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12 x XP for class-missions


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Well, if they would let us -replay- class stories i wouldnt even be asking for 12xp. But they wont. So i ask for 12xp because i want to redo the stories without the boring sidecrap ive already done 17 times.


Yes we get it, you spelunked every single cave, slogged through every leech infested swamp, and apparently loved every minute of it. Im sick of leeches. So are quite a few others.

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Well, if they would let us -replay- class stories i wouldnt even be asking for 12xp. But they wont. So i ask for 12xp because i want to redo the stories without the boring sidecrap ive already done 17 times.


Yes we get it, you spelunked every single cave, slogged through every leech infested swamp, and apparently loved every minute of it. Im sick of leeches. So are quite a few others.


I am not sure why there is no "reset story line quest progress". If you worry about farming, just make no rewards for replayed quests...

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Well, if they would let us -replay- class stories i wouldnt even be asking for 12xp. But they wont. So i ask for 12xp because i want to redo the stories without the boring sidecrap ive already done 17 times.


Yes we get it, you spelunked every single cave, slogged through every leech infested swamp, and apparently loved every minute of it. Im sick of leeches. So are quite a few others.


Yeah, this is what I want. But it is never going to happen. Wanna know why?


It's almost impossible to monetise.


nuff said

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A month? Seriously, a month? I'm a disabled grandmother in real life and even I can level from 55 to 60 in under four hours. Beyond that, 12x was for class story only, meaning that with ONE class mission from 55-60, you'd benefit very little from it.


Please stop, because you're making PVPers look bad.


L2Read, dont just assume things to Troll. Obviously is was speaking about lvling from 0-60, so pls stop u make Pvp'ers look dumb...

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Exactly how does that affect anybody in the game?


Are you not reading other peoples commentary? Or do you just not comprehend.


The low level planets are already significantly made barren by various changes to the game that makes leveling superfast and easy especially if you already have level 50+ characters to provide 'twinking' to your new alts. This means _NEW_ players to the game have a significantly reduced level of satisfaction as they try out the game. There are few players to play with (in an MMO this tends to give the impression the MMO is bad and no one likes it) and so a lot of the content most of us find ridiculously easy with our twinked alts etc is still a bit tougher for a new person.


They also thus miss out on the various tips and tricks a more experienced player can provide for them that makes their gaming experience more fun.


This has _already_ diminished the game. You can read multiple threads about it in all sorts of places.


Now, you want to introduce a mechanism that makes it even easier for '90% (your made up number)' of the present population to skip pretty much everything and still get to level 50+ in just a matter of a few hours. You want to remove from an already sparse population a good/significant portion of the remainder of the population.


Thus, you want to make something that has already been made bad, worse.


THAT is how it affects other players. New players to the game will arrive on an MMO where there is pretty much no MM part to the game and this means that we engage fewer new players.


Now.. You might want to study human systems and business, but if something ceases to grow and expand it is rarely going to remain stable it will instead shrink/recede. When a business begins to shrink/recede because it doesn't attract new customers, they first have to find short term methods to try to weather things out.. They might offer promotions or in the case of an MMO go from a Sub model to a F2P model with a cash market. But as this wears on and players continue to bleed and population continues to shrink, then they start going into maintenance mode. They halfass new content, they spend less time/attention on fixing bugs, etc because they have already done money saving measures like reducing staff etc.


Long and short of it is, a system that is contracting is dying.


And this affects even other players, like myself, who really enjoy the game and have a lot of time and money invested in it when the game eventually diminishes to the point that they stop supporting it altogether and shutdown.


You're requesting a system that demonstrates that it damages the new player experience thus shrinking population, offers only a short term bump in the present population (as once players who already got bored and quit get bored and quit again once they have done everything.... these are not the sort of players/customers that are truly beneficial to an MMO *** Aside: See Below) and thus hastens the deflation of server populations.


Its a bad idea, and one you only want because, as so often gets demonstrated by the comments of the people supporting 12x, they are lazy and do not think they should have to work at something because they already worked at it on another character.


NOW - There are some things I could agree with. Ratajack and I have argued about some things like GSF which I consider a side game and see the gated progression of character tying the acquisition of new starships etc... Its my premise that you will increase engagement in that side game activity by making the ships legacy bound so all your characters can use all your earned ships (from the appropriate faction) because in a game that encourages alts this means every character can queue up for a match and since these ships do not otherwise alter your main game experiences its a net positive. Sometimes its beneficial to remove a grind.


But in this case, the grind you are removing removes a very essential part of a MMO. The leveling process _even of ALTS_ iis an important gateway activity that ensures that there will be a larger population of players also in the same level range of yourself from which to make connections with, find leveling help with, etc.


Removing that from the game would be a death knell for the game because _EVERY_ new player will find the already depopulated low level zones a virtual wasteland. EVERY planet would be like Quesh.


If you can not comprehend how this is a bad thing I don't know how to better explain it to you.



*** - In fact, these players (Content Gobblers) are a class of player that you have to constantly replace. They do everything they feel like doing then they quit. When you make it really easy for them to gobble all the content, they stay an even shorter length of time and as a business, this means less money for you. You still need them as customers but how you do that is by attracting _new_ content gobblers and in the MMOSpace this means that the low level content has to be engaging enough/vibrant enough to capture them for their short term visit to your product.


The system you propose _ONLY_ benefits already once engaged content gobblers who would then be a short term returning player/subscriber but once they complete the 8 stories, most will all leave again. AND The system you propose that will do this, makes it _harder_ to attract new players, let alone new content gobblers because you make the low level experience much much worse.


You certainly don't make an MMO better by making it a single player game.

Edited by EnkiduNineEight
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So a few things.

1) I have 8 toons: 4 on a pvp server and 4 on an RP server that I cannot get motivated enough to grind. The argument that 12xXP will cause a dearth of toons on started planets is flat-out wrong because like my 8 sitting in the wings many people have pointed out that they DO NOT START new toons because of the grind. You would actually have a lot MORE toons on starter planet as people try to do all 8 classes or all 16 ACs or someone who did DS SW now tries a LS Sith. You anti-12ers act like we're playing toons already and are grinding through Taris or Dromand Kaas. We're not but we would be if there were 12xXP. So if you want MORE toons on the servers especially at low levels you would support us.


2) SWTOR is not a grinding game but it is (like what we're talking about). Just like it forces you to group except when it doesn't (solo mode Flashpoints on SoR). And of course it doesn't use the Holy Trinity except it does (like Flashpoints: 1 tank, 1 heals, 2 DPS; and the 16m ops: 2 tanks, 4 heals, 10 DPS). Hey look at our skill trees - ummmm make that discipline paths. SWTOR may have started with a vision but it certainly doesn't have one anymore [except sell stuff on CM] so anyone who can say today in 2015 how the game should be played has blinders on because simply put, SWTOR is such a clusterfk that there are a number of ways to play and interestingly probably none of them are "correct".


3) The truth is that those who say MMOs are grinding based lose sight of the facts that:

a) Grinding is a characteristic of a traditional MMO or a Korean MMO. SWTOR was intentionally made to be something different. The anti-12s are hypocritical in that on one hand they talk about how grinding is a necessary element of MMOs and SWTOR and then point out all of the ways to avoid grinding.

b) SWTOR tries to be story based and thus there is a real incentive to play all 8 stories and some would argue that there are 10 stories to play (LS/DS Sith Warrior and 2 different Agent story lines). In other MMOs most people play 3 or maybe 4 toons. Grinding three toons is significantly different than grinding 8 toons.

c) What is the point of grinding? Seriously! Besides gaining levels why should I grind? I spent all pre-3.0 grinding operations to get 180 gear and augments for a tank, a healer and a DPS. So in 3.0 they pass out 186s like candy on Halloween. Oh and turned my utimate comms left over into basics. And do we need to talk about grinding for gear to run the new HM Flashpoints so I can get worse gear? Right now I'm grinding to get the "Kill 1000 with each companion" achievement.

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Are you not reading other peoples commentary? Or do you just not comprehend.


The low level planets are already significantly made barren by various changes to the game that makes leveling superfast and easy especially if you already have level 50+ characters to provide 'twinking' to your new alts. This means _NEW_ players to the game have a significantly reduced level of satisfaction as they try out the game. There are few players to play with (in an MMO this tends to give the impression the MMO is bad and no one likes it) and so a lot of the content most of us find ridiculously easy with our twinked alts etc is still a bit tougher for a new person.


What do you not get? Are you assuming that all of us pro-12ers are sitting with low-level toons slugging it out on Tattooine or Balmorra saying "Wow I want to get through this story faster." because you are very wrong. Like most anti-12ers you just make things up or contradict yourself to promote your own misconceptions of the game. The truth you refuse to admit is that we are not (or are rarely) playing low-level toons because we are tired of grinding after doing it 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or more times.


12xXP is for experienced players so first of all ignore any noobs to the game grinding out XP, they are still going to grind. Those of us that have already ground out a few toons through Corellia (and thus get the option for 12xXP) simply are not playing new toons or maybe have one or two they rarely play.

Edited by EllieAnne
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What do you not get? Are you assuming that all of us pro-12ers are sitting with low-level toons slugging it out on Tattooine or Balmorra saying "Wow I want to get through this story faster." because you are very wrong. Like most anti-12ers you just make things up or contradict yourself to promote your own misconceptions of the game. The truth you refuse to admit is that we are not (or are rarely) playing low-level toons because we are tired of grinding after doing it 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or more times.


12xXP is for experienced players so first of all ignore any noobs to the game grinding out XP, they are still going to grind. Those of us that have already ground out a few toons through Corellia (and thus get the option for 12xXP) simply are not playing new toons or maybe have one or two they rarely play.


This is easily fixed. Make it x14 boost (12x was not enough to be honest) but lock out end game. Voila. No one can complain. All previous complains are null and void. People who play for story already do not "group" (I certainly don't, I skip all heroics for instance) and will continue not to, but not boggled down by the exp grind. There is no easy end game content so BW does not have to "worry" about people burning through end game content too fast. There is not a single problem with this solution ever. I dare any anti 12xer to refute this.

Edited by Oiccrene
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This is easily fixed. Make is x14 boost (12x was not enough to be honest) but lock out end game. Voila. No one can complain. All previous complains are null and void. People who play for story already do not "group" (I certainly don't, I skip all heroics for instance) and will continue not to, but not boggled down by the exp grind. There is no easy end game content so BW does not have to "worry" about people burning through end game content too fast. There is not a single problem with this solution ever. I dare any anti 12xer to refute this.


Small problem with that is that Bioware has made the mistake of tying story into Ops on several occasions.

Hiya, Dread Fortress!

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Small problem with that is that Bioware has made the mistake of tying story into Ops on several occasions.

Hiya, Dread Fortress!


But it is hardly tied to the big story of characters, is it? At least so far the operations were not. And for that I could use grinded character, if I *really* wanted to.

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....Cases in point from him and some others here is the Fact that 12X would not impact their playing styles, but only to those of ppl using 12X. Yet ppl think they have a right to tell us how to lvl which They DON'T have a right to.


I haven't seen any Pro 12X'ers tell other players how to lvl in-game, and they sure as hell as have no right to tell us how. What Anti-12X'ers are Only doing is Instigating needless fighting. Those are the Facts here.


Great point.


Personally....THIS is the last time I'ma speak on the subject of 12XP. YES I think it's a good thing. But I'm not one to sit and repeat myself over and over. I've come to a decision. I created a new gunslinger and female Sith warrior (one of several adv classes and class stories I hadn't seen yet) about 3 months ago. I should finish Chapt 3 (which is as far as I play all but 2 of my characters anyway) sometime in Nov or Dec. After this last run, I'm done. Y'all mmo elitist/purists can have your endless grind. Have fun doing EVERY f'n planetary quest in the game for the 500th time. :rolleyes: ALL threads like THIS one have done is serve as a constant reminder of why I HATE MMO'S....Why 99.9% of the games I play are single player games. Kotor is easily my all-time favorite game. I play swtor because I believed the devs when they said "swtor will be like Kotor 3-9" or whatever. I play swtor because it's the ONLY current gen(ish) SW rpg game AVAILABLE. 12XP gave me a glimpse of the reasons I enjoy this game....the Chapt 1-3 class stories. During the month I had it, I finished 2 class stories ( both from lvl 37-50) that I'd been putting off for over 2 years. And I leveled a female inquisitor (which I hadn't seen) from lvl 1-50. It's NEVER been about "rushing to max lvl" for me. It's ALWAYS been about "enjoying the many variations of the class story & certain planetary stories". But apparently THIS is wrong because it'll make it harder for group content and missions, and it'll create millions of players who don't know how to play their classes at endgame (which I DON'T do either one anyway :rolleyes: )


I complained about them taking away the OPTION to kill companions. I complained about the decision to only have one story per faction with the Makeb expansion. I complained about the lack of further "class specific" stories. I complained about the lack of further companion interaction. I complained about GSF launching without the OPTION to use a controller or joystick. And now with a LOT of us asking for the OPTION of unlockable 12XP for class missions.....it seems like we're gonna get more of the same BULL(Sugar Honey Ice Tea). So...... IDGAF anymore. :mad: THIS game obviously ain't for me. So I'll go back to playing Kotor 1&2, TFU 1&2, Jedi Academy, and the other single player SW games I own until they release a new single player (hopefully RPG) SW game. Because THAT'S what y'all anti12XP folks want right? For ALL of us single player gamers to "go play a single player game and stop asking for optional unlocks to make this game more enjoyable for US."


Well I hope y'all don't convince ALL us "single player gamers" to leave, and then figure out that WE made up a very significant number of subscribers. But regardless what everyone else decides (it's their decision after all, and I don't have the RIGHT to tell ANYONE else how to play).....IDGAF anymore....I'm done complaining. I'm done suggesting changes & improvements to the devs. I'm done posting as much as I do on this site. I'm DONE biting my tongue. And I'm done going around in circles with y'all mutha______ bout 12xp.




*Drops mic flips middle and index fingers and walks away...

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You are so selfish and entitled you refuse to see that this has been addressed, multiple times, and you continue to focus on just what you want.


- It increases social separation in the game. This creates an even more drastically tiered leveling experience.

so what....I run with my guild 100% of the time. I don't PUG because I don't have a lot of game time due to real life commitments and for the most part my guild knows how to play their roles. Also what makes this argument asinine is do you think for one minute Im leveling my level 40 Counselor (my 10th or 11th toon?) Hell no....I cant /wont do the planetary missions again. Ill wait for the next 12x XP or not level another toon. So there goes your theory of empty planets, empty FP queues...etc etc

- It overly rewards the 'haves'. Why do you get to skip content you think is onerous (the process of leveling up you want to go by at 12x the rate and at a significantly reduced time to achieve the 'end'... its not about 'skipping the planetary quests it's about skipping doing the time investment you have to make.. doesn't matter how you make it, be it PVP, KDY Runs, Etc, you want to be allowed to skip ALL of the time investment for leveling) while everyone else who doesn't meet your qualification still has to do this activity you dislike? What because you've done it before you shouldn't have to do it again? Ahhhh...the real crux of those that are butthurt by those that want 12x XP (or just a way to do story missions). WE LEVELED THE HARD WAY SO YOU SHOULD TOO. Sorry bud...but tying to legacy level 50, or some other manner that ensures you have paid your dues is more than enough.

- It further depopulates already depopulated lower level content, making the MMO experience even weaker for new players who, lacking life/people to interact with, etc are less likely to be 'attached' to the game and stay on as subscribers/preferred players and this means a shrinking player base that likely accelerates its depopulation to the eventual end of the game where it may stagnate for years with minimal investment from EA while they take the money of the diehards but do little else. See number 1 above.....

- It creates a very easily exploitable method to make and play FOTM classes, damaging the end game experience for _everyone_. At least now there is a somewhat tedious investment to rush a FOTM class to the end game. Adding 12X exp removes that/significantly reduces that. I think you mean FOTM being if there is a OP class the devs haven't nerfed the servers would be deluged by these OP characters (ahem..sorcs....ahem). Valid point here.... but this is the only one I will agree with. However there is always going to be balancing issues. and BW is pretty good with the nerf bat.




My 2 cents.... in BLUE


bottom line for me....its not about privilege. Its about keeping my sub. I unsubbed for the last year until SOR came out....once I get to the first tier of gear with class bonuses.... I will probably be gone again. The 12 x XP would have been the hook to let me try classes I haven't tried (ie I have a lvl 60 Scoundrel...but would love to try a gunslinger...but I will NOT level him, cant stomach the grind to 55 again). And as I said I have a level 40 Counselor that I will probably not finish....


BW could keep me and many other vets by making experimenting with new classes and specialties, or seeing class stories I would like to see without interruption ...but not with the current grind. So my $$$ will go elsewhere again when I get bored. Which will be sooner than later.


So to the one poster that said I wanted light speed to lvl 50.... after thinking about it...he is partially correct. So I can experiment with different classes. The other part is story....

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You're wasting your time trying to refute the anti-12xXpers. They have some apocalyptic view of empty Tythons and Ord Mantells (and who really cares honestly). It didn't happen with the last 12xXP offering and it probably will not again. Nevermind what other players want, the e-circle of angst (people like Liquor and Enkidu) are going to spout off weak dribble like calling people entitled or lazy. Pay them no mind. They're the fearful few.
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What do you not get? Are you assuming that all of us pro-12ers are sitting with low-level toons slugging it out on Tattooine or Balmorra saying "Wow I want to get through this story faster." because you are very wrong. Like most anti-12ers you just make things up or contradict yourself to promote your own misconceptions of the game. The truth you refuse to admit is that we are not (or are rarely) playing low-level toons because we are tired of grinding after doing it 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or more times.


12xXP is for experienced players so first of all ignore any noobs to the game grinding out XP, they are still going to grind. Those of us that have already ground out a few toons through Corellia (and thus get the option for 12xXP) simply are not playing new toons or maybe have one or two they rarely play.


Not everyone who wants to experience those stories is like those demanding 12XP and too averse to the effort of leveling that new character so they can experience that story.


You may not be "slugging it out" with lower level characters, but there are plenty of players who ARE. BW not adding a 12XP boost will make no difference as far as your characters and presence on lower level planets are concerned. It WILL, however, make a large difference regarding the presence of those who are "slugging it out" on the lower level planets.




Let's be honest. BW was extremely nice and gave the mice a HUGE cookie with that 12XP boost. Now look at the how those mice are behaving--- demanding and expecting 12XP to be a permanent feature.


This is why so many people use the phrase "this is why we can't have nice things."


I wish people would just grow up and learn to accept that a bonus is just that--A BONUS.

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This is easily fixed. Make it x14 boost (12x was not enough to be honest) but lock out end game. Voila. No one can complain. All previous complains are null and void. People who play for story already do not "group" (I certainly don't, I skip all heroics for instance) and will continue not to, but not boggled down by the exp grind. There is no easy end game content so BW does not have to "worry" about people burning through end game content too fast. There is not a single problem with this solution ever. I dare any anti 12xer to refute this.



How about if they instead lock out those characters who use the 12XP (or 14XP) as in your suggestion, from ANY content other than the story quests. After all, your claim is that you simply want to experience ONLY the stories, right?


All the suggestions I have seen have been designed so that the XP boost is not going to be available to new players, right? This means that every character who uses the boost would have a main who could "feed and support" the boosted character.


Why would the character who only wants to experience stories need to buy and sell on the GTN? Why would a boosted character need access to the daily content to earn credits?


The player would have a main with which to support and feed the boosted character.



Here's an even better solution for BW, leave the game exactly as it is, since it is ALREADY possible to see all the stories and avoid those pesky planet side quests.


I realize that those players who are TOO LAZY to find a way to supplement the XP from the story quests will not bother to see those quests, but that is THEIR loss. If BW chooses to cater to the pro 12XP's LAZINESS it would only lead to even more demands for BW to cater to players' LAZINESS.


If you give a mouse a cookie...

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How about if they instead lock out those characters who use the 12XP (or 14XP) as in your suggestion, from ANY content other than the story quests. After all, your claim is that you simply want to experience ONLY the stories, right?


All the suggestions I have seen have been designed so that the XP boost is not going to be available to new players, right? This means that every character who uses the boost would have a main who could "feed and support" the boosted character.


Why would the character who only wants to experience stories need to buy and sell on the GTN? Why would a boosted character need access to the daily content to earn credits?


The player would have a main with which to support and feed the boosted character.

I agree. Remove that too. Remove a way to send stuff from and to the account (but then provide at least 1m credits for gifts and stuff for companions).

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Great point.


Personally....THIS is the last time I'ma speak on the subject of 12XP. YES I think it's a good thing. But I'm not one to sit and repeat myself over and over. I've come to a decision. I created a new gunslinger and female Sith warrior (one of several adv classes and class stories I hadn't seen yet) about 3 months ago. I should finish Chapt 3 (which is as far as I play all but 2 of my characters anyway) sometime in Nov or Dec. After this last run, I'm done. Y'all mmo elitist/purists can have your endless grind. Have fun doing EVERY f'n planetary quest in the game for the 500th time. :rolleyes: ALL threads like THIS one have done is serve as a constant reminder of why I HATE MMO'S....Why 99.9% of the games I play are single player games. Kotor is easily my all-time favorite game. I play swtor because I believed the devs when they said "swtor will be like Kotor 3-9" or whatever. I play swtor because it's the ONLY current gen(ish) SW rpg game AVAILABLE. 12XP gave me a glimpse of the reasons I enjoy this game....the Chapt 1-3 class stories. During the month I had it, I finished 2 class stories ( both from lvl 37-50) that I'd been putting off for over 2 years. And I leveled a female inquisitor (which I hadn't seen) from lvl 1-50. It's NEVER been about "rushing to max lvl" for me. It's ALWAYS been about "enjoying the many variations of the class story & certain planetary stories". But apparently THIS is wrong because it'll make it harder for group content and missions, and it'll create millions of players who don't know how to play their classes at endgame (which I DON'T do either one anyway :rolleyes: )


I complained about them taking away the OPTION to kill companions. I complained about the decision to only have one story per faction with the Makeb expansion. I complained about the lack of further "class specific" stories. I complained about the lack of further companion interaction. I complained about GSF launching without the OPTION to use a controller or joystick. And now with a LOT of us asking for the OPTION of unlockable 12XP for class missions.....it seems like we're gonna get more of the same BULL(Sugar Honey Ice Tea). So...... IDGAF anymore. :mad: THIS game obviously ain't for me. So I'll go back to playing Kotor 1&2, TFU 1&2, Jedi Academy, and the other single player SW games I own until they release a new single player (hopefully RPG) SW game. Because THAT'S what y'all anti12XP folks want right? For ALL of us single player gamers to "go play a single player game and stop asking for optional unlocks to make this game more enjoyable for US."


Well I hope y'all don't convince ALL us "single player gamers" to leave, and then figure out that WE made up a very significant number of subscribers. But regardless what everyone else decides (it's their decision after all, and I don't have the RIGHT to tell ANYONE else how to play).....IDGAF anymore....I'm done complaining. I'm done suggesting changes & improvements to the devs. I'm done posting as much as I do on this site. I'm DONE biting my tongue. And I'm done going around in circles with y'all mutha______ bout 12xp.




*Drops mic flips middle and index fingers and walks away...


Here is an example of addition by subtraction, IMO.


Don't let the logout screen hit you in the posterior.

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You seem to have forgotten to finish some of your sentences. Here let me help in red.




Here's an even better solution for BW, leave the game exactly as it is, since it is ALREADY possible to see all the stories and avoid those pesky planet side quests by grinding in other areas like WZs, FPs and KDY. Hey it's still grinding but not grinding side quests.

I realize that those players lying about it being about the stories and who are TOO LAZY to find a way to supplement the XP from the story quests will not bother to see those quests for the tenth or more time, but that is THEIR loss. If BW chooses to cater to the pro 12XP's lies and LAZINESS in not playing the way I want to play it would only lead to even more demands for BW to cater to players' LAZINESS. In fact I demand we take away all legacy boosts, all XP tabs, all guild XP bonus and all double XP weekends because grinding is the ONLY way to play an MMO. If you don't grind you're doing it WRONG!


If you give a mouse a cookie... you get crumbs on your mouse pad

Edited by EllieAnne
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I agree. Remove that too. Remove a way to send stuff from and to the account (but then provide at least 1m credits for gifts and stuff for companions).


The last time I checked companion affection did NOT have a bearing on the story, which is what you CLAIM to be want to experience.


Therefore there is no need to provide a single credit, especially since class skills are FREE.


If you want to purchase gifts to raise your companions affection, then you can send the credits or gifts from your main.



Also, crew skills are NOT integral to the class stories, so they would be locked out also.


I think you are really not seeing the big picture, being so focused on what YOU want and YOUR laziness.

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My 2 cents.... in BLUE


bottom line for me....its not about privilege. Its about keeping my sub. I unsubbed for the last year until SOR came out....once I get to the first tier of gear with class bonuses.... I will probably be gone again. The 12 x XP would have been the hook to let me try classes I haven't tried (ie I have a lvl 60 Scoundrel...but would love to try a gunslinger...but I will NOT level him, cant stomach the grind to 55 again). And as I said I have a level 40 Counselor that I will probably not finish....


BW could keep me and many other vets by making experimenting with new classes and specialties, or seeing class stories I would like to see without interruption ...but not with the current grind. So my $$$ will go elsewhere again when I get bored. Which will be sooner than later.


So to the one poster that said I wanted light speed to lvl 50.... after thinking about it...he is partially correct. So I can experiment with different classes. The other part is story....




We have a winner.


At least he is honest enough to admit to his laziness, enough if he is not honest enough to phrase it that way.




To address your "two cents":


First, while you may group with only guildies, there are plenty of people who currently pug, also. Adding 12XP has already been shown to likely have a significant impact on the numbers of people pugging, which would have an impact on gameplay for others, in order to satisfy your laziness.


Second, how about if they set it up so that to qualify for the boost, a player would need to have leveled at least one of EVERY class (AC) to 60, completed EVERY story at least once (since it is possible to reach 60 without completing a single story line) and reached legacy level 50. It would also cost 3,000,000 credits per character or 2400 CC's.



I'm betting that you will take issue with those requirements since you obviously would not qualify for the boost, but will instead propose some other requirements which you will "MIRACULOUSLY" meet.

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The last time I checked companion affection did NOT have a bearing on the story, which is what you CLAIM to be want to experience.


Therefore there is no need to provide a single credit, especially since class skills are FREE.


If you want to purchase gifts to raise your companions affection, then you can send the credits or gifts from your main.



Also, crew skills are NOT integral to the class stories, so they would be locked out also.


I think you are really not seeing the big picture, being so focused on what YOU want and YOUR laziness.


I disagree, companion quests are part of storyline. But fine, I am fine with sending credits over. I couldn't care less for crew skills. Never done them on grinded accounts either.

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I disagree, companion quests are part of storyline. But fine, I am fine with sending credits over. I couldn't care less for crew skills. Never done them on grinded accounts either.


Tell me how raising your companions' affection affects the story line.


Do I miss something or get a different story on my trooper if I am not at 10,000/10,000 with M1-4X? I don't think I do.

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Tell me how raising your companions' affection affects the story line.


Do I miss something or get a different story on my trooper if I am not at 10,000/10,000 with M1-4X? I don't think I do.


Yeah there are companion flavor quests and storylines to pursue. Sounds like you should spend more time playing and less time worrying about other players' leveling speed.

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Tell me how raising your companions' affection affects the story line.


Do I miss something or get a different story on my trooper if I am not at 10,000/10,000 with M1-4X? I don't think I do.


Not 10000/10000, more like enough to trigger all cutscenes/companion quests.

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