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You want to make tons of credits?


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Black Hole is 100K for around 15/20 minutes work (if you also do the heroic)


Agreed but I'm a bit of a scenery whore and I like seeing different things while I do my dailies. :(

I'm pretty inefficient that way, but I am still sitting on millions.


In another game I played the marketers had these categories:


Lazy - Stupid: Person will just spend their money haphazardly to buy stuff.

Lazy - Smart: Person has a grasp of what gives money but spends minimal effort in getting it done, somewhat hindering profits.

Smart - Active: Personal has spreadsheets, monitors trends, stocks and re-sells.

Smart - Absent: They don't play but spend time flipping stuff.


I'm halfway between Lazy-Stupid (I'll buy stuff on GTN just for looks) and Smart-Absent (I'll list a bunch of stuff on GTN from my bins or drops and wait for money while logged out). I could probably have more millions if I did not want to finish my story arcs so badly. :/

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I think a lot of people don't share because it will give them more competition or BW will nerf the method. I personally like doing FP's at 60 you fight 55 lvl npcs and can make 80 to 150k for a little work. Plus if you do it with the correct gathering skill you can get mats.


AOE classes help.

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I think a lot of people don't share because it will give them more competition or BW will nerf the method. I personally like doing FP's at 60 you fight 55 lvl npcs and can make 80 to 150k for a little work. Plus if you do it with the correct gathering skill you can get mats.


AOE classes help.


It doesn't matter if people know. People that are flipping or so on will just move on to another market they have been watching, buy the stuff from the people they instructed or have an alt account do it and still make cash.

It's a case of wanting to put in the work. No amount of coaxing and instructing will help if all they want to do is complain. Like PvP in a way.

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i sell crit augments and some aug slot. adrenals and medpack stacks, those things that you'll need sooner or later.


do a bit GTN CM items stocking, sold 4-5 naga sadow chests and a couple of valiant jedi, recovered relics.. often you can find cheap sets that later(months) sell for good profit.


but main income is when i decide to make more money, pick an afternoon and grind daily like crazy.

oricon: it's 10-15 minutes x toon, 80k for the missions plus anothe 50k in drops and reputation

cz: 10 minutes max, 70k

yavin 4: 15-20 minutes and it's about 80k+50k companion set+20-30k drops..if you have slicing and an empty instance it's 100k hour in nodes or so..

BH: 5-10 minutes 70k


the trick is being good with a dps toon and pull non stop. then take immediately another one and do it again..i prefere to do all the dirty job in one day with different toons rather than having to come back ''daily''.

on yavin also you can skip the boring missions and do one more of the quickest the day after to get the weekly..


before i had the deco drop i experienced doing red reaper, that is 40k in 10 minutes or so..and also some planetary heroics at high level have a lot of elites dropping decent amounts of credits and greens, in particular one imperial mission on voss, if done with a geared dps clearing 2-3 pulls + one champ and farmed used to give the astonishing amount of 200k/hour.


this ensemble of systems put me at 30m..then strongholds came out XD. now i sit at 15m moreless but i'm a cheap guy..all crafted at home and in legacy sets..my main loss is augments and min/maxing at least 3 toons+pvp sets+some offspec set..

Edited by JouerTue
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It doesn't matter if people know. People that are flipping or so on will just move on to another market they have been watching, buy the stuff from the people they instructed or have an alt account do it and still make cash.

It's a case of wanting to put in the work. No amount of coaxing and instructing will help if all they want to do is complain. Like PvP in a way.


The more people that know the more attention it will draw. Some one who thinks it unfair or can't will complain. See slot machine. If I can make 90K in 10 mins of clearing a FP. BW agree's with xyz complaint and boom nerf. The difference I see is quick small amounts of credits vs long time higher credits. Thats why I don't really care about the GTN. I just don't have the time to do that in my 2 hour play.

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You know one thing I've always found funny was that a lot of crafters say there is no profit in lower level items, and that there is no market for it, but in the past I've consistently sold and made profits selling non end game items. I still do it from time to time now, when I remember to craft stuff, but I often wondered why that idea started.


For "the BIG payout" maybe? Perhaps the idea is that it doesn't count if it doesn't make you an instant millionaire?


I'm with you though. For a while on a secondary server (not my main server where I already had my millions just from playing the game to high levels on multiple characters and making the occasional dailies run, but starting from almost nothing elsewhere) I was crafting and selling blue augments of various types for various levels under about 40 or so (higher than that and people seemed to be holding out for the flooded market of the level 55 / rating 156 (when that was as high as they went) stuff) and I would sell them at prices based on the number in the name (blue augment 10 = 10k credits). It may not have been a speedy process but I was always making a steady profit on it and I got the achievement and title for 10 million credits on that server before I had a character at level 50 on that server. And the only reason I'm not still doing it is that I'm just not taking the time to do it anymore. It was showing no signs of becoming any less viable as an option to just keep doing continuously.


More recently, on another secondary server I started dealing with very low level green armorings and mods. I found that I could charge more for these than I would have come up with from my augment pricing scheme. A few others post up some of the same items lower than my price, but when their stock sells through people don't seem to hesitate to buy at my price so mine sells at a nice pace too. I currently have over 7 million credits on that server from doing this. My highest level character there is in the 30s right now.


I've got a character on my main server doing some of these low level armorings as well. The market for those works the same as on the other server. Those low level mods don't seem to be worth bothering with on my main server though. Multiple players flood the market with too many pages at the much lower prices to ever expect buyers to burn through their stock and reach a higher price. Still, the sales on the armorings keep a few credits coming in on the side.

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Battlemaster and War Hero gear. I've been undercut by my own items for as little as 1-5k or as much as 95% of my listing price. I could almost understand for the Battlemaster that they didn't realize they don't have the required valor, but War Hero doesn't need valor so that doesn't make sense. And I've never had anyone request a refund.


I don't check who else is listing stuff too often, but a good majority of the time I'll find something I've crafted listed by someone else. Boggles the mind, but never ceases to be entertaining.


I have bought things like enhancements/mods/armoring etc. from folks who crafted it only to realize that I didn't need the item after all...and then resold it. I'm sure that's a lot of what people see when they see their crafted items being resold.

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What I'm saying is: I sell my items at X price, someone buys my items at X price and lists them at <X price. I rebuy my item at <X price and resell again at X price. It's actually the opposite of what you just highlighted and makes no logical sense.


P.S. I know it's my item because it has my name on it.


im sorry but do people actually do this? buying and then selling at a lower price makes absolutely no sense.

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im sorry but do people actually do this? buying and then selling at a lower price makes absolutely no sense.


"Jo'ey-Bloggs is happily selling his crafted 'Prototype Doodads' for 10K each and making a good turnover and profit. Along comes new player Obi'jon-Doe and puts up 5 Prototype Doodads he's crafted for 7.5k each.


Annoyed at this upstart muscling in on his territory Jo'ey-Bloggs buys all of them, and then re-posts them for 10K each.


Obi'jon-Doe thinking he's on to something, crafts some more Prototype Doodads and tries to sell them again, for 7.5k each.


Jo'ey-Bloggs gets real upset, buys all of Obi'jon-Doe's Prototype Doodads, and posts them for 100 creds each.


Obi-jon-Doe sees this and gets discouraged and stops crafting.


Jo'ey-Bloggs, happy he's now gone back to having a monopoly on Prototype Doodads, goes back to selling his Prototype Doodads for 10k each"

OR ...


If Obi'jon-Doe is smart he can "exploit" the peevishness of Jo'ey-Bloggs and continue to post his Prototype Doodads for 7.5k each, and have Jo'ey-Bloggs keep buying them,


It takes practice, timing, and paying attention to the names of who is buying your stuff, and who is selling similar/same items but you can actually make more profit from these "GTN Traders" than they make themselves :)

Edited by ZoeyWash
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I'm not smart or dedicated enough to go the Martha Stewart insider trading angle, like cornering the market on removed schematics. I'm not in an elite raiding guild that can get me million credit R/Es.


Unfortunately, I also hate hard work. Farming for mats or doing dailies makes me basically want to shoot myself. I dislike spending CC and reselling CM items.


But if you have the inclination to understand the GTN and get a feel for the prices of various things, it's easy to buy low and sell high. People are much less cautious than they are in RL, which makes incredible steals quite common. Hell, I once picked up a tulak hord helmet for 50k and flipped it for 4.5 million in the same day.


Also. There's a lot of adaptive armors that I'd sooner junk than keep, but which other people will squee and pay tons of credits for it. Basically, if my GF likes something, I know other people will like it, regardless of my own tastes (like xoxa's, or atris, or whatever). Various decos.

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Via the magic of crew skills, I make credits passively the entire time I'm playing, doing things I actually *want* to be doing. I no longer touch dailies due to this method.


Run crew skills the entire time you're online, then list the mats you gathered at the end of the day. Log in the next day and collect your profits.


I advise taking archaeology, treasure hunting, and either slicing (if you want to gather only) or artifice (if you want to craft).


Everything from grade 2 onwards is valuable due to conquest/strongholds. Archaeology is consistent profits for virtually all mats, treasure hunting/slicing are critical (purple) value only but those items make it worth it.


Go forth and profit. If you're too lazy to click 5 companions and set missions every 30-60 min you don't deserve credits to begin with. :p


Tip: Grade 10 mats are profitable, but if the market for them is oversaturated, look lower. Many, many 2-9 mats are selling like hotcakes for huge amounts.

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Don't have a job and play all day. I finished grad school in Dec and until 2 weeks ago when I finally landed a job, I made boatloads. Now, well, still making money because I can log on on the weekends and unload some of my stockpiled crap.


As others have touched on, timing with CM stuff is critical. People will rip crates and unload what they don't want as soon as it unlocks. Save it. There are items no one wants ever and will never increase (Ancient Soccorro) too much but that is rare...I've sold some Series 614-617 gear recently for fair amounts and on volume, significant profit.


Having lots of alts helps. Generally, crew missions to bring back stuff are profitable so here again, volume. Crafting makes big bucks, certain items more than others.


But hypercrates off the GTN cheap, rip em open and sell the pieces when the crate goes off sale and the supply dwindles. People with RL money wanting to quickly get credits will sell for alot less than the individual parts and items.

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Click the link in my signature "crew skill money making". I made that guide about this time last year and posted it on the crew skills forums. My methods are time tested across multiple MMOs.


For those too lazy to click a link and read a longish post, the TL;DR version:


  • Don't spend unless you have to; saving is as important as making
  • Don't do stupid stuff with your credits; this parallels not spending
  • Make credits not stuff; don't craft something just to craft it and hope it sells
  • Get to the level cap; the ability to do a lot of dailies and a full compliment of companions helps a LOT
  • Take slicing with every new character (solely for the nodes that can be gathered)
  • Patience; wanting millions overnight does not make it so
  • Quantity over quality; selling 10x 20k items is a better money maker than 1x 200k item (players are more likely to not think about dishing out 10k-20k several times over, but will think long and hard about spending 100k or more in a single shot)
  • Make sure your credit making portfolio is diverse
  • If you craft, you have to watch your items' and the materials' markets
  • If you GTN, pay attention to others' pricing; do not just automatically undercut the lowest.


P.S. this comes from a player with eight characters, all six crafting skill, multiples of all the gathering and mission skills, who does not do dailies very often, and makes 10 million credits a week logging in an average of three times every two days.

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A lot of people have posted some good ideas and strategies.


I don't like doing dailies. I'd rather spend that time with my wife and level alts together. So I have an army of 9 crafters (and rising) to make all of my credits. I basically work in 3 crafting markets. The thing is with any method of 'making credits' you're going to have to put a time investment in. Nothing happens overnight.


I started with artifice a long time ago. Slowly made up a few million selling augment slot lightsabers (tells you about how long ago this was) and basic color crystals. From there I started branching out into other characters and finding holes on the GTN that they could craft and sell in. It took a while. Eventually I hit 5 million, then 10 million and this was before the CM.


By the time the CM hit I had established myself in a few markets and was making 1 million on a bad day. Since then it's only grown. And I buy a LOT of frivolous things for my characters. Speeders, full legacy unlocks of inventory slots/cargo bays, racial unlocks, HK + Treek on all characters, legacy character perks, you name it. And my total of credits continues to go up.


It helps if you set goals for yourself and stick to them. I would start off wanting an expensive mount that goes for a couple million and set a goal of "if I can make 5 mil this week, I'll reward myself and buy it". That keeps my total going up and gives me time to search the GTN when I check my crafters for a better deal. I've picked up items that go for several million for 100k credits because I waited. Sometimes I go full impulse and buy on the spot. But only when the credits are really streaming in.


So basically:


-Find something you like (crafting, dailies, FP, whatever) and do it religiously

-Show patience. Don't blow everything you just made. Build up your stockpile of credits, then buy, or keep searching for a better price on the item you want

-Realize this is a time investment. No time investment, no wealth

-There are always credits to be made if you're willing to seek them out

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I have found running the old HM FPs such as False emperor (that seems the most profitable one) can make on average about 150k-200k witb the SH items I can sell on the gtn, or the amor and items I can vendor sell for 10-20k each. All in all, if you run it like a couple times you can easily make 350k.


Not to mention, you can farm companion affection which is an added bonus, and take the time to actually experience the FP, look at everything and appreciatd the work put into making it. Not to mentio it is always cool to run through in God Mode :)

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Question, what level of gear would a lvl 60 need to run the old HM FPs? M gonna try this... I wanna save up enough to get a rancor lol :D


Look at it this way, I soloed the Ilum SMFPs (BoI and FE) at level 53 and 54 on two dps characters (commando and sage) with rating 156 gear in both character and companion. 60s in 178 should faceroll. One note though, healer comps can be problematic as they stand in stupid.

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Playing the GTN will net you the most credits, but it also comes with big risks. You have to truly understand the market for what you are buying/selling and know how to spot bargains.


I spend on average 1 hour a day on the gtn looking for bargains, understanding market trends, etc.


The GTN really is a mini-stock market and I have learnt many valuable lessons that I have applied to my investments in RL stock market playing :)


High-risk high reward ;)

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Recently, I solo old level 50 flashpoints. You get decent credits as drops, in addition to SH Deco to sell, and old gear to vendor. Pretty decent money.


Other than that, I like running Oricon dailies because it only takes like 25 minutes and you get a fair amount of creds and goods to sell. :)

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From December-January my pc was on the fritz- constantly crashing when I was on the planets

I could only do wz's and hang on fleet

During that time I would log in and send all my toons' comps on crew skill missions/craft items

Cybertech, artifice, augments, augment kits, and augment components made me tens of millions


I got a new pc in February and have started doing the old level 50 and up sm/hm flashpoints- most of which I never really did before- just to see the story at my leisure

My main toon is a sin in mainly 174/168 pvp gear with full 186 main stat augments

I can solo everything- don't even use a comp- since they are running missions, usually cause more harm than good, and are clunky at farming nodes-

It has been a nice change of pace and I am still making credits - loot, vendor trash, a couple of boe oranges, and decos are all worth something to someone

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Playing the GTN will net you the most credits, but it also comes with big risks. You have to truly understand the market for what you are buying/selling and know how to spot bargains.


I spend on average 1 hour a day on the gtn looking for bargains, understanding market trends, etc.


The GTN really is a mini-stock market and I have learnt many valuable lessons that I have applied to my investments in RL stock market playing :)


High-risk high reward ;)


One thing I forgot to mention is knowing the market. If you're in the reselling market, understand what items usually sell for before you buy and post. If something normally sells for 100k and someone is dumping theirs for 75k, don't undercut them. Sure, it's "only" 25k but that's money left on the table for no reason. Wait until the price normalizes before posting.


This should also be common sense but by watching prices you should know what is and isn't a good deal. A big ticket item that goes for 1m priced at 500k, probably a good deal to resell. A 1m item priced at 800k, maybe but not so much.

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