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12 x XP for class-missions


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First, I don't recall anyone saying it was "super duper" leveling, only that there were ALTERNATIVES to those pesky side plant quests.


Second, I find it hard to believe that it took you 2.5 hours to gain two levels IF you had rested XP, the guild XP perk, were using the already available XP boosts AND were actually seriously trying to level.


I had rested xp and 1h xp boost. I am not in guild. I was spamming KDY. Sadly, they don't take half an hour, like most people said. Last boss takes half an hour if you have 4 DPS for instance.

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How do companion quests affect the main class stories? Let me count the ways:


Jedi Knight: A certain quest takes your companion with the highest affection and puts them in a dangerous situation where you are required to make a choice regarding how you will handle it. Depending on your choice, you are given a different quest and different cut scenes.



This is the knight's final quest on Dromund Kaas. You are asked to rescue Kira/Doc/Rusk from some baddies that have overwhelmed them. If you choose to rescue them, you are given a separate quest to do so, with accompanying cut scenes and unique dialog. From what I can tell, this is based entirely on companion affection level.



Consular: One of your companions gets in trouble. When you are reunited with them, you get a cut scene with that companion,


including a kiss,


...but only if you have gotten far enough in their conversations to trigger the romance.


Smuggler: If you have gotten far enough with a certain companion to have triggered the romance, you get special dialog options with that companion throughout the entire storyline, pretty much every time an NPC of the opposite sex speaks to you.


Warrior: You have a companion who is integral to your class story. Depending on where you are in his conversations, your dialog with him changes considerably, and you are also able to have conversations which allude to the incident afterwards.


All Classes: Many companion stories (especially romance companions) are closely tied to the class story. You are given cut scenes with these companions, discussing or reflecting on things which have happened in the class story. Whether or not you have done the romance arc is also closely connected to how your companion responds to different class story quests.


I have been known to replay an entire class just so I can romance a different companion and see their reactions as I take them with me through the class story. It really is that important (and fun!) to some of us.

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Not everyone has a quiet room they can sit down in and play games with no distractions or interuptions. Anyone with kids or pets can have a difficult time staying on task. Then there are family members, spouses/so's, roomates, people knocking on the door, calling on the phone, life doesnt stop when you turn on/log into a game.


Notice that I did not say he was being untruthful.


I said I find it hard to believe it took him 2.5 hours to gain 2 levels IF he had all the currently available XP boosts and was seriously trying to level.


I myself have 2 kids, 2 dogs and a cat. Yet, even with two kids needing my attention, and dogs needing to go out, trying to fit in a few household chores, I can still gain 2 levels in far less than 2.5 hours simply by having all the currently available XP boosts. It is not necessary for me to lock myself in a closed room in order to gain 2 levels in far less than 2.5 hours. The key is in having all the currently available XP boosts. Of course, putting even a modicum of effort into actually leveling (rather than just sitting in town, doing crew skill mission, crafting or running around doing nothing) also helps.


Now, I realize that other people's mileage may vary, but I'm betting that far more people can gain 2 levels in far less than 2.5 hours with even a little effort towards leveling than people that take 2.5 hours or more.

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Notice that I did not say he was being untruthful.


I said I find it hard to believe it took him 2.5 hours to gain 2 levels IF he had all the currently available XP boosts and was seriously trying to level.


I myself have 2 kids, 2 dogs and a cat. Yet, even with two kids needing my attention, and dogs needing to go out, trying to fit in a few household chores, I can still gain 2 levels in far less than 2.5 hours simply by having all the currently available XP boosts. It is not necessary for me to lock myself in a closed room in order to gain 2 levels in far less than 2.5 hours. The key is in having all the currently available XP boosts. Of course, putting even a modicum of effort into actually leveling (rather than just sitting in town, doing crew skill mission, crafting or running around doing nothing) also helps.


Now, I realize that other people's mileage may vary, but I'm betting that far more people can gain 2 levels in far less than 2.5 hours with even a little effort towards leveling than people that take 2.5 hours or more.


I explained what I did. Simply spammed KDY.

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I had rested xp and 1h xp boost. I am not in guild. I was spamming KDY. Sadly, they don't take half an hour, like most people said. Last boss takes half an hour if you have 4 DPS for instance.


I explained what I did. Simply spammed KDY.


bingo, the source video explains its planetary missions. Not KDY. KDY is 1 mission completion.

If you want to test it, grab a high level friend and head off to a planet for missions, best if the missions are 4-5 levels above your current level. its the Planetary Mission Turn-In Reward XP you want.


KDY will not give enough XP. you need multiple mission turn-ins. you do not have to complete all planetary missions, just do enough so you can enter the next planet with starting missions 4-5 levels above current character level. more XP given on mission turn-in.


try not to twist what we are explaining. I never mentioned FP, Tacticals, or Operations. Planetary Missions, there are plenty on each planet, you can skip Story Missions until youre ready to do those at any given level of your choosing

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I had rested xp and 1h xp boost. I am not in guild. I was spamming KDY. Sadly, they don't take half an hour, like most people said. Last boss takes half an hour if you have 4 DPS for instance.


You must have been gotten unfortunate in your groups. Also, which XP boost did you have? Was it the generic boost to all XP? Do you have the legacy boost to XP gained in FP's? Do you have the legacy class mission XP boosts?


I realize that not everyone has the same experiences, but I have never been in a group that took half an hour to down the last boss of KDY, even if that group was 4 DPS.

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bingo, the source video explains its planetary missions. Not KDY. KDY is 1 mission completion.

If you want to test it, grab a high level friend and head off to a planet for missions, best if the missions are 4-5 levels above your current level. its the Planetary Mission Turn-In Reward XP you want.


KDY will not give enough XP. you need multiple mission turn-ins. you do not have to complete all planetary missions, just do enough so you can enter the next planet with starting missions 4-5 levels above current character level. more XP given on mission turn-in.


try not to twist what we are explaining. I never mentioned FP, Tacticals, or Operations. Planetary Missions, there are plenty on each planet, you can skip Story Missions until youre ready to do those at any given level of your choosing


I was actually not reacting to your way. Someone else in this thread mentioned KDY as great farm for XP. This is why I activated my 7 day resub to test it out. As for your method, I already said I have no one to do it with. But last time I said that, I got attacked (also by you) for having ulterior motives...

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You must have been gotten unfortunate in your groups. Also, which XP boost did you have? Was it the generic boost to all XP? Do you have the legacy boost to XP gained in FP's? Do you have the legacy class mission XP boosts?


I realize that not everyone has the same experiences, but I have never been in a group that took half an hour to down the last boss of KDY, even if that group was 4 DPS.


It was generic 25% XP boost, I think. Pink one. I only have one level 50 on this account (had more on my original account, but lost that due to not getting email from swtor and "support is only available on phone" BS)

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I am currently unsubscribed and I don't feel like subscribing simply because I am not here for end-game content. I am here for the story. I loved both KOTOR games and I love SWTOR story. But I can't enjoy it because of the grind, simple as that.


What I would propose is legacy unlock (with legacy level 10 requirement) for 60$: story line mode. With this unlock, when you create new characters, you can choose "story mode": you will be instantly level up to level 60 with appropriate gear and 1m credits. However, you will have all end game content, all multi-player content and ability to sent mail to other players/characters blocked forever for that character. This way, people who dislike MMOs in general and their grind but love SWTOR storyline(s) (like me) can now create infinite amount of characters, allowing to replay the storyline (but making different choices, different genders, etc) while not disturbing anything for the normal MMO players.


This solution is both win for us, for you and for EA (more money, $60).


This is a great idea.

10/10 would buy

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First, I don't recall anyone saying it was "super duper" leveling, only that there were ALTERNATIVES to those pesky side plant quests.


Second, I find it hard to believe that it took you 2.5 hours to gain two levels IF you had rested XP, the guild XP perk, were using the already available XP boosts AND were actually seriously trying to level.


I know most would find it hard to believe, but it has taken me about 5 hours to do 2 lvls with WZS, Guild buff and Xp boosters. I can honestly say i've done WZs in the hundreds scale. I used to of course grinding doing all the storyline quests to, taking 3 or more hours at least just to gain 1 lvl. a Huge waste of time and hellous un-needed Pain. Although I did love to storlines.


The older grinding I have done of course was when they Didn't have the 10% Guild buff and didn't have Xp boosters.

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I know most would find it hard to believe, but it has taken me about 5 hours to do 2 lvls with WZS, Guild buff and Xp boosters. I can honestly say i've done WZs in the hundreds scale. I used to of course grinding doing all the storyline quests to, taking 3 or more hours at least just to gain 1 lvl. a Huge waste of time and hellous un-needed Pain. Although I did love to storlines.


The older grinding I have done of course was when they Didn't have the 10% Guild buff and didn't have Xp boosters.


If you are in such pain playing, then maybe some frequent and lengthy breaks are in order. There is no pressure to rush to see the stories unless you put that pressure upon yourself.


12XP is NOT going to miraculously make it less painful to play for you.

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If you are in such pain playing, then maybe some frequent and lengthy breaks are in order. There is no pressure to rush to see the stories unless you put that pressure upon yourself.


12XP is NOT going to miraculously make it less painful to play for you.


Are you trolling? At this point, I can't think of any other reason you post crap like that.


Breaks would just mean more time wasted. Instead of enjoying half an hour of story, he has to grind 3 hours of leveling then half an hour of story. How is this fun? Let's assume for whatever reason he needs to take half an hour break after half an hour of gaming. If there is x12 level boost, he can do half an hour of storyline then take a break. Now, if he needs to grind for 2 hours to pass storyline quest, that means 4 hours of grinding for him then half an hour of game.

Edited by Oiccrene
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What do you not get? Are you assuming that all of us pro-12ers are sitting with low-level toons slugging it out on Tattooine or Balmorra saying "Wow I want to get through this story faster." because you are very wrong. Like most anti-12ers you just make things up or contradict yourself to promote your own misconceptions of the game. The truth you refuse to admit is that we are not (or are rarely) playing low-level toons because we are tired of grinding after doing it 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or more times.


12xXP is for experienced players so first of all ignore any noobs to the game grinding out XP, they are still going to grind. Those of us that have already ground out a few toons through Corellia (and thus get the option for 12xXP) simply are not playing new toons or maybe have one or two they rarely play.


So then we get into your entitlement. Why do you think you deserve to be able to skip content/grind while any other player who doesn't meet your arbitrary level gates/legacy level gates/whatever qualifiers you come up with has to do this activity you don't want to do.


Any way you cut it, this is about you not wanting to put in the time and effort o level a character through the established mechanics for leveling. I don't care WHY you don't want to do this, the simple fact is you don't want to do it and you believe you deserve an exception for it that everyone else new to the game doesn't deserve.


Then I get called an elitest.


And no, just because you have low level alts that you haven't the 'will to grind' doesn't mean the low level planets become more populated. Sure, there may be more people on the planet, but since they are there for the most part to do their class quests (solo quests) and then leave the planet, you actually haven't increased the activity on the planet at all because the people there are going to be treating it like a single player game rush through the story mode content.

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Yeah there are companion flavor quests and storylines to pursue. Sounds like you should spend more time playing and less time worrying about other players' leveling speed.


Except none of these require companion affection to be maxxed. That's what Ratajack is saying.


You can earn whatever affection you need for a companion just by using them for any cutscene and giving the 'right' answers.


Not all companions have companion quests and generally its only one or two who have it, so you use that (those) comps for cutscenes.

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Answer the question, then.


Do the companion quests affect IN ANY WAY the story quest? The FACT is that they DO NOT in any way affect the story line.


Your opinion is just that---your opinion.


IMO, if they do not affect the story line, they are NOT part of the story line.


I think we can grant them the Romance lines are part of the 'story quests' as it may not affect the eventual end of the character story, but could be seen as a valid RP element to the character. There's no reason to argue with them on this point. Concede it and move on, because the base argument against 12x still stands whether the comp missions are included or not.


Its still, at its heart, a way to avoid doing the time/effort portion of any RPG in getting your character to the 'end'.

Its still, at its heart, a demonstration of selfishness and entitlement as they want to restrict it from everyone but whoever meets their requirements (which are fluid based on their own level of achievements made so far in game)

Its still, at its heart, elitest because they want todeny it to everyone but those who have their level of achievements.

Its still, at its heart, a very bad idea that should only be used by BioWare when they are introducing a new expansion that raises the level cap and even then, only sparingly.

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I had rested xp and 1h xp boost. I am not in guild. I was spamming KDY. Sadly, they don't take half an hour, like most people said. Last boss takes half an hour if you have 4 DPS for instance.


I've done the last boss (I am presuming you mean the Jedi/Sith which is usually the most protracted fight) with two comps and it took less than 10 minutes. 4 DPS can rock that encounter and it goes very quickly if they know what they are doing and no one dies either if you know what you are doing.

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I honestly don't see how someone wanting to rush through "content" for the 3rd time or more will affect your ( you people who think 12x XP is a crime against humanity ) gameplay experience. What's the big deal with being obsessed with ruining other players' gaming experience? Edited by LoverNoFighter
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Are you trolling? At this point, I can't think of any other reason you post crap like that.


Breaks would just mean more time wasted. Instead of enjoying half an hour of story, he has to grind 3 hours of leveling then half an hour of story. How is this fun? Let's assume for whatever reason he needs to take half an hour break after half an hour of gaming. If there is x12 level boost, he can do half an hour of storyline then take a break. Now, if he needs to grind for 2 hours to pass storyline quest, that means 4 hours of grinding for him then half an hour of game.


First of all, he said it took that long leveling in a WZ, not to mention he didn't mention what level he actually was. But all of you are exaggerating about the time it takes doing side missions to prove your point anyways. But keep dreaming I guess, because BW is not going to bring back 12x exp except when a new level cap expansion comes out...

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ITT: : People argue over whether 12xp makes you rush content while posting ways how to rush content without it.


But then again people are silly

think of it as running a marathon. either you train and improve your performance, stride and such to finish faster or you jump onto a bus that takes you to the end.:rak_04:

Edited by Liquor
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Are you trolling? At this point, I can't think of any other reason you post crap like that.


Breaks would just mean more time wasted. Instead of enjoying half an hour of story, he has to grind 3 hours of leveling then half an hour of story. How is this fun? Let's assume for whatever reason he needs to take half an hour break after half an hour of gaming. If there is x12 level boost, he can do half an hour of storyline then take a break. Now, if he needs to grind for 2 hours to pass storyline quest, that means 4 hours of grinding for him then half an hour of game.




That poster has health problems that make it painful for him to play. Fortunately, there are NO time limits on how fast a player has to reach max level or finish the story. Characters will NOT be auto deleted if the player does not finish the story in a week, or reach max level in two weeks. If playing is painful for him, then maybe he should think about not doing that which causes him pain. If he can only play for 30 minutes before it starts to get too painful, then he should take a break from the game after 30 minutes. His character will still be there waiting when he gets back.



12XP is NOT going to reduce the pain that his health problems cause.

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I've done the last boss (I am presuming you mean the Jedi/Sith which is usually the most protracted fight) with two comps and it took less than 10 minutes. 4 DPS can rock that encounter and it goes very quickly if they know what they are doing and no one dies either if you know what you are doing.


Actually it was security bot and we always had someone "dead" (usually guy who tanked it). It's just that ads taking ages to destroy and we had to do 2/3 ppl on adds -> boss barely taking any damage.

Edited by Oiccrene
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I honestly don't see how someone wanting to rush through "content" for the 3rd time or more will affect your ( you people who think 12x XP is a crime against humanity ) gameplay experience. What's the big deal with being obsessed with ruining other players' gaming experience?


I think the main reason they are against it is the one that no one will ever say out loud or confess to it: I don't want you to use x12 boost, because I didn't have it when I did the grind myself. Basically selfish *****s. They might put that single reason into better ones, like "it will destroy planet populations" (who gives a **** about planet population? It's just a number. LFM will still have some people or they can use guild members to do it. Like you know, lot of anti12 say we should use for leveling) or "muh flashpoints". None of that matters. It's simply: "I grinded, therefore it would not be fair that you get it without grind". That's all.

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I think the main reason they are against it is the one that no one will ever say out loud or confess to it: I don't want you to use x12 boost, because I didn't have it when I did the grind myself. Basically selfish *****s. They might put that single reason into better ones, like "it will destroy planet populations" (who gives a **** about planet population? It's just a number. LFM will still have some people or they can use guild members to do it. Like you know, lot of anti12 say we should use for leveling) or "muh flashpoints". None of that matters. It's simply: "I grinded, therefore it would not be fair that you get it without grind". That's all.


I think this is a bit much. I also think a lot of people clamoring for the 12xp are the people that have multiple toons leveled to max level.

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I think the main reason they are against it is the one that no one will ever say out loud or confess to it: I don't want you to use x12 boost, because I didn't have it when I did the grind myself. Basically selfish *****s. They might put that single reason into better ones, like "it will destroy planet populations" (who gives a **** about planet population? It's just a number. LFM will still have some people or they can use guild members to do it. Like you know, lot of anti12 say we should use for leveling) or "muh flashpoints". None of that matters. It's simply: "I grinded, therefore it would not be fair that you get it without grind". That's all.


Could it be that you (and many of the 12XP'ers) have shown time and time again that your TRUE motivation for wanting 12XP is:


"I'm too lazy to actually level as the game intends. Give me a 'fast pass' that lets me skip the game. Oh, and BW needs to make sure that whatever criteria BW sets for being eligible for this 'fast pass' that I meet those criteria. Otherwise, those criteria are unfair and too strict."


Since you cannot come up with a rational reason that does not boil down to LAZINESS, you choose to ignore all the valid, rational and cogent points that those against 12XP boost have posted showing how such a "fast pass" could be detrimental to the game as a whole.


That sounds about right to me.

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