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Is SWTOR 2 planned?


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Most of my issues with this game would be solved with a better graphics engine. We will not see a new engine retro fitted in to SWTOR.


Also, some fundamental things about the game's design make it very difficult to add new classes. So I assume we won't see new classes.


This game is 3 yrs old, and I have been playing since beta. I was wondering if there was any concrete evidence that Bioware or EA have put SWTOR 2 on their road maps?


I think with all that they have learned and a cutting edge graphics engine the team could build an awesome follow up to SWTOR.

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I think with all that they have learned and a cutting edge graphics engine the team could build an awesome follow up to SWTOR.


The things they learned from this project probably were that it was a damn pain to even make good for the homungous development costs of the original approach, and that f2p with a skeleton crew absolutely is the way to go. Even *if* they ever decided to do a swtor 2, which is not exactly likely given it's track record, if you expect a sequel that is true to the original game you would likely be disappointed.

Edited by Korevas
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I think with all that they have learned and a cutting edge graphics engine the team could build an awesome follow up to SWTOR.

The same was said about this game...


And the only thing they seem to have learned is that selling things in the cash shop is more profitable than developing, maintaining or fixing content.

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If you are so wise can you enlighten me?


First off like I just said. Kotor 3 is in higher demand. But lets just leave that out of the picture and just look at the state that this game is in and how things have been going since 3.0 it is not in their best interest to make a sequel to this game. Considering the amount of people that are pissed off at them already for things that have happened in this game.

And the bigger part is that disney would have to approve of it

Edited by Isaacone
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You guys are not looking at this pragmatically.


EA loves SWTOR now. It makes a lot of money, and has been profitable. They were new to the MMO game and they made their way through rough times with a successful product. Now they have a chance to leverage that market knowledge.


They have a very successful and resurgent franchise with Star Wars.


They have a very accurate prediction of sales and sub rates using current rates, so it would be easy to find a budget that would work. It certainly won't be 200m again, but they wouldn't really need that much either based on what they have learned.


I would assume this would be planned for ~2 years out. EA knows that SWTOR's revenue will begin to decline as it ages. They will slow that decline with updates and expansions, but it will decline. EA will not want to let that market share just dwindle away.


The only thing that would stop them from making SWTOR 2 is if Disney has other plans for the MMO market with regard to the Star Wars license.

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The content is "Legends" now. A direct sequel is unlikely. We will most definitely not see a KoToR 3 under the existing regime.


Another Star Wars MMO, most likely developed by Bioware, some 5 years from now, set in Disney's new time frame is plenty possible.


As for the person who referenced WoW 2, Blizzard was developing another MMO to replace WoW. They just have an inability to make a game without cancelling or delaying it 5 times first.

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have you seen wow 2 yet?


it has about 10x more players and god only knows how much more profitable.


Wow = not story driven.

SWTOR=story driven.


While SWTOR 2 likely wont' happen, that doens't change the fact that yes, WOW can go ahead for another decade. SWTOR cannot. What do you really do at WOW? You powerlevel up level 100. Then ALL you do is

a) Hardcore pvp (my coup of tea)

b) Hardcore pve(Eeew)

c) Troll around with the others waiting for queues/waiting for motivation to do something

d) Normal pve og pvp.


Wow has no story. Or, it has, but the story is best ignored. I mean. A "dungeoen" with pandas kicking eachother's ***? Look at "The false emperor". A fun "dungeon", so to speak. Look at the WOW dungeons. Clearly not driven by anything but random killing. Yet that's what makes it to clever. People complain about Revan not making sense in SOR. But nothing in Wow EVER made sense, nor will it. It's just there to give the masses new entertainment. SWTOR cannot compete with WOW, because SWTOR is story driven. How fun is SWTOR once you're done with the class story? Not that much.

Wow is just horrible in terms of leveling, but the endgame is the only part of the game. SWTOR is more like a RPG, and it'd be lovely tbh if they made KOTOR 3 soon. Or SWTOR 2 to give us "new" stories.


Anyways. SWTOR will die in a few years. Because; it's "too" story driven, and the story is everything. Like with series. We've all seen series go to hell when they're overextended.

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You guys are not looking at this pragmatically.


EA loves SWTOR now. It makes a lot of money, and has been profitable.

You're the one not looking at this pragmatically...


EA considers a game like FIFA, Madden or CoD a success because they sell millions of copies on launch day and make millions more on 'tweaks' to rosters that they sell during the season, or they sell a few DLC map packs for CoD. The games are heavily recycled, relabeled and released as a "NEW" game ONE year later...repeating the entire cycle.


SWTOR is a TINY TINY fish for EA. Blizzard doesn't have a Madden or FIFA to fall back on, so for them, W0W is their bread winner...not even close for SWTOR and EA. SWTOR doesn't even cover bonuses I bet.

Edited by TUXs
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The content is "Legends" now. A direct sequel is unlikely. We will most definitely not see a KoToR 3 under the existing regime.


Another Star Wars MMO, most likely developed by Bioware, some 5 years from now, set in Disney's new time frame is plenty possible.


As for the person who referenced WoW 2, Blizzard was developing another MMO to replace WoW. They just have an inability to make a game without cancelling or delaying it 5 times first.


Finally, someone with a rational response! Gamer's tend to be an emotionally driven bunch and business is business.


I pretty much agree with you, and I guess when I said SWTOR 2 what I meant was "Another Star Wars MMO by Bioware" :)


I think 5 years might miss the boat. I am hoping that EA has had this in their 5 to 10 year plan for a couple years now. I think it is likely we will see a rash of new Star Wars themed games announced this year for release over the next 24 months, including a new MMO.

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You guys are not looking at this pragmatically.


EA loves SWTOR now. It makes a lot of money, and has been profitable. They were new to the MMO game and they made their way through rough times with a successful product. Now they have a chance to leverage that market knowledge.


They have a very successful and resurgent franchise with Star Wars.


They have a very accurate prediction of sales and sub rates using current rates, so it would be easy to find a budget that would work. It certainly won't be 200m again, but they wouldn't really need that much either based on what they have learned.


I would assume this would be planned for ~2 years out. EA knows that SWTOR's revenue will begin to decline as it ages. They will slow that decline with updates and expansions, but it will decline. EA will not want to let that market share just dwindle away.


The only thing that would stop them from making SWTOR 2 is if Disney has other plans for the MMO market with regard to the Star Wars license.

you're proposing that they start from scratch on a new engine, invest in that much development...develop a game for 2 years?


are you new to gaming/mmos?

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NOPE, look at Anarchy Online. Release date June 27, 2001 and still going. even has a Graphics Engine updated from DirectX 8 to DirectX 9 (using a modified and updated Age of Conan engine) Dreamworld Engine (Randy 3.1)


WoW still going,


EA/Bioware still making huge amounts of money on SWTOR the way it is. Look at what is planned this summer and coming winter (hint - 4.0 to coincide with Episode VII release...)


so with just these 3 examples, why would they need SWTOR2?

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As for the person who referenced WoW 2, Blizzard was developing another MMO to replace WoW. They just have an inability to make a game without cancelling or delaying it 5 times first.
"replace" seems like an odd word considering it was probably cancelled because the business case couldnt support that much cannibalization. it wasnt meant to replace wow. the truth is that gamers typically dont invest in more than 1/2 mmos at a single time. given the state of the mmo genre, making a new one seems folly. mmos are slowly dwindling as is pc gaming.


furthermore, they are still printing money with wow. and with hearthstone, blizzard is proving that you can reap massive returns with little/no development investment at all. why invest in large, AAA titles when they can spend a week on a card game?

Wow = not story driven.

SWTOR=story driven.


While SWTOR 2 likely wont' happen, that doens't change the fact that yes, WOW can go ahead for another decade. SWTOR cannot. What do you really do at WOW? You powerlevel up level 100. Then ALL you do is

a) Hardcore pvp (my coup of tea)

b) Hardcore pve(Eeew)

c) Troll around with the others waiting for queues/waiting for motivation to do something

d) Normal pve og pvp.


Wow has no story. Or, it has, but the story is best ignored. I mean. A "dungeoen" with pandas kicking eachother's ***? Look at "The false emperor". A fun "dungeon", so to speak. Look at the WOW dungeons. Clearly not driven by anything but random killing. Yet that's what makes it to clever. People complain about Revan not making sense in SOR. But nothing in Wow EVER made sense, nor will it. It's just there to give the masses new entertainment. SWTOR cannot compete with WOW, because SWTOR is story driven. How fun is SWTOR once you're done with the class story? Not that much.

Wow is just horrible in terms of leveling, but the endgame is the only part of the game. SWTOR is more like a RPG, and it'd be lovely tbh if they made KOTOR 3 soon. Or SWTOR 2 to give us "new" stories.


Anyways. SWTOR will die in a few years. Because; it's "too" story driven, and the story is everything. Like with series. We've all seen series go to hell when they're overextended.

i dont necessarily disagree with any of this.


but thinking they would make swtor 2 for a failed mmo with minimal support seems like an absolute naive pipdream. they cant even develop an expansion. they can't even fix operations bosses after 3 months.


swtor is already on cruise control until the car falls off a cliff.

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Wow = not story driven.

SWTOR=story driven.


While SWTOR 2 likely wont' happen, that doens't change the fact that yes, WOW can go ahead for another decade. SWTOR cannot. What do you really do at WOW? You powerlevel up level 100. Then ALL you do is

a) Hardcore pvp (my coup of tea)

b) Hardcore pve(Eeew)

c) Troll around with the others waiting for queues/waiting for motivation to do something

d) Normal pve og pvp.


Wow has no story. Or, it has, but the story is best ignored. I mean. A "dungeoen" with pandas kicking eachother's ***? Look at "The false emperor". A fun "dungeon", so to speak. Look at the WOW dungeons. Clearly not driven by anything but random killing. Yet that's what makes it to clever. People complain about Revan not making sense in SOR. But nothing in Wow EVER made sense, nor will it. It's just there to give the masses new entertainment. SWTOR cannot compete with WOW, because SWTOR is story driven. How fun is SWTOR once you're done with the class story? Not that much.

Wow is just horrible in terms of leveling, but the endgame is the only part of the game. SWTOR is more like a RPG, and it'd be lovely tbh if they made KOTOR 3 soon. Or SWTOR 2 to give us "new" stories.


Anyways. SWTOR will die in a few years. Because; it's "too" story driven, and the story is everything. Like with series. We've all seen series go to hell when they're overextended.


WOW is 100% story driven, their story is just written on quest page not done through voice acting and cut scene. And truth be told, WoW has more story content than SWTOR since it is 10 years old.


Ofcourse, you can just say "wow's story is just kill 10 rats", totally true but also here in swtor more than 90% of conversations end up with the same "kill 10 rats" type of missions.


As for the topic : now now, never say never. what i can see from hints given by several people on cantina tours and even on forums(remember what we were told when asked about why dead person from class storyline sending mail after forged alliance completion?) we might see swtor 2 instead of a complete overhaul of swtor game engine.

Edited by BrintoSFJ
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NOPE, look at Anarchy Online. Release date June 27, 2001 and still going. even has a Graphics Engine updated from DirectX 8 to DirectX 9 (using a modified and updated Age of Conan engine) Dreamworld Engine (Randy 3.1)


No it doesn't, they've been working on updating the engine for like 7 years and it's still not been patched into live servers. Supposedly they've been doing a closed beta test on it, but that's probably been going on for like a year now and still no news of them patching this new mythical engine to the live servers any time soon.

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You're the one not looking at this pragmatically...


EA considers a game like FIFA, Madden or CoD a success because they sell millions of copies on launch day and make millions more on 'tweaks' to rosters that they sell during the season, or they sell a few DLC map packs for CoD. The games are heavily recycled, relabeled and released as a "NEW" game ONE year later...repeating the entire cycle.


SWTOR is a TINY TINY fish for EA. Blizzard doesn't have a Madden or FIFA to fall back on, so for them, W0W is their bread winner...not even close for SWTOR and EA. SWTOR doesn't even cover bonuses I bet.


Those big fish take a set percentage of investment and provide a stable return. That is business. But it doesn't mean that EA is not interested in investing in other things. EA publishes hundreds of games a year - big fish, small fish, and medium sized fish.


Let me show you pragmatic...



The Star Wars franchise is valuable and resurgent.

EA has a development studio that is familiar with the franchise.

Free to play hybrid is a viable business model for an MMO game.

EA has a development studio that is familiar with this business model.

EA has an established customer base for a new Star Wars MMO.


If Disney has given EA the ability to renew their license for future MMOs it seems like a no brainer to start development on the next game.

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you're proposing that they start from scratch on a new engine, invest in that much development...develop a game for 2 years?


are you new to gaming/mmos?


They didn't build the original engine from scratch. They bought it. They wouldn't build this one either. They have access to several cutting edge graphic engines right now.


Though, 2 years is on the low side and includes some rather unlikely assumptions like they already have a handle on most of the preliminary production work.

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NOPE, look at Anarchy Online. Release date June 27, 2001 and still going. even has a Graphics Engine updated from DirectX 8 to DirectX 9 (using a modified and updated Age of Conan engine) Dreamworld Engine (Randy 3.1)


WoW still going,


EA/Bioware still making huge amounts of money on SWTOR the way it is. Look at what is planned this summer and coming winter (hint - 4.0 to coincide with Episode VII release...)


so with just these 3 examples, why would they need SWTOR2?


I don't disagree that they have great plans for SWTOR. My point is that they need to start work on the next SW MMO now so it will be ready while the iron is hot.

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