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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Have You Ever TROLLED?


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I have grammar trolled. Usually on DK, taking apart Guild recruitment ads and making them grammatically correct. Or explaining how "their" sounds different from "there" and those both sound different from "they're". Poor fellow was frothing at the mouth as the rest of Gen Chat giggled. Topic changed and everything when ten minutes later the guy came back raging. And then I laughed, and laugh, and went back to the Gen Chat conversation. Think we changes from grammar to classic pin up models (not the pornographic ones, to follow general chat rules and such).


That's what I troll with when I troll.

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I've been accused of trolling twice. Once when I answered a question of "Where's the weapons vendor?" with "Which kind of weapon are you looking for?" and once when I excused myself and left a Black Talon group after realizing they want to do a story run and I didn't have time for it. I occasionally join in the jokes of making up reasons why classes may need stats that they can't really use, but other than that, no.
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I would ask, who hasn't?

My favorites:

1)When asked for achievement on joining a group I give them BT achievement. When they ask for a HM achiev I give them my BT HM. Bonus points when your Op achievements dwarf theirs.

2) When people complain about Treek I tell them how I would make sweet love to Treek and that her voice is sweet music.

3) Pretending to be a noob and asking how to tank in a fp while wearing token 192 gear,

4) In Tython fp ran around the second boss with super overdrives seeing if thy can hit me while using only legacy punches on last boss. Telling people that standing in the water was a powerup that grants a shield and I would prove it by using my Dcd and Heat shield on Manaan tactical after convincing them first time they stand in it and die.

5) Poopposting and making dank memes in gen chat. Silly sales and trolling PvP premades. And Bacon

Edited by FerkWork
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was kinda wondering,

sometimes when I can't sleep I emote troll in flashpoints groups, mostly droid emote, /flirt and /slap:)


Forums usually. Does that count? I have a couple good trollolos going on currently in other threads. :rak_01:


Every WZ someone gets trolled by me. My ops run in circles on defended nodes using LoS and stealth to annoy and confuse, tickle the dead, focus down 1 all match over and over again which inturn pulls them away from main group/node/objective usually with help in tow to seek revenge. I laugh all the way to the winners circle as my team caps door/node/objective :rak_04:

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Yeah. It's a complete mental disorder too. I can't stop myself.


I see someone say something just ignorant and it fires this compulsion in me.

The other night on Ebon Hawk some female character with a female name was spouting off about how

Bioware is owned by Disney and that's why we'll never get anything done. Now that in itself sounds like

a supreme troll. But it was delivered in this drunk trailer trash style that made you think the person was

being totally serious.


So I bit. Thought I'd play with them a bit. They ended up messaging me with death threats. They were dead

serious about Bioware being owned by Disney.


Anyhow. Aren't the General Forums here just for trolling? I mean the sheer amount of whining from a few people about the Slot Machine shows that.

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Yeah. It's a complete mental disorder too. I can't stop myself.


I see someone say something just ignorant and it fires this compulsion in me.

The other night on Ebon Hawk some female character with a female name was spouting off about how

Bioware is owned by Disney and that's why we'll never get anything done. Now that in itself sounds like

a supreme troll. But it was delivered in this drunk trailer trash style that made you think the person was

being totally serious.


So I bit. Thought I'd play with them a bit. They ended up messaging me with death threats. They were dead

serious about Bioware being owned by Disney.


Anyhow. Aren't the General Forums here just for trolling? I mean the sheer amount of whining from a few people about the Slot Machine shows that.


No that's just biowares "fan base" they whine about every thing biowares done science shattered steel and the only reason no one whines about it is no one knew who bioware back than

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If I take even small amount of damage from ground AoEs: "Sorry"

If I barely manage to survive in TFP by using DCDs and medpack: "Sorry, I'm noob"

If I know I messed up my rotation during boss fight in TFP: "Sorry, I'm bad at this game"

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Generally no though I'm definitely not beyond trolling the trolls.

I recently noted some guy in pub chat Coruscant trolling everyone he could and people basically pointing out he had a reputation for such things and just to ignore him however he seemed like a rather simple target for a "legendary troll" so I returned the favour and got this supposed "legendary troll" so wound up he ended up reporting me for it *shrug* some can dish it out but not take it I guess.

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Not usually, although I wouldn't say I am above trolling. Sometimes I'll troll in ops, like in Dread Fortress. I'll pull/push exploding droids toward the raid group, or I'll let everyone know that there's a holocron down in that giant hole undereneath the dropship, before Brontes. I learned all these "trolls" from the people I run with on regular occasions, though, so I don't know if that really counts as trolling. Edited by DarthEccen
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Would waiting through ( never hitting the 'spacebar') e v e r y ... s i n g l e ... c u t s c e n e ... in the Esseles Flashpoint count as "Trolling"? :D


I now hate you, can you let me know your toon names list please, so I can add you to my ignore list..

This is the single most evil thing you can do in the game.

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