on each toon that USES the... See I pile up all my credits on one single toon so that way unless i'm buying something i KNOW is like 10 million and I log into my banker, I won't be scammed out of but a measly 1-2 mil... Whenever I break 2 mil i'll send 1 to the banker.. that way I'm again working from 1-2 mil...


Kinda like don't bring you whole life savings to vegas, because your gonna (probably..) lose it all.. I don't bring all my credits to the market (who to reiterate ANY toon that uses the GTN with frequency, will NEVER have more than 2 mil on hand...) It keeps those lists pretty clear which ways up vs down when the red'd out 1 million per unit price is at the top...

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Report it. Send a PM to Tait and Eric here too - It's enough of an issue that a change needs to happen. Bioware is the only one capable of taking care of this by punishing the scammers. If they do nothing, quit. It's the only language they understand.


Oh for the love of every thing that is holy. If people can't comprehend 10000 and 1000000 they should be banned from the GTN. Or better yet BW needs to send a person to ones location, when they use the GTN. And BW representative stops you and ask ok Johnny that's 250k are you sure you want to buy that. And they take out a chalk board, and do the math you have 275,000 that cost 250,000 that leaves you with 25,000....ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO BUY IT.....

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Oh for the love of every thing that is holy. If people can't comprehend 10000 and 1000000 they should be banned from the GTN. Or better yet BW needs to send a person to ones location, when they use the GTN. And BW representative stops you and ask ok Johnny that's 250k are you sure you want to buy that. And they take out a chalk board, and do the math you have 275,000 that cost 250,000 that leaves you with 25,000....ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO BUY IT.....

Afraid this might ruin your ability to scam others? It's in Bioware's best interest to fix this.

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Didn't know US dollars were used in this galaxy.


I could just see that now.


Man goes up to stall to purchase a health pack.


Vendor: that will be 25 US dollars

Man: what they hell is a US dollar all I have is credits!!!

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Afraid this might ruin your ability to scam others? It's in Bioware's best interest to fix this.


Nope I don't hardly use the the GTN, my god man if one can't do simply math then, I don't know what to say. How far do you want to protect people from their stupidty.

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How was he a victim again? :confused:


What failed him was his reading comprehension or math skills. The listing on the GTN was accurate.

No, what failed him was a UI that is easy to manipulate. He fell prey to a mistake that the scammer counted on him making...that's how all scams work.

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Didn't know US dollars were used in this galaxy.


Just curious, is there a way to type the symbol for credit? As we all know US dollars are not used in the star wars universe, we also know Dell does not work in Galactic credits, so I only have a dollar sign on my keyboard. If there is a way around this that would be cool, since you're not the first person to make this anal retentive kind of post. :rolleyes:

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I love how the OP /admits/ he made a mistake and didn't try to pin it on the GTN but people are still acting like he got scammed.



inb4 darth wicked calls me a troll even though i'm agreeing with him


Edited by Djiini
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Ah, nice...blame the victim, not the criminal. Brilliant lol.


How can you take the moral high ground when there's no high ground to take. You may be a victim, but you're victimizing yourself. It's not their fault.

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My own fault. I was on the phone, rushing, doing conquest, not paying attention. And bought two stacks of green mats for $9 million each, when I thought I was spending $90K. Never happened to me before. No one to blame but me, solely, squarely. I'm just pissed that I'm one of the suckers who let these frauds fleece easy credits, unearned credits. Took me years of casual play to build that stack - gone in seconds.


Anyway, not asking for any changes. No fixes. No blame but myself. Just venting frustration and disgust.


This happened to me the other day however it was really Bio Wares and my fault. The dam lag is so bad that I clicked on the cheapest but it switched (the sort was lagging) and didn't double check when it asked to confirm. Only lost a million credits but from now on I literally wait 5 seconds before I click anything to make sure the system isn't lagging.

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Just curious, is there a way to type the symbol for credit? As we all know US dollars are not used in the star wars universe, we also know Dell does not work in Galactic credits, so I only have a dollar sign on my keyboard. If there is a way around this that would be cool, since you're not the first person to make this anal retentive kind of post. :rolleyes:


If you look to the right of the text box when posting, you will see a few rows of "smileys". Under the smileys is a link that says [more]. If you click on the [more] link it brings up a big list of SWToR smileys, the credit symbol is in the list.




The type in command is : sy_auction : (you just have to remove the space between :s and n: at the beginning and end, i had to put the spaces in to get it to show the code not the credit symbol.

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How can you take the moral high ground when there's no high ground to take. You may be a victim, but you're victimizing yourself. It's not their fault.

This is a scam meant to prey on those who make a sorting mistake.

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Just curious, is there a way to type the symbol for credit? As we all know US dollars are not used in the star wars universe, we also know Dell does not work in Galactic credits, so I only have a dollar sign on my keyboard. If there is a way around this that would be cool, since you're not the first person to make this anal retentive kind of post. :rolleyes:


I searched it for you.


alt, 0164

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Ah, nice...blame the victim, not the criminal. Brilliant lol.
there is no criminal.

there is no bait and swtich; the price is listed, the item is listed and the customer can choose to buy or not.


the blame is 100% on the customer if they made a mistake it was with their recognition of how numbers work. and that's no one's problem but their own.

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Here we go again... :rolleyes:


Idiocy ≠ Scam


Yeah, again, I know you think this sounds really "cool" to say behind an internet-moniker. But the schtick is tired already. Sure, call me an "idiot". I won't even debate that - not worth the effort. But this is very much a scam. It's the very definition actually. It relies on someone falling prey to exactly what I did (pea brain, naivete, excess trust, carelessness, inattention, etc.) and buy virtual goods for 100x market value. All scams work this way by definition. So to keep rechanneling the "OP is an idiot" and "OP needs to learn to read and learn math" is just pathetic sounding at this point.

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If you look to the right of the text box when posting, you will see a few rows of "smileys". Under the smileys is a link that says [more]. If you click on the [more] link it brings up a big list of SWToR smileys, the credit symbol is in the list.




The type in command is : sy_auction : (you just have to remove the space between :s and n: at the beginning and end, i had to put the spaces in to get it to show the code not the credit symbol.


Ah, I've noticed that one, I thank you.

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Yeah, again, I know you think this sounds really "cool" to say behind an internet-moniker. But the schtick is tired already. Sure, call me an "idiot". I won't even debate that - not worth the effort. But this is very much a scam. It's the very definition actually. It relies on someone falling prey to exactly what I did (pea brain, naivete, excess trust, carelessness, inattention, etc.) and buy virtual goods for 100x market value. All scams work this way by definition. So to keep rechanneling the "OP is an idiot" and "OP needs to learn to read and learn math" is just pathetic sounding at this point.
the mistake is "idiotic", he's not calling you an idiot.
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