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Is SWTOR 2 planned?


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It takes less time per level at first, maybe. But that's not what I meant. I meant that lvling here, at SWTOR; is actually fun. You get quests with meaning, quests that actually have something behind it. Help Gravus stop the colonization of Taris. Conquer Balmorra and force the commander to admit the Republic's involvement. Retake Balmorra as a Pub later, with meaningful quests and dialogue.

Of course, leveling from level 10 to 20 goes faster in WOW I guess, but the difference is that wow lvling = power leveling as the leveling process is the most painful part of the game; while the leveling process with quests and story in swtor is part of the best part.


Maybe the books do cast som light on it, but the story in the game is really done halfway. It's fine though, I know that I*ll go back to WOW once or thrice because I got too much sparetime and I like to stay busy during the evenings. SWTOR forums is, while fun, not the most rewarding evening-activity.


And the first expacs aren't that bad, but I'd not compare it's histories with those in SWTOR. It's much less engaging.

efficient :p not fun, ive already gone through the levelling process about 10 times (not 10 max characters but most of them are at level 60+) so i really don't give a rat's behind about those zones in WoW anymore, i just buy up my heirlooms (items that increase exp gain, stacks up to about... 40 or 50% extra exp?) i enjoy the levelling for TOR, best mmo questing experience ive had but ive completed all the character stories now, just levelling peripheral classes. its gotten to the point, again, where i don't care about the story as much as i just want to shoot things in the face. i am however looking forward to wherever this story is going, cause its getting interesting heh

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What people fail to realize is this would cost them much more money than EA is willing to spend. Why create a new game when you can just add on to the old one?







fact is a SWTOR sequal isn't garenteed to be any degree of sucess. How many MMOs have gotten sequals? Linage and everquest are about it as far as I can tell. MMOs don't. as a general rule, get sequals, they get expansions

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I think development would have needed to start 2-3 years ago for Bioware/EA to meet that timeline for completion.


More time would be needed if they want to create or contract a new game engine that might be appropriate. I don't think EA has an existing engine that could create a new MMO without the game being hated by players for not offering anything new unless they get a custom engine built just for the game. ...


It's EA man, when I said that I'm half expecting them to use the SWTOR engine or a slightly modified version of it, not build something new.

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The only thing that would stop them from making SWTOR 2 is if Disney has other plans for the MMO market with regard to the Star Wars license.


LucasArts and LucasFilm are two completely different things. Disney has no rights to any SW video game now or in the future.

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bla bla bla bla


Just because you don't like to read doesn't mean no one in the world doesn't. in fact stories are "read" most of the time then "heard" or "seen". However you wanna swing it, you are just being misled by the flashy voice acting and cut scene, nothing more.

And please stop trying to take the thread off topic, story or no story there is no confirmation about swtor 2, neither there is denial. If there is anything, there have been hints by EAWare Austin on multiple occasion that they may or may not have "cannon" of all swtor class stories which will be used as default in case they develop swtor 2.

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LucasArts and LucasFilm are two completely different things. Disney has no rights to any SW video game now or in the future.


LucasArts is a subsidiary of LucasFilm. That means LucasFilm owns LucasArts. And Disney owns LucasFilm. Therefore they indirectly own everything LucasArts owns and due to their controlling influence they can do whatever they want to with it.

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Most of my issues with this game would be solved with a better graphics engine. We will not see a new engine retro fitted in to SWTOR.


Also, some fundamental things about the game's design make it very difficult to add new classes. So I assume we won't see new classes.


This game is 3 yrs old, and I have been playing since beta. I was wondering if there was any concrete evidence that Bioware or EA have put SWTOR 2 on their road maps?


I think with all that they have learned and a cutting edge graphics engine the team could build an awesome follow up to SWTOR.


It is almost certain that there will be another MMO type Star Wars game at some point in the future, the same applies to things like Lord of the Rings also, the licences are simply too big, and appealing to their own fanbase, to have none on the market.


What definitely is open to debate is the future of true MMOs in general,


Personally I believe the genre is in its death throws from an ideas and creativity perspective. Pandering to casuals is killing what makes an MMO, an MMO.


Whilst I accept that those of us who remember Lord British, perhaps look on past games with rose tinted glasses, the current crop of MMOs do nothing to light my candle. This and Lotro only exist on my computers due to the names.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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It is almost certain that there will be another MMO type Star Wars game at some point in the future, the same applies to things like Lord of the Rings also, the licences are simply too big, and appealing to their own fanbase, to have none on the market.


What definitely is open to debate is the future of true MMOs in general,


Personally I believe the genre is in its death throws from an ideas and creativity perspective. Pandering to casuals is killing what makes an MMO, an MMO.


Whilst I accept that those of us who remember Lord British, perhaps look on past games with rose tinted glasses, the current crop of MMOs do nothing to light my candle. This and Lotro only exist on my computers due to the names.

Some links to games that will float your boat. Shroud of the avatar is from lord british too.



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You guys are not looking at this pragmatically.


EA loves SWTOR now. It makes a lot of money, and has been profitable. They were new to the MMO game and they made their way through rough times with a successful product. Now they have a chance to leverage that market knowledge.


They have a very successful and resurgent franchise with Star Wars.


They have a very accurate prediction of sales and sub rates using current rates, so it would be easy to find a budget that would work. It certainly won't be 200m again, but they wouldn't really need that much either based on what they have learned.


I would assume this would be planned for ~2 years out. EA knows that SWTOR's revenue will begin to decline as it ages. They will slow that decline with updates and expansions, but it will decline. EA will not want to let that market share just dwindle away.


The only thing that would stop them from making SWTOR 2 is if Disney has other plans for the MMO market with regard to the Star Wars license.



Welcome to wonderland, please follow the white rabbit

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Their best bet would be to release a killer expac near the time of the new movie to pull in new players to the current game.


Making a sequel would just be obnoxious and costly. They already have a playerbase. They should focus on retention and expansion, not rolling the dice with a whole new game.


Now, if they could replace the hero engine with something that doesn't chug when 10 PCs are on the screen, it'd go a long way toward making the game less of an embarrassment.

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or could SWTOR get a graphics update like AO? if DX12 info holds true and the performance increase is significant, I don't see why not. it is easier than creating a totally new game. add a large expansion and let the game grow with the community.


It certainly isn't that easy and it gets more difficult the more outdated and customized the engine is. SWTOR's engine is both old and allegedly based on a beta engine that is no longer even compatible with upgrade to the stock engine. It's still running on a 32 bit process and has an extremely convoluted and awkward way of handling its threads, according to data miners. What this means is that it's a tremendous effort to update it, which gets only more difficult because the people who wrote the original code have been fired years ago.


What this comes down to is: it's possible, but extremely costly. On the other hand, the possible returns of such a revamp are slim. It would of course be appreciated by a portion of the players, but relatively few even know what DX12 is, and worst of all: you can't sell it.


What the people in charge want is minimum investment, maximum output; stuff that looks great on a trailer and can be advertised on facebook to people who don't even know about the game. Like a cheap cross promotion with new movies or something like that. Basically, what they want is variations of the cross guard saber for 2000cc, because that rakes in the dough.

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It certainly isn't that easy and it gets more difficult the more outdated and customized the engine is. SWTOR's engine is both old and allegedly based on a beta engine that is no longer even compatible with upgrade to the stock engine. It's still running on a 32 bit process and has an extremely convoluted and awkward way of handling its threads, according to data miners. What this means is that it's a tremendous effort to update it, which gets only more difficult because the people who wrote the original code have been fired years ago.


What this comes down to is: it's possible, but extremely costly. On the other hand, the possible returns of such a revamp are slim. It would of course be appreciated by a portion of the players, but relatively few even know what DX12 is, and worst of all: you can't sell it.


What the people in charge want is minimum investment, maximum output; stuff that looks great on a trailer and can be advertised on facebook to people who don't even know about the game. Like a cheap cross promotion with new movies or something like that. Basically, what they want is variations of the cross guard saber for 2000cc, because that rakes in the dough.


It is neither "allegedly" nor done with "beta version", it was in fact done with hero engine pre alpha version. if you want to know more details then go to hero engine webpage, then go to faq section and from there on left panel click on "watch hero engine in action" link, there is a detailed explanation by the hero devs how and when EAWare Austin almost forced them to hand over the pre alpha build of the engine. And then there is the interview of James Ohlen where he talked about in detail about how they wasted way too much $ on fixing the goddamn broken engine instead of upgrading it to full version available with hero devs, just do a google search with "voice acting was not the reason for swtor's outrageous production cost".

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SWTOR2 would likely be some hybridized console/PC MMO running on the Frostbite engine..


Does anyone have any experience with those? I'm not too keen on the concept of an MMO compromised to work on a console.

Edited by Projawa
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It is neither "allegedly" nor done with "beta version", it was in fact done with hero engine pre alpha version. if you want to know more details then go to hero engine webpage, then go to faq section and from there on left panel click on "watch hero engine in action" link, there is a detailed explanation by the hero devs how and when EAWare Austin almost forced them to hand over the pre alpha build of the engine. And then there is the interview of James Ohlen where he talked about in detail about how they wasted way too much $ on fixing the gosh darn broken engine instead of upgrading it to full version available with hero devs, just do a google search with "voice acting was not the reason for swtor's outrageous production cost".


They were too focused on the soft aspects of the game (art, story, lore, voice assets) and not enough on engineering. Which is fair because it's a game studio not a software design firm but it's a lesson that not investing enough in a solid foundation limits potential no matter how you spin it.


I remember how Blizzard scrapped an early version of Starcraft and gave their chief programmer some time to go rewrite the engine so it could support their vision of what they needed. Sure, the delay was costly at the time but in the long term the delay amounted to nothing as the decision paid dividends head over heels.

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Bla bla yourself



Uhm, are you serious?

I love to read. It's a fact that reading is, often ,more giving than listening/watching. I'll rate my favorite books above any movie anytime.


Have you seen wow's stories, even read them? It's fking horrible. It has no plot, or at least when there is, it's so horribly written that I feel like dying. Anyone with a critical eye will see that there quests was not written by authors, but but someone working there "with a talent for words" or so. For christ's sake, you can't compare SWTOR's story to Wow's "Story". If you do,(which I'm not saying you dO) then that just means that you have a no idea about how a story is supposed to be written. Think about more upon what you write before you try to be clever the next time; Because your point, as valid as it is, is incorrect because of the lack of storytelling or plot in WOW. Because yes, you can have story without having voice actors, but wow have no flow, no logical story, no interesting characters or events. It's not about HOW they tell the stories, it's about the stories the different games tell. Wow has some potential, yes, but I could've written it better. (I like to write fiction, and yes, anyone with half a brain and the smallest inch of talent in this area could surpass what wow did with their storytelling. That's how bad it is). For christ sake, it's last expansion was about pandas kicking butt. Any 10 year old with half a brain could write a similar story, as long as someone helped him "correct" it a bit afterwards. That's a god darn fact. If you find Wow's story to be "interesting to read"; then I'd guess that you've never really read good fantasy, or any other litterature for that matter, for Wow has about the same type of story as a comic for 6 year olds. At best.


And I just answered to someone complaining about this post, saying that "Wow has been around for AGES and they're still here, so no we'll never see a swtor2!", even though Wow and SWTOR is completely different while at the same genre. SWTOR is the story-driven game, Wow is the endgame-typical MMO. SWTOR is almost like a RPG-mmo mix, much like ESO, while WOW is, as I said, the typical MMO where endgame is everything and the process is often, but not always, horrible. I didn't "hijack" this post, I answered to the many posts claiming that this discussion is, or should be, off the table because "Wow is brilliant and goes on", while forgetting that, Wow, while it has a lot of strenghts and I personally like it, has the story of a rock. It's no way to describe how horrible it is. I liked Warcraft 3, for it's flaws and all, but Wow's story was never anything but horrible. It's a fun game, but the story has always and will always be half-done. It's fine if you like it, but it's horribly written, has no logic, follows none of the tradional storytelling rules or styles and has no way to intrigue. Rare cases of nostalgia or obession aside, the story in wow isn't anything but mediocre at best, horrible at worst. Mostly horrible. And that's why they can make it through expansion after expansion with horrible to mediocre stories, because they're not dependent on good stories. As they never used it. Nobody expects wow to have good in-game lore or story. Nobody cares. If you give people bread, then they'll never expect you to give them chocolate.

Furthermore, that's why SWTOR makes much more sense than a Wow 2, because Wow can almost go ahea for another decade. Ik that yes, they've announced a new game and all, but it's likely that Wow will be around for a number of years anyways.

SWTOR, on the other hand, will likely die or be reborn into SWTOR 2 due to the complitcation with driving the story forwards, and keeping it both

a) lorefriendly.

b) well-written

c)overall interesting

This is something Wow never cares about, and they're not forced to do this. However, SWTOR has to. Of course, all we can do is to wait and see. As you said, nothing has been denied or confirmed.



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OP, they would have to care about this game first. Look at all the bugs this game has. Are they doing anything about them? NO. Are they giving F2P and Preferred players a path to subscribing? NO. The only thing they are focused on, is the Cartel Market, and nothing else. Nickel and Diming this game to death, doesn't mean they are even thinking about a sequel. They have to care about this game first and fix the major issues before even considering a future sequel.
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OP, they would have to care about this game first. Look at all the bugs this game has. Are they doing anything about them? NO. Are they giving F2P and Preferred players a path to subscribing? NO. The only thing they are focused on, is the Cartel Market, and nothing else. Nickel and Diming this game to death, doesn't mean they are even thinking about a sequel. They have to care about this game first and fix the major issues before even considering a future sequel.


Who said sequel?


I would not hold my breath assuming Disney would give these clowns another chance to ruin their license.


SWTORs reputation amongst the wider MMO community is a joke. It exists solely because it is Star Wars, backed up by Cartel Market sales.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Most of my issues with this game would be solved with a better graphics engine. We will not see a new engine retro fitted in to SWTOR.


Also, some fundamental things about the game's design make it very difficult to add new classes. So I assume we won't see new classes.


This game is 3 yrs old, and I have been playing since beta. I was wondering if there was any concrete evidence that Bioware or EA have put SWTOR 2 on their road maps?


I think with all that they have learned and a cutting edge graphics engine the team could build an awesome follow up to SWTOR.

??? Really ??? There are many mmo's out there still using the same graphics that they started with and those "MMO'S" are doing very well, so your saying a game that is only 3 years old need to update their graphics?!?!?! Are you freaking kidding me :rolleyes:
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Who said sequel?


I would not hold my breath assuming Disney would give these clowns another chance to ruin their license.


SWTORs reputation amongst the wider MMO community is a joke. It exists solely because it is Star Wars, backed up by Cartel Market sales.


Every MMO game from last 6 or so years is a joke or so obscure nobody heard of it. what was your point, outside of insulting devs?

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The problem with your opinion here is you fail to understand basic principle of bussiness when dealing with share holders and investors


Turning a profit does NOT equal success

MEETING or EXCELLING PROJECTIONS is how you determine success and SW:TOR eclipsed opening day projections but had fallen well below expectations just 3 months into game live cycle.


So because of that, SW:TOR will never be viewed as a successful MMORPG (and already is not viewed as such).


EAs goal is NOT to break even.

If it was we all would have an amazing kick arse game with triple the amount of content currently and active staff in game ensuring the highest level of game play and community.


But because all the profits go elsewhere, this title has ran on very little support and funding since release.


Really if you had just said the following and left it at that, you would have been correct (not opinion, pure facts)


Ty for your feedback, lets be reminded that opinions are not supported by facts real, assumed or invented, thats the whole point of being an opinion





a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


So again, thats my opinion

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