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Voltaic Slash/Clairvoyant Strike has to go.


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Ok i have to know if i am alone in having this opinion.Ever since i started playing swtor a little after release ,this has been bugging me and is the reason i never progressed too far with Shadows or Assassins.And since i just started leveling one to relive the inq story(nostalgia factor) and when i got to 26 level the old mental pain started to resurface. :t_frown:


The animation of Voltaic Slash is simply horrible.It doesn't make any sense.Have you seen anywhere in Star Wars someone doing a thing like that?Why would a jedi/sith do that?It's like a yoyo move or a circus move designed to impress a crowd.You know?those guys that juggle sticks on fire?

What purpose does such a move serve?


At the most it's not bad for an ability that is used rarely but a filler ability?Really? :rak_frown:


Why didn't they create a move that has even a remote similarity to martial arts and lighsaber combat lore from the Star Wars franchise. They proved they can do that with awesome abilities like Assassinate,Lacerate + the Saber Strike finishing moves(which are activated when enemy is at low health),which are awesome btw,not sure why are they not used more often.


At the most the ability looks like some kind short range saber throw,which again is fine but why as a filler move?Imagine Darth Zannah or Maul or Kas'im walking to a jedi and then start spamming the yoyo.It's redicilous.


Because of this ability the rotation looks nothing like what a sith/jedi would do in real combat and feels weird.


I ask Bioware to give the ability to those of us that don't like this animation to change it with something else,anything really.I would gladly use Thrash but sadly i am gimping my performance by doing so.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Ok i have to know if i am alone in having this opinion.Ever since i started playing swtor a little after release ,this has been bugging me and is the reason i never progressed too far with Shadows or Assassins.And since i just started leveling one to relive the inq story(nostalgia factor) and when i got to 26 level the old mental pain started to resurface. :t_frown:


The animation of Voltaic Slash is simply horrible.It doesn't make any sense.Have you seen anywhere in Star Wars someone doing a thing like that?Why would a jedi/sith do that?It's like a yoyo move or a circus move designed to impress a crowd.You know?those guys that juggle sticks on fire?

What purpose does such a move serve?


At the most it's not bad for an ability that is used rarely but a filler ability?Really? :rak_frown:


Why didn't they create a move that has even a remote similarity to martial arts and lighsaber combat lore from the Star Wars franchise. They proved they can do that with awesome abilities like Assassinate,Lacerate + the Saber Strike finishing moves(which are activated when enemy is at low health),which are awesome btw,not sure why are they not used more often.


At the most the ability looks like some kind short range saber throw,which again is fine but why as a filler move?Imagine Darth Zannah or Maul or Kas'im walking to a jedi and then start spamming the yoyo.It's redicilous.


Because of this ability the rotation looks nothing like what a sith/jedi would do in real combat and feels weird.


I ask Bioware to give the ability to those of us that don't like this animation to change it with something else,anything really.I would gladly use Thrash but sadly i am gimping my performance by doing so.


Could always spec Hatred/Serenity and spam thrash :p

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Maybe I'm a weird one, but if I had a stick with lasers coming out of each end and the ability to control it with my mind, this is probably exactly the kind of thing I'd do with it. Spinning melee laser disc of doom? Yes please. Jedi were kinda dumb to not think of this sooner.
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Well you have a few options here to not play the spec that has that move and end your torture. I see no issue with the move at all. Darth Traya used to control 3 lightsabers with her mind so I see no reason why one saberstaff couldn't be spun around by others.


As far as why would one use the move? Well you really answered yourself there: shock and awe. It leaves your opponent open to an exploit and while they are worried about the spinning disc of death whirring at them, no telling what you could hit them with. Yes I have seen this move in Star Wars... right here in this game. Not everything has to be exactly like the movies nor is it nor should it be.


This one move you take exception with because it isn't martial artsy enough for you but there are so many other moves that are quite silly in game. But then isn't that the point? This game has to reach a broad enough spectrum to keep people entertained. One spec has a move you disagree with and you want BW to make an exception and put another ability in the rotation? No I say play another spec or just deal with the move. You have every right to voice your dissatisfaction with the choice but I cannot agree with your solution.

Edited by Scovina
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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok i have to know if i am alone in having this opinion.Ever since i started playing swtor a little after release ,this has been bugging me and is the reason i never progressed too far with Shadows or Assassins.And since i just started leveling one to relive the inq story(nostalgia factor) and when i got to 26 level the old mental pain started to resurface. :t_frown:


The animation of Voltaic Slash is simply horrible.It doesn't make any sense.Have you seen anywhere in Star Wars someone doing a thing like that?Why would a jedi/sith do that?It's like a yoyo move or a circus move designed to impress a crowd.You know?those guys that juggle sticks on fire?

What purpose does such a move serve?


At the most it's not bad for an ability that is used rarely but a filler ability?Really? :rak_frown:


Why didn't they create a move that has even a remote similarity to martial arts and lighsaber combat lore from the Star Wars franchise. They proved they can do that with awesome abilities like Assassinate,Lacerate + the Saber Strike finishing moves(which are activated when enemy is at low health),which are awesome btw,not sure why are they not used more often.


At the most the ability looks like some kind short range saber throw,which again is fine but why as a filler move?Imagine Darth Zannah or Maul or Kas'im walking to a jedi and then start spamming the yoyo.It's redicilous.


Because of this ability the rotation looks nothing like what a sith/jedi would do in real combat and feels weird.


I ask Bioware to give the ability to those of us that don't like this animation to change it with something else,anything really.I would gladly use Thrash but sadly i am gimping my performance by doing so.


One of the best ability animations in the game, stop crying.

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No ball lightning is one of the best animations in game:D

Well ok VS/CS is still cool:cool:


Ugh no. I've gotten sooooooo sick of Ball Lightning, it's just too damn flashy with the saber twirl. I wish Bioware had a system where we could trade ability animations while keeping the same effect. I'd go back to Shock's animation in a heartbeat.

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