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Server Pops Too Low - Remove Shards


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The populations do seem tiny, the highest amount of people I have seen in one area was 150 (Dromund Kass I believe) I'm assuming the cap is about 2-3000 people? (My server is one of the full ones btw).


Admittedly this isn't so much a problem for PVE but PVP servers need higher populations to allow for more battles to occur and for people to enjoy their game.

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I notice on the Aussie server, we never see anyone, towns are always empty, you can travel for hour an see none. Yet we are the most busy server in the game. Obviously they have the server pops set low to show that the release was smooth, but seriously open them up an let more people in. It truly is a single player game at moment:(. Not to mention making everyone farm BG's, remove some of the incentive to farm so they come world pvp, or give world pvpers points so we have a reason to be out there...

Why you call it a pvp server is something I cant begin to understand when you removed any chance for world pvpers to get gear. (96 kills an counting this week an not ONE SINGLE POINT earned)


That alone would entice more people out of their instances.

Why you instanced the entire game is utterly beyond me.

Edited by BegaTasty
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I just want to say that when I arrive at an enemy outpost to perform a quest and the only people there are me and the players I'm grouped with, I'm extremely happy.


If, instead, I arrive at my questing location and effortlessly waltz through the front door and various corridors without meeting resistance because other players have killed the mobs, it completely ruins the fun I'm having. It just wrecks my immersion and hint of excitement I was feeling about the challenge of assaulting a location. And it makes the world feel so, so small. I seriously can't understand how the "wilds" between towns ever became dangerous when there are dozens of heroes running through the area at any given moment.


On the other hand, seeing a lot of people in a friendly city/town is cool. It makes the city feel more realistic. But seeing a lot of people outside those locations is a serious buzz killer for me. And it raises my stress level (in a bad way) by a factor of ten. I'm grouped with my friends for a reason: because I like them and want to be with them and not random strangers who are generally annoying to deal with.


I realize there are gamers who feel exactly the opposite about this, but I just want to point out that there are also gamers who feel exactly as I do. The more devoid of players the landscape between cities/outposts is, the more I like it. Yes, I obviously enjoyed Guild War's setup. No, I did not enjoy entering a lair in EQ or WoW and finding dozens of other heroes racing around waiting for something to spawn.

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I notice on the Aussie server, we never see anyone, towns are always empty, you can travel for hour an see none. Yet we are the most busy server in the game. Obviously they have the server pops set low to show that the release was smooth, but seriously open them up an let more people in. It truly is a single player game at moment:(. Not to mention making everyone farm BG's, remove some of the incentive to farm so they come world pvp, or give world pvpers points so we have a reason to be out there...

Why you call it a pvp server is something I cant begin to understand when you removed any chance for world pvpers to get gear. (96 kills an counting this week an not ONE SINGLE POINT earned)


That alone would entice more people out of their instances.

Why you instanced the entire game is utterly beyond me.


And this is really the point. Again it's an MMO. We need people for it to work.

The game feels very single player.

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I just want to say that when I arrive at an enemy outpost to perform a quest and the only people there are me and the players I'm grouped with, I'm extremely happy.


If, instead, I arrive at my questing location and effortlessly waltz through the front door and various corridors without meeting resistance because other players have killed the mobs, it completely ruins the fun I'm having. It just wrecks my immersion and hint of excitement I was feeling about the challenge of assaulting a location. And it makes the world feel so, so small. I seriously can't understand how the "wilds" between towns ever became dangerous when there are dozens of heroes running through the area at any given moment.


This is can easily be adjusted as needed by reducing the respawn timers as has been done in MMO's for a long time.


On the other hand, seeing a lot of people in a friendly city/town is cool. It makes the city feel more realistic. But seeing a lot of people outside those locations is a serious buzz killer for me. And it raises my stress level (in a bad way) by a factor of ten. I'm grouped with my friends for a reason: because I like them and want to be with them and not random strangers who are generally annoying to deal with.


I realize there are gamers who feel exactly the opposite about this, but I just want to point out that there are also gamers who feel exactly as I do.


I need to point out that most feel the opposite as you at least in this thread and on the general forums. and every guild member and friend that plays though they didn't tell me in game. I usually have to call them on the phone so it's a bit more personal than the terrible chat interface we have.


The more devoid of players the landscape between cities/outposts is, the more I like it.


And again what you are really describing is a single-player game. Really no offense but maybe this is not the game for you.


Yes, I obviously enjoyed Guild War's setup. No, I did not enjoy entering a lair in EQ or WoW and finding dozens of other heroes racing around waiting for something to spawn.


Thanks for your comments. See above.

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On Nadd's not really having this problem.


In fact on my alt smuggler in the middle of the night I was having trouble clearing a bonus quest because there were a few others clearing up mobs. It got to a point where some of us were sitting in spots waiting for the mobs to spawn. Oh yeah this on Coruscant.

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Not having this problem at all on Infinite Empire. I always see tons of people in town and out questing. Our guild usually has no less than 40 people on at a given time.


That's the other part of the problem. The server pops aren't balanced. Most servers seem to facing the pop decimation issue.

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On Nadd's not really having this problem.


In fact on my alt smuggler in the middle of the night I was having trouble clearing a bonus quest because there were a few others clearing up mobs. It got to a point where some of us were sitting in spots waiting for the mobs to spawn. Oh yeah this on Coruscant.


It becomes real evident on Tat and the planets following .

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It truly is a single player game at moment:(. Not to mention making everyone farm BG's, remove some of the incentive to farm so they come world pvp, or give world pvpers points so we have a reason to be out there...

Why you call it a pvp server is something I cant begin to understand when you removed any chance for world pvpers to get gear. (96 kills an counting this week an not ONE SINGLE POINT earned)


That alone would entice more people out of their instances.

Why you instanced the entire game is utterly beyond me.


World PvP is a huge problem. It is worthy of it's own thread. Everyone does BG's. Why? Because that's the only place you are rewarded.


But let's keep this thread on track for upping the server/shard/instance populations so that the game world doesn't feel devoid of life.

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It becomes real evident on Tat and the planets following .


Noo...been on Tat with my Warrior. had fun Ganking for a bit...but the problem with Tat is it is pretty large and there is a lot of open space...if that is a problem at all. But the questing areas I didn't feel were empty. There was always someone else running around.


On Alderaan I was ganked a few times myself and was saved when another player came in to help and saved a player myself.


So I'm not getting the whole empty feeling on Nadd's.

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This thread is not about the graphics. It's about visible population and how it is lacking. Please let's try keep it on that thread. Thanks.


Sorry, I was unclear. Graphics do matter, that is why they need to shard. Nothing slows systems down as much as having too many players.

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The populations do seem tiny, the highest amount of people I have seen in one area was 150 (Dromund Kass I believe) I'm assuming the cap is about 2-3000 people? (My server is one of the full ones btw).


Admittedly this isn't so much a problem for PVE but PVP servers need higher populations to allow for more battles to occur and for people to enjoy their game.


I think 2k to 3k is a pretty good guess of "FULL". That's what I'm figuring.


I do understand why PvP needs more people for world PvP, but PvE feels much better with less.


Tatooine has a PvP area in it, and I've never seen the first person there on my PvE server. Not a big surprise I guess. PvP servers may see more.


Personally, I don't think we're ever going to see a remergence of large scale world PvP in any MMO other than dedicated PvP games like Planetside. It is technically possible to make it, but from a developer standpoint I imagine it is too detrimental to too many players who rolled on a PvP server without knowing what that entails. That's why developers like PvP areas in normal zones, instanced warzones, etc...

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This is can easily be adjusted as needed by reducing the respawn timers as has been done in MMO's for a long time.


No, actually, I hate this solution. WoW uses a system just like that, and when there are enough players crowded into an area it gets to the point where mobs are respawning the moment corpses hit the ground. It looks ridiculous. It's also tedious for a player attempting to leave an enclosed area (like a cave) because they are constantly coming under attack, sometimes to the point of being ridiculously dangerous.



I need to point out that most feel the opposite as you at least in this thread and on the general forums. and every guild member and friend that plays though they didn't tell me in game. I usually have to call them on the phone so it's a bit more personal than the terrible chat interface we have.

In your opinion, you mean, unless you have some hard evidence to back that up. My friends and guild feel the same way about this as I do. See how easy that is to say and how useless that evidences is?


Just this evening I was playing my trooper alt with my friends and we arrived at the volcano base finale on the trooper's starter world. There were no other players to be seen anywhere and, while that lasted, it was glorious. It felt dangerous and epic. But before long it got flooded with players who eventually seemed to be everywhere, and it became entirely not-epic and quite lame. Needless to say my whole group was extremely disappointed when things went in that direction. Thank goodness access to a private flashpoint was coming up for us soon. If only the whole gameworld played out like that.


So, I would imagine the opinions on this issue are closer to being split down the middle than you'd probably care to admit.



And again what you are really describing is a single-player game. Really no offense but maybe this is not the game for you.

No, not a single player game. Rather, an MMO that makes heavy use of instancing. Kind of like this MMO does (and many others). I think what you mean to say is that maybe SWToR is not the game for you, since you seem to be trying to change it into something it isn't.

Edited by Apax
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OP is simply right.


Coruscant could be amazing, but only given people are everywhere. Hectic. People in motion! But, wait.. What? Yeah that's right, you might see one or two ( four, hey maybe they count in the companions too?)


More interaction, more people, more PvP.

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No, not a single player game. Rather, an MMO that makes heavy use of instancing. Kind of like this MMO does (and many others). I think what you mean to say is that maybe SWToR is not the game for you, since you seem to be trying to change it into something it isn't.


Yeah it is. And I'm trying to change it into the game it just desperately realizes it needs to be to compete.

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More interaction, more people, more PvP.


Unless you're on a PvE server in which case more people generally = more time spent waiting for mobs and other quest objectives to respawn. Honestly, I don't want to see these changes come to fruition, too many games have had their PvE sides completely pushed aside because the PvPer's wanted something changed. Understand that not everyone playing an MMO wants to take part in PvP and it doesn't make them sissies or any other names you can call us, I like having fewer people on worlds, and indeed fewer people per server, it gives you a chance to actually build a community rather than a mob of people. Know that while I don't share your desire to make your PvP experience better, I respect it, but please understand that the changes you purpose may trample some peoples gaming experience, not enough to stop me from playing the game, but enough to irritate me, and you may not care and that is your choice.

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I know that there are shards and there are server caps and that players are spread across the servers to balance out the server loads and populations, but it seems that by doing this so aggressively, game-play is being affected.


Wherever I go there are very few players. When I look at the numbers for the planet I'm on they're in the double digits for the most part. Yet the server will still have queues. Again I understand the shards are in place but it's time for them to go away.


I'd like to run into 10-15 opposite faction players every now and then, not the rare 1 or 2. In friendly cities it's the same way; 1 or 2 players around.


EDIT: This is especially true on PvP Servers. World PvP only works when there are Medium to High populations..


i dont give a flying fyscke about 'world pvp'.


i dont want 100s of people dotting a spaceport/zone in SO an unrealistic way that it breaks the immersion.


or i dont want 100s of people trying to mine the same quest zone, clicking on same quest items and making each other wait.


go make your open world pvp in age of conan.

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OP is simply right.


Coruscant could be amazing, but only given people are everywhere. Hectic. People in motion! But, wait.. What? Yeah that's right, you might see one or two ( four, hey maybe they count in the companions too?)


More interaction, more people, more PvP.


coruscant is sufficiently crowded in my server with its 100 person per instances.


i dont want 500 people sitting on coruscant square, like hens in a henhouse.


it looks totally unrealistic.

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