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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

12 x XP for class-missions


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Could it be that you (and many of the 12XP'ers) have shown time and time again that your TRUE motivation for wanting 12XP is:


"I'm too lazy to actually level as the game intends. Give me a 'fast pass' that lets me skip the game. Oh, and BW needs to make sure that whatever criteria BW sets for being eligible for this 'fast pass' that I meet those criteria. Otherwise, those criteria are unfair and too strict."


Since you cannot come up with a rational reason that does not boil down to LAZINESS, you choose to ignore all the valid, rational and cogent points that those against 12XP boost have posted showing how such a "fast pass" could be detrimental to the game as a whole.


That sounds about right to me.


Define laziness though. Not wanting to do pointless grind is not being lazy. I already have a day job that produces money. Why would I want to slave over a pointless grind to actually unlock a content I want. There is no sense of achievement. Running same missions or flashpoints over and over is not something to be proud of. It's pure drill and grind. I want to skip that so I can get what I want, well if that makes me lazy, so be it.

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Define laziness though. Not wanting to do pointless grind is not being lazy. I already have a day job that produces money. Why would I want to slave over a pointless grind to actually unlock a content I want. There is no sense of achievement. Running same missions or flashpoints over and over is not something to be proud of. It's pure drill and grind. I want to skip that so I can get what I want, well if that makes me lazy, so be it.



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I think this is a bit much. I also think a lot of people clamoring for the 12xp are the people that have multiple toons leveled to max level.


Well of course, some people might actually not feel entitled for to deny others to have their fun. If you are not egoist, I don't see why would you be against x12 boost to be honest :)

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Define laziness though. Not wanting to do pointless grind is not being lazy. I already have a day job that produces money. Why would I want to slave over a pointless grind to actually unlock a content I want. There is no sense of achievement. Running same missions or flashpoints over and over is not something to be proud of. It's pure drill and grind. I want to skip that so I can get what I want, well if that makes me lazy, so be it.


Laziness is defined as "an aversion to effort".


It makes no difference if you have a job and work 8 hours a day. I have a job and work at least 50 hours a week. the fact that we have jobs and work 8 hours or more a day does not negate the fact that we can be lazy in other aspects of our lives.


You want to level new characters so that you can see those stories, either gain or for the first time. The fact is, though, that you are TOO AVERSE TO THE EFFORT required to actually level those new characters as the game intends. You want a "fast pass" to leveling, for no other reason than the fact that you are TOO LAZY to put forth the minimal effort required to level those characters as the game intends.

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Laziness is defined as "an aversion to effort".


It makes no difference if you have a job and work 8 hours a day. I have a job and work at least 50 hours a week. the fact that we have jobs and work 8 hours or more a day does not negate the fact that we can be lazy in other aspects of our lives.


You want to level new characters so that you can see those stories, either gain or for the first time. The fact is, though, that you are TOO AVERSE TO THE EFFORT required to actually level those new characters as the game intends. You want a "fast pass" to leveling, for no other reason than the fact that you are TOO LAZY to put forth the minimal effort required to level those characters as the game intends.


The problem is, the effort has to be justified. Here, the whole leveling system is put there just to make you sub for longer (or force a sub, if you compare f2p to sub). Your argument could be applied to ****** games like Dungeon Keeper mobile (

). Replace grind with waiting and laziness with patience and bam, same thing applies. I am actually amazed that there is no x12 for money, considering EA.... I would welcome it here :D Edited by Oiccrene
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I have a job and work at least 50 hours a week.

Except going to middle school isn't really a job, right?

You want a "fast pass" to leveling, for no other reason than the fact that you are TOO LAZY to put forth the minimal effort required to level those characters as the game intends.

So again with the insults and calling people lazy because they do not want to play your style. And how do you know BW intended the game to be a continual grind? They are not a Korean company and they placed emphasis on the story. They certainly do not reward people who grind out levels except some good gear is buyable at level 50, the rest is buyable if you do the whole 2 hours of grinding to lvl 10. They have a multitude of ways to earn extra XP, more than any other MMO and to top it off, they had the 12xXP because getting to the end story to be ready for SoR was more important then grinding to it.


So what is your proof besides YOUR definition of an MMO that BW intends the grinding to be a major part of the game.

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The problem is, the effort has to be justified. Here, the whole leveling system is put there just to make you sub for longer (or force a sub, if you compare f2p to sub).


Keeping people playing longer is the whole concept behind most MMO's, you know, MULTIPLAYER games.


Also, the fact is that "justified" is subjective.


The fact that YOU might be TOO LAZY to put forth the effort required to level those characters as the game intends does not mean the minimal effort required to do so is not justified.


The effort IS justified. You gain levels and you get to see the stories.


Your argument could be applied to ****** games like Dungeon Keeper mobile (
). Replace grind with waiting and laziness with patience and bam, same thing applies. I am actually amazed that there is no x12 for money, considering EA.... I would welcome it here :D



Again, this is a MULTIPLAYER game, not a solo game with cheat codes so that you can skip the game. If you want to play a solo player game, I'm sure you can find one if you check your local game store, There are multitudes of them.


Maybe EA recognizes that even a brief influx of cash from the LAZY is not worth the potential risk to the game as a whole.


Let's look at this logically.


Right now, you are playing the game, and subscribing. That generates $15/month. You claim to want to see those stories, some for the first time, and some again. You might quit tomorrow if BW does not cater to your laziness and give you a "fast pass", but you might not. That depends on whether your desire to see the stories outweighs your laziness.


Now multiply yourself by all the other players who want the lazy, "fast pass". Some will quit if BW does not cater to their laziness, but I would bet that most will stay. Some of those that stay will likely do what is necessary top level those characters and see those stories and some will leave their low level alts collecting dust waiting for BW to cater to their laziness. Regardless of whether they leave their alts collecting dust or level them, those players are STILL PLAYING and likely paying the subscription.


Now let's look at what happens if BW caters to the lazy, "fast pass" crowd. Many will likely pay for the 'fast pass", resulting in a quick one time infusion of revenue for BW, although some will complain that the cost is too high, whatever it is. However, once those players finish the stories, how many will leave, having finished the stories? This could easily result in BW losing substantial long term revenue for a quick one time burst. Which is better for BW in the long term?

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So again with the insults and calling people lazy because they do not want to play your style. And how do you know BW intended the game to be a continual grind? They are not a Korean company and they placed emphasis on the story. They certainly do not reward people who grind out levels except some good gear is buyable at level 50, the rest is buyable if you do the whole 2 hours of grinding to lvl 10. They have a multitude of ways to earn extra XP, more than any other MMO and to top it off, they had the 12xXP because getting to the end story to be ready for SoR was more important then grinding to it.


So what is your proof besides YOUR definition of an MMO that BW intends the grinding to be a major part of the game.

The "proof" that BW intends grinding to be a "major part of the game" lies in the fundamental arithmetic of all MMOs that offer subscriptions: Timesink = $. Now, the developers may not see the grind as a necessary, or even appropriate, element of their storytelling. But the bean-counters sure do. So, it depends on which aspect of BW we want to discuss. Grinding out levels does little (if anything) to augment the story. But forcing us to grind the levels generally results in longer subscriptions.


I doubt any game designer premised his/her master opus concept on, "Gee, the best part of my idea is the mind-numbing grind it will inflict on players!" I presume they're usually geeked over their story, or artwork, or villains, or boss battles, or crafting system, or whatever. I imagine "onerous grind" is always at the bottom of the creator's list. But always at the top of the financiers'.


Personally, I don't really care if they add 12x Class Mission XP as a permanent feature (either for all or purchased as a Legacy Unlock). It will mean fewer people running planet content ... which will make completing Heroic-4s more difficult. But I usually skip them anyway. I suppose it would be tougher for new players if all the veterans are just zooming through Class Missions. But I'm not a new player, and I tend to ignore issues that don't affect me.


TLDR: Grind = Timesink = $$$. Hence, grind is an intended part of the game. I don't care if they add 12x XP.

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Ratajack doesn't get it. He's one of those guys that feels personally threatened whenever there's any challenge to the status quo. I don't really understand it - it's weird for someone's personal worth to be so wrapped up in the status quo of a video game, but it is what it is.


He doesn't have any viable arguments. His entire argument boils down to "This is the way it's always been, so this is the way it has to be." It's circular logic.

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ITT: : People argue over whether 12xp makes you rush content while posting ways how to rush content without it.


But then again people are silly


^^^ This ^^^ At least SOME ONE gets my point of what difference does it make if I have DEV sanctioned CP boosts (Cartel, Guild, Legacy...etc) or 12x XP.


You get a cookie!

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think of it as running a marathon. either you train and improve your performance, stride and such to finish faster or you jump onto a bus that takes you to the end.:rak_04:


If you mean teaches you how to grind then I guess so. If you mean prepares you for endgame content, then that comparison is at best laughable as looking at how baddies have been here and remained constant since launch. The story line has been nerfed into a joke. The fps the same. You get a bolster for Makeb. SoR has Jesus droid. Heck the first time I learned what how to use an interrupt was at the Bothriium Beast on Oricon. As for KDY just check out the weird people you meet in group finder thread. And those posts date back to the beginning. I leveled a PT tank, OP healer, DPS sorc during 12xp. I learned not from playing the quest line but through the guides and doing early level OPs and the new HMs fps before nerfs. I can play my PT (He's 2/5 on Rav HM, 1/5 ToS 3/5 DF NiM) better than many people who didn't read the guides or do end and did it the regular way or through KDY academy. I just don't get why people are glorifying the leveling process or KDY as training. Majority would still be bad but then again it seems those asking for it want the story. I don't care either way, but please don't make the claim that the current leveling process trains us for endgame content. It doesn't and it makes baddies bad. (I've written about it in my other posts)

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Except going to middle school isn't really a job, right?


If you wish to imply that I attend middle school, you would have been correct about 40 years ago. I am not a member of the "instant gratification, have to have it now and for as little effort ans cost as possible" crowd. I am from a different generation, one that recognizes that anything worth having or experiencing is worth putting forth some effort to obtain or experience.


Life is full of situations in which we must decide if the "reward" is worth the effort. Some "rewards' will be, but others will not. I do not look for handouts. I do not look for the easy way out. I do not expect someone else to solve my perceived problems.



So again with the insults and calling people lazy because they do not want to play your style. And how do you know BW intended the game to be a continual grind? They are not a Korean company and they placed emphasis on the story. They certainly do not reward people who grind out levels except some good gear is buyable at level 50, the rest is buyable if you do the whole 2 hours of grinding to lvl 10. They have a multitude of ways to earn extra XP, more than any other MMO and to top it off, they had the 12xXP because getting to the end story to be ready for SoR was more important then grinding to it.




If stating the truth is insulting, then I guess maybe I am.


That poster has already said that he is TOO AVERSE to the effort required to level those characters as the game intends, or as the game currently is designed. The definition of laziness is "an aversion to effort". Therefore by definition, that poster is TOO LAZY to level those characters as the game intends, or as it is currently designed.



So what is your proof besides YOUR definition of an MMO that BW intends the grinding to be a major part of the game.


That seems pretty logical and self evident to me.


I'm basing my claim that as to leveling as the game intends on the fact that it still requires a minimal effort to level and has not been changed. I would think that if the devs intended to give us a "fast pass' or a cheat code to skip the game they would have done so, would they not? Why have they not given us a "fast pass" or a cheat code? Is it possibly because they intend the leveling process to require a modicum of effort?

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The "proof" that BW intends grinding to be a "major part of the game" lies in the fundamental arithmetic of all MMOs that offer subscriptions: Timesink = $. Now, the developers may not see the grind as a necessary, or even appropriate, element of their storytelling. But the bean-counters sure do. So, it depends on which aspect of BW we want to discuss. Grinding out levels does little (if anything) to augment the story. But forcing us to grind the levels generally results in longer subscriptions.


I doubt any game designer premised his/her master opus concept on, "Gee, the best part of my idea is the mind-numbing grind it will inflict on players!" I presume they're usually geeked over their story, or artwork, or villains, or boss battles, or crafting system, or whatever. I imagine "onerous grind" is always at the bottom of the creator's list. But always at the top of the financiers'.


Personally, I don't really care if they add 12x Class Mission XP as a permanent feature (either for all or purchased as a Legacy Unlock). It will mean fewer people running planet content ... which will make completing Heroic-4s more difficult. But I usually skip them anyway. I suppose it would be tougher for new players if all the veterans are just zooming through Class Missions. But I'm not a new player, and I tend to ignore issues that don't affect me.


TLDR: Grind = Timesink = $$$. Hence, grind is an intended part of the game. I don't care if they add 12x XP.


Indeed, thats what its all about.

And it is for that reason, If we ever do see this boost, I would expect it to be a per character perk bought only with cartel coins, and a lot of them.

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The "proof" that BW intends grinding to be a "major part of the game" lies in the fundamental arithmetic of all MMOs that offer subscriptions: Timesink = $. Now, the developers may not see the grind as a necessary, or even appropriate, element of their storytelling. But the bean-counters sure do. So, it depends on which aspect of BW we want to discuss. Grinding out levels does little (if anything) to augment the story. But forcing us to grind the levels generally results in longer subscriptions.


I doubt any game designer premised his/her master opus concept on, "Gee, the best part of my idea is the mind-numbing grind it will inflict on players!" I presume they're usually geeked over their story, or artwork, or villains, or boss battles, or crafting system, or whatever. I imagine "onerous grind" is always at the bottom of the creator's list. But always at the top of the financiers'.


If you are correct then SWTOR is self-contradictory. They want us to grind but give us XP boosts galore? They want people to keep playing but with no little new content (pvp, endgame, FPs) to keep us going?

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I think the main reason they are against it is the one that no one will ever say out loud or confess to it: I don't want you to use x12 boost, because I didn't have it when I did the grind myself. Basically selfish *****s. They might put that single reason into better ones, like "it will destroy planet populations" (who gives a **** about planet population? It's just a number. LFM will still have some people or they can use guild members to do it. Like you know, lot of anti12 say we should use for leveling) or "muh flashpoints". None of that matters. It's simply: "I grinded, therefore it would not be fair that you get it without grind". That's all.


you assume and show us all how much you actually read this forum thread and the other side's posts.

you come into this discussion with your mind already made up and refusing to understand and other views on the subject at hand.


we have painted a larger picture of how x12 XP boost will impact the game long term. yet due to your motives refuse to acknowledge any other view. you're closed minded and your posts are starting become childlike as you find the ground you stand on crumbles below with every reply of the opposition of x12 XP boosts.


making outrageous claims, personal attacks, fabricating lies will not boost your own agenda, it actually weakens it. forcing others on your side of the argument to assist by backtracking statements.


take a look at the facts, sources, and posts from both sides, then take your personal experiences with fast XP gains from not just SWTOR but other games, look at the discussion and how it impacts the entire game, long term. only then will we accept your comments on the subject. until then your points are mute.


we have shown many examples on how the boost can and will impact the game. we did not paint a picture of how it affects us on a personal level. we gave details on what we have experienced during the x12 XP Boost prior to 3.0. this is not a personal discussion with us (supporters of NO x12 XP Boost), instead we are trying to show those that are on the fence or for it - how much it will impact the game experience for all players, new, veteran and those coming back.

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Second, how about if they set it up so that to qualify for the boost, a player would need to have leveled at least one of EVERY class (AC) to 60, completed EVERY story at least once (since it is possible to reach 60 without completing a single story line) and reached legacy level 50. It would also cost 3,000,000 credits per character or 2400 CC's.



I'm betting that you will take issue with those requirements since you obviously would not qualify for the boost, but will instead propose some other requirements which you will "MIRACULOUSLY" meet.


Actually I would qualify if I leveled my Counselor to 60 (sitting at 40 now where he will stay), as I have done EVERY quest, on every Class except the Counselor. 3,000,000 credits...sure...I have spent more than that on Hypercrates and got JUNK. And I have been Legacy lvl 50 for 2 years or so now... But if you mean I would also have to have one of every subclass (forgot what they call it).... then whats the point of a 12x XP???


I would like to create a gunslinger as my scoundrel bores me...don't like his rotation. But I wont. Once I get my Empire and Pub toon kitted with at least full 192 gear...I may stay subbed to run OPs or I may not. However BW could keep my money a bit longer if I had then Kit out a gunslinger...



And for the record...call it lazy if you want (to not want to grind after all the toons I do have). I call it boredom. I quit TESO because after I got one toon to VR14 (which if you think SWOTR is bad to get to lvl 60...you aint seen nothing), I could not stomach the grind. I will just take my $$$ elsewhere again until an expansion releases.... as Im sure a lot of us 8-10+ SWTOR toon folks will.

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On another note, anyone want tonplace bets on the fact that whoever at BW came up with the 12x exp idea has been fired lol...I bet BW wishes at this point, that they never made the mistake to offer it in the first place.

Yeah, I think you may be right. Well, about them regretting it...not sure about anyone getting fired.


But they did say they were surprised by the response to it. I think the thought process may have been something like:


  1. WoW has level boosts, because leveling from the start is a barrier to entry for new players, especially with an expansion.
  2. But with the story system in this game, we'd have to program something to set the story flags somehow for boosted characters.
  3. Then again, our leveling process is actually interesting, due to the story. So we could just boost class story mission xp!


Maybe they expected a lot of people to say: "Why do I have to do all the class missions? I want to just boost right to 50/55 and get to the endgame!" But instead, a lot of people said, "I just want to see the story, I'm not even interested in endgame."


Well...now they know.


Not that I blame them for not anticipating that. I'm pretty amazed myself at all the people who say they are really interested in the story, but are eager to skip huge portions of it (all the non-class story). To me, it's not at all the same doing the planetary quests with different characters - there are different voice performances, different sexes, different alignments, different motivations and conversation choices, etc.

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BW gave us a boost before 2.0 came out with RotHC, then with 3.0 and SoR they gave us another big boost to XP. Gives us a chance to level up other Advanced Classes, pushes us to try different classes and rolls that we wanted but didn't want to spend the time leveling up. It worked, got a few players wanting more. Expecting it, demanding it, calling it a need, a requirement to level up and play through story missions quickly without interruption. And here we are . . .


x12 XP was temporary, it was not intended to stick around or become a legacy item.


when those that originally called for story mission x12 XP had later admitted it was to just lvl up some alts ASAP for end game content be it Operations or PvP tarnished the OP discussion. Yet those that explain how it can be very damaging to the future of the game, we are the jerks, the narrow minded, simpletons. Got it. Sorry but we do understand all sides of the discussion and voiced our concerns.


We do see x12 XP boosts making another appearance, but only in a 2-4 week stint to get players (new, vets, and coming back) to sub up and line their pockets just before an expansion is released with a level increase. (This coming winter)


players are upset that they have to "grind" out new PvE Operation Gear and PvP WZ Gear with each new level increase. But, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't that part of the MMORPG style? always a balancing act for classes, adding content, levels, items, missions, and such to keep us interested in the game and not BORED so much we move onto the next big MMO game title.


To give players a perk to level up faster at x12 XP on all toons, will cut down the time it takes to level up, players will interact with each other less during the level up process. Sure we will group up for end game, but not everyone is there for end game. With less of the player base interacting, the game fails to be an MMORPG. Instead it slowly turns into a MMOFPS with end game content. Part of the draw to MMO is the level up process, story lines, interactions between players, meeting new people, crafting and end game content.


I gave examples on how to level up quickly in just a few hours with current mechanics. but its obvious little too no one is doing this, as we have multiple threads on the x12 XP boost and how much a handful of the player base want it back as a legacy perk or CM item. It certainly isn't the 90% some claimed in this thread and previous posts. :rolleyes: not even 90% of the supporters of x12 XP in this thread alone can agree on a common argument let alone provide sources to back up their side.


I trolled early to get a response and the discussion going to remove the 1 liner posters that can’t back up their own statements. it worked, and was still was able to provide information on how the game will be impacted but x12 XP, yet many have overlooked, ignored, simply skipped over this content and continued to make outrageous claims, outright lies, name calling, and other childish acts when the supporters of NO x12 XP boost have stood by and waited for the adult conversation to return. I’m far from being done with this post or my trolling.


If you can’t look at this discussion objectively and without any preconceived position, you'll see where we stand and understand why we oppose it. Also you'll understand how the supporters of x12 XP boosts are separated as well; some want it so they can go through the story uninterrupted, while others strictly want it for the fast track to max level for ROTM classes. They can’t even agree. :p


My background? 22 toons on Shadowlands, 5 on PoT5, 8 are max level, the rest are from lvl 1-50. Mostly they are mules and crew skill runners. 3 operatives are PvP and Operation whores, sniper there only for WZ comm runs, 2 jugs for Operation tanks, Powertech for a 3rd Operation tank. I spent time slowly leveling them up. I wasn't in a hurry. After going through 1 from start to finish on story missions during the leveling process, I decided to just hold off on story missions till I hit 50. I too wanted to experience them uninterrupted. Only 1 toon took advantage of the x12 XP (sniper) but it’s not a serious class for me to use. 2 operatives were strictly WZ runs to max lvl. But I was in no hurry. I don't play FOTM. My mains are the operatives. Heals since 2.6 but I do go back to concealment every now and then to mix things up. 1 pub is max lvl but I rarely play pub, it’s just another biochem crew skill whore.


I have so many cunning users that gearing them out for WZ Comms or Ultimate Comms doesn't take long at all. Can get a full set min/maxed for pvp in a weeks’ time. Ultimate comm runs and operation gear is just as fast with 3 healers 3 tanks and a dps in the rotation.


7 years in this job and deployed all but 21 months of it. 12hr shifts 7 days a week for 4-8 months at a time. Home for 6-8 weeks and I go back out again. I extend my rotations and request to quick turn often. So I’m only home less than 2 years and have this many toons at max level without blasting through it in no time. Been a sub since beta. But none of that matters does it? If you read this much I’m surprised.


I understand why you want it, but to call it a NEED, a REQUIREMENT, is ignorant to the long term impact it will have on the future of SWTOR. Its instant gratification to you, you will blow through what little end game content, story missions, and gear runs. Before you know it you'll be bored with the game begging for more content, giving little thought on how you got here.

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any one play Anarchy Online? whats the level cap in that game? are there any fast lanes to max level there? the game came out in 2001 and is still going.


200 with 20 shadowland levels and 30 alien invasion levels. no fast lanes to max level, I don't see them wanting a hand out to max level near as much as the SWTOR players here...


Age of Conan has a fast lane for players. those that come back to the game are given free levels matched to the time they have been online. even to max out a character, but no legacy gear, youll have to spend hard money to get gold and buy up some gear just to equipt it onto your character. it was a big success early but eventually made the game stale. took me a few hours to get back into the rotation and compete with some success. it really wasn't worth the time and trouble. so I logged off and unsubbed.


Star Trek Online is very fast at making lvls, can max out in just a weekend of play. but again it was so easy and instant it couldn't hold my attention, so unsubbed. (well can't since I have 2 lifetime accounts) correction, uninstalled.


Star Wars: Galaxies, fast lane during NGE was macros. well macros during any part of the games history except JTL. actually had to play through missions to get pilot. but that didn't take long either. I would do pilot over and over again just for the mission reward parts and sell them. every week id start over but had built ships with max gear waiting for me.

4 accounts 3 macroed in a buff house outside Restus while the main account was there strictly for PvP and Player Bounty Missions. but I missed Pre-CU dearly and CU was ok. but NGE sucked minus the PvP aspect and JTL


Lord Of The Rings Online was ok but though max level for a time put it down due to job and not being in a guild. its not for the single player TBH. att there wasn't a fast lane and haven't checked to see if there was. don't really care since I wouldn't pick it up and install it anyways.


Star Wars: The Old Republic has my attentions. end game Operations and War Zones have my attention. Leveling is simple and fast. Too fast since it really doesn't take long. Playing through the story missions and planetary missions is about 22 Hours of your time. If you want to fast lane it, grab a buddy that is max level and just to Planetary Missions until you can move onto the next planet at its lowest mission level. rinse and repeat check time online when you hit max level and you'll find it takes about 9-11 hours depending on travel times for each mission and classes used. that's half the time it takes to level up on your own doing story and planetary missions.


So my conclusion is No, there is absolutely no NEED or REQUIREMENT for x12 XP in SWTOR. you can max lvl in a weekend if you choose to spend the time and bring a friend. Hell, both of you can start a new lvl 1 and max out their levels in a weekend by helping each other out.


Didn´t some Dev mention to add the 12x XP boost for class missions from the SOR-pre order bonus to a legacy unlock.

When can we expect that to happen? I just pvp and dont want to pve for a month to get a new char to lvl 60.

Putting 12x as a Legacy perk is definitely one of the options we discussed, among many. I believe that is what we had talked about in the past, (on a stream or at a cantina) that it was one of the possible options. As far as I know, it is not currently planned to implement that as a Legacy perk at this time.



The Devs see that x12 XP was a small gesture to get new players, veterans, and players to come back to the game for the 3.0 release. it was not planned as a perk, though it was discussed, Eric did not go into details as too why it was taken off the table. we can assume their reasons but don't expect them to explain it. I have a feeling those that support x12 XP wouldn't like their answer. It just very well may be similar to the points we have already politely pointed out in previous posts in this thread. but you didn't read them did you? :rak_01:

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when those that originally called for story mission x12 XP had later admitted it was to just lvl up some alts ASAP for end game content be it Operations or PvP tarnished the OP discussion. Yet those that explain how it can be very damaging to the future of the game, we are the jerks, the narrow minded, simpletons. Got it. Sorry but we do understand all sides of the discussion and voiced our concerns.


Umm . . . I have never talked about endgame and the only PvP I mentioned was that I had some toons on a PvP server (and RP) sitting there. And I believe I was one of the first to ask for 12xXP so are you willing to admit your statement is an unwarranted overgeneraliztion?

Yes your side are jerks (you call us liars and lazy constantly). In another thread, one of your side accused me of being stupider than an 8th grader when it came to statistics. When I showed in many ways that he was wrong, do you think he apoligized or even admitted he was wrong? Hah!!! Of course not.

As for narrowminded, your side refuses to even acknowledge that 12xXP might increase low level planet populations as people are encouraged to make new toons. You assume that ALL OF US are sitting there with level 20's galore grinding it out saying "I wish I could be a level 60 by 5pm."

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#1 {Many strawmen about other MMOs}


#2 Star Wars: The Old Republic has my attentions. end game Operations and War Zones have my attention. Leveling is simple and fast. Too fast since it really doesn't take long. Playing through the story missions and planetary missions is about 22 Hours of your time. If you want to fast lane it, grab a buddy that is max level and just to Planetary Missions until you can move onto the next planet at its lowest mission level. rinse and repeat check time online when you hit max level and you'll find it takes about 9-11 hours depending on travel times for each mission and classes used. that's half the time it takes to level up on your own doing story and planetary missions.


#3 So my conclusion is No, there is absolutely no NEED or REQUIREMENT for x12 XP in SWTOR. you can max lvl in a weekend if you choose to spend the time and bring a friend. Hell, both of you can start a new lvl 1 and max out their levels in a weekend by helping each other out.



#1 Your examples are invalid since they discuss brand new players. We are talking about players that have already grinded out at least 4 toons to max level. So yet again your side needs to resort to mischaracterizing what we want.


#2 Great but who really cares about what YOU think is fun. Oh and what if someone doesn't have a high-level buddy handy? Are they SOL?


#3 WOW!!! Do you really TRULY want to get rid of things not needed or required? So you would get rid of

ALL legacy perks

ALL mounts except one generic speeder

ALL adaptive armor

ALL XP boosts

ALL weapons except a generic lightsaber, saberstaff, pistol and rifle

ALL races except human

ALL strongholds, legacy storage, decorations, etc.

ALL guildships and the whole Conquest thing.

I'm sure I could keep going with the list

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Umm . . . I have never talked about endgame and the only PvP I mentioned was that I had some toons on a PvP server (and RP) sitting there. And I believe I was one of the first to ask for 12xXP so are you willing to admit your statement is an unwarranted overgeneraliztion?

Yes your side are jerks (you call us liars and lazy constantly). In another thread, one of your side accused me of being stupider than an 8th grader when it came to statistics. When I showed in many ways that he was wrong, do you think he apoligized or even admitted he was wrong? Hah!!! Of course not.

As for narrowminded, your side refuses to even acknowledge that 12xXP might increase low level planet populations as people are encouraged to make new toons. You assume that ALL OF US are sitting there with level 20's galore grinding it out saying "I wish I could be a level 60 by 5pm."

You're not the OP on this thread. I'm not involved much in the other thread. I didn't want to discus this in 2 threads when this one was the more active.


you're correct, it would increae low lvl play . . . for a limited time though. once they reach their goals on said lowbies, they will no longer be lowbies. new players will catch onto the fast lane and wont stick around much on these low lvl planets. maybe a hour or so for each planet. it is not sustainable long term.



#1 Your examples are invalid since they discuss brand new players. We are talking about players that have already grinded out at least 4 toons to max level. So yet again your side needs to resort to mischaracterizing what we want.

did I not generalize enough that new players and veterans are still level 1 from the start of story missions? let me fix that now. I don't think it matters if being a new Level 1 (F2P, Preferred or Veteran) matters for the x12 XP boost. I think a legacy lvl 10 is too low. legacy 50 on the other hand shows dedication and time played ingame. I could see a small 25% boost to XP account wide there. I would accept that. Legacy 50 gets a 25% XP Boost on the account. So if you wanted a new character on a different server, you wouldn't really have the need to use CC too transfer, instead with the boost, you can level up a fresh toon. but here's the problem. you start off at legacy 1. unless you transfer a character over from the legacy 50 server.


#2 Great but who really cares about what YOU think is fun. Oh and what if someone doesn't have a high-level buddy handy? Are they SOL?

this discussion is about our opinions on the x12 XP Boost for Story Missions correct? I care about what you think because you do bring up a good argument. its not really a valid discussion when there aren't 2 or more sides to an argument. it cant be 1 sided

It's not difficult to find a friend or high lvl guild mate that is willing to help out. even for just a couple hours. do this enough and it still works. a lvl 30 can help out with the first 20 levels, a 40 can help with those same lvls plus another 10. they don't have to be max level. but it doesn't hurt if they are.


#3 WOW!!! Do you really TRULY want to get rid of things not needed or required? So you would get rid of

ALL legacy perks

ALL mounts except one generic speeder

ALL adaptive armor

ALL XP boosts

ALL weapons except a generic lightsaber, saberstaff, pistol and rifle

ALL races except human

ALL strongholds, legacy storage, decorations, etc.

ALL guildships and the whole Conquest thing.

I'm sure I could keep going with the list

when did I say I wanted to get rid of these? I simply said, x12 XP is not needed or required. that's it. I made no mention of the items in your list. lets not get off track ;)

I'm not assuming you're all lvl 20 wanting to stop the grind and be instant 60s. but I do understand you just want the xp boost so you can complete the story mission series uninterrupted.

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...but I do understand you just want the xp boost so you can complete the story mission series uninterrupted.


instead of pushing for x12 XP, why not request a story reset?

when you take the options to reset the story, you keep all rewards, credits and such from the first run through of the story mission series. but while doing these missions a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time ect. ect., NO rewards, credits, and such are given. its just the missions and the cut scenes.


  • the leveling process doesn't change.
  • the option to reset the story missions as many times as you like.
  • able to reset the mission series at anytime.
  • but once reset, no mission rewards, credits, XP is given.
  • Pure story and nothing else.
  • if you reset at the end of chapter 1, beginning of chapter 2, you still receive xp, credits, rewards for the story missions you have not completed thus far.

so the leveling process can continue "where you left off". but once completed, you are not rewarded a 2nd time.

this will prevent farming of anything from story missions. in case anything of value is actually added to a following line later on :rolleyes:

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Umm . . . I have never talked about endgame and the only PvP I mentioned was that I had some toons on a PvP server (and RP) sitting there. And I believe I was one of the first to ask for 12xXP so are you willing to admit your statement is an unwarranted overgeneraliztion?

Yes your side are jerks (you call us liars and lazy constantly). In another thread, one of your side accused me of being stupider than an 8th grader when it came to statistics. When I showed in many ways that he was wrong, do you think he apoligized or even admitted he was wrong? Hah!!! Of course not.

As for narrowminded, your side refuses to even acknowledge that 12xXP might increase low level planet populations as people are encouraged to make new toons. You assume that ALL OF US are sitting there with level 20's galore grinding it out saying "I wish I could be a level 60 by 5pm."


This is the best part, when I and others repeatedly state that we arent asking for a fast track to 60/endgame i win button, we are called liars, lazy, stupid, selfish "wont be there to help my lowbies through heroucs & flashpoints" jerks.


As i have said before, i have multiple characters that are sitting at 50 or somewhere between 50 and 60 that will stay right where they are. I saw their class stories, i have no need to level them further. No engame i win needed for them!


Also stated before, if bioware would ket us replay class stories, i would have ZERO NEED OR WANT for 12xp. But they wont, so if i want to redo the stories, its all on alts, that i dont want to slog through all the boring planetary chains again on. I dont want to read a book, pick up another one and find out 75% of it is the book i just read and be told "you have to read the parts you already read 15 times too or your a awful terrible lazy person"


Dont like pvp, wont level that way. Have vertigo so Galactic Starfighter is out. They nerfed the hell out of starfox space xp long ago so thats not a good option. Heroics and flashpoints are out because im sorry but im not interested in having to find 3 others that usually end up being mouthbreathers that only know how to stand in stupid or find other assinine ways to die.

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