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12 x XP for class-missions


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Why does it bother other players If I want to have double XP or 12x.?????

With 12x xp, the game brings in less revenue than it would otherwise (since many people just rush through the story much faster than originally designed, then leave); then, it shuts down sooner than it would otherwise; then I can't play it.

Look at what blizzard did. pay $60 and get to 80.

If swtor had an instant boost to 50 or 55, that could be a good thing - as long as the 1-50 class story was off-limits to boosted characters. Boosts like that remove the barrier to entry for people who just want to get to endgame, and taking away the class story would restrict it to those people.

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Pretty sure the people who are opposed to 12x XP would also be opposed to that.

I'm pretty sure most of the people who are in favor of 12x xp would be opposed to it.


(That is, if class story below the boosted level were unavailable to the boosted characters - which would be the right way to do it).


But, it would be interesting to hear opinions on that option.

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I'm pretty sure most of the people who are in favor of 12x xp would be opposed to it.


(That is, if class story below the boosted level were unavailable to the boosted characters - which would be the right way to do it).


But, it would be interesting to hear opinions on that option.


Not me. I'd be fine with it. To me, MMOs start at level cap. Level cap is where I spend the majority of my time playing this game, as do most players. I don't care how you got to 60, I'm just happy you're playing the game at 60. Grinding a new toon is for when you're bored.

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With 12x xp, the game brings in less revenue than it would otherwise (since many people just rush through the story much faster than originally designed, then leave); then, it shuts down sooner than it would otherwise; then I can't play it..


how would having 12x XP bring in less revenue??? that's just silly!!! people log in now with regular XP under the fake Free to play and see how horrible it is and how boring all the side fluff planet quests are they log out and never return and never spending any money at all. a lot of the subbers left because the leveling is so stinking boring they get fedup with it and just leave. when they had the 12x XP there was a LOT more players in game then and people were leveling up multiple alts once 12x XP went away they slowly went away too.


not one of my toons have left my stronghold since 12x XP went away and now that i got my last bit of armor for one of my alts im just waiting for my sub to end and wont be back till 12x XP comes back. i was here during beta and launch i finally got my two original toons (one emp one pub) to level 55 during the 12x XP. im sorry but this games fluff is just way too boring for me to continue paying for it, and there is WAY too much fluff, with very little class story quests sprinkled in.

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how would having 12x XP bring in less revenue???.

Due to people zooming through a fraction of the story content (leaving much of the story content untouched), and not sticking around any significant amount of time to sub or make cash shop purchases.


a lot of the subbers left because the leveling is so stinking boring they get fedup with it and just leave.

What would you think of, instead of 12x xp, a boost to the previous level cap? (With the earlier class stories not playable.)

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Due to people zooming through a fraction of the story content (leaving much of the story content untouched), and not sticking around any significant amount of time to sub or make cash shop purchases.



What would you think of, instead of 12x xp, a boost to the previous level cap? (With the earlier class stories not playable.)


a boost to the previous level cap? then you totally miss the class story quests... and that's the point of 12xXP its only on class story quests so you would not miss any of the class story with it. the only thing you would skip over is the boring side fluff planetary quests, you know those stupid quests that are EXACTLY the same for all your toons no matter what class they are (same faction that is)

Edited by Edzew
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Due to people zooming through a fraction of the story content (leaving much of the story content untouched), and not sticking around any significant amount of time to sub or make cash shop purchases.



What would you think of, instead of 12x xp, a boost to the previous level cap? (With the earlier class stories not playable.)


I would never buy it then. I only want the class stories. Well as it is now, I am not playing at all. With x12 I would play a lot. Shame (for BW).

Edited by Oiccrene
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Can I just weigh in, I'm by no means a regular player, my only character is a level 45 sentinel. I think during the 12x xp boost I went from about 35-45. However the game was so much more interesting to me then, I had to stop playing just before the end of the boost because of other commitments and I've tried to come back a few times since but I just can't get into it again.


I see the arguments against it and understand them but I suspect there's more than just me who wants to play this game mainly for the story and if I could experience the story without the constant interruptions of trying to level I'd be much more inclined to stay on when I reach 60. It's just really off putting to be constantly slaughtered by level 60's in PVP trying to get xp so I can just dam well play the game. At this rate I'm not sure I'll even see out the next mission let alone the next 15 levels.


I'm not here to try and create a fuss or cause any more arguments I just thought maybe a different perspective could add something to the discussion.

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why do people act like it takes 55 levels of grind to learn how to play your class??? It could take that long but it sure doesn't take me that long...especially if it is the flipside of a class I already have levelled. I can more then figure out how to play the class in the 5 levels of SoR and a few Warzones.


So I would welcome 12xp back in a heartbeat. Infact I would play this game MORE if they gave that to me...right now I still want to level about 8 different combos (LS Sith, DS Jedi etc etc) but the grind is why I don't and after I do my endgame stuff I log off and play other games.

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then you totally miss the class story quests...thats the point of 12xXP.

Exactly. Which is why, on the whole, I think 12x xp would be bad business. The people who want a level boost to get to endgame, stay around and play endgame. The people who just want to zoom through the story, do that and are gone.


I would bet there are enough story-oriented people who, even if they would prefer 12x xp, want to see the story enough to still play without it.

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Exactly. Which is why, on the whole, I think 12x xp would be bad business. The people who want a level boost to get to endgame, stay around and play endgame. The people who just want to zoom through the story, do that and are gone.


I would bet there are enough story-oriented people who, even if they would prefer 12x xp, want to see the story enough to still play without it.



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Well, put it this way. Of the people who would buy 12x xp, some would insist on it (wouldn't play the game without it), and some would prefer it (would still play the game without it).


When you sell it to the people who insist on it, you're making money you wouldn't otherwise.


But when you also sell it to the people who merely prefer it, you're likely going to get less money from them than you would otherwise.


So a lot comes down to the proportions of those groups. I would guess the people who would merely prefer it are the larger group, if only because it's the more moderate position.

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On the money issue.


If you make it only for subs (which is what I believe it should be). How many preferred and F2P would now go out and buy subs?


But sub AND buy the boost. For every storyline. Even if burn it through the single month, BW sold you 8 to 16 boosts alone.

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Exactly. Which is why, on the whole, I think 12x xp would be bad business. The people who want a level boost to get to endgame, stay around and play endgame. The people who just want to zoom through the story, do that and are gone.


I would bet there are enough story-oriented people who, even if they would prefer 12x xp, want to see the story enough to still play without it.


ok that's my fault im going back to edit that post to be clearer.... that line you quoted the first part was in response to your question about doing what WOW did just jump strait to level 60 and skip everything. sorry i wasn't clear on that. in fact my entire post was kinda janky sorry bout that.


what i was trying to say was that 12x XP lets you skip over all the boring junky fluff quests NOT the class story quests. in fact it only works on class story quests.

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why do people act like it takes 55 levels of grind to learn how to play your class??? It could take that long but it sure doesn't take me that long...especially if it is the flipside of a class I already have levelled. I can more then figure out how to play the class in the 5 levels of SoR and a few Warzones.


So I would welcome 12xp back in a heartbeat. Infact I would play this game MORE if they gave that to me...right now I still want to level about 8 different combos (LS Sith, DS Jedi etc etc) but the grind is why I don't and after I do my endgame stuff I log off and play other games.


Ask the grindmonkeys. I'm still waiting for an answer.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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Ask the grindmonkeys. I'm still waiting for an answer.


I don't think the majority of people who are opposed to 12x XP base their opposition on this argument. Some have indicated it as one of many reasons, but I believe by my anecdotal recollection that the number making it their sole argument are extremely limited.


Far more concerning is the relative uniformity of people supporting 12x XP who believe that them getting more experience doing one activity in the game by their preference doesn't have an affect on other players of the same game.


Or, the argument that people who are opposed to 12x XP just want to tell you how to play. I'm sorry the rules that came with your new boardgame say X. I understand you want to play Y, but people who are playing the boardgame worldwide all follow the rules X so you want to change the game to be what you want, not what you purchased. People supporting that the game rules be left at X aren't telling you anything but to play the game by the rules already provided. If anyone is telling you how to play the game its the games designers/developers. They made the rules.


Or that people who do not support 12x XP are just elitest old timer jerks who support the 'grind' and want to make you suffer (by having to play by the rules/systems in place).


What it comes down to is that the supporters of 12x XP are revealed in the greatest majority to be a bunch of self-absorbed, selfish, lazy, and entitled players who believe things should be changed because they don't like having to do something. Something that has been advertised as part of the game from the very beginning. Something that is part of the RPG genre and has been 'from the beginning' when RPG's got written rules. Something that has been part of the MMO genre from the beginning. Etc.


No one disguised that you would have to earn EXP by sacrificing time to level up. That's part of the game.


You believe you deserve an exemption for some past effort (entitlement).

You believe that you shouldn't have to do stuff you don't want to achieve the ends you desire (lazy)

You can't believe that getting what you want would affect any other player in any way (self absorbed)

You don't believe this should be a universal system but gated behind _your_ achievements (Selfish)


Me.. I just want you to play the game like it was designed and I have concerns that your suggestion would be easily exploitable and damage peoples play, especially the play of new players but also in the end game where the game is filled constantly with new FOTM classes/builds (which is already complained about in WZ's and Ops). (Evidently this makes me an elitist jerk even though I am asking that everyone have to play the same game for each character whereas you are arguing you should get a better/different game after some arbitrary achievements in game.. um.. this actually adds 'Elitist' to your arguments as well....)

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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Far more concerning is the relative uniformity of people supporting 12x XP who believe that them getting more experience doing one activity in the game by their preference doesn't have an affect on other players of the same game.


You trot out this argument everyctime and it fails because you think 12ers are making a choice between grinding and not-grinding. We're not. The choice we're making is between playing alts and not playing alts. You position is untenable because you think playing alts (even rushing through planets) somehow will make it so there are LESS people on the planet than had we not played the alts at all.

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You trot out this argument everyctime and it fails because you think 12ers are making a choice between grinding and not-grinding. We're not. The choice we're making is between playing alts and not playing alts. You position is untenable because you think playing alts (even rushing through planets) somehow will make it so there are LESS people on the planet than had we not played the alts at all.

Well said Ellie!!!

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I'll pay 60 dollars for an offline only swtor client, with 12xp, and maybe the option for LAN/coop. Just saying BW. Let me play the story you spent millions developing without dealing with the elitists who got lost looking for another WOW clone.


Did you guys play kotor 1 and 2 wishing it was arbitrarily dragged out, with awful pacing, and was mostly non plot relevant filler quests?


I know this is an mmo, but there's huge untapped market that STILL wants kotor 3. This games been in steady decline since launch, can we stop pretending is going to be some super relevant competitive mmo?


I'm detecting a lot of big fish in this little pond.

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I'll pay 60 dollars for an offline only swtor client, with 12xp, and maybe the option for LAN/coop. Just saying BW. Let me play the story you spent millions developing without dealing with the elitists who got lost looking for another WOW clone.

I'll chip in 30 dollars if they release offline client and that'll get you off from spouting absurd nonsense here. :o




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I'll pay 60 dollars for an offline only swtor client.

A lot of the people who want 12x xp have said, "I want to play this like a single-player game." But skipping the side-quests isn't playing it like a single-player game...because single-player games have plenty of side-quests.


But an offline version - or, private instances of everything, so you wouldn't encounter random bozos running around - THAT would be playing it like a single-player game. And that, I would pay a premium for. (I don't think a one-time $60 payment would make it worth Bioware's while - but I'd subscribe to it.)

Did you guys play kotor 1 and 2 wishing it was arbitrarily dragged out, with awful pacing, and was mostly non plot relevant filler quests?

There aren't any irrelevant filler quests in this game. None that I've come across yet, anyway.

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