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Are the character storylines fully soloable now?


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I solo'd class missions easily on every other class including the mirror class Inquisitor without ever coming close to dying. But not on the Consular-Seer. Consular's class quests are really harder than any other class quests.


I don't remember any other class quest having healing stations set around the room to use additional mechanics. Every other class has face-roll class missions. Well, Trooper had a maze at some point.


But nothing i have seen came close to Stark or that Belsavis nightmare.


Particularly Stark when they force that blessed Nadia in greens onto you who screams she has to come. And drops dead before his first attack is even done and your Benevolence is a laugh. I think I stalemated with Iresso for minutes, noble sacrificing my toon to keep the heals. Brought a Guardian along, that damn Stark was dead in an instant..

Edited by DomiSotto
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I solo'd class missions easily on every other class including the mirror class Inquisitor without ever coming close to dying. But not on the Consular-Seer. Consular's class quests are really harder than any other class quests.


I don't remember any other class quest having healing stations set around the room to use additional mechanics. Every other class has face-roll class missions. Well, Trooper had a maze at some point.


But nothing i have seen came close to Stark or that Belsavis nightmare.


Particularly Stark when they force that blessed Nadia in greens onto you who screams she has to come. And drops dead before his first attack is even done and your Benevolence is a laugh. I think I stalemated with Iresso for minutes, noble sacrificing my toon to keep the heals. Brought a Guardian along, that damn Stark was dead in an instant..



I dunno, I didn't find my Consular to start feeling underpowered until I got into some of the Ilum stuff. Belsavis, Voss, Corellia - I breezed through them all.

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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.

After they patched the bugged missions everything up to a Herioc 2 is soloable. It really is. You have no excuse for having trouble with at least the standard leveling content.

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Traditionally if you're a full spec healer even with a properly geared comp you're going to have a hard time soloing certain things compared to DPS or Tanks.


I have rolled mostly healers since launch, never had any problems with boss fights. In fact I'd say it makes them all really easy compared to DPS classes. Never rolled a tank so I can't comment. However, I will say that I've never just healed, even when full heal specced healers can do some impressive DPS.

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I've played MMOs since UO and EQ1, don't assume I'm a n00b fresh off the boat.


I doubt you played much EQ1, as any player who dedicated time to raiding in that game would be able to solo even the Consular class missions (there's one on Belsavis that's clearly harder than most class missions), at 1 level under.

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Traditionally if you're a full spec healer even with a properly geared comp you're going to have a hard time soloing certain things compared to DPS or Tanks.


Only quests I can't solo on my Sages at appropriate level are H4s. Otherwise, healer Sage + Qyzen = unstoppable.

Edited by Halinalle
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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


That was only when EAWare Austin occasionally mess up the class story instance mobs. In voss both BH and Trooper storyline has elite mob that sometimes get messed up and does 2-3K true damage, same in hoth and belsavis class quest for some classes. I have found op mob in agent, inq and smuggler questline in belsavis and jk, sw op mob in hoth. still now sometimes they mess it up, recurring bug is a subscriber feature of SWTOR.

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Not going to continue the backwards/forwards It's "hard, no it's easy debate"


I'm new to SWTOR, but have played Online Games and MMO's since back in the day when a MUD Client on a 14.4k Modem was your only option.


SWTOR is designed so that an appropriately geared and leveled player should be able to accomplish all missions in their respective Story Arc solo with a companion.. Some quests are harder than others, and some boss/mini-boos fights are harder than others.


Doing level appropriate SP content with a companion is relatively easy, just remember to use all your buffs, and heal/recharge between each fight.


Will you get through every fight only losing 5% <--> 30% health? No - You should expect sometimes to be at 10% health at the end of the fight. (and maybe even with your companion unconscious)


If you try and attack Elites 2 levels above you, will you probably die? Yes - Always check their level, if they have Silver or Gold stars or not , and how much HP they have compared to you, before attacking.


Can you solo some [Heroic] Missions if you are one or two levels above them if you are "geared" with a compatible comp? Yes - A compatible comp to your chosen playstyle, good gear, and the extra HP/DPS from being a higher level/having extra skills, means you can solo some Heroics.


Do some classes find it easier to do the current MMO Standard of scattered mobs of adds, sprinkled with an Elite or two? - Yes, some classes, particularly those with Ranged AoE attacks, will find the maps easier to get through, but all classes can get through it, with practice.


TL;DR Yes, you can solo all story content with your companion.

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Only quests I can't solo on my Sages at appropriate level are H4s. Otherwise, healer Sage + Qyzen = unstoppable.


I don't remember Qyzen being particularly impressive, but I haven't used it after I've made it to Tharan. I normally play with Zenith. If I ever get to running a Shadow, I am actually curious to see how Consular's epic class fights will unfold. It will be very different though, because of all the buffs and access to all 6 crafts & the commendations making mechanisms, there is simply no comparison.

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Darth Zash was un-killable on my Assassin; then I read a guide and realized that she was easy (not on the eyes). The class stories are pretty easy, if you know your class. I completed BH story line on my Powertechl (lvl 47) with zero deaths. I wish there was an achievement for that :D:D:D Edited by ufarax
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The game is very easy, OP. If your resume of previous titles is real then this game should seem like a stroll in the park in comparison. Do you even remember what EQ1 was like in the early days? You couldn't solo anything in the game, even trash mobs unless you were a necro or a bard or druid. Even then, those classes still had difficulties and had to kite the AI or abuse game mechanics to win even simple fights. EQ1 was a group PvE game, and if you were a solo player chances are you didn't make it very far unless you play Necro, Bard or Druid and choose to exploit the game.


If you have problems soloing in this game then you never really played EQ1 in its early days, or you have lost your touch as a gamer.

Edited by Cathalo
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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.


All class quests are soloable by the intended class at the intended level. I have played since beta and have a character of every class. You can play troll all you want, I was there and I know.

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So Mr. "this isnt my first MMO, I hath skillz" was too bad to solo his own class missions and makes a thread to expose himself.


Hum... now I am Mr. "this is my first MMO" and I have a Sage as my first char and I soloed it all without problems.


Now what does this tell us about OP? ;P

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The only class mission I've ever had a problem with is the final smuggler mission on Tatt. I had to ask for help both times with that one. I'm actually playing my 1st gunslinger now and I'm there now. The difference is I've been playing for 3 1/2yrs & I've got all the heroic moments unlocked. My mains are a sorcerer and a sage, both heal spec. And I remember having trouble with the final class mission on Voss, but with HK everything is easy mode lol.
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As a fresh-to-MMO's noob who didn't even know what skill trees were, how to keybind, or ANYTHING even remotely related to anything gameplay, I still managed to solo everything at release as a (what I now know) shadow tank with qyzen fess companion.


Man was I fresh. So much learned since then.

Edited by Aerilas
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The class missions were always intended to be soloable and for most classes they always were but yes there were certain classes that struggled more back then. Mostly because gear was harder to come by. There's a lot of tweaking today (that I think people are taking into account) that couldn't be done as readily back then. Today you can get adaptive armor and weapons and beef them up with mods and armorings that make you nearly unstoppable. Back in the beginning of the game when item modifications cost more on the GTN and certain companions didn't have many options for weapons/etc yes it was difficult for some classes, especially at certain levels because you or your companion might have to go several levels between off hand apparatus/etc. Also it was harder when for some DPS/tank classes because they wouldn't have their healing companion until later in the game.
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Many of them had quests that could not be soloed by their intended class at the intended level.


So you can play tough guys if you want. I was there and I know.

All of them were always soloable. But sometimes they required you to use your specific skills. Knight fights were always centered around using your interupts well, for example.


Since you mentioned consular, you probably mean one class quest on quesh, which is slightly harder than the rest. But that is until you start to use your CC ability and make sure your comp don't break it. Then it is as easy as any other solo quest.


So yeah, it's L2P issue, you might "know, because you were there", but it doesn't change a fact the class stories are, and always were quite easily soloable if you kept your gear at least slightly up to date and used your important abilities.

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LOL @ the toughguys and pseudo-elitists. Some things never change in MMOs...


I agree. ;)

I've played MMOs since UO and EQ1, don't assume I'm a n00b fresh off the boat.


^^ That is true especially for this guy here.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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By the way, as a healer with Qyzen, you can pretty easily solo even 2+ heroics on the level, so i really have no idea what you are on about....


Or is this just a troll thread? Because it really starts to seem like one.

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I agree. ;)



^^ That is true especially for this guy here.


If you like those, you'll love this.


See that Ord Mantell Squadron 01 in my sig?


Yeah, I was one of the very first group to get a beta weekend for SWTOR, several months before the regular beta weekends started.


But in all seriousness, anyone who has played MMOs at all knows that anytime you comment on difficulty the thread is going to fill with epeens telling you how easy it is and how you just suck. They are desperate to try to impress people who don't care about them one bit. Happens on every forum in every game if you mention difficulty of anything.


You know it's true whether you will admit it or not.

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By the way, as a healer with Qyzen, you can pretty easily solo even 2+ heroics on the level, so i really have no idea what you are on about....


Or is this just a troll thread? Because it really starts to seem like one.


Some of you seem really seem to be missing the part where I said the last time I played was over 3 YEARS ago. I'd lay very good odds that most of those claiming to have been here the whole time haven't and they're just talking about the current state of the game and not the state at launch.

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