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No Unload, no problem?

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"Unload is now exclusive to the Mercenary Advanced Class and can be trained at level 15."


So, I assume that since the only thread I could find about this upcoming 3.1.1 change was a month old topic from the PvP section, people in general are okay with the removal of unload from all bounty hunter advanced classes besides Mercenary, with no new skill taking its place?


As a Powertech, I guess I don't really need to be overly concerned with color crystals, or gun styles any more.

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Its main use was for PvE, where it could work as a cheap filler (AP) or a powerful filler (other specs). Though Pyro had to clip the damn thing to 2 hits.


That and a great way to do damage when stuck at range (e.g. Torque when the vents get in the way, NiM Tyrans when there are no more platforms to where he currently is, etc.

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Its main use was for PvE, where it could work as a cheap filler (AP) or a powerful filler (other specs). Though Pyro had to clip the damn thing to 2 hits.


That and a great way to do damage when stuck at range (e.g. Torque when the vents get in the way, NiM Tyrans when there are no more platforms to where he currently is, etc.


This ^.


I just level up a new powertech from level 1 to 60 last November and now you smart EA are taking away this ability from us, cool.


I'm taking away from you my sub....have fun!

Edited by psikofunkster
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You shouldn't be using unload to begin with.


I've seen so many bad PT's using it in WZ's..They'd call me crazy for suggesting to use Rapid Shots instead. The dmg difference is negligible; not to mention no heat generation or standing still to cast.

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My issues with Unload being taken away are 1.) it's an ability we've had access to since beta, 2.) it makes for good filler when you're waiting for other things to come off cooldown, 3.) they're not replacing it with anything, so one less ability and 4.) one less reason for us to even have guns and color crystals.


I think this is an ill conceived decision by BioWare, which was clearly not considered from the player perspective. They're really on a roll lately canceling and taking things away, aren't they?

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The removal of unload is a buff to PTs/VGs because awful players will now be more likely to use an ability that's actually good instead of unload. I'm pretty sure unload leaves my bars at lv 10 or even earlier. If you are using unload as a PT you're just embarrassing yourself.
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The removal of unload is a buff to PTs/VGs because awful players will now be more likely to use an ability that's actually good instead of unload. I'm pretty sure unload leaves my bars at lv 10 or even earlier. If you are using unload as a PT you're just embarrassing yourself.


I was excited for this change at first because I thought maybe I'd see people actually getting into melee range when playing their PTs as I level up characters through flashpoints... but I'm calling it now, everyone who doesn't understand the class is going to spam missile blast now.


The changes to the "skill trees" should've been a decent enough hint. Every skill you get first in all of the specs is a melee ability. But nope... unload, everywhere. Missile blast is next.

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Unload was an amazing tool for shieldtechs in several fights like doing dmg to unit 2 while unit 1 has shield, or dealing dmg to pearle on his rampage through the raid, or when you wait endlessly for revan to finally move to you while you drag him around on floor 1.

on top of that it was a good dps boost, that actually made the tank rotation a lot more interesting and complex than it will be next patch.

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I was excited for this change at first because I thought maybe I'd see people actually getting into melee range when playing their PTs as I level up characters through flashpoints... but I'm calling it now, everyone who doesn't understand the class is going to spam missile blast now.


The changes to the "skill trees" should've been a decent enough hint. Every skill you get first in all of the specs is a melee ability. But nope... unload, everywhere. Missile blast is next.

How do you play a Powertech without being in melee most of the time? :confused: Edited by OptimusPrinceps
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How do you play a Powertech without being in melee most of the time? :confused:


To be fair I constantly jump in and out for Stockstrike/shockstrike against bosses because of situations like red circles in Sword Squadron, Fire Barrels on Bulo and Floor Vents on Torque, so by standing no where near the other melees most of the time and constantly moving i'm significantly reducing outgoing damage.


On average, i'm usually ~8m away from a static boss, or ~12m from a mobile one.

Edited by TACeMossie
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It was a great, characterful ability for vanguards. Unlike powertechs who have some of the best animations in the game, Vanguard animations are sh/t. Unload was the one ability we had that let us do something meaningfully aesthetic with our rifle. Now it's gone.
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Forgive the devs because they don't know what they are doing sometimes... ;)

Yeah unload was a nice rage filler for a great midrange dps class. Okay thanks for removing the last range skill that used the mainhand (autoshots excluded) thats fine now he is like a lightsaber swinging Sage/Sorc therefore I want to use my lightsaber with the pt. Btw. its pretty unfair that mercs still have melee atacks like a flamethrower please remove that too :D

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Tanking rotations? and what 's the point for DPS Powertechs / vanguards?; we lost a good dps skill and dont get it nothing for replace it? A non sense nerf for powertech advanced class last 3 years using "unload", the only rapid fire attack for us.

And with the lost of the "unload" skill, why a powertech will keep wearing a blaster pistol (besides the upgrade of stats) if he / she only can use it for a one sad basic shot? what waste of weapon / colour crystal...

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I'm glad this happened. Mainly for one reason: hopefully new players will realise that PT is not ranged dps. It happens all the time, get into a kdy and a power tech is spamming missile blast and unload. Not even using their abilities given To them from spec (like flaming fist, magnetic blast, etc...). Hopefully they will realize now that they need to be in melee range.


Now if they can just do the same for operatives. Like maybe tage snipe away so they can start a actually playing in melee range too.

Edited by Tfranco
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I'm glad this happened. Mainly for one reason: hopefully new players will realise that PT is not ranged dps. It happens all the time, get into a kdy and a power tech is spamming missile blast and unload. Not even using their abilities given To them from spec (like flaming fist, magnetic blast, etc...). Hopefully they will realize now that they need to be in melee range.


Now if they can just do the same for operatives. Like maybe tage snipe away so they can start a actually playing in melee range too.


Let the player to play how he wants. This is a game not a job. If you took in your flashpoint group one Powertech / vanguard and you think thats he isnt making the things well, is your call dont get him the next time. Easy way.


Make a class only melee or only ranged, isnt funny. Is a unnecesary limitation.

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Actually I encounter far more powertechs, that don't realise that PT is not a class that hugs the boss at 0m constantly than powertechs that think they are a 30m ranged class like mercs. Honestly you can play AP mostly at 15m range and only close in to 10m for EB once every 24 sec (and in case you provide the only armor debuff 4m every 45sec) without a really significant DPS loss. That's not what I would call a melee class.


On a side note: I'm really sad that Unload was a very very situational ability for 3 years for the entire AC and then when it finally gets usefull and increases the skillcap by a lot for tanks and can even be of use for the dps specs (even if the gain is not that stellar) it gets taken away again after 4 months. At least it frees up one of my hotkeys...

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No Unload/Full Auto. Why??? It's such a useful ability for Vanguard/Powertech tanks!! I'm so very unhappy about this unnecessary change. What is it meant to be replaced with in tanking rotations:




Honestly, all the PT Tanks I care to associate myself with (including the gm of my guild that wrote that guide you linked) are glad that Unload is leaving. It was clumsy. YES, it was a DPS gain. That's why you used it. Because there's no reason not to do MORE damage to a boss. The issue is that you're a less mobile tank in the process. The moment that they announced they were removing it, I took it off my bars and out of my rotation. I can still *with full tank gear in tank spec* parse over 2k on the dummy without unload. Basically, instead of unload, you can DFA under TSO as a simple filler (albeit fewer times than you would have used unload). Trust me, this sounds like a nerf to PT tanks, and from a pure damage standpoint, it is, but from a standpoint of mobility and flow? This change is excellent.

Edited by justinplainview
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well mobility is not really an argument, as you can easyly just forgo it whenever you want without much loss already.

unload is by no means an ability to use on cd whenever you can, but you need to meet multiple criteria for it to be really worthwhile:

can I allow myself to stand still for a moment (if not can I atleast clip it?)

does railshot or heat blast not come off cd within the next 3sec?

does rocket punch come not off cd in the next 3sec (and if it does can I delay it a little as the next cd will likely be a reset from the talent anyway? (do I miss such a reset instead?))

do I need unload soon when I can''t stay on target for some time without endangering the raid?


the nice utility and the optional complexity boost to the rotaion forsome bonus dps are what I really like about unload as a tank right now.

Edited by meisterjedi
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Honestly, all the PT Tanks I care to associate myself with (including the gm of my guild that wrote that guide you linked) are glad that Unload is leaving. It was clumsy. YES, it was a DPS gain. That's why you used it. Because there's no reason not to do MORE damage to a boss. The issue is that you're a less mobile tank in the process. The moment that they announced they were removing it, I took it off my bars and out of my rotation. I can still *with full tank gear in tank spec* parse over 2k on the dummy without unload. Basically, instead of unload, you can DFA under TSO as a simple filler (albeit fewer times than you would have used unload). Trust me, this sounds like a nerf to PT tanks, and from a pure damage standpoint, it is, but from a standpoint of mobility and flow? This change is excellent.


Getting rid of unload to make you a more mobile tank is a stupid thing. If mobility is such an imprtant thing (and it is) just don't use unload. And while it is nice damage, it also isn't 100% needed in the rotation (I use a lot, but there are higher priority abilities). You know the fights, you should know there are plenty of times when you don't have to be mobile in them, or when there are tank swap mechanics and you can just wail on the boss, or the mechanics prevent you from being close to the target. From a rotational standpoint using tso and unload is a great way to regain heat when you derp or push your heat too much. Also, the rotation really is just flameburst x 1000. Exaggeration I know, but at least unload helped with the monotony. From a pvp standpoint, getting rid of unload sucks. When a sin shrouds, now all I can do is auto attack it. So much for helping out my team. Trying to help burst from range? Hopefully I will have railshot off cd and usable, and I hate using dfa on a single target.

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