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12 x XP for class-missions


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Indeed. There is no right or wrong way to play an MMO, which is actually the biggest headache faced by MMO game devs. It's not bugs. It's not class balance. It's not how to tune content. It's not exploits, or gold farming or any of that stuff, which may well be very important, but isn't the biggest problem they have.


It's - How do I produce content that satisfies the guy who plays 4 hours a week and satisfies the guy who plays 150 hours a week? How do I produce content that is both accessible to players with lightning-fast laserlike FPS-style twitch skills, and players who don't have those skills? How do I produce content for a player who only feels a sense of accomplishment after succeeding at a difficult challenge while at the same time producing content for players who play to relax, unwind and don't want to be challenged?


It's how do I make the game that satisfies everyone? Is all things to all gamers? Because MMOs are so prohibitively expensive to make, publishers aren't going to let you get away with saying "This game isn't meant for you." They're not going to let you get away with making a niche game, or even a tightly focused one.


EvE does it, and it's the exception that proves the rule. But there's absolutely no way that the bean counters at EA will say "Yes, let's invest all this money in a Star Wars MMO that's only going to appeal to a segment of the potential playerbase."


I'm not saying it's right or it's wrong. What we end up with is a mish-mash of design cues that tries to satisfy everyone and doesn't work 100% for anyone. Compromises.


Such is life.

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So, less than two months after the last double XP.... On February 14, WE GET ANOTHER ONE TOMMOROW! WOHOOO!!! The Devs actually do listen to what we post on the forums! I really hope this thread will have an impact on future double xp EVENTS!


PASCUA!!! I barely logged in this week. Can't wait to play all weekend! Yes!

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So, less than two months after the last double XP.... On February 14, WE GET ANOTHER ONE TOMMOROW! WOHOOO!!! The Devs actually do listen to what we post on the forums! I really hope this thread will have an impact on future double xp EVENTS!


PASCUA!!! I barely logged in this week. Can't wait to play all weekend! Yes!


This weekend would seem like a good time for those that wish to have additional max level characters , or wish to see other stories , to level those characters. Double XP may not stack with rested XP, but as far as I know, it does stack with all the other XP boosts.


Will those who desire the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" take advantage of this double XP weekend, or will they say "if it's not 12XP, it's not good enough" and not even try to get those new alts leveled?


We shall see.

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This weekend would seem like a good time for those that wish to have additional max level characters , or wish to see other stories , to level those characters. Double XP may not stack with rested XP, but as far as I know, it does stack with all the other XP boosts.


Will those who desire the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" take advantage of this double XP weekend, or will they say "if it's not 12XP, it's not good enough" and not even try to get those new alts leveled?


We shall see.


I am a very lethargic gamer. I consider doing side quests "tedious" and I'm still happy with double XP. The players who won't even bother to level alts because it's not 12xp, should loosen up a bit.


we shall see


just my two cents

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Personally, it bugs me having to replay the same sidequests on different classes of characters. I want 12x purely for the option to split the sidequests among my alts of the same faction, if you know what I mean. Having to do them on each class for a faction kinda breaks immersion for me. Wouldn't care if it barred me from endgame content.


I'll take advantage of the 2x XP, but if they did do 12x in some permanent form, I'd outright make 8 new characters to see the stories unhindered.


Again, why don't they just give us back the Level Up Terminal on the PTS so we don't ruin the PURISTS on the 'REAL' servers.

Edited by Djiini
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Leveling up has become very hard. for example, completing everything including H2+s and H4s for a planet only grants 2-2.5 at most levels instead of 4.

If find this bad. Progression for new characters is very slow.


As for the story, it's too bad that it cannot be completed on lower level characters due to leveling limitations.


Also getting L47 companion story missions that actually need fighting while being around 30 is totally absurd.

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BW could set it up so that when you create that max level character, you get the max level character of the class you choose, a set of reasonable--not BIS, but let's say blue quality level 60 gear (and at 60 even level 60 greens should be enough to do the stories) and an adaptive speeder. Companions could also have a set of blue quality when you get them. I may be wrong, but I would think that it would be possible to set it up so that when you complete the quest granting the companion, a set of blue quality gear is mailed to you.


If you are creating max level characters on the PTS, with reasonable (not BIS, but reasonable), there should be no gearing issues. The characters are ALREADY max level and geared. You are sent a set of reasonable for each companion when you get that companion. There should also be no issues with money, as skills are free. I fail to see the urgent need to purchase anything, since the only thing those interested parties claim to want is to see the stories.


Add in affection (because companion's quests are part of the story for me at least) and you sold me. I would never leave PTS if that was the option. Actually this is first good idea you had in this thread! Congrats! I support this! That would be amazing, to replay a class story or play another class story at any time I want, I really want this!

Edited by Oiccrene
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Add in affection (because companion's quests are part of the story for me at least) and you sold me. I would never leave PTS if that was the option. Actually this is first good idea you had in this thread! Congrats! I support this!


until they do one of their normal wipes...then your character goes away...too bad... at least the control freaks of the game can keep you in check

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until they do one of their normal wipes...then your character goes away...too bad... at least the control freaks of the game can keep you in check


But that wouldn't be a problem, would it? Finishing story mode with level 60 can't take more than a day of playing, at best. In fact, it would make me play more, same storyline, different choices, gender, character visage...


Now I assume this is permanent unlock how to create characters on PTS for $60 or something (+ active sub since you need that on PTS). If you pay, you can then create unlimited number of level 60 characters on pts with appropriate gear.

Edited by Oiccrene
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The point is that the community asks for 12 x XP so we don't have to repeat the same grind over and over again for our alts when we've already leveled a toon to level cap.

You get it?

We've done the grind already so we " knew how to play" our class. No reward in repeating the same grind all over again.

I honestly don't see how giving players an option ( the 12 x Xp would be an optional feature ) to level up an alt in a comfortable way will impact your ( you the grindmonkeys ) gameplay experience.

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The point is that the community asks for 12 x XP so we don't have to repeat the same grind over and over again for our alts when we've already leveled a toon to level cap.

You get it?



By that logic, why should a player have to have to "grind" to gear up each character in BIS gear. Shouldn't players just be given a class appropriate equivalent piece of gar every time one character loots or earns a piece of gear? After all, he already did it once, so he's shown that he KNOWS HOW to do it.


Why bother making players "grind" credits or XP on every character? Every time a player loots or earns credits or earns XP, each and every character he has should be given an equal number of credits or an equal amount of XP. After all, they already did it once, so they've shown us all that they KNOW HOW to do it, right?


Make it an "option" to play as the game is designed now, or to play the "no grind" way.


We've done the grind already so we " knew how to play" our class. No reward in repeating the same grind all over again.


The "reward" is having that new max level character.


I honestly don't see how giving players an option ( the 12 x Xp would be an optional feature ) to level up an alt in a comfortable way will impact your ( you the grindmonkeys ) gameplay experience.


I honestly don't see how giving players an option ( the "no grind" mode would be an OPTIONAL FEATURE) to be given an equal amount of credits or XP for every one of their characters each time one of their characters loots or earns credits or earns XP and a class appropriate piece of gear for every character a player has every time one of his characters loots or earns a piece of gear, would impact YOUR gameplay experience.


Do you feel that you can pick and choose which "grinds" are acceptable and which are not?

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Add in affection (because companion's quests are part of the story for me at least) and you sold me. I would never leave PTS if that was the option. Actually this is first good idea you had in this thread! Congrats! I support this! That would be amazing, to replay a class story or play another class story at any time I want, I really want this!


I was saying add the level up terminal back to the PTS before he was... :(

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Who are you to say I'm playing the wrong game lol? I've been here since beta...I know what I like about it. Leveling took me a week of the past 3+ years. Think about that...I've spent more time in GSF, GSH, PvP, WZ's, Ops, FPs, shopping, crafting, sending out my companions than I did leveling...leveling is the least important part of the game to me.


Leveling may be large to you, it isn't to me...and I've been here longer.


That's the Biggest thing that People don't have a right to tell us what to do, and that's "What way to play this Game", with exception of the Devs of course.


Ppl don't get that they don't have that right and most ppl are very egotistical about that, thinking they have to play at their level or else you get Nothing, and that's bull, and includes this stupid Legacy lvl junk to.


I want 12X, not only because of my Physical problems of not being able to do what I used to, but also I actually get ill like throwing up up doing all these stupid quests that Are Not needed. I love the Storylines, and with 12X i can still do that. If there is something that i have missed I can always go back and do it later like the Companion quests that I have no problem doing later, or in between.

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Storyline would be truly enjoyable if you could pay it without any other interference.

The 12x boost would be nice to new characters but would be unfair to everyone that spent many hours leveling up the hard way many characters.

Edited by Overmind
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But that wouldn't be a problem, would it? Finishing story mode with level 60 can't take more than a day of playing, at best. In fact, it would make me play more, same storyline, different choices, gender, character visage...


Now I assume this is permanent unlock how to create characters on PTS for $60 or something (+ active sub since you need that on PTS). If you pay, you can then create unlimited number of level 60 characters on pts with appropriate gear.


except that you can only do it at odd times within the year. so your $60 might work for half of october and november(unless its a closed beta in which case you dont get to play that year. thats a great way to run a game....pts only runs when they want public testing...given the track record on that this is a failed idea.

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and 99% of your facts are made up and unfactual


mmoRPGs (why do new players always for get the RPG part????) start at Level 1, not level 60


And I can PROVE that FACT by simply loading up a new character and not being instantly level 60 as you claim above.


99% of what factS ? i only stated one but then again some people are stubborn and hate to see whole picture and realize what MMO is all about.......... Pointing at you............


Let me state this again leveling is very essential and needed experience for MMO but its a small part of what MMO is about.

Edited by Cherepk
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Let me state this again leveling is very essential and needed experience for MMO but its a small part of what MMO is about.

Exactly. Like I stated earlier, I spent one week leveling my 1st toon...I've played since beta, never took a break and have only taken one week off in that entire time. 99% of my online time here has been at level cap.

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12x will be coming back in some form along with toggles for those that don't want to use it. That's my _educated_ guess; it was too successful. And it's much easier for BW and qs if as many people as possible are near the same level. Edited by Savej
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12x will be coming back in some form along with toggles for those that don't want to use it. That's my educated guess; it was too successful. And it's much easier for BW and qs if as many people as possible are near the same level.


This is actually a very intuitive guess. I don't wanna get in trouble but I point our 12x xp fans over to the other popular swtor site. I think it starts with an R.... So sorry to the folks who wanna keep the grind, but I'm tired of grinding out new toons just to have extra raiding toons. I hope your not too bummed.

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This is actually a very intuitive guess. I don't wanna get in trouble but I point our 12x xp fans over to the other popular swtor site. I think it starts with an R.... So sorry to the folks who wanna keep the grind, but I'm tired of grinding out new toons just to have extra raiding toons. I hope your not too bummed.






I'm so ecstatic.

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This is actually a very intuitive guess. I don't wanna get in trouble but I point our 12x xp fans over to the other popular swtor site. I think it starts with an R.... So sorry to the folks who wanna keep the grind, but I'm tired of grinding out new toons just to have extra raiding toons. I hope your not too bummed.


It wasn't intuitive but we get in trouble for mentioning some of our educational resources;>

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12x will be coming back in some form along with toggles for those that don't want to use it. That's my _educated_ guess; it was too successful. And it's much easier for BW and qs if as many people as possible are near the same level.


Educated huh? Sure you haven't been on reddit recently? Because I think you're right...very interesting :)

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