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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So that it ? Thats the big tease?


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So your totally unfounded/unrealistic expectations were not met? Thats a shocker.


Unfounded and unrealistic?! The title of the trailer and promo was literally "Choose Your Path"...not "keep doing what you've been doing"...I think the idea of picking who you follow, after Yavin, is clearly hinted at with that title...surely you can understand how players can make the connection to factions right?!

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Again, I do agree the video was underwhelming, and that people made much ado preceding it, but no one else is delighted by the fact it features the godly Jamie Glover?


The voice of Darth Malgus? The Architect from Awakening? :D


Fool! How dare you glee with excitement over that "False Emperor"! (You owe me 500 CC for the free plug BW)

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Unfounded and unrealistic?! The title of the trailer and promo was literally "Choose Your Path"...not "keep doing what you've been doing"...I think the idea of picking who you follow, after Yavin, is clearly hinted at with that title...surely you can understand how players can make the connection to factions right?![/QUOte]


Cmon TUX you,ve been around the block, you've been to the puppet show and seen the strings, you cant tell me anybody with a rational bone in their body with a knowledge of this game and how its being developed was justified in thinking like this.


People overhyped launch, they overhyped GSF and they overhyped GSH and then turned round and blamed BW like they were the ones putting stupid ideas in their heads.


People need to check their hype and start thinking with a sliver of rationality.

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once again those of us who told you what you would get are right and now all of you are starting to see.


do any of you not get it yet? this game is dying! it barely has a team working on it, it's the laughing stock of the mmo world. games like age of conan get more content updates in six months then tor gets in a year. if you people want a change? vote with your wallet.

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once again those of us who told you what you would get are right and now all of you are starting to see.


do any of you not get it yet? this game is dying! it barely has a team working on it, it's the laughing stock of the mmo world. games like age of conan get more content updates in six months then tor gets in a year. if you people want a change? vote with your wallet.


Oh you :rak_01:

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once again those of us who told you what you would get are right and now all of you are starting to see.


do any of you not get it yet? this game is dying! it barely has a team working on it, it's the laughing stock of the mmo world. games like age of conan get more content updates in six months then tor gets in a year. if you people want a change? vote with your wallet.


Nice to see you decided not to unsub after all and realized how much you love the game.

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once again those of us who told you what you would get are right and now all of you are starting to see.


do any of you not get it yet? this game is dying! it barely has a team working on it, it's the laughing stock of the mmo world. games like age of conan get more content updates in six months then tor gets in a year. if you people want a change? vote with your wallet.


Yeah? Why are you here then? :rolleyes:

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More like some of us false hyped ourselves up when we shoulda known better and the other some of us are shaking our heads at those who did.


I do remember reading the initial reactions and thinking: ok, they are going to show a video but it didn't actually say anything more than that.


So yeh people are overreacting but really, nobody knows what the point of this video is cause they haven't told us. Everybody's conclusions are guesses, whether you believe the hype or not.

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Only REMOTE way out in left field chance in hell this is has anything to do with Ziost is some minor hints of the future.


Follow the BW "least amount of info soon" model.... and let me sort of explain what I think is happening...


  • PAX - vague terrible audio recording for Bruce's memo with "Dark Future" of Ziost coming
  • Two weeks later same 2015 Roadmap posted for first 6 months of year. (oh yea... that work of art)
  • Website jump in timeline WAY back for DK (Hint of the future and tied to some lore?)
  • Website a week ago with Theron in a bar (after Revan 3.0) - Miss you already CW :(
  • Now this with a small CLIP of Theron rescue and some shuttle crash (Not seen that before)


SO... I can only think its a basic ground work for what is more stories slightly related to Ziost, Lore and Storyline


I'm thinking we will likely see more jumps into the PAST to explain what is coming in the future as well clips from Lana are likely in preparation of the future content. BW's focus of "STORY" was mentioned multiple times lately.


PS: This was a CRAP video BTW and you should have used all new content or made shorter with just "new" stuff included. Seems like something from 3 years ago with a couple 3.0 clips added.

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Now this with a small CLIP of Theron rescue and some shuttle crash (Not seen that before.





Rearranged from

, from the SW story in Balmorra. Even the prisoner seen in the cell box next to Theron is the same.

Also, the shuttle crash scene is from the intro for the Novare Coast warzone, a PvP scenario. It has been in the game for almost three years now. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.


SWG died of its own failed management.

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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.


Let it all out. Allow the dark side to fuel you. To hasten your sub renewal, plus the drivel / hilarity following it.

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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.


Clinging? You're the one who is clinging to a game you hate.




unsubbed and on my last few days.


it's clear to me that bioware really doesn't care about tor. if they did they would be telling us much more about what's going on with the game. they don't even do it at person at the community cantina's, the only thing we ever hear is "it will be cool and you will like it."


well so far I don't like it, there's no class balance at all and bioware just ignores classes that do need something done, snipers and gunslingers come to mind. bioware ignores us every day, they won't fix things they broke like the slot machine, the game lags and barely works as is. gsf is dead for the most part with no updates or work being done on it. strongholds we're getting one new stronghold yay... they push back new races all the time. shadows of revan had one of the most lame storylines i have ever seen. oh but they threw one class quest in, yay...


more so it's clear that this game is on maintenance mode. there's a huge lack of updates to the game and the ones we get are some of the smallest i have ever seen. really the only thing it looks like bioware wants to work on is the cartel market and even then all of the items are just reskins.


i came back due to friends telling me how great the game is and now? i will never support or buy anything by ea or bioware ever again. i'm voting with my wallet and i hope disney see's i want something else not tor.


This was posted on the 10th of this month. It's been more than few days.

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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.


SWGemu is that way ---->

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no you drones are hilarious clinging to a dying game thats the laughing stock of the gaming world. giving money to bioware who hasnt had a hit game in years. tor? failed. da2? failed. me3? massive fail. da:i? huge failure.


and know what yes i hate this game this game is why we don't have swg around anymore a game that had soooo much more and could have been huge if they didn't give up and work on this. my sub is almost up and then i'm done with this i'll be laughing as this game slowly fades away and we get more real mmo's.


maybe all of you should go to /v/ or /r/games and see the truth for once.

Your anger sustains me.

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