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When Is It OK To Bail On A Warzone?


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I've only recently started doing this, and I resisted the impulse for a long time. But lately I just find myself identifying a faceroll as it starts and leaving the Warzone. Should I feel guilty about this? When is it OK to leave a WZ in progress?


I just left a Voidstar. We were in the defender roll in the first round, and I hop down to defend east. I walk over to the health pack on the side of the door to drop my Phase Walk, and I immediately get a message that the west bomb has 20 seconds until detonation. I checked the map; there were only two defenders on east, myself being one of them, and everyone else was on west, and yet somehow no one stopped the 8 second cap happening in their midst. So I left.


Another time, I was in Novarre and part of the group attacking mid. We take it, but there was some trouble on the side turret that our capper hadn't cleared out, so I go to help him out. We deal with the 2 men group that were stpping the cap, then I went back to mid to help hold it. A minute later, we lose the node we had all peeled off to help cap, and the enemy soon had a three node game. It turns out that the person who capped it didn't bother to guard or arrange to have someone else do so. I left that game too.


Should I feel bad about this new habit of mine?

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I auto bail on Huttball, hate both the WZs. Also familiar with some of the pvp guilds on the server. One in particular is full of QQ jerks who I would prefer not to deal with. I'll even leave them in ranked because of how awful they treat the rest of the pvp community and don't have the tolerance to deal with some of their crap.
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Should I feel bad about this new habit of mine?



It's usually best to get out of the rotation of baddies Qing WZs and try to get in Que rotation with some competent players. Thats what i've learned to do. I dont expect to win every game, a good back and forth game is what makes pvp fun win or lose, imo.

getting facerolled cause of idiots = xero tolerance for me.

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I've only recently started doing this, and I resisted the impulse for a long time. But lately I just find myself identifying a faceroll as it starts and leaving the Warzone. Should I feel guilty about this? When is it OK to leave a WZ in progress?


I just left a Voidstar. We were in the defender roll in the first round, and I hop down to defend east. I walk over to the health pack on the side of the door to drop my Phase Walk, and I immediately get a message that the west bomb has 20 seconds until detonation. I checked the map; there were only two defenders on east, myself being one of them, and everyone else was on west, and yet somehow no one stopped the 8 second cap happening in their midst. So I left.


Another time, I was in Novarre and part of the group attacking mid. We take it, but there was some trouble on the side turret that our capper hadn't cleared out, so I go to help him out. We deal with the 2 men group that were stpping the cap, then I went back to mid to help hold it. A minute later, we lose the node we had all peeled off to help cap, and the enemy soon had a three node game. It turns out that the person who capped it didn't bother to guard or arrange to have someone else do so. I left that game too.


Should I feel bad about this new habit of mine?

I played with a team that was filled to the brim with sages today, dps, and they couldn't even break 70 k damage over a WHOLE hypergate match, that's when I decided to bail the second I see them again.
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I assume you aren't referring at all to Arenas. I never do them, and leave immediately. Next to a warzone's symphony performance, they are a Beavis and Butthead air guitar spasm.


And disconnects are likewise assumed to be off the table for discussion. Some things can't be helped.


I will never fault someone for dropping immediately upon zone-in if they hate a certain warzone (Kvei and his Huttball dislike, for example). There are times when I seem to get nothing but Civil War and Novare Coast, just those two, over and over and over and over and over. I'll start auto-dropping each after about two matches in either - I'm guessing I continually get them because they're my least liked zones. To me, nothing beats classic Huttball or a good bloody Voidstar match.


I'll auto-drop if I come in as filler. 99% of the time, it means someone else dropped and stuck me with being a backfill because they didn't like something about a match. For that reason, if I start a warzone, I'll finish it, no matter how bad the team is or how badly it's doing. But I'll remember names, and if a subsequent match sees me stuck with those same names, I'll drop before the match starts. Things like not calling out incomings in Hypergate (or capping and then running away), or neglecting to mention that opponents are headed for the Voidstar door you're guarding, or being wholly unfamilair with the concept of 'interrupt cap good'...these things tend to make my blood pressure spike just a wee bit. I don't want to play with people like that for the sake of them getting their kill count up, so after the first warzone with folks like that, I make sure it's my last.

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Unless you absolutely have to leave due to real life or disconnect, I would say that is never ok. I'm sorry but screwing people over just because you don't think highly of them is nothing but pure dickish behavior unfitting for anyone with a shred of decency.


Also everyone in the game has to deal with bad pugs, if your team is getting its rear handed to it then it's as much your fault for not carrying hard enough.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Unless you absolutely have to leave due to real life or disconnect, I would say that is never ok. I'm sorry but screwing people over just because you don't think highly of them is nothing but pure dickish behavior unfitting for anyone with a shred of decency.


Also everyone in the game has to deal with bad pugs, if your team is getting its rear handed to it then it's as much your fault for not carrying hard enough.

One person can not carry 7 others. Not happening.

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Spend less time focusing on the insults and the jackholes trolling in chat and more on the WZs, and you'll discover anything is possible.
Insults, really? I go through pains not to insult people, I could, but I have more courtesy than that. If you think you can carry 7 people that cant even break 100 k dps in a warzone, provide a video, I will then believe you.
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Insults, really? I go through pains not to insult people, I could, but I have more courtesy than that. If you think you can carry 7 people that cant even break 100 k dps in a warzone, provide a video, I will then believe you.


You clearly have a L2P Issue.

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You clearly have a L2P Issue.
Riiiiiiiight, clearly I have a l2p issue if i cannot carry 7 team mates with my commando on a mutli objective gametype. Considering you are now stalking / trolling my posts, you have earned the right to become the first person I ignore. Congrats. Edited by mmmbuddah
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Just because you think you won't win isn't a good enough excuse to bail.


You hate the wz and leave in good time at the start - ok. Wouldn't advocate, but you're not screwing people over.

Your house is on fire - that's fine.


Even if you're getting smashed you can try and do something, and might even learn by watching the opponents. Plus, if it's really one-sided it will be over soon, so what's the problem?


There is a section on here who want to encourage people in quitting, because it makes them feel they may not be so spineless doing it themselves. Don't fall for it.


Mind you, I can't count the number of warzones I've been in where we've turned it around, once the clueless people who got us into a mess quit and leave it to others get out of the way to be replaced by people who can actually play. So maybe quitting isn't so bad, it gets trash out of the warzone.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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i really must agree with Rangker here. i havent posted much on forums so i cant figure the quoting right this moment. but you are placed on 8 player teams for the sole purpose of teamwork. if one player was meant to carry the team the game would be designed around that somehow. how can you be blamed for Pug-ing a group of healers. blaming pvp chatboard flamers or inability to play a class, or at all is a little extreme.

sorry if i got carried off topic a little bit, but i am responding to the posts at hand.

ok onto OP's topic. i believe its ok to bail whenever you feel you must, for whatever reason. sure, on the one hand it might leave the present team shorthanded, but if you are not 'feeling' the game, any aspect of the game, i would encourage you to bail. it is so much better than getting frustrated in a game and potentially influencing other players off their game.

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All my comments refer to regs as it's never ok to leave a ranked match imo.


I am a bit torn as there are occasions in which I do leave a wz. I would say sometimes it's ok.


If you leave because you don't like the map, before match starts, it's always ok. If you leave just because your team is getting face-rolled it is sometimes ok... we all get frustrated sometimes, but if you do it every time your team is losing or even "a lot" of the time, your a *******. I've won games on every map where 4 or more players leave only to get back filled and we end up winning.... your loss... And those games can be exciting.


I would also say it's not cool to leave a reg arena after it starts..just suck it up, they really are over quick anyways. one person leaving for either side is just too detrimental to the balance and a back-fill is not a guarantee.


And yes one player and definitely two players can carry the rest in 8 man... but if the other team is stock full of good players especially if they are grouped and in v-chat it's not gonna happen... which is usually what causes the worst face-roll scenarios.


My best suggestion would be to try to find ways to have fun despite what is going on.... Look for an enemy to try and solo, try to solo cap their node, Try to practice things you have been meaning to do but usually don't, like open with a different move or change a rotation, or practice trying to read their cool-downs and reacting to them. there is always some fun to be had imo.

good times.

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I've only recently started doing this, and I resisted the impulse for a long time. But lately I just find myself identifying a faceroll as it starts and leaving the Warzone. Should I feel guilty about this? When is it OK to leave a WZ in progress?


I just left a Voidstar. We were in the defender roll in the first round, and I hop down to defend east. I walk over to the health pack on the side of the door to drop my Phase Walk, and I immediately get a message that the west bomb has 20 seconds until detonation. I checked the map; there were only two defenders on east, myself being one of them, and everyone else was on west, and yet somehow no one stopped the 8 second cap happening in their midst. So I left.


Another time, I was in Novarre and part of the group attacking mid. We take it, but there was some trouble on the side turret that our capper hadn't cleared out, so I go to help him out. We deal with the 2 men group that were stpping the cap, then I went back to mid to help hold it. A minute later, we lose the node we had all peeled off to help cap, and the enemy soon had a three node game. It turns out that the person who capped it didn't bother to guard or arrange to have someone else do so. I left that game too.


Should I feel bad about this new habit of mine?


I'm probably gonne get yelled at, but I don't leave warzones and I dislike it when other people leave warzones.

My cheif argument is this: yeah, I'm having a bad day, and yeah my team might be grossly incompetent, but there is usually one other guy who is as competent as I am, and I don't want to leave him to "suffer" alone, because I've had games where I scored damage over 800k, healing ~1mil, or protaction ~500-600k, but someone left because they "didn't want to deal with it."


In my book, the only time it is OK to leave a warzone is when:

  • Your internet drops.
  • You find that your two teams are win-trading or feeding, especially in ranked.
  • And when your team are being *****hats about your performance, nd not mild ribbing to stimulate the team, but full-blown abuse, like some people I won't mention.

At other times, I consider leaving cowardly, and besides, if you leave a warzone, you don't get the comms.


On the subjects of capping voidstar with six people there...I've had it happen to me, and I've done it myself, usually it is not because one team is les competent than the other, but because the other team is very good at pealing and killing.


For instance, I've been on teams that deliberately timed their player kills so that the enemy would be stuck inside the spawn zone while they capped.


Remember: losing with honor (and comms) is better than running and failing not only yourself, not only the incompetent team you left, but the one or two competent people that are usually also on your team.


EDIT: Just remembered, the one time it is absolutely OK to leave any form of group content is when Real Life calls - notjust "need to get a snack" but for instance if someone is at the door, or your parents/children/roommates need help.

Remember RL always > games.

Edited by NikSunrider
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When your team is dumb... And I don't mean bad at 1v1 pvp... I mean they refuse to play objectives in objective pvp

ie, they run off to death match, leaving nodes unguarded... They don't listen to inc calls... They need to be node cap heroes, so they rotate nodes while you are trying to defend 2v5 and don't repond to your help call

I don't mind losing to better players and I also don't mind if my team is a bit green... My gripe is teams of people who should know better, but play like scrubs and not as a team... I refuse to play with stupid people

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i really must agree with Rangker here. i havent posted much on forums so i cant figure the quoting right this moment. but you are placed on 8 player teams for the sole purpose of teamwork. if one player was meant to carry the team the game would be designed around that somehow. how can you be blamed for Pug-ing a group of healers. blaming pvp chatboard flamers or inability to play a class, or at all is a little extreme.

sorry if i got carried off topic a little bit, but i am responding to the posts at hand.

ok onto OP's topic. i believe its ok to bail whenever you feel you must, for whatever reason. sure, on the one hand it might leave the present team shorthanded, but if you are not 'feeling' the game, any aspect of the game, i would encourage you to bail. it is so much better than getting frustrated in a game and potentially influencing other players off their game.

rangker said if you had 7 bad players, 1 good player would be able to carry the team, so you aren't agreeing with him....
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All my comments refer to regs as it's never ok to leave a ranked match imo.


I am a bit torn as there are occasions in which I do leave a wz. I would say sometimes it's ok.


If you leave because you don't like the map, before match starts, it's always ok. If you leave just because your team is getting face-rolled it is sometimes ok... we all get frustrated sometimes, but if you do it every time your team is losing or even "a lot" of the time, your a *******. I've won games on every map where 4 or more players leave only to get back filled and we end up winning.... your loss... And those games can be exciting.


I would also say it's not cool to leave a reg arena after it starts..just suck it up, they really are over quick anyways. one person leaving for either side is just too detrimental to the balance and a back-fill is not a guarantee.


And yes one player and definitely two players can carry the rest in 8 man... but if the other team is stock full of good players especially if they are grouped and in v-chat it's not gonna happen... which is usually what causes the worst face-roll scenarios.


My best suggestion would be to try to find ways to have fun despite what is going on.... Look for an enemy to try and solo, try to solo cap their node, Try to practice things you have been meaning to do but usually don't, like open with a different move or change a rotation, or practice trying to read their cool-downs and reacting to them. there is always some fun to be had imo.

good times.

That's exactly what I was talking about , multiple people on my team were dps and didn't even hit 100 k over a whole hypergate match. And the enemy team was a Drop it like its hoth / big in japan premade, no way on earth am I going to be able to carry 7 others against them, just not happening.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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I don't really have a problem with other people leaving. If they don't want to be there, then they are not going to be performing optimally anyway. The matches where people bail and the reinforcements lead the team to a win happen a lot more than people who regularly leave could know (they can't know, because they rarely see it when they give up so easily). I can understand the urges to quit, but I try not to tolerate that in myself. I'll just log off after the match if I am getting the quitting urges.
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When your team is dumb... And I don't mean bad at 1v1 pvp... I mean they refuse to play objectives in objective pvp

ie, they run off to death match, leaving nodes unguarded... They don't listen to inc calls... They need to be node cap heroes, so they rotate nodes while you are trying to defend 2v5 and don't repond to your help call

I don't mind losing to better players and I also don't mind if my team is a bit green... My gripe is teams of people who should know better, but play like scrubs and not as a team... I refuse to play with stupid people


Other time I judge leaving is the best choice.... My team has PvE heroes with 44-55k HP and 1700-800 expertise. Especially in arenas.

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Getting out of sync in regs with either face rolling enemies or incompetent scrub teammates is a valid reason for me. Enjoying the games I play when I know we have a chance, win or lose, is way more important than a sense of duty to finish a game. If you don't get out of sync with either group, you will lose game after game in frustration. Edited by Shirvington
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