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Force barrier ruins pvp completely.


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Seriously, what were the developers even thinking allowing this ability in pvp? It ruins pvp completely, especially when someone is at 1% health, uses force barrier and just gets spam healed back to 100% health. They should change this BS ability in pvp, or give each class a god mode ability :mad::mad::mad:



2 sages on enemy team in 4 man arena. 2 of them almost completely dead, both force barrier, instantly restored back to full health, essentially giving them two lives. Trooper has what, reactive shield and adrenaline rush, which is basically a joke anyway because good luck activating that useless ability at anything less than 35% health and surviving with 4 people attacking you at once. Additionally, adrenaline rush only brings you to 35% health, and nothing more. If it activates at 32% health (that is below 35, is it not?) it will bring you up a mere 3%. What a serious unbalance in pvp....


Remove Enraged Defence from juggernaughts in that case since they get a second life as well (especially in combination with other cds).

Remove force shroud from assassins since they basically become invincible and still can do damage (and they can afterwards vanish as well if they want to).

If these two disappear along with force barrier, then I don't mind it, but raging on a self stun when there are so many other stupid cds out there is moronic.

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Seriously, what were the developers even thinking allowing this ability in pvp? It ruins pvp completely, especially when someone is at 1% health, uses force barrier and just gets spam healed back to 100% health. They should change this BS ability in pvp, or give each class a god mode ability :mad::mad::mad:



2 sages on enemy team in 4 man arena. 2 of them almost completely dead, both force barrier, instantly restored back to full health, essentially giving them two lives. Trooper has what, reactive shield and adrenaline rush, which is basically a joke anyway because good luck activating that useless ability at anything less than 35% health and surviving with 4 people attacking you at once. Additionally, adrenaline rush only brings you to 35% health, and nothing more. If it activates at 32% health (that is below 35, is it not?) it will bring you up a mere 3%. What a serious unbalance in pvp....


while your point about troopers is good, bashing barrier at the same time ruins your post.


2 sages bubbling, basically they are out of the fight. They CAN'T DO ANYTHING. If they get getting healed to full, then it's your mistake letting them get healed to full. Go after the healer. Add that, as a trooper, you have the ultimate stop gap in electro-net which PREVENTS barrier. Thus, done at the right time, you can melt a sage so that one main defensive ability that they do have is nullified.


Even furhter, in Arenas, if a sage/sorc barriers, it effectively takes them out of the fight. Thus making a 4v4, a 3v4. Making them useless because unless they do get healed,

Edited by Anyakaschala
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And matches consisting of 9 sorc/sages and the rest ssins with a token other class would back up your observation that they have the most survivability in a warzone.


Wouldn't it be cool if it was more about how good you could play any particular class instead of finding out which one is FOTM and forming a premade based on that ?

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Seriously, what were the developers even thinking allowing this ability in pvp? It ruins pvp completely, especially when someone is at 1% health, uses force barrier and just gets spam healed back to 100% health. They should change this BS ability in pvp, or give each class a god mode ability :mad::mad::mad:



2 sages on enemy team in 4 man arena. 2 of them almost completely dead, both force barrier, instantly restored back to full health, essentially giving them two lives. Trooper has what, reactive shield and adrenaline rush, which is basically a joke anyway because good luck activating that useless ability at anything less than 35% health and surviving with 4 people attacking you at once. Additionally, adrenaline rush only brings you to 35% health, and nothing more. If it activates at 32% health (that is below 35, is it not?) it will bring you up a mere 3%. What a serious unbalance in pvp....


Using your scenario:


Before match starts: "Lets burn one sorc/sage and when he bubbles,burn the other one." Other people "That works" . Round starts first sorc/sage is down to 1% (as you said) and bubbles. We all focus the other one down so he cannot heal the guy who is bubbled. By the time he is off barrier he is at best 1/2 healed and now the other guy is barriered or dead. With 1/2 health and no barrier he can easily be burned down. If you put pressure on a healer they will heal themselves rather than someone else or they will be dead and not your problem until the next round. Obviously it isnt a guarantee but it is a standard tactic in 4v4 and in 8v8. Honestly a juggs lolheal is typically more difficult to deal with.

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Oh, so adapting is pressing a button and becoming invincible until you can be healed to full health?


It is extremely difficult to push that button tho.


First you have to distinguish your Bubble key from the other keys on the keyboard and that isn't easy.

Then you have to push the button, probably while watching other stuff on your screen.

Finally, you have to have the physical strength to push the button hard enough that your keyboard registers the input.


Please don't assume you know how hard to it is to lolbubble in swtor.

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Stealth (especially the combat vanishes) does everything force barrier does, better.

Infinitely better.

And with a shorter cooldown.

Why dont you complain about those? Oh, right, because you cant SEE the guy so you're not noticing that the dude you had just bursted to 1% suddenly vanished only to return in an advantageous position with full health.

Surely he must have just died and run back really quickly.. Yes, thats definitely what happened.

"Whaa whaa! Sins cant selfheal/doesnt run around corners to regen/get healed by others/take health pickups! You cant compare!"

Welp, my Operative can and does all of those things easily.

Know what I do when a sage bubbles? I heal to full, start capping objectives, kill his buddies.

Know what I do when a Sin/Op restealths? Waste a bit of time trying to unstealth him, try to do something else, get hit by a nasty opener, die soon after.


When I bubble 1 of 3 things happen.

1: I get healed by someone else, exit my bubble and continue feeling like superman.

2: I dont get healed, enemies treat me as CCd and start doing something that'll effectively force me out of my bubble (like start capping an objective or killing my allies), then murder me the moment I exit.

3: I dont get healed but luckily the opponent team is filled with tunnel visioning morons who hits my bubble while my team is killing them. I then rush off around a corner and h2f myself.


When I vanish on my Sin/Op 1 of 2 things happen.

1: I recover fully and re engage with full advantage.

2: All the stars align, pigs fly by my window, hell freezes over, and I get hit by a random stealthscan then -probably- die.

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Seems like a trollfest here, but I'll dispel some notions.

1. The only time DPS offheals are relevant is when bads let you free cast.

2. Self heals are not very powerful and in no way as powerful as traditional cooldowns.

3. As for barrier, it's immunity just like just about every other class has. Move on or do things like build resources and wait them out..

4. L2P



Inb4: "you play sage", yes, yes I do but I play ranked with a tank guardian and a carnie. I didn't take my Sage to 55 at cap change and only recently discovered it's a lot more viable than it was(3.0). It's still lacking in the single global burst department btw.

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Seems like a trollfest here, but I'll dispel some notions.

1. The only time DPS offheals are relevant is when bads let you free cast.

2. Self heals are not very powerful and in no way as powerful as traditional cooldowns.

3. As for barrier, it's immunity just like just about every other class has. Move on or do things like build resources and wait them out..

4. L2P

5. H2F


Fixed that for you ! :D


Stealth (especially the combat vanishes) does everything force barrier does, better.

Infinitely better.

And with a shorter cooldown.


So very right ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Fixed that for you ! :D




I mean this class was boarderline unplayable after the PoM nerf back in what 1.4? Now noobs are complaining that they can't facetank them anymore?


Gawd, if you listening, HELLLLLP!

Edited by L-RANDLE
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  • 2 years later...
Also you ( and most PVPers) clearly forgot that PVP is an OBJECTIVE game, not kill farming.

1: "...Sages get focused more than any other class" PLEASE, cite some real factual information about this, rather than just spewing a bunch of BS through the computer. I always have to give a good laugh to you people who spew fake information and claim it has some evidential backing. How could you possibly know which class gets focused more than any other? Have you done statistics or analysis on every single occurrence of pvp and every fight?


2. Clearly you didn't follow any of the thread, nor did you even read my example, because I never indicated I was kill farming. I was clearly talking about arena, and even mentioned that, and arena is all about OBJECTIVE. You can't farm kills in Arena because it only lasts several minutes and once they're dead, that's it. Please learn to read .

**Amended quote. Same user, different comment*



Have you ever played a MOBA?

Pure PvP and an excellent example of which character type is most often focused... Healers!!


Can't count the number of times I was playing Aphrodite on Conquest in Smite only to have THE ENTIRE enemy team appear in Mid just to attempt their group burst in an effort to take my tower.. -_-


Or flying into the jungle on Joust only to be chased by raging psychos who threw in the match just to get that kill they were desperate for. Hahahaaaa!!!


You are not too observant or experienced I see

Edited by Joysie
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Have you ever played a MOBA?

Pure PvP and an excellent example of which character type is most often focused... Healers!!


Can't count the number of times I was playing Aphrodite on Conquest in Smite only to have THE ENTIRE enemy team appear in Mid just to attempt their group burst in an effort to take my tower.. -_-


You are not too observant or experienced I see


Wow, necro’d from 2015.


Did you go hunting for this thread only to post rubbish, lmao

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Wow, necro’d from 2015.


Did you go hunting for this thread on to post rubbish, lmao


And you replied in 3 minutes?

Stones at glass houses much.................


My phone didn't even quote the right comment..


Edited by Joysie
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And you replied in 3 minutes?

Stones at glass houses much.................


My phone didn't even quote the right comment..



You necro, you talk smack to someone from years ago as if they are still here, you whine when someone tells you to stop being a knob.


Basically, you need to unexist yourself.

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No, it doesn't at all, its just another type of mechanic you need to learn to account for like virtually every other DCD.

The problem is that most people don't want any of thee types of mechanics, they want to force you to face tank them on their terms... sorry, but it doesn't work that way.

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