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12 x XP for class-missions


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Don't switch the goalposts bro. Tell me why exactly someone should be forced to play all these throw-away quests just so they can get to the point where all the real grinding begins.


I'm not switching goalposts. It's a valid question and point. if you expect BW to change the game so that you can skip the parts of the game that you don't like, then shouldn't you support the same for everyone? Shouldn't you support BW changing the ENTIRE GAME to cater to everyone so that everyone can do EXACTLY what they enjoy and ONLY what they enjoy, yet reap all the rewards for those things they do not enjoy?


You want to only play content you enjoy? You want to skip the parts of the game you enjoy?


What about the player who doesn't enjoy the grind of raiding to gear up? Should he be able to skip the raiding, but be given the rewards of BIS gear for, especially if he already geared out one character in BIS gear?


Why do you think that you are entitled to be able to play only the parts of the game that you enjoy and skip all the rest, especially when the rest of the players cannot skip the parts that they might not enjoy?

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I'm not switching goalposts. It's a valid question and point.


No it's not. It's a straw man argument. No one in this thread suggested to skip raid content for gear. What has been suggested is making the Class Story Leveling Event / 12x xp boost a perk or consumable.

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No it's not. It's a straw man argument. No one in this thread suggested to skip raid content for gear. What has been suggested is making the Class Story Leveling Event / 12x xp boost a perk or consumable.


Let's be honest. What has been "suggested" (demanded, really) is that BW cater to the "lazy, entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort as possible" crowd and allow them to skip the parts of the game that they do not want to have to do. This is all this is about and NOTHING else.


Those same people who demand that BW cater to them so they can skip the parts of the game they do not enjoy are adamant about other parts of the game NOT being able to be skipped. The parts they do not enjoy are "grinds" so those parts must be able to be skipped, but the parts they want to do are not, so NO ONE can skip them.

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Seriously, I don't even really think we need 12x. I'd be plenty happy if the story quests just scaled with your character level. Like how the Rakghoul event works. This would even be good for people who level through pvp like I do, as when they go to do the class quests they won't be ridiculously overlevelled.


The class stories are what they sell this game on. Just look at the choose your path promotion. They aren't selling the game on their raids, pvp, or grind. If people want to enjoy the main selling point of this game, why not let them?

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Seriously, I don't even really think we need 12x. I'd be plenty happy if the story quests just scaled with your character level. Like how the Rakghoul event works. This would even be good for people who level through pvp like I do, as when they go to do the class quests they won't be ridiculously overlevelled.


The class stories are what they sell this game on. Just look at the choose your path promotion. They aren't selling the game on their raids, pvp, or grind. If people want to enjoy the main selling point of this game, why not let them?


This is a good idea, in my mind anyway... I haven't reached end game yet so I can't say whether end game would cause conflicts with the story if this were to happen. But this seems like a great solution. Solves almost all the problems of both the sides of the 'debate' and so everyone's a winner!

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Seriously, I don't even really think we need 12x. I'd be plenty happy if the story quests just scaled with your character level. Like how the Rakghoul event works. This would even be good for people who level through pvp like I do, as when they go to do the class quests they won't be ridiculously overlevelled.


The class stories are what they sell this game on. Just look at the choose your path promotion. They aren't selling the game on their raids, pvp, or grind. If people want to enjoy the main selling point of this game, why not let them?



This is a good idea, in my mind anyway... I haven't reached end game yet so I can't say whether end game would cause conflicts with the story if this were to happen. But this seems like a great solution. Solves almost all the problems of both the sides of the 'debate' and so everyone's a winner!


I would be more inclined to support this than a 12XP boost. I don't think the XP for the story missions should be adjusted.


I think you will find that many of those players who CLAIM to only want to see the story will find this suggestion to be unacceptable. I think this is because many of those players are not truly concerned about seeing the story. They are simply looking for that "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" means of leveling. Scaling story missions would still leave those players with the need to earn the XP required to level those characters, which is what they are so desperate to avoid.

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Not being able to level up as fast as you would like is not a sacrifice. There is no sacrifice, it is a game. You level when you level, and eventually you hit the cap.


And you have no idea about my life, it isnt much of a time sink to play from 10pm to midnight 4 days a week, and if you think your time is worth more then that, then either a) you over estimate the value of your time or b) maybe a MMO isnt the right game for you, and you should stick to a console game.


And unless you are a business owner, you have no idea what having a small amount of time to enjoy something you like playing is. That is the difference between an employer, and a employee.


And to call BS on this; there are two possibilities here. 1) you aren't a business owner and claim you are on an ewebz forum to feel superior to other people. 2) you are a cruddy business owner who doesn't know the first thing about business given your end statement. A good business owner does not hold the mentality of superiority over "employees". Why? Without them you wouldn't have a business as before you say "without me they wouldn't have jobs", well there are plenty of other places always looking. if you are a business owner then your employees must hate your attitude.


-awaiting response with lame comeback proclaiming "omgurdz my employees love me", "omgurdz your (insert insult here)", "you haz no clue (add something stupid here)"-



Back on topic;

As for scaling the class story to character level, I actually like that ideas and would fully support it in place of 12xp.

Edited by AizaTalzin
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Several degrees and you still can't spell? Or are you just too lazy to proofread?


Not everyone is as "leet" as you seem to think you are. Most players can benefit from the time spent leveling. Leveling may not teach anyone all the in's and out's of their class, but most players will usually pick up a thing or two, unless they are too lazy to do so, of course.


we have no evidence that you know how to play. most players can read guides and figure out gearing and rotations, unless they are too stupid to do so.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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Not being able to level up as fast as you would like is not a sacrifice. There is no sacrifice, it is a game. You level when you level, and eventually you hit the cap.


And you have no idea about my life, it isnt much of a time sink to play from 10pm to midnight 4 days a week, and if you think your time is worth more then that, then either a) you over estimate the value of your time or b) maybe a MMO isnt the right game for you, and you should stick to a console game.


And unless you are a business owner, you have no idea what having a small amount of time to enjoy something you like playing is. That is the difference between an employer, and a employee.


I know several people that are not business owners that work 120 hours a week. so that excuse doesnt hold water. I know several people with PHD's that dont always proof read their own letters. many notes just arent worth the time. I have owned 2 businesses and didnt work horrendous hours like that, I was efficient enough not to have to. you want to tell people how to play, we get it. If someone isnt up to your high standards, dont team with them. it isnt that difficult.

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we have no evidence that you know how to play. most players can read guides and figure out gearing and rotations, unless they are too stupid to do so.


I don't recall ever saying that I was "leet", or even that I would qualify as competent by any other player's standards. I've never made any claims about my skills or about being able to learn all the in's and out's of my class and be a pro at that class in less than a single afternoon, simply by looking at a website.


Most players CAN read guides, but it's not just stupidity that causes them not to do so. Often it is caused by laziness, the aversion to the effort required to actually pull up the website and read.


I really find it hard to believe that someone who is too lazy to actually level that character and insists on the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" means of reaching max level will actually bother to pull up those websites and read.

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Why don't we just put the Instant-Max-Level terminal back on the fleet on the PTS.


Then those of us who want to rush the story can go do it there and you guys can have your pure actual servers. :cool:


That sounds like it should also work for those that simply want to see the stories, IMO.

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I don't recall ever saying that I was "leet", or even that I would qualify as competent by any other player's standards. I've never made any claims about my skills or about being able to learn all the in's and out's of my class and be a pro at that class in less than a single afternoon, simply by looking at a website.


Most players CAN read guides, but it's not just stupidity that causes them not to do so. Often it is caused by laziness, the aversion to the effort required to actually pull up the website and read.


I really find it hard to believe that someone who is too lazy to actually level that character and insists on the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" means of reaching max level will actually bother to pull up those websites and read.


yet you are passing judgement on other peoples ability to play...interesting. if leveling that fast means that you cannot play your class properly, maybe you should fix your own problem. other people might not have your limitations.

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yet you are passing judgement on other peoples ability to play...interesting. if leveling that fast means that you cannot play your class properly, maybe you should fix your own problem. other people might not have your limitations.


Or, other people simply refuse to acknowledge their own limitations.

Edited by Ratajack
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I know several people that are not business owners that work 120 hours a week. so that excuse doesnt hold water. I know several people with PHD's that dont always proof read their own letters. many notes just arent worth the time. I have owned 2 businesses and didnt work horrendous hours like that, I was efficient enough not to have to. you want to tell people how to play, we get it. If someone isnt up to your high standards, dont team with them. it isnt that difficult.


Might be why you owned them in past tense....and not sure but you may want to learn a little more about reading comprehension, because nothing in my post is even related to peoples playing ability. I guess you are so "efficient" by not paying attention to detail.

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Might be why you owned them in past tense....and not sure but you may want to learn a little more about reading comprehension, because nothing in my post is even related to peoples playing ability. I guess you are so "efficient" by not paying attention to detail.


I am not currently a business owner because I sold them. cashing out at the right time can be very worthwhile.

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I love how a discussion over whether an XP boost should be added to an MMO has led to veiled and not-so-veiled personal insults being thrown around all over the place. That's the internet for ya...


Even after a good suggestion was posted that could of led to some good discussion it turned back into a shout off within several posts.

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I would play MORE if they had 12xXP as a bonus. Right now, if I'm on lockout with my main toon, I don't even consider going on an alt (unless it's with my guild). Giving me a way to quickly add another 60 that I prefer to play to my list of characters would allow me to do more in-game, rater than just log.
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I would play MORE if they had 12xXP as a bonus. Right now, if I'm on lockout with my main toon, I don't even consider going on an alt (unless it's with my guild). Giving me a way to quickly add another 60 that I prefer to play to my list of characters would allow me to do more in-game, rater than just log.


If you were not too lazy to level that alt, you could likely have had that 60 by now.


I think we all know that LAZINESS is the driving force behind much of the demand for a "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level", though.

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I work a similar schedule, and if you are able to squeeze in a couple hours a night, you must have very little going on in your life outside of that restaurant and this game. I'm lucky to get in an hour per day, if that. I have been playing this game for 1 1/2 years and have finished one class story. Getting close on two others (one I play myself, the other I play with my wife). I've paid several hundred dollars in subscription fees, essentially to do pvp and see one story.


I would love to be able to just play through the class stories without having to play the one-off quests just to ensure I'm at the appropriate level. I don't have a couple hours per night to dedicate to a game. Not without neglecting things that are actually important. Nobody should have to make sacrifices in their real life just in order to enjoy a video game. Anyone who thinks they should, just doesn't get it. That, or I guess I'm sorry that your life is lame.

He is probably lying. It's internet after all.

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